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@lyxal Honestly, builtin theft is the biggest problem facing golfing languages in this day and age, the golf police should really crack down on it smh my head
isn't unity losing a lot of devs
@AidenChow don't you normally take it at the end of high school?
@AidenChow if so, I would not tell people on the internet your age
@Razetime where to?
@AidenChow my past 2 unity games have been 2d so obviously i will take 3d 2d
i made those games 2 years ago i think
i've heard of people moving over to godot and such
side note, does random question button turn up anymore?
the Random button is a userscript
so if you don't have the userscript any more, it won't appear any more
i have the userscript
just updated it.
Still works for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Razetime it gained one dev ;)
i am also trying to learn prolog
@Razetime but if unity goes boom what will we use?
maybe it'll be java-based instead :p
or even python
godot is pythonbased
it has python bindings, which haven't seen a release in two years and activity in over 10 months (besides a readme update)
what we need is a rust based game engine :p
@Ginger oh
wait nevermind, they're doing development on a different branch
then is it based on c++?
oh ok
@PyGamer0 prolog is a beautiful language.
they're currently redoing the python bindings to work with godot4 which is why there haven't been any releases
oh yeah panda3d is based on python
panda3d is... something
@Razetime which i cannot understand as of now.
the power of prolog is very intuitive
if you'd like an explanation of any answer i'm willing to help
@Razetime IMO this is like saying APL is intuitive. It is... if your intuition has been trained in that direction. If you're not used to it, then it's not intuitive at all.
i mean the book "the power of prolog"
Oh lol
i am reading that book lol
i did not understand the collatz conjecture code so i am looking at the video
well if you need any help in understanding feel free to ask
ok thanks
@graffe bruh ppl already know my age lmfao
i literally put it in my bio
@graffe why
@Razetime what does iff mean
@graffe ummm kinda? a lot of ppl take it in 9th or 10th grade too though
why would you tell us, a bunch of random people in the internet, your age
@PyGamer0 if and only if
@PyGamer0 send the link to the code
@Razetime not the code, the book uses it a lot
oh right
yeah jonymyster is right
@PyGamer0 because a small percentage of people are creeps and a small percentage of a very large number is too many
@AidenChow ok I didn't know that
@AidenChow my recommendation is to remove that
@Razetime how do i print some term Try it online!
prolog has definitions,and then queries
ok so how do i query?
to print stuff you need queries which start with ?- or :-
so something like ?- main. should check main
I can't believe prolog has come back from the dead!
Has Julia been language of the month?
@PyGamer0 Make sure to import CLPFD so that #= is available
@graffe no
it used to have a nomination but that is deleted
@user how do i do that
:- use_module(library(clpfd)). I think
Do you want to move this to the Prolog room instead?
but that adds a ton of bytes
@user oh thanks
Yeah is works instead of #= here
And sometimes = works (or is it =:=?)
@Razetime no one cares about bytes when learning a language :p
=:= probably
@user = is just unification, IIRC it doesn't do any math
@PyGamer0 you never know when it will come in useful. gotta savour every saved byte
@Razetime should I nominate it again? Or does it have no chance?
go ahead and nominate it
Why not nominate again?
Seems like a cool language
I guess people need a way to run a modern version online
Do we have that?
@user it is!
eventually it will get there
TIO has Julia and I'm sure other (more up-to-date) interpreters exist
i think i have found a use for code golfing: my computer classes, i write short code (as in better logic not golfing out whitespace)
Can someone with 10k rep go in and copy the contents of the original Julia nomination?
@PyGamer0 Does better logic mean programs that take up 2 lines but take 2 hours to run? :P
no :p
*obligatory note about people deleting things for a reason*
julia is a really tame pedestrian language actually. doesn't get in the way much\
like many people just use extra variables to print patterns like
1 2 3
2 3 4
4 5 6
in Sandbox, 43 secs ago, by Razetime
## [Julia](https://julialang.org/)
Julia is a new programming language that aims to absorb the advantages of all mainstream languages.
## Reasons
* Symbolic programming, you can use Unicode characters to represent your meaning in a short and concise way.
* There is barely any syntax in Julia, so you can golf your code really hard with a lot of ease.
i just use the loop counters and some arithmetic to do the same thing
saving some bytes :p
@Wezl' omg niblang creator
@user that would be awesome!
@Razetime does it even count as created yet tho
it exists definitely
well now I feel like I have the responsibility to actually work on it more
Julia is a natural language for python coders who want theie code to run fast
@graffe sounds interesting!
It's also mathematically very cool in a number of ways
@AidenChow it is!
why am i getting prolog bounties. can i opt out of them
@Razetime ask @user lol
@graffe I tried porting a Python project to Julia once and it didn't seem like it was any faster. That could just have been my lack of Julia experience, though.
hes just giving out all his rep it seems like
i am over here tryna get rid of my murder bounties and y'all are placing even more
@Razetime what are murder bounties lol
hey if apple m1 chips are arm-based does that mean that I can run mac software on raspberry pi
@DLosc I am guessing it was. The strength of Julia is that you don't need to change language to make things fast. You can optimize your code within Julia itself
@Ginger I wouldn't think so
Not only are there different variants of ARM, I'd imagine that'd be like running x64-64 software for Windows on Linux
I should add Julia bounties to fastest code questions
@Ginger No but it should be easier to emulate than if the CPU was different
@DLosc github.com/JuliaSIMD/LoopVectorization.jl is amazingly powerful for example
I know, it was a joke
CMQ: Give me a random common English word of at least six letters
@DLosc banana
@DLosc the multithreading is really good too docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/multi-threading
history, nineteen, rapidly, design, special, common, comforted
@DLosc sordid :-)
oh common HAHA
... "common"
@thejonymyster LOL good one
@DLosc there has to be a better way to pick a password than this
@thejonymyster Good guess ^_^
@thejonymyster ok my desktop is not crashing.. this second.. I am going to attempt to implement the code before it does!
@thejonymyster I think "sordid" is more common than "alphanumeric," TBH. ;) I said "common" because Wiktionary's random articles kept giving me stuff like "photogenia" or "omegaform"
@graffe good luck omg :o
@thejonymyster bpa.st/S23A
got in there before it died!
@DLosc ah yeah lol thatll happen
Also lots of words in other languages. I don't know if there's a "random page within category" feature
everything needs more features
@thejonymyster seems to give the right mean
@Razetime sorry didn’t know you didn’t want it, i won’t award any more. Are you okay with this +300 one though? It’s already been started so might as well award it
@Razetime also what exactly are these murder bounties?
@thejonymyster bpa.st/FBGQ
@user maybe adam's apl bounties getting like thousands and thousands of rep?
what is the "murder" part
@graffe wat
@att hello!
@user just a joke
I am wondering if your genius can work out what the second largest part is. I wrote some python code bpa.st/FBGQ ... might be buggy of course
@user yeah that's ok. I just don't want bounties on my answers. not that new to prolog and not very inclined on rep either
@user ^ Same
The first one was nice, but I don't need more
@att but it seems ok for the largest number
@Wezl' whats this
@Razetime graph of users rep i presume
wow that is some serious bountying
its crazy how much rep hes giving out
i got 2k+ rep from prolog bounties alone
my rep graph just shot straight up
gotta keep a rule where you can't give bounties that get your rep below 10k
@Razetime what about ppl under 10k?
well, get to the 10k privileges (which are very useful for helping around the site) and then start giving bounties
@att it's some constant near 0.20954
@graffe what
what is
@att You identified the expected size of the largest part to be en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golomb%E2%80%93Dickman_constant
@Razetime i mean that could be good for code golf ig but i dont see how that can be good for any other se site, like how r <10k users gonna attract attention to their q's?
I am trying to work out what the expected size of the second largest part is
@AidenChow that answer is with cgcc in mind and nothing else.
oh lol
There was a mod on Pets.SE, IIRC, who bountied away all their rep
@DLosc dang, whats their username?
I don't remember, and I don't think it was one of the current mods
Sep 2 at 21:03, by user
This account may become abandoned later so I'm just making the most of it while the rep is still accessible
CGCC is an addictive drug actually
We need a graphical output golfing language
Q: Turing Machine that outputs pi

