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@Ginger interesting.
Truly, interesting.
If they think that's hard, then they really wouldn't want to see half the stuff that happens here :p
Like use an actual esolang, you js.fvck nerd
and they failed to fxckify console.log part
I can't believe I just wrote x/x+y instead of x/(x+y) in python
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Change the Temperature of Swatchlings
@Bubbler a true apler would use the division symbol too :p
2 hours later…
I've been thinking about esolangs' memory models. Many langs tend to die out in activity because it is very hard to construct even a relatively simple logic if it involves keeping one or more arrays, and I think it's mainly the fault of the memory model (e.g. a tape, one stack + modifiable 2D space, two stacks...)
so here's an idea: an infinite tape of deques of ints.
- you have a pointer that selects the current deque, which you can move around like BF
- you also have a register which you can use when moving a value from one deque to another
- a deque is a deque, you can push and pop a number and do basic arithmetic on both ends
CMP: Onions?
@Bubbler the only problem I can see with deques is that you'd need either a) two sets of the same operator or b) a modifier / quick that changes the end operations are performed on. I can see that becoming a feature that doesn't get used very often,meaning it'd probably be better to only do ops on one end
@user JAVA is an official meme on CR
@lyxal I guess I could get away with "swap the front and back" command (mainly thinking about plain imperative langs, imagine Befunge or ><> or Labyrinth). I certainly see some algorithms easier to implement if both ends are available, e.g. selection sort using two deques
Or only allow push/pop for tail and do all the other ops on the head only
@Bubbler idea: declarative 2d lang
if I have two coins with probs p1 and p2 respectively of giving a head, what is the expected number of coin tosses until they are both heads?
is it just 1/p1+1/p2?
if one is head but one is not, do you throw both again?
you throw the coins one at a time until it is a head
then I guess you can throw first one until it is heads, and then throw the other, which is 1/p1 + 1/p2
1 hour later…
Would anyone mind looking through this draft? codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/17770/24877
1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

FatalizeCount the cells Given a multi-line string as input containing characters "|", "_" and " " (space), count the number of cells it contains. A cell is the following structure of 3 characters by 2 lines: _ |_| That is, an underscore on one line (the characters to its right and left don’t matter), and

1 hour later…
I just got a notification that many of my flags (asking for deletion of sandbox-posts that were posted on main) were declined. Is this no longer wanted? If so, what should we do instead if we find posts like these?
It has been asked recently and both opinions (delete/not delete) seem to have significant support
I interpret that as "editing finished sandbox posts down to a link is standard, but the OP has the choice to delete it or not"
I see, I was confused because the sandbox instructions (still) clearly state that posted challenges must be deleted.
Thanks for the link!
I don't see much value in keeping them, and I think it is laregly outweight by the reduced clutter if we do remove them.
I also agree that it is (pretty much objectively) better to delete them, as they are now simply entirely removed from view due to the sort order
ah, the joys of having 10k rep
personally I don't like the change to sort order for deleted posts
in fact I never liked the "click to refresh" anyway, it made no sense for 10k users
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Command MasterHalve a string string code-golf open-ended-function Given a string \$ x \$, we say another string \$ y \$ is half of it, if both of the following properties are true: \$ y \$ is a (not necessarily continuous) subsequence of \$ x \$ - there exists a strictly increasing sequence \$ a_i \$ s.t. \$ ...

2 hours later…
Hey gamers, bad news - the lyxtures room will have to remain frozen. No zoomies this semester
at least, not at this stage
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

G BPrime sieve game (Work in progress) A long time ago, I was learning BASIC on my TI 99/4-A and I came across a 2-player game based on the Sieve of Erathostenes. The rules of the games were: there is a 10x10 board containing all numbers between 2 and 100 (the first square is blank). 2 players alter...

1 hour later…
i think ngn is working on this..
again the same old terse c style
how do people even program like that...
4 hours later…
Anyone who has a Raspberry Pi please go to off-topic
We (I) need your help
I'm not allowed raspberry pie for medical reasons
How can I test if a large integer is prime in python?
@NoHaxJustRadvylf thanks!
gist.github.com/Ayrx/5884790 Looks ok if randrange will work with huge ranges
“ For big integers it never returns (waited like 1hr), even with K=5 (int of 200k+ decimal digits). Is there any fast primality tests for such big numbers?” is worrying
Even the best deterministic prime checking algorithms are O((log n) ** 6), which will be pretty slow at that size of number
Do any code editors out there have a shortcut like ctrl+arrow that only goes back one word in camel/snake case?
@graffe how big are we talking here
E.g., Alt+Left moving the cursor from innerWidth| to inner|Width
oh, somehow I missed the 200k+ digits
why do you need to check a number that big in the first place
"Is there any fast primality tests for such big numbers?" No, there isn't any known algorithm that is significantly faster than Miller-Rabin
unless your number in question happens to be a Mersenne number (or some other special kind)
CMC: Bruteforce this
New (or rather, kinda old) esolang coming soon

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