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You ask: "is this a triangle?" Probably not, but who knows. Is anything really a triangle? — lyxal Feb 12, 2020 at 9:47
I saw that
Hey @Wasif, haven't seen you in a while
oh wasif's here!
@DLosc cool language
i scrolled down into funstack.py without realizing it and was very confused
@pxeger Oh cool, thanks!
Looks like their setup is pretty similar to RTO's, though they differ in a few ways
Also, I'm now back from a week long "vacation" so I may have missed some stuff
welcome back!
I don't think you've missed too much, just the Jellyfish lyal
I'm thinking about nominating the hexagon language thingy I made for LotM
Do it lol
You might just get next month's lotm
2 hours later…
@hyper-neutrino Can you add the lotm to upcoming events?
@Steffan done, thanks for the reminder
@user Thanks! Yeah, I started in Python and then went "I want to try this in Haskell." It's only broken my brain a little bit so far. X^D
i want to write flax in rust but my rust is trash
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
I wonder when the spammers are going to start putting their spam in TIO links
7 hours later…
> I am a secondary school student who has recently observed that many languages sometimes profess themselves as "God's programming language" (e.g. Lisp, C, and other inane functional ones). This appalls me in ways that are ineffable; even the irreligious among us know what the good book says about worshiping false gods.
> Technically, I suppose, this is not worshiping false gods, but rather people indulging in false prophets. Nevertheless, it is still immensely painful for me to see people mired in the defilements of the programming world in this manner.
> To ameliorate the wickedness I see in the constructs used by most programmers, I created Genesis, an interpreted Turing-complete Paleo-Hebrew programming language based on a procedural paradigm. There are no objects because object worship is explicitly forbidden in the Bible. There are also no Hindu-Arabic numerals (sinful). Instead, you define all variables using Gematria (Jewish isopsephy).
> I should warn you: the interpreter is extraordinarily enigmatic (and probably buggy), but that is simply the price you have to pay for salvation.
> Please let me know your thoughts about this endeavor. If you would like to give advice or make a pull request to make this language even holier, I am eager for it. To recap the discussion I posted on the GitHub repository, some future features might include:
* An integrated calculus/bioinformatics library.
* A command-line tool.
* Removing all numbers.
* No garbage collection.
* "Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known. Therefore whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops." (Luke 12:3)
* No I/O.
* Introducing more ambiguity.
My room for RTO just got frozen 16 hours ago >:|
@hyper-neutrino can I has 11?
I have a challenge to @Vyxalers (@emanresuA @lyxal others...) to port this to vyxal
it should be an easy challenge
well ... i think i made it on my own...
it seems to work..
it loves to time out
even with the T flag
its soo slow...
it may be fun to port it to jelly..
and flax when v1.x.x is out
@pxeger Finally, a language to rival HolyC
@pxeger This is genius
But seriously, the documentation on this is quite well put together
Can this be the language of the month for September?
If you nominate it and it wins, yes :p
1 hour later…
I like his sense of humor.
Unrelated, is it possible to show 50 answers by default instead 25? I can't find anywhere in the site to set that preference.
I don't think it's possible, no.
@PyGamer0 Literally just that and eval as Python
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AdamAll permutations of range from \$1\$ to \$n\$ code-golf Given a positive input \$n\$, output all permutations of either \$\{0,1,\ldots,n\}\$ or \$\{1,2,\ldots,n\}\$. Examples Outputting permutations of \$\{1,2,\ldots,n\}\$. Input|Output -|- 1|[(1)] 2|[(1, 2), (2, 1)] 4|[(1, 2, 3, 4), (1, 2, 4, 3)...

I've posted 6 out of the last 16 challenges
Have there previously been any challenges like "given a string of English words describing a number, output the number"? E.g. "four" -> 4
Imagine I have x numbers chosen uniformly at random from [0, 1]. x is an integer chosen uniformly at random from 1to 10. Now imagine that I look between 0 and 0.1 and there are no numbers in that range. What is the probability that x = 10?
