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One optimization might be {do expr; evaluate to true} though
yeah true but im already doing true || expr -> true (bc short circuiting) so just wanted to confirm my gut
global chat hiccup at utc midnight lol
i wonder why
@Bubbler eh closures?
not really an optimisation
it does skip the || operator, but if your lang can't easily express such a thing, then yeah
Q: Triangular honeycomb numbers

BubblerFrom the infinite triangular array of positive integers, suppose we repeatedly select all numbers at Euclidean distance of \$\sqrt{3}\$, starting from 1: $$ \underline{1} \\ \;2\; \quad \;3\; \\ \;4\; \quad \;\underline{5}\; \quad \;6\; \\ \;\underline{7}\; \quad \;8\; \quad \;9\; \quad \underlin...

@emanresuA that pinged me
Hivemind time
can someone plz check what im doing wrong here: tio.run/##RYpBDoIwFETX/…
so confused cuz it works not inside a loop???
dunno what's happening in the second code, but normally you need to pass -lm to gcc like this
wats -lm
link your code with math library object
hmm okok
also loop is not related to the issue, using a variable is
thats so strange, why would that be
apparently pow(3, 4) is constant-folded even without optimization, so it doesn't need an actual reference to pow
da hell is constant folded
see godbolt; one has call pow while the other doesn't
@AidenChow constant folding is evaluating constant expression into a single value at compile time
@Bubbler ah okok
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Aiden Chowcode-golfarraynumber Conversions Galore! Imagine that there are \$n\$ different types of objects \$O_1,O_2,O_3,\ldots,O_n\$ and they each have a conversion factor \$k_1,k_2,k_3,\ldots,k_n\$. You can, for any \$1\le i\le n\$, convert \$k_i\$ amount of \$O_i\$ into \$1\$ of any other type of object...

@SandboxPosts is it dupe?
it seems like a simple enough problem to think of but hopefully its not a dupe lol
i have no idea what youd search for for that but thats kind of an awesome question
@thejonymyster thx lol, very rarely do i think of good challenge ideas
1 hour later…
@DialFrost hello!
1 hour later…
LDQ: does it matter if a flag does something that a flagless program could never do / that a flagless program could already do on its own?
more broadly: what are flags for, overall?
Originally, compiler options / interpreter options
Nowadays, golf
Can be botht
iirc Perl/Raku flags can affect golf by altering the behavior of the entire program or initializing certain global variable(s)
[confirmation needed]
fair enough ty all
i was just thinking like... flags which make the langauge function in an almost entirely different way
i cant think of examples its late
just be aware that people have varying opinions on which flags are cheaty or not
imo Japt flags have some ok-ish ones
How would one golf this? if v%5:print(v)
I can't do print(v if v%5) as it requires an else
there's v%5and print(v) but same length
@Bubbler darn
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FatalizeCount the shared substrings with 2 programs Write 2 programs which count the number of shared subsequences of consecutive elements from 2 given sequences. For example, given "test" and "enter", there are 5 shared subsequences of consecutive elements: t t e e te Scoring Your score will be the res...

my google recognize this chatroom as Vietnam and suggested me autotranslate
That's why you disable that feature
@lyxal get over here to vyxal chat :3
@Bubbler you could do v%5>1<print(v) if you don't mind erroring, otherwise you can replace the < with != for the same length
err, meant to reply to @DialFrost
1 hour later…
new language nominated for lotm
A: Nominations for Language of the Month, Take 2

RazetimeBracmat What Bracmat used to be in the 1980s was a computer algebra system, made to simplify the usage and manipulation of algebraic expressions. It still owns the properties of such a system for accuracy and ease of use. It has since expanded to involve: expression evaluation in pattern matchin...

