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01:00 - 16:0017:00 - 00:00

TFW you start writing up a meta post thinking you've figured everything out, but then you realize there's a case you hadn't considered and you have no idea what you think is the right answer for that case. :^/
@Razetime A caird cairn, as it were
@DLosc just mention it maybe? :P
@AviFS I mostly read fiction these days, but I have been off-and-on working my way through Gödel, Escher, Bach, which sounds like it might fit what you're looking for if you haven't already read it.
@mousetail There could be an observability issue with this
Well, I guess not, as long as the random is uniform
You could in theory run it a hundred quadrillion quadrillion times and see if the number of correct sorts matches what you'd expect for 1000 attempts each
Although you'd have to be careful to not accidentally allow just calculating by hand what the odds are, then just having a random chance to either randomly shuffle it or sort it with quicksort
@DLosc GEB is awesome!
I'd heard it recommended as the ultimate math nerd must-read book for a long time and finally decided to take the plunge this year.
I'm enjoying it so far; the problem is, my local library system doesn't have a copy, so I have to get it through interlibrary loan, and I don't get very much read before I have to return it.
@DLosc Even partial meta answers can be useful :P
@DLosc Wasn't Bach a composer?
Do you mean "composer"?
@pxeger Cool. Completely unrelated but does anyone have tips for getting a gold badge in ? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing He was a component of the Earth system
It's not very easily gameable I think unfortunately
the FGITW effect is your best bet
@user Post a bunch of answers
It wasn't a serious question lol but thanks
Quantity over quality amirite
If you post 1000 answers, and get an average of 1 upvote per answer, you'll get it :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing @thejonymyster True. I'll probably rearrange the order of topics to put the "I'm not sure about this one" last.
@mathcat Yes. Music can be quite mathematical, and apparently J. S. Bach's music was more mathematical than most.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I actually just need 249 answers. Epic trolling, here I come!
@DLosc Like Escher's drawings, and in both cases, the creators seemed mostly unaware of it.
I was gonna comment about how I'm ridiculously far from even a silver code golf badge, but I'm only four upvotes away now :o
s/far from/close to/
@Adám I thought Escher was aware that his work involved hyperbolic geometry
Hmm, I average 2.15 upvotes per answer on answers
@user No, some people tried to tell him about the maths involved, but he didn't understand.
@cairdcoinheringaahing But that average probably also includes your early answers, right? It's probably much higher if you include the last year or so
@Adám lol, interesting
@user I've averaged 4.41 upvotes/answer posted in 2022
That's pretty good
How'd you find out how much your rep increased in 2022?
Probably rep tab graph
I didn't, I counted up the scores of the 29 answers I've posted this year
Oh ok
ya know what
Net rep change would also include challenge rep, the rep cap, and bounties
I average 16.66 upvotes/answer posted in 2022
Ah yeah
@mathcat Do you only have like 2 answers lol
@mathcat (I posted 3 answers)
In the past year, I averaged 5.3 rep/answer
@mathcat Upvotes, or rep?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Losing your touch, are you? :P
it's because of my scratch answer
oh wait
@user Between 13/09/2021 and today, I've posted 68 answers. 29 of them were in 2022
I sorted by score lol
My average this year is 4 upvotes per answer (I only have 4 answers: 4, 4, 3, 5)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Wait a second, did you just count these manually too?
Nah, did some regex capturing on the search page
@cairdcoinheringaahing ngl, I was confused for a second by that date there :P Does that mean you posted 68-29 answers (too lazy to compute) in just 3 months?
Ctrl-A on the page, then search for (\d+ votes)
@user Yes
Ah cool
Vivaldi doesn't have an option to search with regex :(
I didn't use Chrome or anything, I just copied the entire text into TIO and regex matched :P
I can't be bothered to count all 202 of my answers this year, but over my last 50 answers my average score is 1.78
Significantly lower than my overall average of 2.40
How do y'all post so many answers?
Like, do you go for easy questions or are you just that good?
I see a challenge and think, "I could do that in (Pip|BQN|Brachylog|tinylisp|QBasic|Whython|Regenerate)." So then I do it.
Like, 2020/2021 I was basically doing nothing all day, and I'm already a night owl, so I was spending 10am - 2am on CGCC
I was running out of the moderation side of stuff to do, which I prefer doing, so just ended up writing a bunch of answers
When I'm bored, my fingers automatically type "youtube" and not "codegolf"
@user But yeah, I mostly go for questions that will be easy in the language I choose.
@mathcat I have about a 50/50 chance of typing a c or y and letting it autocomplete
Every once in a while, I like to tackle something more complicated, but usually I code golf to get that endorphin hit of accomplishing something in 1-5 minutes.