Joshua LinTuring Machine Preliminaries A Turing machine is specified by the following data A finite set of symbols S = \$\{s_1,s_2,...\}\$ A finite set of states M = \$\{m_1,m_2,...\}\$ A partially defined function $$T : M \times S \to S \times \{\mathrm{left},\mathrm{right}\} \times M $$ Any encoding ...

@Razetime That makes sense, I'll find something else to bounty
@thejonymyster ya
its frozen tho
can someone unfreeze it
@user man i really gotta start writing prolog
@DLosc random, common, letters
How can I list questions that don't have the. tag?
Oh cool
Why did green get darker?
It used to be much lighter, unless my eyes changed
Looks like it got darked on all SE sites
Q: Why has the green accepted answer indicator become darker on all the sites?

JustinI just noticed this change recently; the green accepted answer indicator has become darker (i.e., from 47% lightness to 31%) on all the sites: Previous design for comparison: Was this intended?

I hate it
time to modify my "Fix SE's bad design" userscript :p
> Letting programmers make design decisions usually turns out pretty terrible
@DLosc Lila, IIRC
@Steffan wow that just looks weird
2 hours later…
@Ginger how
@mousetail Looks like the charcode is truncated to 8 bits somewhere
String.fromCharCode(...[...'⁰¹²³⁴⁵⁶⁷⁸⁹'].map(c=>c.charCodeAt() % 256))
@Seggan Btw I'm working on a Fig online interpreter (just on Heroku). It's almost done, but I'll need to figure out how to deploy it with Java installed. Should be simlpe
I believe there are JVM bytecode -> webassembly compilers
@AidenChow "six letters" and "banana" have a specific meaning to me. there was a puzzle where you were shown a string of 16 letters and asked to remove six letters to reveal a six letter word. the solution was to remove the letters in "six letters" which left the word "banana". however, someone found a better answer: removing all copies of the six letters "sainxl" from the string left the word "better"!
@NumberBasher install poetry and then use it? docs are at python-poetry.org
apparently the original string is "bsainxleatntears"
thanks for the story :p
@NumberBasher be sure to run poetry install when you clone the repo
@Steffan isnt this supposed to have a funny encoding
Oh yes
I forgot lol
Also is this meant to be happening?
doh its ldw but im supposed to be not working on a lang for langjam
@emanresuA you mean the java tool options thing?
I'm trying to get rid of it
It was throwing a huge error before, whatever you did fixed it
i had no idea your encoding supported so many characters :P
will fix later, gtg
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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