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Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Sʨɠɠanography
Thanks caird
They really need to make moving mass messages easier on mobile
Because without a physical keyboard connected to your phone, there is no way to ctrl/shift select messages
Due to the mod UI, I was close to just deleting all 46 :P
For some reason, it's "move/delete" instead of just "move" and "delete" being separate
2 hours later…
Hoooooooly frick
This is an MCVE of the bug:
fn a<T>(x: Box<T>) {}

fn main() {
    async fn b() {}

That is way smaller than I expected
The macro wasn't even involved
so you didn't even end up needing to use macros for the bug, the bug just happened to be in a macro
oh wow lmao
And this also means that no libraries should be needed for this to work
Which is a huge relief since it means I don't need to dig any further into tokio/futures
@RadvylfPrograms whats an mcve, minimum code viable to error or something?
Minimal Complete and Verifiable Example, yeah
aha ok
Aw man, it doesn't error in the nightly :/
i assume the original code also doesn't error in the nightly
Haven't checked
It really doesn't matter since the code almost certainly has major errors, but still
but if it does error then you can still file that delicious bug report
Looks like it's not only me who's found this
My MCVE is better tho :p
> This is a bug that will get fixed with the next release of rustc, I think!
1 hour later…
"Æσ": attrdict(arity=1, dx=1, call=lambda x: mp.sqrt(sum(map(lambda i: (i - (sum(x) / len(x)))**2, x)) / len(x))),
can i make the lambda cleaner?
(it is standard deviation)
oh wait i might be able to transpile it..
nvm i used python's statistics module
anyone thats good at pip here, whats the golfiest way in pip to pad a list or scalar with a certain value so that its at a certain length? im probably blind and skipping over a builtin that does just that but like i genuinely dont see it
this is what i have for pad left and pad right with 0's, its way too long: dso.surge.sh/…
ok wait im kinda stupid, it can be golfed
but its still pretty long
for a golfing lang
i found a "grid of zeros" builtin but not a just "list of zeros" builtin
couldnt find anything "padding"ish either :-O
well there is the zip stuff
"aZJb Zip two iterables together, filling missing values with " ", and join each pair of values into a string

ZJa Zip a List of iterables together, filling missing values with " ", and join each group of values into a string"
one of these could be useful (?)
@thejonymyster exactly my thoughts, i couldnt find anything to do with padding either
@thejonymyster hmmmm...
spitballing really, if you could come up with something using that id be impressed :-)
well that can be useful for padding with spaces i suppose
i was also thinking if you could like, generate a length n list of 0s and zip with that and then like... keep the max of each pair?..??...??? i dont know haha
my current strategy is to fill the remaining space with (needed length) - (current length) 0's
yea that makes sense
@DLosc is there an idiomatic way to "pad x to length y with zs"
(in pip)
@thejonymyster couldnt get this to work, and im pretty sure it would be more bytes than what i have currently anyways
lol yea it was a stretch
and its 2am here :-)
ok another try with this:
aZDb Zip a List of Lists together, filling missing values with default value b

ZDa Zip a List of Lists together, filling missing values with default value ""
low chance that it actually works but worth a shot lol
ok nope, setting up the list of lists is too costly
@cairdcoinheringaahing apparently I've gained access to the review queue! who'd've thought
bruuuh how do i remove duplicates in pip
is there no builtin for that
oh thank god ok
didnt ctrl f the right terms ig lol
@Razetime oh huh didnt realize X was a thing
sometimes the wording is unobvious
man too many builtins to keep track of, how do ppl with golf langs like jelly or vyxal remember all their builtins
this is literally ascii only, like bruuh
you don't, you just eventually know what to search for
the most common ones are usually easy to memorize
@Razetime yea that makes sense
kinda the reason why ive been putting off learning a golf lang is that theres just too many builtins
@AidenChow adding to what razetime said, you also learn a generalised set of functions/concepts common to 99% of golfing languages, which makes going from one language to another easier
For example, once you know what cartesian product is, and how to use it to solve challenges, you don't need to know what it is in each language, you just need to do a little ctrl f for relevant terms
The hardest things for a new user of golflangs are learning your first golfing language and learning all the different techniques for solving challenges
Once you get familiar with those, everything else is just appropriating what you already know
@AidenChow yeah, that's a good reason.
i think you should go in with a mindset of "i will rely on documentation as much as humanly possible"
just guess what there might be a builtin for, and if you're stumped scroll through all of them until something clicks
Q: How to Implement Snake in the Shortest Code?

bigbeanNo language limit. Operation mode is required. Display the game screen in stdout (not in memory). No keyboard operation is required (characters can be read from stdin). I hope it will become interesting.

1 CV down, 999 to go
Q: Informatics Task. Graphs and Search

Александр ИвановThere are N squares in the city. Any two squares are connected by exactly one two-way road. Stirlitz lives in this city. Stirlitz has a hobby - he likes to leave home on Sunday morning, get in the car, choose some circular route that runs through exactly three squares (that is, first he goes from...

