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why on earth did OEIS decide a random combination of pi and e is so important
It's the sum of all the combinations of addition, multiplication, power and square root product, super obvious and natural to include
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerLongest alternating subsequence self-scoring inspired by Longest Increasing Substring Task Given a list of non-negative integers, output the length of its longest alternating subsequence. An alternating sequence is a sequence of numbers which alternates between strictly increasing and strictly de...

CMQ: Does the phrase "N digits of pi" count the leading 3? e.g. is the first 10 digits of pi 3.141592653 or 3.1415926535?
@JoKing That's a good question...if you google "100 digits of pi" the first result seems to not include the 3 but I can't be bothered to check them all
I'd say the 3 should count, though
personally I just never use that wording if it actually matters which
@JoKing Neither, 100 digits of pi should return a list of 100 randomly chosen integers from 0 to 9
CMC: Post any 100 consecutive digits of pi. You must show that those digits appear in pi. No builtins
(actually I might make that a challenge on main, I call dibs)
@emanresuA lol omw to find 100 consecutive 0s
@emanresuA print('1'*100). NB, assumes pi is normal
whats nb lol
your code has no gender <3_<3
wheres the b come from :thinkingemojidiscord:
It's latin, Nota bene
@emanresuA Prove otherwise, I dare you :P
No assuming pi is normal. And good luck proving it
@cairdcoinheringaahing huh, I always thought it meant "note being"
@emanresuA Current evidence suggests it is, that's good enough, right? :P
@emanresuA I would not be surprised if someone immediately trivialises this by finding some super easy to generate pattern
Yeah but gl finding 100 9s in a row
Husk has a builtin for "the digits of pi", it's "trivial" for that to find it :P
@emanresuA How about "you must provide the index within pi that those digits appear at"
Yeah was gonna add that
@emanresuA Potentially: given n, output a sequence of n digits. The sequence must appear in pi, and you must provide the starting index for the first 10 possible inputs
that misses the point
The problem is that that may just result in people using pi rather than anything else
taking input forces just grabbing n digits of pi
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu APrint 100 digits of π Your challenge is to print any 100 consecutive digits of π. You must give the index at which that subsequence appears, and you may not assume π is normal. You may not use built-ins that calculate π or its digits. The 3 is not included. For example, you could print any of the...

