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@pxeger also it saves you a trailing newline on the input
@Ginger Welcome back!
Also I don't even want to know what you were trying to do compiling Linux on an RPi
That sounds incredibly painful
(well, unless you just left it overnight I guess)
suffice it to say it was some cursed stuff I had to do that day
but everything works "fine" now so
any final feedback for codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/25092 before I post
@att "How accurate should my answer be?" is not answered yet
I'm thinking 2^-16
partly because it makes a solution I had usable on tio
Then it should be in the description
anything else?
Looks ok to me
CMP: Trying to rewrite the string task for fitness challenge. For now I used substring replace and count. Do you have any other ideas for "string operations"?
split on delimiter
Q: Compute the Fabius Function

attThe Fabius function is an example of a function that is infinitely differentiable everywhere, yet nowhere analytic. One way to define the function is in terms of an infinite number of random variables. Specifically, given a sequence of independent random variables \$\{U_n\}\$, where each \$U_n\$ ...

2 hours later…
just tried to do python string multiplication in java like "--" * WIDTH and now I'm just sad
I was like "hey why is vs code giving me a red squiggle? string multiplication is totes yeets yo" and then I remembered what language I was using
s/ja// s/a/yxal/
vyxalscript 😳
how do i have 538 answers
well first you had 537 and then you wrote a new one
well how did i have 537 answers :p
cant say i know
how long have you been on the site
You originally had 0 answers, then you wrote a new one. Rinse and repeat
few years, but wasn't active until a few months ago.
@Steffan bro just how tf u have 500+ answers within a few months
i have no idea lol
i was posting like 20 per day or smth ig lol
@AidenChow thats what weve been trying to figure out !!
@Steffan what just motivated u to go like, yep this is a very good time to do a lil code golfing and post 20 answers a day
After like years of inactivity
Like I have 200 answers and I consider myself to have been actively contributing for at least a year
@Steffan That's seriously a lot
I'm slowly making my way towards 1000 answers (on 812 atm), and I've been here 5.5 years
Ikr, I don’t even think I post 20/month most the time
when i first joined i like posted one and i couldn't golf and stopped doing stuff. a few years later i remembered, and i was like, hey, that might be fun
Even at the height of my activity, I think 3/week was my norm
Huh I have 900ish
But also 1 challenge a week
For about two weeks a few months ago I managed to keep up 1 challenge a day
I do have 971 total posts, with 812 answers
@emanresuA During lockdown, when I was between school, work and uni, I was posting a challenge every 2-3 days for almost 6 months solid
i only post once every 2 weeks
@Steffan yep, it’ll be fun to just do 20/day real quick, no problem lmfao
Tho, I still haven't reached my challenge goal: to write a highly upvoted challenge, with genuinely interesting, compelling answers, that is somewhat innovative
Probably my most interesting ones are It Almost Works and Add A Hidden Language To A Polyglot
@cairdcoinheringaahing I found ur oeis challenge pretty innovative
Fun to do too
My favourites are this (didn't get enough answers), this (Bubbler trivialised it), this (just a regular CG challenge), plus a few other challenges that aren't upvoted enough imo
@AidenChow Strongly disagree
@cairdcoinheringaahing As I've said before, Bugle was too complex and the challenge selection was too kolmogorov-complexity.
I like the OEIS answer chaining challenge, don't get me wrong, but, as answer chaining challenges go, it's really not great, plus, the answers got boring very quickly
@emanresuA Yeah, I'd like to redo it at some point
CMC: Given a string with length 2^k where k is an integer, output all strings you can get by repeatedly choosing one half of it.
e.g. abcd -> abcd, ab, cd, a, b, c, d
(might make a good challenge on main, idk)
Will look for dupes later, I call dibs on this
@emanresuA k > 0?
...and now i'm kinda wondering if there's a shorter way to express lengths all equal in one link than a\Ƒ or ẈE$
@emanresuA 5 bytes in Vyxal: Try it Online!
4 if it doesn't need to be a list of strings and can be a ragged list of strings
oh yeah mine's 7, needs at the end
actually mine's 7 too: Try it Online!
turns out it was broken on size >4
@lyxal ≥
@cairdcoinheringaahing My best non-code-golf challenge was concatenated halting problem, followed by boggle checker on boggle pad
2 hours later…
This whole site is NSFW - if you're a programmer, that is
This is probably a dupe of some of the "coins" problems or the other way round, idk which though
I don't see any dupes. The similar ones are different 1) by asking for specific denomination only (often USD or Euro) 2) by asking number of combinations instead of permutations
@Neil Ok, done
5 hours later…
Q: Calculating Pi using the Gregory Leibniz series until a term