I am hoping this can be done by simulation
Or someone good at math can tell me
@graffe Is this a homework question? Or are you just solving it for fun?
Specifically, you're solving P( x =10|none of x numbers in [0,0.1])
@pxeger my god
Wait, I just looked at graffe's profile, that was a silly question, sorry
@Adam just fun
@Adam why was it silly?
@Adam yes but I am clearly being dim. How do you compute that?
@att yes but I am still stuck :(
@graffe I just looked at your profile and saw you've been on StackExchange for 11 years
I'm writing something up right now
@Adam thanks!
@Adam I feel it is longer but I periodically kill my account
Which comes out to about 5.9 percent
Just posted my second longest answer lol
...that sure is an answer all right
@Adam thank you so much!!
@NoHaxJustRadvylf NP appears to be down?
@NewPosts STATUS
Uhh...that's odd. Brb.
@Adam something happened to your denominator expression
@NewPosts STATUS
Hmm...weird stuff's going on on the backend
should be (9/10)^i not 10^i
bot go foom eh?
It's only been up for 184 days, but I guess I'll update and reboot
Restarting: the Programmer's Panacea
SE must have updated something, I'm getting 406s from stuff that worked before
oh frickity dickle, guess I get to fix sechat again
stand by
@att You're right, I made a typo in my TeX
I would post a fixed version, but that's probably too spammy (?)
NPSP is going to be down for a while, sorry. It seems that SE has made some major, possibly unintentional, changes to how some things work, and so I'm going to wait a little while to see if they get reverted, then it'll be a lengthy process to get everything working again if they don't.
update: sechat still works, so I guess you're referring to the system that checks for new posts
In that case, we better put back the feeds for now
Slow posts is better than no postst
@GingerBot Nope, I'm getting those errors from the login stuff right now
odd, I'm not having any issues with sechat
Vyxal bot has also been having login errors
@emanresuA Both good news and bad news, then
That means it's both not my fault (good :p) and a widespread issue (bad)
no issues with either the GB or OLIMAR accounts
don't know what's wrong with your system :b
You're using the Python one, right?
We switched
I think both NP/SP and Vyxal bot use JS
well we should be using the same methods for logging in
The JS bot was too volatile
Lemme check if OSP works
It used hyper's stackchat.js which you can look at
ah, that
I made sechat specifically because of the issues that library was having
uh...I'm pretty sure OSP was running on the NP/SP server, but there is no cron job for it
Oh nope, it's on rust wolf
And OSP still works, nice
@emanresuA What does it use now?
So, it sends a POST to https://chat.stackexchange.com/ws-auth with the credentials
That's not the log-in part
Okay, so Vyxal bot uses chatbot.py
Same thing as OSP and most other bots
vyxal bot is in JS
well the new version at least
the currently running version is in python cuz the JS one stopped working, for the same reason NP/SP no longer works, since i mostly followed how your bot did authentication and then combined that with how chatbot.py did event handling
@Steffan Could you post the unminimized version of your Cryptic Multiplication answer? (I assume you didn't work on it in this form -- at least, I hope not...)
ok, sechat v1.0.1 published
anyone using sechat please run pip install --upgrade sechat
@NoHaxJustRadvylf Post on MSE?
Once I get around to figuring out what's changed I probably will
It seems to have a more limited impact than I first thought though, since chatbot.py, which NP/SP is roughly based on, still works
One thing I've noticed is that setting the Accept header to be more specific fixes the issue in some cases
@Adam Yeah I will
I started with it unminified, but it's minified now.
CMC: Knight minifier
Remove whitespace/parens except where it's between two numbers/lowercase letters or a pair of uppercase letters
And keep only the first of a run of uppercase letters
i assume without worrying about string literals?
That complicates tthtings a bit
it's a surprisingly interesting problem both ways

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