@emanresuA What's the winning criteria?
code golf
I dislike code golf in this situation
the entire point of the question is that its like a weird kc challenge
if you have something else in mind, you should go for it, because its definitely a very different challenge
The challenge is to find a sequence that is super easy to compress, CG feels like it hands the competition to golfing languages more so than normal
but if you dont have it be code golf, what point would there be in compressing it? /gen
Like, if I find a super easy to compress section, and post it in Python, someone can just copy that into Jelly with no extra effort and be 3x shorter. Even in regular code golf, you have to show effort in using the golfing language, rather than just "It's Python, but shorter cause Jelly"
languages compete with themselves silly
But the point is that once someone finds an optimal section, every other answer is just going to port it
Which takes away the ability to come up with multiple approaches independently
depends on how much the algo costs, right?
Algorithm? It's a KC challenge - it's just printed fixed text
Exactly, it's a classic enklact challenge
@lyxal algo to get the things being printed? what did you mean by "optimal section" if not "section that can be algorithmically generated with the least code"
Someone will find a super easy to compress section, post that, and every other answer will port it cause any other approach will be longer
easy to compress in what way?
Hell, there are current algorithms for generating the digits of pi, you could feasibly run one of those until it finds a section easy to compress
@thejonymyster All the same digit, the digits 0123456789 10 times, anything with a low Kolmogorov complexity
the highest known repdigits at like, less than 10 digits long
good luck finding those goldilocks sequences in like, this decade
its 100 digits
It's similar to a challenge being "Output a 100 character excerpt from Shakespeare". Once someone finds something easy/short to output, everyone will copy it
A better idea for the challenge would be to come up with some sort of compression score and make it a
E.g (and a very rudimentary eg): how many digits the 100 digit sequence is in base 255
@thejonymyster The challenge itself isn't flawed - the scoring criteria is. It lends no effort to doing anything more than waiting for someone else to find a "good" section
You aren't doing anything besides copying someone else's method, because they've shown that basically everything else is terrible compared to what they found
(obviously, not "you, you", more "you" as in the general golfer)
lol ik hm
would making it dramatically more digits change that :P
If anything, fewer digits would
Yeah, because then you could leverage more language-specific constants to obtain the digits of pi
Plus, e.g. 20 digits is less likely to be "all the same digit", but also more likely to lead to patterns that are easily reachable, and can compress decently well
1 hour later…
The world record for calculating pi is 10^14 digits
@cairdcoinheringaahing This seems more interesting though.
and somehow there's a Pi API, so you might be able to DoS it to get some interesting sequences :P
oh, there's actually a collection of downloadable files
@cairdcoinheringaahing Different sequences will be more optimal for different langs though. And I think it'll be quite hard to find an "optimal" sequence.
@RadvylfPrograms CMC: Narayana's cows sequence
Pip, 13 bytes, outputs infinitely: W1o::i::y+:Po
Alternate 13 bytes, outputs the nth number: Lao::i::y+:oo
... triple swap???
generators are nice
@emanresuA Indeed! (Well, there are two swaps, but three variables involved.)
- Print o
- y gets y + o
- Swap i and (new value of) y
- Swap o and (new value of) i
which means y gets i, i gets o, and o gets y + o
My one's just "given [1, 1, 1] (111) as the initial vector, and a triadic lambda that adds its first and third arguments, generate an infinite list
That's five builtins in funstack.hs: 1 Plus Const compose iterate
How are the golflangising plans for that going?
Also what's Const? Is it a dyad that returns its left/right arg?
@emanresuA Yes, left arg
@emanresuA I'm currently almost done with a rewrite of how functions are implemented (well, done with the function implementation, just porting a few more builtins to the new system). After that, I'm not sure whether to push forward with adding a SBCS mode, adding more builtins first, or rearranging some stuff with the data types.
As it stands, it's very powerful for certain integer/list challenges, but is still lacking a lot of important builtins and has very little in the way of string functions.
Do you even need a sbcs? An encoding method would probably be sufficient
@emanresuA Yeah, true. That's kinda what I meant. It's just easier to think of it as being 5 bytes if you can see the code represented as 5 characters.
I also want to make pretty pictures to explain all the modifiers, like BQN has. :)
too right
couldn't agree more
@emanresuA 6 bytes?
That... works? TIL
@emanresuA I was confused about how worked, so I thought your original code was starting with 11. I tried substituting 11 and it still worked. So then I took the next logical step to 1. :P
⁺ gets the next char and adds 101 to its codepage index
⁺<nl> is 111
@emanresuA @lyxal The tooltip on the Vyxal keyboard doesn't mention anything about adding 101. Might be a good thing to clarify.
Just gotta wait for approvals on the PR :p
4 hours later…
Are there 183 vyxal answers on the site? Seems low
There should be about 1.2k
That makes more sense
I'll need to check my script again
getting 508 now when I include posts that have vyxal, with a comma at the end
Could I ask for a quick judgement call?

I've got a code challenge on the go. Starting with this and I've got a few ideas for later iterations... The big question is, is this first run too simple a problem to solve?