py3programmer based off my previous challenge, this wikipedia article, and a Scratch project Your task: given i, calculate π till i terms of the Gregory-Leibniz series. The series: $$\pi=\frac{4}{1}-\frac{4}{3}+\frac{4}{5}-\frac{4}{7}+\frac{4}{9}-...$$ Here, 4/1 is the first term, -4/3 is the second, 4/5 is ...

@pxeger great, thanks!
@lyxal just pinging, thought the group died down
> Sometimes, there isn't anybody talking in chat. That's perfectly fine. Don't send messages just because the room is quiet.
@py3programmer "just pinging" to ask something? also, what group are you referring to? lacking context here :P
my fault
oh i just wasnt sure if i was missing some detail ^_^; it happens
Did you know a Leibniz was named after a german biscuit brand?
hi all
@mathcat It's not the other way around. Don't google it.
how do you find your own draft answer in the sandbox?
@mathcat but which is more delicious?
@lyxal thanks! Amazingly got a downvote despite not being written yet :)
I guess they are just anticipating that it will be terrible once written :)
wait what? send a screenshot lol
or wait, do you mean draft as in like a sandbox post, or a draft like the draft saving feature
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

graffeThe wizard's revenge The wizard, annoyed by his witch cousin, is determined to pose the most challenging challenge yet. He poses the following. The wizard has 50 real number lines, each stretching from 0 to 10 and they re all hidden from you. Also hidden from you, for each number line he choose...

it's not even a draft.. I just haven't written the challenge yet!
ahh lol yeah, sandbox is weird
i thought you meant like, when you type an answer but dont post it, and it shows up with the "draft saved!"
I am writing it now in any case... hopefully people will find it fun and at least a little bit difficult
@thejonymyster ah yes... not that
I love the answers to my king/queen challenge
@NumberBasher Simple Language Whose Name Shall Not Be Pronounced
I dont care that tbh... until when I have 100 requests, maybe...
awesome answers also accepted :)
@NumberBasher what do you mean?
maybe it was a mistake to make a draft with little in it and then update it in terms of the number of people who will look at it
Java: Horse implements Noble, Animal
no need for another interface
@RadvylfPrograms i disagree
val and var are very clear
But they look almost identical
And val isn't all that clear IMO
var isnt used that very often anyway in my experience
Nothing about the word "value" communicates "immutable" to me anyway
youd go the java way?
What's the Java way?
I'd go with var and const
final var
const takes too long to type
imo people would just use var because its shorter to type
It's like a tenth of a second more, the variable name itself is longer
@Seggan There's plenty of ways to write working, awful code in order to save keystrokes
im still debating with myself on the variable syntax for my lang
You could even do like, con
i just cant get used to var int a
int a reads fine: "integer named 'a'". var a: int reads "a variable 'a', which is an integer". but var int a?
"variable which is an integer named 'a'"
LDQ: thoughts about implementing null?
Is this a statically typed language?
well, mostly
Then no
Use Maybe / Option instead
i have an option to have a dynamic variable. mostly because lua interop
@pxeger yeah i was thinking that
thing is, this is only very weakly oop and no generics
so idk how to implement it
actually lemme write up a quick spec so yall can understand what im working on
You could use nullability, like Dart/Kotlin
although my honest suggestion is to just implement generics lol
thing is, i dont really have classes in the oop sense
just structs with "instance methods". no inheritance
That's fine
That doesn't mean you can't have generics
oh yeah
i was thinking abt something else
@Seggan you should definitely have as many nothing types as possible; undefined, null, nil, nan, etc
all with different interactions and edge cases ofc
thanks for the good advice
And also an unnamed type of nothing, where merely reading a variable with that value causes an error
Oh just to make it as awful as possible
@thejonymyster though nan comes with floats, so thats free
@pxeger oh didnt see you were being sarcastic
although Python does have that and it's not that awful in Python because that's just how Python is
@pxeger jokes aside i was genuinely thinking of that but then i remembered you could just throw errors
like, explicitly
@Seggan no, for unbound variables
posted on September 19, 2022 by trichoplax‭

