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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@thejonymyster Take BQN, for example. This is a list of lists: ⟨ ⟨ 1 2 ⟩ ⟨ 3 4 ⟩ ⟩ And this is a 2x2 array:
╵ 1 2
  3 4
also i dont understand what the two different colorings of my code represent?
does one show which characters removed are fatal?
@AidenChow Top graph is most targeted, bottom graph is most fatal AKA it was targeted then your bot died next round
@DLosc right, but do they behave differently?
@UnrelatedString exactly what i was thinking lol
@thejonymyster Definitely. I'm just trying to figure out how to explain it without just dumping a bunch of BQN jargon on you :P
go for it, i can google :P
For starters, they have different shapes. The list has shape ⟨ 2 ⟩ because it only has one dimension with two elements. The array has shape ⟨ 2 2 ⟩ because it has two dimensions with two elements each.
BQN calls the number of dimensions the "rank." The list has rank 1, the array has rank 2.
You can map over the two structures in different ways. The Each modifier maps over each sublist of the list, but it maps over each element of the array.
If you want to map over each row of the array, you can do that too with the Cells modifier.
You can transpose the array. Transposing the list doesn't do anything because it only has one dimension.
Arrays can't be ragged--they have to be rectangular. Trying to make an array out of ragged data results in an error. This is a pain sometimes, but can occasionally be useful.
You can flatten an array into a list using the Deshape builtin. Flattening a list by one level is possible with the Join builtin, but flattening all levels is a little trickier.
@DLosc you can totally have deep mapping though :P
and then regular mapping is akin to just mapping by row
I really see no huge reason (besides maybe the ragged stuff) that these cant be treated the same way, you can totally detect shape as being 2d in a list of lists etc
if you really want them to have the distinct behaviors for some reason, i guess id say just have both then yea /shrug
feels like a waste though
ok bruh
@DLosc why are there 2 different types
@Steffan am i getting bruh'd or are you leading into something
@PyGamer0 I feel like this is a question that would be really obvious to a true BQN devotee, but the best answer I can manage is "because an array is different from a list of lists," which feels circular.
Maybe there are performance benefits?
At any rate, having multidimensional arrays does allow you to have arrays with 0 size in any dimension, which is elegant (but I'm not sure how practically necessary it is).
E.g. BQN lets you distinguish between an array with 0 rows and 2 columns vs an array with 0 rows and 3 columns, while with nested lists those would both just be empty list. (By contrast, nested lists do let you distinguish between different numbers of rows even if the columns are empty.)
2 hours later…
@DLosc maybe you could do something with dependent types? like you have list with elements of type x of length no more than n and you nest those
anyhow i’m here between classes because i need someone to vent to about this models of computation class
this is our second lecture of week 2 and the lecture ended in the middle of working through an example of constructing a dfa for the intersection of two regular languages with known dfas
this is like
actually painful
the professor actually started the lecture by polling the class about if they think every language can be accepted by a dfa—some people said yes??—and then waded through some other stuff before actually telling the class that no, of course not every language is regular, and then after asking the class for some reasoning as to why not he actively stopped multiple students from giving basic examples of non-regular languages
he is saving that for a later lecture. somehow
dynamic flapjack agency?
dos factor authentication
oh, deterministic finite automaton, i should have known that one actually
@UnrelatedString All I can say is, I remember from my Theory of Computation class that lots of students were very, very lost. So if the prof is going at a pace that the average student can keep up with, it's probably going to seem very slow to someone who knew something about the topic already.
CMQ: If a nibble (nybble) is half a byte, what would a quarter of a byte (two bits) be called?
quibble? quabble?
quibble seems like the obvious choice yeah
@DLosc i can confirm that a lot of the students are very, very lost
nyp is also good
nice and short
CMQ: if a nibble is half a byte, what would an eighth of a bite be called
a bit
nothing gets by you ginger :P
no comment
also you mispelled byte q:
tough crowd
itd be funny if i edited byte to be bite after that but im busy
no, you're @thejonymyster
walked into that
so quibble, nyp, or morsel seem good
torn atm
morsyl sounds like a good lang name someone write that down
morsel is a bit too verbose to be spoken in normal english, which is good, but its also too stonefaced to sound like a programming term
nyp is very programmer termy but its hard to guess what it's related to just by looking at it
quibble is good at being programmer themed and relevant via naming convention of "quarter" + "nibble" but runs into the issue of being a word that has a completely unrelated meaning in english
I think nyp is my favorite (it sounds like a shorter version of nybble), but yeah, the spelling is a bit of a drawback. It looks like it's trying to be an acronym.
@thejonymyster you got me :P
@Steffan The terrible bot, you say?
@Steffan is there a way to view as a page or do i just gotta download and double click
juts download and view
or wait a sec
@DLosc nyet
wait did anyone wish python its happy 30th birthday last year
@Zionmyceliaadamancy I disagree with your "obvious stuff" this time. That would imply that I need to somehow avoid pushing my own answer to the limit, in the hope that it increases the chance of getting a next answer, which almost certainly makes my answer less interesting
Hmm, last answer might actually be an interesting condition in this case
Hm yeah
@Ginger apparently this is the correct answer
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

BubblerThe second even sublime number code-golf kolmogorov-complexity math number-theory easy mode of my previous challenge A perfect number is a positive integer whose sum of divisors (except itself) is equal to itself. E.g. 6 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6) and 28 (1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28) are perfect. A sublime numb...

@Neil yay
@DLosc you forgor 💀
and didn't rember
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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