@AJFaraday what is the goal of the game?
To explore all the spaces with the lowest cost.
The costs of E and N seem to be reversed
The challenge would be writing a client class to play the game.
Good point, Bubbler. I recently switched those round because enhance sensor seems so much more valuable. Seems I made a mistake in the process
The game is always the same though right?
There is a single optimal solution, not really a optimal "algorithm"
So that's my first question. I think the second iteration would be running it through a few different board sizes and shapes. Different starting positions.
So is it worth doing it with a fixed board as a first instance, or is that too simple?
(I'm thinking that would allow some feedback on the API, game dynamics etc)
58 seems to be the best score if you enhance the sensors all the way
Hmmm, I got 59
59 if you turn right first
Oh, I see, I went east/west
I did the same thing first time lol
Yeah, it's definitely going to get to a point of reacting to changing circumstances.
Enhancing sensors is way overpowered.
maybe if the sensors created more a circle rather than a cross it would make the no-sensor strategy more viable, since you don't leave as many 1 cell gaps
There is that, which is why I knocked the cost up to 10 (tho apparently, not acutally)
how about that adding a layer on a triangle?
How do you mean?
Or maybe successive sensor costs should get more expensive
5 10 20 etc.
Interesting thought. Would certainly make movements more important
And turning.
three turns would clear the square.
It could almost be entirely sensing forward in a line...
But you're right that it would make more sense.
I'm a little concerned that it would explore a lot more with each enhancement, 'tho that would go well with the increasing costs.
Really helpful ideas, thanks!
There's still the question of whether or not to do a one-board challenge... I suspect with the sensor tweaks it would still be worth doing
The end-game, you might have guessed, would be to make it a KotH challenge. Replace exploration with claiming land and score based on who has the most land when the challenge ends...
KOTH would be interesting
Gah exams tomorrow morning :(
You ready for them?
Uh, not so much :P
Btw @lyxal once you changed pfp can you lend me urs? ;3
Okay Dialxrost :p
good evening everpony
@Ginger ?
@lyxal and of course, it had to be a literature paper
Ginger Gaming
Mouse Gaming :3
I'm terrible at gaming though, my reaction speed is measured in minutes
mine in hours
Yet you reacted within one hour of me
Hehe, well good night guys! Gtg sleep early and study for tmr :3 Bai
@mousetail epic gamer moment
TIL theres no closed form for number of partitions
idk why but i thought that it would have been easy :P
@thejonymyster Yes there is, n!
i guess its like, i thought itd be just finding all the places to insert a split between N elements, which is doable closed form, but then you have to get rid of all the equivalent ones, which makes sense that it isnt easy
question: how many bits of data can fit in 4 bits?
this sounds stupid, but is there a way for me to magically compress more bits into that space?
I doubt it
@Ginger No, it's a famous unsolvable problem
If you could do that you could compress data infinitly
calling it a "famous unsolvable problem" makes it sound like its not trivial :P
@emanresuA Fig, Or10. appears at position 17,387,594,880
posted on September 29, 2022 by trichoplax‭

This is a fixed output challenge. Output a textual representation of a chessboard hosting 8 queens, none of which are attacking each other. There are 92 ways of arranging them, 12 if rot...