thinking of nominating COBOL, what do people think
Don't lie to me Walt, I knew 1 message was moved to The Nineteenth Bakery, sussy baka
improved the Pip post while i was at it. Vote for Pip!
@DLosc we have to start campaigning
Welcome to the Tenth Language Design Workshop! The general premise is that you can post work you've done or are doing on esolangs and people will give feedback. In short, you'll get to show off our languages and their features, chat about them, get feedback, try out WIP languages, and hopefully get ideas over the next 24 hours.
I kinda want to build a practlang
> any lang can be an esolang if you use it wrong enough - Ginger, 2022
Basically I want to adapt Inform 7 to make it general purpose
Or actually not general purpose but focused on writing webservers
I think the rulebook-oriented system would work very well
I want to make a lang but I don't have any ideas
^ lol
@Ginger Just turn a recent meme into a brainfuck clone
I sorta do but I still have to make it "unique"
@mousetail great idea
75% of esolangs on the wiki are just "These words sound funny" lets make a lang out of that
hmm, this gives me a bad idea
> Whenever
one sec
is a good language
Your mother is a good language lmao gotthem
y'all ever write ebnf for a parser and realise that you've made a rule that is left-recursive and that the parser library you're using doesn't do left-recursive grammar?
I do
does it support self-left recursion?
in vyxal?
@lyxal thats why i advocated for prefix modifiers :P
@Sʨɠɠan this happens no matter where the modifiers go dumbnut :p
Whether you have element := element modifier or element := modifier element, the scala library is still going to not like it
what language are you building that's complex enough to require a parser generator?
I wonder
I wonder what language I could possibly be working on
Surely golfing languages are always regular?
okay, I'm done
@lyxal presenting: Waltuhfuck
> don't
< away
+ angry
- to
. put
, get
[ waltuh,
] waltuh.
here's hello world:
angry angry angry angry angry angry angry angry waltuh, don't angry angry angry angry waltuh, don't angry angry don't angry angry angry don't angry angry angry don't angry away away away away to waltuh. don't angry don't angry don't to don't don't angry waltuh, away waltuh. away to waltuh. don't don't put don't to to to put angry angry angry angry angry angry put put angry angry angry don't don't put away to put away put angry angry angry put to to to to to to put to to to to to to to to put
don't don't angry put don't angry angry
This was not a good idea
@mousetail its actually way more fun than making golf/esolangs
@lyxal #2 is not left recursive?
@Sʨɠɠan I know
But I'm thinking about practical language design
Like the things that annoy me the most with conventional frameworks
all the programs in Waltuhfuck just look like a markov chain trying to calm waltuh down
I appreciate how there is 0 concistency between matching symbols
except [] I guess
But even there it's far from helpful
@Sʨɠɠan well it still errors
i think
nice sympy is exactly at 52.2k commits
@lyxal i also wonder this. Is it vyxal?
@lyxal screw it I'mma gon post-process stuff
@thejonymyster it very well may be :p
What the deuce
i didnt realize vyxal needed tricky parsing
well previously it used a hand-made parser
I wanted to use a library for version 3
@mousetail like?
@lyxal you havent actually tried it?
if it did error on 2, thats a terrible parser lib you got there
It's hard to define rules that apply to many routes and it's hard to see what rules apply to a specific route.
i dont what u talking about
@lyxal just take the source code, reverse it, and use right-recursive rules :-)
So I want to use Inform 7 synax, it will look something like this:
@Sʨɠɠan no I mean I have, I just didn't know if I was doing it right
View user profile is a API route.
The endpoint of the view user profile route is "/user/[user_id]".
The user profile route requires log in. The user profile route returns JSON.
To get the result of the user profile route:
   Find the user with id user_id
   Return all public fields
Before handling a route that requires log in:
    if the user is not logged in:
        cancel the request as not authorized
Basically, you can add events to various categories then add rules to those categories
@mousetail those instructions are plain english
Imagine a language called literal english
whatever the challenge asks for, we do it in literal form
@py3_and_c_programmer They are not. They follow a very specific grammar
they are meant to be readable like english though but to write you need to know the syntax
I know, but the thing is it's pretty similar to readable english
say, gimme a challenge @mousetail
@thejonymyster I don’t understand the comment you left on my sandbox challenge
oh lol sorry that was a joke :P explanation to follow:
Oh I got it I think
you think you can score 0 with incident but the margin is too small etc.
@Fatalize yea lol i cba to write a program to do it but its probably doable lol
good challenge though yea
Yeah I know getting 0 is probably possible with certain golflangs, though you have the byte count tie break then
would it be like, source-layout?
pretty hard to get 0 with a regular language though
no something else @mousetail my quine skills are very rusty
@thejonymyster I haven’t thought about the tags actually, please suggest things
I don't understand what you are looking for
start with somethig simple
like "Hello World" or triangular numbers
Q: Implement a Truth-Machine

a spaghettoA truth-machine (credits goes to this guy for coming up with it) is a very simple program designed to demonstrate the I/O and control flow of a language. Here's what a truth-machine does: Gets a number (either 0 or 1) from STDIN. If that number is 0, print out 0 and terminate. If that number is...

well obviously but lemme read up on other potentially relevant tags
wait not code golf im bad :P
Get a number from the user as "Z"
if "Z" is of value 1 then print out 1 forever
or else print 0 and terminate
which is obviously not very short
@thejonymyster code challenge I guess
@mousetail Ok my opinion is that "your simple" == "my hard"
Ah yes self-scoring is the one
In Inform 7 this would be more like:

Let Z be input from the user
If Z equals "1":
output "1"
output "0"
indented like python
Looks like inform 7 follows my algebra teacher's syntax for answering problems
which is very tedious, i assure you
speaking of indenting i just realized replying to a message makes your entire message be indented to align with the reply icon
The idea for my language is that you can use the rule system and highly advanced ORM to avoid needing to write much code at all
What is your language?
Mine is a work in progress
which i will not reveal just yet
Oh my languages is still in the ideation phase
Still not sure if it would be practical
mine is still with a lot of #FIXMEs
that reminds me i should try and implement todo
maybe by now i know a bit more about functions n stuff to implement this beast
> by thejonymyster
[category: unimplemented]
I didn't believe it at first
dw abt it anyone can write an esolangs page :P
what's so surprising about that? half of my answers are in a different esolang i wrote xd
Luckily not everyone can create a language, there are some scary unimplemented languages on there that I hope never see the light of day
Like what
@mousetail I do not think so
I'm pretty much only <REDACTED> and yet I'm making one
Speaking of languages here's my joke webpage: drive.google.com/file/d/10srnuMZUSmIiTzejZGK8HqmwclUPMobs/…
Not malicious I promise
what's the deal with the weird stars?
It's daytime IDK
funny (not really)
They're called stars
@py3_and_c_programmer ...this is the same webpage you used to try to rickroll us earlier
It was meant to be "Funny (not really)"
@py3_and_c_programmer a good chunk of my answers are in headass, example example example
okay no I'm done
Oh shoot drive doesn't make webpages
wtf. no.
@Ginger elaborate?
only the source code
screw you google
only a spoonful
@thejonymyster there are like 3 random messages with only one star
@mathcat you fell for what i think you fell for?
no I didn't
I just saw js.html.
@Ginger mixed reviews i suppose :P
we have already told you to not share malicious code here
Hey does rickrolls count as malicious?
yes, very :b
i personally enjoy that "scary unimplemented languages" message and think its really funny and true
@Ginger Nah it'll stay there forever
unless @cairdcoinheringaahing removes it
oh no did I wake caird up?
@py3_and_c_programmer my uncle died in a rickrolling accident. he rick rolled right off the hill
Q: We're no strangers to code golf, you know the rules, and so do I

PolynomialWrite the shortest program that prints the entire lyrics of "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley. Rules: Must output the lyrics exactly as they appear in the above pastebin*. Here's the raw dump: http://pastebin.com/raw/wwvdjvEj Cannot rely on any external resources - all lyrics must be ge...

@Fatalize how do you figure "enter" and "test" share 5 subsequences of consecutive elements? The substrings (if that's what you mean by subsequences of consecutive elements) of "test" are ["t", "te", "tes", "test", "e", "es", "est", "s", "st", "t"] and the substrings of "enter" are ["e", "en", "ent", "ente", "enter", "n", "nt", "nte", "nter", "t", "te", "ter", "e", "er", "r"] - there's only 4 overlaps there
@thejonymyster your name is Jonathan Astley?
just thinking
@py3_and_c_programmer you need to read this conversation
@Ginger I have to, or can i choose to?
We need more metagolf questions, they are very fun
@py3_and_c_programmer you should read it
quality of joke as a function of usage is roughly a parabola
@lyxal You can build 5 different couples of equal elements: [t,t], [t,t], [te,te],[e,e],[e,e]
especially because you remind me of @SegFaultPlus4 a lot
which direction the parabola is pointing is up to you to decide
@mousetail this was the exact question that marked my first (lyric) challenge as a duplicate
@Fatalize ah, that makes a little more sense
@lyxal And it doesn’t matter which string is first. Pick a substrings from one, count the number of times it matches with substrings from the other one, repeat for all substrings
@mousetail i disagree
@py3_and_c_programmer Ok
@Fatalize maybe add that in the post really quick just for clarity, in case other people get confused the same way
parabolas are very complicated
@mousetail this is clever, have you implemented it?
No, I have previously implemented a parser for a similar language though so I do beleive I can make it work unambiguously
Q: Count the shared substrings with 2 programs

FatalizeWrite 2 programs which count the number of shared subsequences of consecutive elements from 2 given sequences. For example, given "test" and "enter", there are 5 shared subsequences of consecutive elements: t t e e te Scoring Your score will be the result of one of your program, when given your ...