@RadvylfPrograms you should make an extension which has a 50/50 chance of typing either c or y
I just keep CGCC and YT always open on my laptop :P
I'm tabophobic
I hate it when there are more than 20 tabs open
I have a window open with 60+ tabs right now :P
That's not even my CGCC window
is that supposed to be a lot
i've got 125 in my cgcc tab
It is for my laptop, running chrome and another application basically bricks it :P
161 in one of my school windows
Once it gets to the point where I can't read the titles on each tab, I start looking for tabs I'm not using anymore and closing them.
196 in the other one
@DLosc Yeah, same
I've got FF with 21 tabs, FF with 8 tabs, and Edge with 4 tabs.
i'm on firefox so the minimum tab width is wider than just the favicon :P
I never have more than 10 tabs if I can help it, 20 or 25 if I'm too lazy to close one-off google searches while writing Rust
@UnrelatedString Having to click an arrow to see more tabs counts as "I can't read the titles on each tab" :P
I had like 300 tabs open on safari on my phone, until I finally cleaned them up a couple of months ago
Of the 21 tabs in a single FF window, 8 are pinned, so that saves on width.
Some of the tabs I hadn't opened in literal years
@cairdcoinheringaahing You probably know this already but you can set it to close tabs automatically after like 3 months
I just have better tab control now :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing i think that's most of the 500 tabs on my phone's safari :P
that's a lot of tabs
i used to have a lot of tabs
because my browser would let me access whatever i had open previous session
but now it doesnt do that so i never exceed like... 10 tabs :P
why though?
Is it an office laptop?
oh, no clue why it doesnt do that now. but it stopped encouraging me to use that feature to save things for later, so i suppose its for the best
like if it crashes i still can get my stuff back usually
but not regular closing
speaking of office laptops, I'm currently wasting InfoSec's time getting them to audit AutoHotKey so I can get it installed on my office laptop.
The hoops we have to jump through when employees can't be trusted with tech
I have 4 pinned tabs, plus currently an extra 7 active tabs and one new (about:blank)
that's across 2 windows
@Mayube audit? as in like, get the company behind it investigated? or
@thejonymyster No, as in they have to look it over and make sure it isn't malicious and doesn't have any security flaws they should be concerned about
We don't have admin access on our work laptops, so we need to get service desk to install software for us, and if it's not Microsoft software, it needs approval from InfoSec first
As a masochist I am thinking of a restricted complexity challenge
But I need to gird myself against the negativity .... It's tough
@Mayube i mean that seems reasonable? am i missing a nuance?
@thejonymyster I never said it was unreasonable, it's just tedious
AutoHotKey is a pretty well known bit of software. It's kinda like auditing Spotify
Not necessarily unreasonable, but is it entirely necessary?
What is autohotkey?
@cairdcoinheringaahing hence the problem with blanket policies. ANY non-Microsoft software, no matter how reputable, no matter how endorsed by Microsoft it might be, must be audited by InfoSec
Depends what your InfoSec department's goals in "auditing" the software are, but I could see them rejecting AHK because it allows arbitrary scripting
so a virus could theoretically be delivered in .ahk form instead of .exe and then be much less likely to be detected by antivirus, for example
@graffe It's a programming language designed to automate stuff.
@pxeger oh yeah for sure, and AHK also installs itself at the driver-level for mice and keyboards IIRC, which is also a potential security risk as malicious software at that level could act as a keylogger
I think you can write a keylogger in like 10 lines of AHK code
the good news is I have 0 intention of ever running 3rd-party scripts of any kind, I just need my macro keyboard
not sure how to feel about dvd logo catching up to random point on sphere
at least it's slightly less trivial I guess
the HNQ lottery always produces funky answer scores
it's at least partly because network-trusted users get enough rep (101) to upvote, but not downvote
And, for some reason, people upvote "Mathematica has this builtin" answers
They are amusing
but not really that useful
@pxeger although not in this case; I don't think your answer is downvote worthy
@NewPosts CMC: this but just , and reveal your languages
yeah my 3rd highest is also a "hey there's this built-in"
past that they're mostly reasonably effortful
where, in mathse?
@pxeger Print[2Set[,2,]^0], mathics^2=mathematica
my attempt: Zsh -F + Python: [ exit(4)]
@cairdcoinheringaahing instead of answering a mathematica builtin, there should just be a checkbox on each question for it :P
@Bubbler Possibly if you have two people close each at once... I kinda want to try now lol
@pxeger Yeah, this works. I've almost done this before, because I realised an old question was closed as a dupe of A but should have been closed as a dupe of B, and a new question was closed as a dupe of the old question and B.
@pxeger Since it's a CMC, I'm gonna disregard the "not two versions of the same language" rule and do SQt, Pip Classic^2 = Pip 1.1
The SQ operator was added since Pip Classic. Before, SQ was just an identifier, which is a no-op in this context.