wow, an actual codidact post
crazy shid, that
Hey - quick question - are we okay with users adding tags to old questions that invalidate existing answers and then deleting those pre-existing answers
I had two 5 year old answers to this question removed after a user added the ascii-art tag
When is a built-in disallowed for a code golf question?
Only when it explicitly says so?
@TaylorAlexRaine I don't think this is illegal but it's certainly a bit of a dick move
the user should've left a comment instead of just flat-out deleting the answers
but I'm not an expert on site policy so don't take that as gospel
like, I spent legitimately like 10 hours on these questions so I am kinda upset about it, yeah
Um... anyone?
meta post about the topic - it's complicated
@TaylorAlexRaine what, was your answer graphical output?
no - excel VBA that outputs to a worksheet
implemented all the borders, differnces of the borders with color and all other reqs
@TaylorAlexRaine i dont see how thatd be invalid then
can you like, flag for undeletion?
PARI/GP's polrootsreal completely whacks the question
@thejonymyster - I can, just wanted to know if there was a policy changes or anything about that
I'd advise you to do the flag then
@ParclyTaxel thats fine, what i usually see is people posting both the builtin along with a non builtin solution, but unless theres a specific reason not to use a builtin theres no like, sitewide ban
@TaylorAlexRaine there isnt a way for a tag to invalidate an answer, not sure why your answer got deleted
ascii art tag doesnt even have any default rules in it, and default tag rules typically reflect expected allowances rather than new restrictions (iirc)
yes, but the question itself already specifies that the output is that text and not a thing which looks like that text
but also according to taylor the text is already output as it should be? unless i misread
that's what the output looks like
oh yea then that wouldnt be valid regardless of the tag unfortunately
it is nice looking but definitely not the text
You shouldn't loose any rep from the deletion fwiw.
"Your challenge is to print/output/return this text" is the reason its invalid, not the ascii-art tag. probably since the post got boosted by the tag edit, it got more attention and a mod looked in. the person who added the tag was not jo king
if you end up re-attempting the challenge, id leave the old invalid solution in to show it off too
Or the challenge could have been boosted by something else and both the flagging and the retag happened separately.
ah yeah that too
Huffman coding for Vyxal: https://gist.github.com/mousetail/001c139871c7e91c8c8181b6339a804a

Preliminary research makes me think there are defiantly gains to be made this way but the sample size of only 505 answers is still way to small.
that image is hugenormous
very cool though
Yea that's the issue with binary trees, the width grows exponentially
did you try getting the data from SEDE
I used the API
I'll try your query
how do you use the encoding?
I did not, I used UTF-8 and just filtered out to use only characters that appear in the code page
no like... how would one use / implement the encoding?
So if the first bit is 0, you take the left branch of the tree, if it is right, take the right branch
if you reach a character decode to that character and start from the top
if you reacht the special END key you stop parsing
(this is needed because you often won't end perfectly at a byte boundary)
ahh gotcha
so theres no "N01" anywhere because that takes you to
ok i understand it now hooray ty
what do the (seemingly) decimal numbers mean
like the (2.1) near
After the letters? That's the entropy of the letter
it should be as close as possible to the number of bits needed to represent that letter
but doesnt that always increase in a system
basically log2(frequency_of_letter)
@thejonymyster it should always increase top to bottom
@mousetail wait wouldnt you want it to be inverted somehow?
sorry -log2
til -log
will mathematic notation ever cease to be absurd and self contradictory
It's just a negative sign
in other words log(1/frequency)
right but. negative sign prefixed on an expression typically represents...
well........... a negation of that value :-)
which in this case is exactly what is happening
so you want a negative number of bits
or wait
*remembering how log works*
logs are weired
thinking about entropy: not even once
and i suppose frequency is between 0 and 1?
i missed that part somehow, all makes sense now
i was thinking it was like a sin² situation
It makes sense right? If there was a character with frequency 1 you would need 0 bits to represent it since it was the only option
no yea it does now lol, i was thinking of frequency as like. a value that could just keep going up, for some reason
Anyway, what should I name my encoding? I'm thinking μxial maybe
Hard requirement is to include a latin or greek letter
ah damn i was gonna say hyxal
for Huffman vYXAL
@mousetail this looks good but im wondering what the meaning behind it is
The mu is often used to represent enthropy and is also a uppside down h for huffman
is the "ial" a typo
I guess
More like never having known how the language is written
@mousetail vyμ
nice, +1
it has the mu for enthropy (entropy?) and fits with the names of things like vylight (our syntax highlighter) and vyxapedia (our tutorial site)
now you just gotta be careful so that people dont pronounce it vim
How would you even pronounce
doesnt seem that hard
depends if you pronounce the y like a vowel or consonant I guess
maybe vyι then, pronounced vyota
because the iota is the smallest letter
and the vyι is the smallest (shortest) encoding
@mousetail i mean.... yea. thats like saying "type" might be hard to pronounce, depending on if you pronounce the y like a vowel or a consonant
@lyxal this is more fun though :P
@mousetail what do you plan to do with vyμ (or vyι depending on what name you choose)?
as in, how do you plan to use it/do you intend for it to be used?
ooh huffman coding?
still dont get how it works
wouldve loved to make a language using it
basically, it uses binary trees to compress text based on the most frequent characters of an alphabet
and each letter is represented by a unique and unambiguously identifiable string of bits
yeah i know that but im trying to figure out how it works, not what it is
i think im getting it using the diagram
@mousetail @seggan this helped me a lot
now i get it
so 0111111 is ⇧o?
hey wait a minute, isn't it supposed to be that more frequently used characters are at the bottom of the tree?
@Seggan looks like it to me
@lyxal no
sorry, I meant the least frequently
ok, then yes :P
then what the hell is doing at the top
our data shows ; is the most frequent character
is beaten by at least 20 other characters
48 mins ago, by mousetail
Huffman coding for Vyxal: https://gist.github.com/mousetail/001c139871c7e91c8c8181b6339a804a

