idk how to preface this thought; i know we were talking about different i/o standards recently and how the f=(x,y)=> => f=x=>y=> golf is kind of pointless or whatever, but i like it in this case where we're taking a dictionary, because i feel like it kind of makes sense to curry for that lol
like its a different function for each dictionary :-) idk how to postface this thought
How official is OTTNB going to be going forward? It was originally just an experiment, so there was never any real announcement or fanfare, and now it's pretty consistently got activity and around 4-5 users online. It's currently got the same ROs as normal TNB, and it has TNB in the name, so should we in some way formally make it an official room?
"Official" Poll: Do you think Off-Topic TNB should be an "official" room alongside TNB (link in TNB's room description, chatiquette, RO'd by TNB ROs)? Should it get a full name before this, and if so, what should it be?
@Ginger I really like this
@RadvylfPrograms Also: Do you think we should do the naming as a vote on Meta?
CMM: This sandboxxed challenge of mine link involves converting integers to floating point numbers, by reinterpreting them as 32 bit floating point numbers. Should I specify expected precision of the output? Do floating point errors even matter in this case?
The task is simple, given a 32 bit integer, convert it to its floating point value as defined by the IEEE 754 (32-bit) standard.
IEEE 754
Here is a converter for your reference.
Here is how the format looks:
The standard is similar to scientific notation.
The sign bit determines whether the outp...
Is it an alphadrome?
code-golf string palindrome
An alphadrome is a word in which the each letter in the first half of the word "reflects" its alphabetical "opposite" in the second half of the world. Write a program or function that returns truthy if the given word is an alphadrome and falsey oth...
In 1960, the 11th General Conference on Weights and Measures defined the Système International d'Unités (SI) Units which scientists still use today.
The metre and the kilogram became standard units in that conference. These were based on powers of 10 (10, 100, 1000, etc.).
For example:...
I think so. I think it almost always exists for a closed interval, but always exists for an open interval, as X can never be zero for open, but is almost never 0 for closed
I found this and this, which address calculating E[1/X] for some X, and calculating E[X] for X = min(X1, ..., Xn), respectively. You could potentially combine the two?
Using those, and from some back-of-the-envelope math, I think the existence of E[1/X] depends on the converges of the integral from 0 to 1 of (1-x)^(n-1)/x
Alternating patterns
Given an input array, find substrings with a length > 2 and alternate even and odd or odd and even. You can assume that the input only contains the numbers 0-9. Zero is considered even.
Test cases
[2, 3, 4, 5] => 2
(More test cases coming soon)
Test case suggesti...
@Seggan awesome :-) should i wait for the existing bounty on the question to go away or would you rather i give it to you on some random answer of yours
cause i cant give it on your answer while theres another bounty up on the question
Alternating patterns
Given an input array, find substrings with a length > 2 and alternate even and odd or odd and even. You can assume that the input only contains the numbers 0-9. Zero is considered even.
Test cases
[2, 3, 4, 5] => 2
(More test cases coming soon)
Test case suggesti...
A hazard is an area of a golf course in the sport of golf which provides a difficult obstacle, which may be of two types: (1) water hazards such as lakes and rivers; and (2) man-made hazards such as bunkers. The governing body for the game of golf outside the US and Canada, The R&A, say that A "hazard" is any bunker or water hazard. Special rules apply to play balls that fall in a hazard. For example, a player may not touch the ground with their club before playing a ball, not even for a practice swing. A ball in any hazard may be played as it lies without penalty. If it cannot be played from the...
Tbf, I agree with Redwolf that it shouldn't really relate to golf. It's already off-topic from TNB which is golf related, and personally, while I like the odd golf reference here and there, we aren't just a golfing site
-1 from me for naming it anything "popcon." First, off-topic TNB isn't any kind of contest. Second, I still have a vague idea for a proposal (which I haven't gotten around to typing up on meta) that says "Let's create a chat room where people can post & answer popcon-type challenges that would be too subjective for the main site," and I'd like the popcon-related names to be available for that if it ever happens. :P
Maybe "Off the Course"? Keeps the golf metaphor and also refers to how our conversations veer off course.
and yeah an actual subjective challenges room seems like a really cool idea
though i can’t help feeling like it might not be so active that it needs its own room versus just being a subset of cmcs in tnb it’s worth keeping the option open
Does the sequence shut the box?
Determine whether a given sequence could be a winning sequence for the game shut the box.
There are a few variants to this game, so I'll clarify the rules here. Play begins with 12 tiles (1 through 12) face up. Each turn the player roles two d6 dice, and...