Take an input string representing a number and convert it to decimal (base 10). However, the base of the input is not specified. Assume the input is in the smallest base for whi...

wait what new bot
That's been here for ages
its posts just come through very rarely
@CodidactPosts never even knew a website like that existed
A short showoff of my language: pastebin.com/HEBj4XvR
@Seggan noob question: what exactly are those externs? i cant guess what they do from the description (dont know what that sort of mangling is), and the example doesnt tell me much either :o
and regular question: why extern and not just ext :P
@thejonymyster basically Rol is transpiled to lua, and to store info about compiled functions, it uses name mangling: putting the function's info into the name. extern prevents that, so its just the function's name that gets stuck in the resulting code and allows for lua interop
and extern because C :P
interesting :o
CMP: null/nil/none
@emanresuA Brachylog, 8 bytes: ẉ&ḍlⁿ⁰↰ᵉ
@PyGamer0 None
nil is golfier :p
LDQ: Should my epic very cool golfy tacit language have nulls?
@PyGamer0 Yes ;P
To me, nil just means 0
@PyGamer0 No
is is supposed to be a practical language
no, ... although it might be used as one :P
yeah then no
i want it to solve AoC also
@pxeger ok, but why
for a golfing language, generally speaking, the weaker the typing, the better
hmm i see
ok no nulls then
oh btw did i tell y'all about my 14 line vim config :P
i want to improve my c skillz, does anyone have any project ideas for me? :s
@PyGamer0 what do you want to get good at?
@graffe obviously he wants to get good at c smh :P
@AidenChow yes :) but graphics, data handling, speed ?
data handling
basic pointer management things
try code golfing in c, youll get all the practice u need! /hj
I mean you could work through w3resource.com/c-programming-exercises
adventofcode.com/2021 would be more fun
In fact I recommend that
@PyGamer0 have you tried the advent of code?
@PyGamer0 give that a go. If you can't do day one, give up though as they get more difficult
@pxeger Husk and Nibbles have entered the chat
good point
And use -Wall -Wextra
I was thinking about "traditional" dynamically typed golfing languages
@graffe i think i can do day 1
i have done it in jelly after all :P
if your code page isnt all the same size (like how unicode has characters that are multiple bytes etc) whats that called? not a SBCS since its not Single Byte, so would it just be a Code Sheet / Code Page ?
@PyGamer0 this is good!
@PyGamer0 oh how many days have you done?
@PyGamer0 null
@thejonymyster character encoding?
@Seggan yeah i suppose, but i guess i was just wondering if it had a special name like SBCS or HBCS, or if those ones only have special names because of the fixed character size :P
i suppose its the latter
@thejonymyster A Variable-width encoding
@Seggan Look at how Rust does it
Rust 100% does OOP better than any other language
I would say that's because Rust doesn't do OOP
@RadvylfPrograms aha, thank you. i forgot the term and was thinking about "variadic"
@pxeger I mean, it does pretty much everything you can do with OOP though, and borrows a lot of concepts from it
And I think Rust's "OOP" is almost exactly the same as Go's
@RadvylfPrograms did ya see the example code i gave?
technically the structs dont even have instance methods
I did not
2 hours ago, by Seggan
A short showoff of my language: https://pastebin.com/HEBj4XvR
hmm rusts traits are java interfaces?
@Seggan That looks a lot like how Rust does it
@Seggan Sort of
You'd do impl StructName { fn do_thing(&self, other: StructName) -> StructName { StructName::new(...) } }
@RadvylfPrograms tbh i never even peeked at rust so that was a coincidence :P
I'd recommend looking at Rust then, seems you've converged on a lot of the same evolutions of OOP that Rust has
tl;dr in rol instance methods are syntatic sugar
thats why there is a "this" parameter in the example
Same with Rust, e.g., (21).to_string() is the same as i32::to_string(21)
hot take: fn(arg) is way overdone, choose something interesting or I'm never looking at your language again :P
nah its permanent in all clikes :P
fn arg?
(same with .mth(arg))
@graffe 1,2,3,6
@Wezl' fn[arg]
@pxeger as in Haskell, Ruby, Nim
and i think i cpoied six from someone
@pxeger yes much better
@Wezl' fn!arg*
or fn $ arg? or arg & fn
@pxeger Even better, fn(arg) because (arg) is a 1-length tuple
@Wezl' @fn:arg|code;
@cairdcoinheringaahing guarantees I'll look at it, but only in disgust
@RadvylfPrograms Oh I gotta find that incredibly blursed language I made that used this
@Seggan that's for defining functions, not calling them, though, right?
I know I talked about it in TNB two years back
Clearly, all reasonable languages skip any fn or arg, and simply assume that each line of code is an independent function, that does a different thing depending on how many arguments it is passed
But no clue what it was called or how I'd find it
Basically, all function calls were also constructors
All the local variables would be properties of the return value
God was that 2 years ago?
IIRC I typed that while sitting on the gym floor in health class in 9th grade, so yes
I know I thought of the concept in middle school
@RadvylfPrograms rSNBATWPL
@RadvylfPrograms sitting on the gym floor in health class in 9th grade, my favorite pastime
oh wait didnt that use {}
And it was pretty recent
I made that while in business management in 10th grade
as long as were being inventive :P
@RadvylfPrograms Well in that case it could've been only 1½ years right
It could have, but I'm pretty sure it was early on in the year because I sat on a different part of the floor for most of the rest of the year
Oh interesting, it was one year ago almost exactly
So I guess I was just designing the language on the floor in 9th grade
did they not have desks at your school
Not in the gym, no
it would get in the way of basketball practice
@thejonymyster sitting on desks smh :P
I found it!
It was called TAGL
import game
import player
import regions
import items