Preliminary research makes me think there are defiantly gains to be made this way but the sample size of only 505 answers is still way to small.
no but even from 505 answers, still shouldn't be at the top
something like , or $ or ; or * or ƛ should be at the top
hey wait @thejonymyster I meant to ask, how's the hurricanes treating you?
Something's definitely wrong here
An 8 by 8 "QR code" with 0-error correction and zero redundant bits can store 2**64 bits, right?
in theory, I guess so
2 bits for every cell in the 8*8 grid
wouldn't it be 2*64 then?
oh oops
nobody saw my message
nothing happened, it was just the wind
sorry, did you say something?
I felt like you did, but I don't see any messages
ikr, weird
oh hey they added follower counts for organisations on github
ah only organisations you own/are a member of
still, cool
@lyxal not so bad- being hurled through the skies by gale force winds isnt so bad when youve got a gaming chair
(didnt hit where im at lol but ty)
@thejonymyster this is what ive always been looking for
Fig 2, here I come!
We here at Vyxal do not have mannequins
whaaat is that
idk but it's funny
some sort of github thing
I had to make a non-builtin answer
Q: Count Futoshiki row solutions

Parcly TaxelFutoshiki is a logic puzzle where an \$n×n\$ Latin square using numbers from \$1\$ to \$n\$ must be completed based on given numbers and inequalities between adjacent cells. In a solved Futoshiki puzzle any row (or column) forms a linear extension of the poset induced by that row's inequalities....

@lyxal Prove I'm better at making languages than lxyal despite literally ripping his language of with very minor modifications
ive already managed to do that with myxal :P
there are a lot of people in this room right now
3 rows on my screen
2 on mine
7 on mine lol
!mobile user!
either that or you're using LG's rollable TV in the mode where only the top sticks out AND you've rotated the display 90°
nah I'm using a laptop
oh wait rows not columns
with a 480p wide screen??? :p
The vyxal clone will not have a single huffman tree btw but one for each character, since the distribution can change depening on what characters appeared earlier in the string
Though it will be hard to find enough data so there will be some guestimating involved
overfitting protection
thats cool
but how will you determine how to encode the first char?
@mousetail also how did you create this?
@Seggan There is a separate table for the first character
@Seggan I scanned all vyxal answers on here, computed the frequency of every character, then repeatedly combined the two trees with the lowest frequency until only 1 tree remained
i mean the graphic
Using graphviz dot
it's installed by default on many linux distrubtions, you encode your graph in some text like a --> b and it turns it into a svg
im thinking of building mine mostly manually
You could probably do a lot better manually
The corpus simply isn't big enough for a good data
CMQ: If you could store a program in a QR code, and the program will directly be executed on the scanner's device, what would you program?
Install a backdoor on their systems to install a bigger program on a later date
@mathcat I mean, there's a pretty obvious answer. :P
okay true
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