4 hours later…
filter being a little too zealous :P
2 hours later…
@Sʨɠɠan ooh is that the one I made? Asking 'cause of the <abbr> usage and the regexes mine had :p
Why I shouldn't be allowed to shop for things: started with a sub-$1000 PC build, and after two hours of "ooh maybe I'll just upgrade this a little bit" I now have a $2500 PC build
Which will be really important for all of the...code golfing and Minecraft I do
TBF minecraft can get pretty demanding if you add 1000 mods
I'm really torn between Windows, Linux, or dual-boot
I'd need Windows for some games and stuff I have, but Windows is kinda mid ngl
Linux is more familiar and customizable and stuff, but then I run into the issue of support for said software
linux forever. this should be easy.
And with a dual-boot you kinda get the worst of both worlds since you need to put up with both of them when they do annoying stuff
@RadvylfPrograms what kinda budget you got??? :b
@Ginger Since I now have a job, my budget is measured in "how many hours of my life do I want to put toward this box of sand" :p
and the answer, of course, is unlliiimmmitted
Actually the amount of time I need to scan groceries is a pretty good way to visualize the cost of stuff
"Ooh, the RX 6800 XT is only $150 more than the 3070 Ti, is that worth 10 hours of bagging butter spray?"
me and my Pi 4
ffs Chrome juts crashed so hard it took my taskbar with it
Q: The smallest area of a convex grid polygon

Peter KageyI got an email from Hugo Pfoertner, an Editor-in-Chief at the On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences, with a terrific idea for a fastest-code challenge, which will also help verify or expand the boundary of an open mathematical question in optimization. Here's the idea: we want to confirm and ...

> and G-SYNC compatibility for a tear-free experience
This is fun if you read it as "tear free" like shampoo
What the unit of time you use says about you:
Seconds: Normal person
Milliseconds: Programmer
Nanoseconds: Chemist or physicist
Yottoseconds: Physicist studying the early universe
Frames: Gamer
Ticks: A specific kind of gamer
Meters: Astrophysicist
Centiseconds: I hate you
Not as bad as hectoseconds
@Ginger Ah yes, it'll take me 1200 seconds to walk to work, I am a normal human typing with my normal human hands
1 hour later…
@Ginger yeah, and I cycle 6500 frames every day
*gamer swag*
@RadvylfPrograms idk
"with modifications by DLosc"

Years: Historian
Megayears: Geologist
Gigayears: Astronomer
@mathcat that's distance :p
also, look what I just got:
now I can finally really learn rust
Y'know the book is available free online right :p
yes, but I like physically reading it more
I can... focus better when reading a physical book?
not sure if that's actually the right word but I just like being able to touch it more
"Touch the Documentation" :b
well worth the ridiculous price of these books
No Starch Press is the Nintendo of publishing companies
In what way
they make great quality stuff at very high prices because they know you're willing to pay for the quality
Looking on Amazon they all seem like $20-$30
That's cheap pretty typical pricing for a book
tf kinda books you got there in Texas
and some of them approach the $75 range
@Ginger That's a little high I guess yeah
on the same shelf I saw a book with probably the funniest title I've ever seen in the Technology section: "Eloquent Javascript"
I didn't get a picture, sadly
Comparatively, there is definitely eloquent JavaScript
JavaScript gives you a lot of freedom to write inelegant JavaScript
@Ginger yep
argh im working on rol again and it so bugs me when i get an error because i forgot to recompile the stdlib again
LDQ: should any function be convertible a.b() -> b(a) or do you have to mark functions to do that?
As long as you're careful to avoid ambiguity I think that would make sense
Rust does something similar. E.g., f64::to_string(0.0) is the same as (0.0).to_string()
Having to mark functions for it seems kinda pointless, I'd just do all or none
@Ginger no no that's fair enough
t o u c h
Sometimes a physical copy of a book is easier to learn from than a digital copy
t u o c h
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

ReallyGoodUsernameMake a Compiler or Interpreter for any Turing-complete language in any language Any Turing complete language supporting input and output is allowed. Score length of interpreter - number of legal characters in the language interpreted/compiled.

@SandboxPosts exec
Q: Show a balanced binary tree an integer \$n > 1\$, output a balanced binary tree with \$n\$ leaf nodes. The tree should be constructed out of (space), \ and / (slashes). Each slash represents a branch. A node is represented by adjacent slashes: /\. There must be a root node at the top of the tree (i.e. the first row...

any thoughts before i post
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Aiden Chowcode-golfarraynumber Conversions Galore! Imagine that there are \$n\$ different types of objects \$O_1,O_2,O_3,\ldots,O_n\$ and they each have a conversion factor \$k_1,k_2,k_3,\ldots,k_n\$. You can, for any \$1\le i\le n\$, convert \$k_i\$ amount of \$O_i\$ into \$1\$ of any other type of object...

im hoping someone could scan over my test cases and reference implementation to see if they are accurate

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