@thejonymyster Done
Clap Clap Clap
language which has ambiguous syntax
@thejonymyster Ones which basically make the language a different language fit well with out policy of considering different flag combinations their own languages
yea that makes sense
like i get that i can have flags do whatever but i was also wondering from a like, design / quality perspective :P
@lyxal so from your answer, you’re saying my challenge rewards poorly designed languages? :p
far from it
I'm saying my inability to design a language without 3 different built-ins doing the same thing has come in clutch :p
you mean with
double negative moment
bruh I saw him edit but to add a double negative
I was confused
i'm not saying that my inability to fail to design a language without 3 non-identical builtins doing nondistinct things hasn't failed to come in clutch
@thejonymyster The double negative here means something different though
"ability to do this thing" and "inability to not do this thing" carry different meanings
true that
Congratulations you just got the joke :p
But really why though
as I said, an inability to design a golfing language without 3 different built-ins doing the same thing
you want to lowercase a string? take your pick from ɽ and
do they ever do other things
raise 2 to the power of a number? E or Ǎ
You’re the type of person that copy-pastes the existing implementation of Vyxal’s cartesian product to implement Vyxal’s cartesian product
now admittedly, Π and work a little differently
Π is cartesian product of list of lists, while is cartesian product of two items on the stack
I'm not that bad at language design guys trust me
wow i cant type
take your time :-)
@Fatalize lies!
Copilot does that for us :p
@thejonymyster protip: dont change keyboard settings on touchscreens
@lyxal i trust you :P
@lyxal feature request: have your cgcc answer generator from Vyxal’s website add the github link in the language name
it does
I typed the header manually
and forgot the link
Feature request: type the link
Lyxal closed issue #1473 (type the link)
I wanted to look up the implementation of your 2 cartesian products, but then realized I had to find them in Vyxal’s repo
not courageous enough for that
where is cartesia anyway
github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal/blob/main/vyxal/elements.py#L4269 that's the list of lists overload of product
github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal/blob/main/vyxal/elements.py#L725 that's the helper used by the product function
@lyxal interesting way to advertise vyxal :P
huh, turns out there's 3 ways to get cartesian product
@lyxal wha-
Þ*, Π,
very cool language design :P
ping me when he finds the fourth one
@lyxal Can you write a third answer to the problem just to flex?
@thejonymyster i dont think there is a fourth way :P
@mousetail I would, but there's no third way of getting substrings/sublists
you could do it manually :P
I think he already does in the first program
no third built-in that gets substrings/sublists I mean
ÞS is sublists, ǎ is substrings
im saying do it manually My First Program style by like, looping through indices :-)
Do you have builtins for getting non-empty prefixes and suffixes?
@thejonymyster but lol idk if you can do that haha
You can get the prefixes and then get all the suffixes of those.
@GrainGhost I do
oh good idea
user image
... what is in my search history
Now I'd like to know. What is the square root of a cheeseburger?
probably some stupid javascript type coercion
oh wow 5 stars already
idk what i was thinking when i seemingly typed that a long time ago
probably something really important
@Sʨɠɠan It was closer to 2m when you sent that
CMQ: What's the strangest thing in your search history?
@Fatalize ?
you on the right branch?
Nevermind I can’t read
@Ginger I have firefox set on "never save history" so nothing
@Sʨɠɠan Ok but which answer is correct
I can't find anything super weird, but I can find an instance of some pretty extreme multitasking:
Apparently the answer is cheese, since there’s no burger to be seen
looks like mine
So does this mean cheese squared = cheeseburger
@RadvylfPrograms for my own amusement i will pretend these were all for the same purpose
/ project
In order to better compress an image containing information about the founding fathers' beliefs on federations vs. confederations, I needed to ensure my Cisco 7841 VoIP phone was updated, and could only compress the image well if it used a humanist font
what the hell happened here
> convert nano sievert to millisievert
when you can't divide by a million :p
nuclier physicist here
im at work so my search history is just work and yall
Wait I’m not on the first page of users per rep anymore
I’m mad
no, you're Fatalize
new users grow up so fast these days :p
How long do you have be to on this site to no longer be new?
there are two kinds of people in this world: the rick and the roller
and I have decided to be the one who does the rolling
@mousetail I’d say one year
@mousetail lyxal has a jaded perspective because he's visited every single day for about 3 years
Ok I think that technically makes meold
same lol
well not Old but
Yea medium rare
not today lyxal
My first answer was on June 22, 2015 ._.
my first answer, and every now and then i revisit it to golf it but i cant ever find anything lol
gah I'm going to have to come back to the third way to that subsequence challenge after a good night's sleep
?¦Ṙv¦⟑(n⅛]_¾:(¼_)?¦Ṙv¦⟑(n⅛]_¾W⟑⟑⟑}28ø⟇×+Ė is what I currently have
what does it do so far
can't use Þ* because that'd give a shared subsequence
@thejonymyster get the subsequences of both lists, uses Þ* in a sneaky way using some eval trickery
> W⟑⟑⟑
Wario in the code
Well I'm off for the night
@Ginger happy caterpillar
sleep beckons and it's 1 am
later nerds :p
It’s only 4pm you upside-down liar
@Fatalize I see you are a ******** of culture as well

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