    list: [


    player.region: "start"
    player.items: []

You can see an example here of a few cursed behaviors
regions.config is both a function and a config object
regions.init is a function call
You could have [] be generator functions
I found a FizzBuzz too. Also, the import syntax seems to have been import[game] at one point, and import["game"] shortly after that
Clearly, it should be game: import.game
Oh god this was during my assembly phase, so there was TAGLasm too, as a transpilation target for TAGL
Thankfully the only description of the syntax I wrote down was add ax, bx
Oh no I don't even want to imagine how this would have worked
> game.io.print[all[2, 3, 4]] # This will be repeated once for each value: 2, 3, 4
The idea being that this would be equivalent to game.io.print[2]; game.io.print[3]; game.io.print[4];
Actually, that'd be pretty neat...a language where you could do something like print(all(0, 1) + all(8, 20)) to get 8 9 20 21
@RadvylfPrograms Oh okay, apparently import xyz is syntactic sugar for import["xyz"]
@RadvylfPrograms there are definitely languages like this
rats forgot my examples' names
logic programming languages can certainly be good at dealing with multiple solutions
I remember stopping work on TAGL since there ended up being some sort of amiguity that just completely ruined the syntax, but it'd be pretty cool to get it working
Well I can already see a big one, that being that if/for are indistinguishable from function declarations
@pxeger yeah
its called vyxal
@Wezl' arg.fn ?
@RadvylfPrograms mathematica does this :)
@RadvylfPrograms lol i managed to think of a version of rusts traits independently too
(and maybe an upvote if you think I deserve it)
It doesn't feel like a code golf question
It feels like a math puzzle that you just happen to need to write a code golf answer for
(If that's what you need to do, it's not clear)
Oh sorry it's code challenge. Let me add that
What's the scoring criterion?
The lower the expected cost the better
I don't think that scoring criterion fits on CGCC
It's just going to be a race to find the optimal solution, which will then be lazily ported
@RadvylfPrograms are you sure?
That hasn't happened in the past
Porting it won't help you win remember
". If two answers have the same strategy, the one posted first wins"
That rule is why
That seems unobservable
What do you mean?
Well, I guess it isn't
You mean you can't tell if someone has posred someone else's solution?
@RadvylfPrograms sorry, what isn't?
The same strategy thing
Got you
It's possible someone will come up with something brilliant which is unbeatable
But I don't know if that is terrible if it happens
posred was meant to be posted (sorry)
My real love is fastest-code questions but those are harder to devise and you have to run everyone's code
But not for long! RTO will have a fastest-code environment.
Oh that would be great!
I don't know what RTO is :(
Run This Online, my online interpreter
I can't wait!
@graffe same lol
ive got a bounty for questions
that reminds me i was gonna ask; what are good things to make fastest code about? :P
@thejonymyster we have had some great ones
Q: How slow is Python really? (Or how fast is your language?)