CMQ: are any repdigit numbers in base ten also perfect squares? im pretty sure no, but idk how to verify
or i guess not a cmq just a q lol
Q: I'm Blue, Da ba dee da ba die

HelloWorldWrite a program, which outputs I'm Blue, and then Da, Ba, Dee, Da, Ba, Die, forever, without any trailing newlines, and it must pause half a second after printing each word. Also, the text should be outputted in the color blue 0x0000FF. So the output must be something like this: You can use an...

@thejonymyster Repunits are the form (10^n - 1)/9 for n digits, meaning that a repunit is only a square iff 10^n - 1 is square, which, for n > 1 is false. Repdigits are k times a rep unit, and so, if a repunit isn't square, then neither is a repdigit
Brute-force proof that single-digit numbers are the only square repdigits:
The final two digits of N^2 are determined by the final two digits of N. Checking all 100 possibilities and eliminating the ones that end in two zeros, we find the only remaining options are 12, 38, 62, and 88, all of which end in 44.
So any repdigit square must consist of all 4s. But then it would be 4 times a repdigit consisting entirely of 1s, which (since 4 is a square) would have to be a square itself.
We've already established there are no squares that end in 11, so there cannot be any repdigit squares that con
(clumsy and ninja'd twice)
ty as well
@cairdcoinheringaahing and 4 and 9 obviously
does 0 count as a repdigit?
Don't think so
Why not tho
i'd count it
I think it should
Technically, 1, 4 and 9 aren't repdigits either
No way you'd reasonably represent 0 doesn't consist of 0 or more 0s and no other digit
> repeated instances of the same digit
Does one of something count as a repeated instance of it?
Integers less than 10 don't have repeated instances of the same digit
@RadvylfPrograms Almost by definition, no
If something happens once, it doesn't repeat :P
@att these show there aren't any perfect powers (not just squares)
I was just about to try and do that
That's easy, use induction: it holds for n = 2, so we assume it holds for arbitrary n. Ez
Looks like there are square numbers that end in 444 but none that end in 4444.
1. Base case
2. ???
3. Profit!
@DLosc Honestly, this is how I approached induction proofs until I actually understood them :P
"Okay, we establish the base case. Then, we pick n = k for some k, do some algebra, and proof"
@mathcat if there isn't a Linux version it doesn't exist :)
CMC given a three digit number, output a square number that ends with those three digits.
or output that no such square number exists
Can the "output that no such exists" be by throwing an error?
@RadvylfPrograms True, but this counts for all problems requiring implementing a specific algorithm
@DLosc sure
Haskell, 40 bytes: f n=[x^2|x<-[0..999],x^2`mod`1000==n]!!0
@DLosc very nice
@DLosc what proposal can be solved?
What do you mean?
How many three digit numbers are the last three digits of a square number?
A small proportion is my guess
@mousetail Yeah, it does
That's why those are typically closed
@graffe Looks like 159 (if you count one- and two-digit numbers as having leading zeros)
@graffe Porting my Haskell solution to Pip gives 13 bytes: @:_%m=aFISQ,m
wake up babe new What If? just dropped
What If a new What If? is dropped?
that's... what happened
What If? 2 released today
The book? Been meaning to pre-order that, guess I'll pick it up at a bookstore instead :P
head on over to my local Barns and Noble and buy every copy they got
Next What If? episode: What if one person tried to buy every copy of What If? 2?
Randall would make a lot of money :P
Y'all ever work on polyglots?
I had a classmate who could speak 5 languages once. I worked with them, but not sure what working on a person means :P
In computing, a polyglot is a computer program or script written in a valid form of multiple programming languages or file formats. The name was coined by analogy to multilingualism. A polyglot file is composed by combining syntax from two or more different formats. When the file formats are to be compiled or interpreted as source code, the file can be said to be a polyglot program, though file formats and source code syntax are both fundamentally streams of bytes, and exploiting this commonality is key to the development of polyglots. Polyglot files have practical applications in compatibility...
user's just being funny
Yeah, polyglot challenges are pretty common here
In just languages, or in file formats and languages?
And if the latter, then is including PDF cheating since the format is so fuzzy? :P
The typical rule of polyglots is that the bytes have to be the same, so you can have a polyglot with PDF being one of the languages
@user It usually means surgery
Piet has been a polyglot language a few times on the site
@DLosc or personal growth
@DLosc 4444 % 16 = 12, which is not a square mod 16
Another way: (12 mod 16) is 4 times (3 mod 4)
@DLosc ah, I’ve usually heard it used like a lighter version of “manipulate” (like a salesman working on a potential customer)
Either prolog or labyrinth by the looks of it
Or F#
01:00 - 16:0017:00 - 00:00

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