user9206I have this code which I have written in Python/NumPy from __future__ import division import numpy as np import itertools n = 6 iters = 1000 firstzero = 0 bothzero = 0 """ The next line iterates over arrays of length n+1 which contain only -1s and 1s """ for S in itertools.product([-1, 1], repe...

Answer, very slow :)
I am sad we don't seem to get nim answers any more
This was pretty amazing
Q: Bentley's coding challenge: k most frequent words

Andriy MakukhaThis is perhaps one of the classical coding challenges that got some resonance in 1986, when columnist Jon Bentley asked Donald Knuth to write a program that would find k most frequent words in a file. Knuth implemented a fast solution using hash tries in an 8-pages-long program to illustrate his...

@thejonymyster I'll stop now :)
ty though i will definitely be looking at these :eyes:
@Feeds hmm
@Feeds Past election questions: 2016, 2018, 2022
> How would you deal with a user who produced a steady stream of valuable answers, but tends to generate a large number of arguments/flags from comments?
That's me lol
(minus the arguments)
@cairdcoinheringaahing oh nice
@Feeds @AncientSwordRage Would you mind editing this message so it says something more descriptive as a pin on the starboard? Something like **[Submit Questions for the Upcoming Moderator Election](https://codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/25128)**
@emanresuA I think you've misread it: it means that the user gets flagged a lot, not that they raise a lot of flags :P
@pxeger (Just pinging you since you're currently the most recently active network moderator in chat)
misread that as you pinging yourself since youre the most recently active mod
@Steffan This can be proven by induction
The full proof is left as an exercise to the reader.
17 hours ago, by caird coinheringaahing
You originally had 0 answers, then you wrote a new one. Rinse and repeat
Not a formal enough proof
needs more obnoxious maths jargon
@RadvylfPrograms what the hell kind of class is business management
@pxeger Let n be the number of answers written by a given user. It is trivial to see that, at some given point in time, the user had written 0 answers. Assume the user, having written n answers, will write an additional answer. Therefore, by induction, we conclude that the user has written an arbitrary number of answers
@UnrelatedString Falls under Career and Technical Education
Didn't choose to be in it, ended up there because of schedule issues
Ooh, Philosophy.SE got a site design
Has anyone here got the power to delete this answer? codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/252048/108721
@graffe I cast the final delete vote.
@DLosc thanks
I feel I have had challenges I have posed closed more quickly :)
Probably so--anyone who's looking to answer a challenge will read the challenge and form an opinion on whether it needs to be closed, whereas not everyone who's looking to answer a challenge will read every existing answer to that challenge.
It was 25 minutes old when it entered the review queues as well
also challenges get posted here, answers don't (especially back when radvylf's bot was alive they got posted instantly)
@RadvylfPrograms oh yeah i remember that now
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