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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

I found this website and the UI looks so outdated you'd think it's the first website to be built
css? never heard of it! -CERN
I'm having a debate of what to write my golfing language in
I want it to be fast and have arbritary precision numbers. I'm thinking Scala or Julia
It looks like Ruby is better than Python as far as speed, but Julia is still way better
Go with whatever you feel most comfortable coding in
Which do you know best?
JS but it doesn't have arbritary precision numbers
@user lol I was just gonna suggest choosing the one they know the least, so they learn something
And they're a pain to set up
I don't know Scala and Julia great, but I can learn them
And I like the syntax
@pxeger Oh yeah I guess this could be an educational experience too
But they don't work with decimals
There are libraries for that
I know BigDecimal exists, but...
Do you really ever need arbitrary precision decimals in golf anyway?
I guess not
There are some questions with very specific requirements
But I also like trying new languages
Those are stupid questions.
Do not bow down to stupid questions.
Depending on how weirdly implemented your algorithm is, rounding errors can have an effect
@Steffan it has strings :P
@thejonymyster I don't like the implications of this statement
storing numbers as strings is like using a laser printer to toast bread
I would say it's more like using a 3D printer to sign a cheque
even better: using a wrench to hammer in a nail
its like using a string to store a number
nah im just yanking your chain. its like putting the horse before the carriage
Then we'll need some complicated algorithms to do exponentation
who's this "we" kemosabe?
just re implement math :P
tbh ive kind of always wanted to do that LOL
js stringmath
argh at that point I might as well write my language in Assembly
Did you mean: Build a computer from scratch?
build a computer in scratch
@Ginger I like my analogy, because it represents the facts that: the tool is not precise/accurate enough for the task (at least without significant extra care), and the tool's intended use is a whole "extra dimension" than the task requires
(which also sounds fun)
@pxeger strings arent precise enough?
...but a 3d printer is accurate enough to be a plotter!
well doing arithmetic using strings is pretty involved
you can literally fookin duct-tape a pen to your printhead and draw with it
Addition isn't too bad
And subtraction
You just have to regroup and stuff
I guess for multiplication, you could hardcode 1x1 to 9x9 and do it from there
column multiplication
do you think we could have an "implement string math" challenge or is it too unobservable :P
probably too unobservable
sad! still could be fun to do as not a challenge
@Ginger This is a terrible idea
@pxeger I read this as "3d hammer"
@user You should probably edit the question
I don't see how I would do that
I'd probably invalidate the two answers already there
And anyway, the question isn't really worth salvaging
Edit as in remove the +500 bounty
And maybe link to your solution
Oh okay
@emanresuA I know that, because I've done it
@Ginger I've done this, minus "print" :P
excuse me
@Ginger consider yourself excused
@pxeger Very useful Zsh plugin I found that you may want to install
@DLosc Stellaris, Endless Legend. Could probably argue that Factorio is a 4x game :P
@user (/srs this one might be useful for golfing)
Ooh, this is good if you suck at typing like me
@NewPosts Okay waht
Flagged as rude or abusive
'cos it's a troll
Smokey probably caught it
in CGCC Mod Office, 57 secs ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, repeating characters in body, repeating characters in title, repeating words in title (291): Cathy! Cathy! Cathy! Cathy! Cathy! Cathyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! ✏️‭ by Berodrito Pembrunk‭ on codegolf.SE (@hyper-neutrino @lyxal)
Smokey did catch it
1 Cathy moved to Cathyyyy!
cool bot
Hasn't been nuked yet. Flag as rude or abusive, y'all. Should only need one or two more since it looks like smokey autoflagged it
send it to the Shandow Realm!
op actually has an account which is wild
who are these people and what do they want
they have one (not deleted) post
(not on our site ofc)
what compels ppl to do this
Why are you guys all downvoting this? It does not have any curse words. — Berodrito Pembrunk 34 secs ago
holy fuck lol
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

qwrBloons TD 6 Upgrade Paths The monkeys need help organizing their defense and have asked you, Benjamin the code monkey, to create a program that will list all tower upgrade options. Each tower has three unique upgrade "paths", represented by three numbers between 0 and 5 inclusive, 0 meaning no up...

rare photo of Ginger reading Berodrito Pembrunk's comment
@emanresuA They're not wrong :P
Actually, I think you'll find Cathy is a curse word in Vyxal.
I don't know whether to have pity or just laugh
you really have to assume its a troll and move on
nobody's that stupid i hope
counter-proof: PHP
@Ginger They must be very sad... they still don't know what the CAAAATTHHHYYY does it do.
I think it CATHYs
Time to create a joke lang called CATHY
once again getting you two confused
can one of you like, rotate your avatar 90 degrees :P
hold please
Time for P
Month :P
the madlad actually did it
okay, done
thank u LOL
i only now realized the face on the cat in your pfp is the dissappointed face
it is
there's a whole story behind that
@thejonymyster what, did you expect me not to?
@thejonymyster Disapproving
never let it be said that I'm not an entity of my word
never let be said
@lyxal QBasic, 15 bytes: OPEN"grass"AS#1
Alright, here's CATHY
goodness gracious
Compiles to a subset of Vyxal, here's a reverse compiler
i love how changing any character makes it do something wildly different
@emanresuA I'm guessing some binary encoding of 32 Vyxal commands, based on capitalisation?
like uppercasing the end Y is a quine i think :P
@thejonymyster It is a quine, yes
ty it looked like it but i didnt wanna verify lol
fastest quine discovered in a lang without a builtin?
I suspect it's a false quine
It appears as tho the interpreter manipulates the program as input, so it reads itself
E.g. look what happens when you make the last H into h:
Yeah :P
@Zionmyceliaadamancy Yep. Nothing I can do about that
@Zionmyceliaadamancy Yes
@emanresuA Can Vyxal read from STDIN and CLA?
I'm not really sure how that works, but there's explicit STDIN somewhere
@Bubbler wow, there are only these two: langford, skolem, and they appear to be basically the same question as eachother
In which case, CATHY can take input via that way
thankfully not the same as my question so i'm gonna go ahead and start sandboxing my question (once i can find nontrivial cases)
sorry for the random reply i oinly just remembered that message lol
You can take input by providing it below the program
@emanresuA Yeah, but you can prevent it taking itself as input that way
If you provide more input it'll cycle to that first
feeling cute today might use an indentation width of 2 in my programs
@Zionmyceliaadamancy Not command line args, no
CATHY has been created
@Ginger You say that as if there's something wrong with 2 spaces?
Yes. Use four like a reasonable person
@emanresuA You've created a monster
@emanresuA ???
4 spaces pushes stuff off the screen if you're using a language with lots of nesting
I've been using 2 spaces for nearly all my Java, Scala, and Kotlin code for the past couple years and it's been great. With 4 spaces, I have to split up method calls onto new lines and stuff
@emanresuA Waiting on the "Interpret CATHY" challenge
*starts typing*
I'm not saying 4 spaces is bad, just saying it's a matter of personal preference
The whole 2 spaces vs 4 spaces vs tabs debate is annoying
2 is reasonable in some cases
I believe CATHY is not TC, as you can solve the halting problem in it
Both 2 and 4 are reasonable in most (all?) cases
it can take input from Vyxal's normal input: Try it Online!
Still doesn't make it TC :P
The halting problem is if("[" in program) { false} else { true }
A: "Hello, World!"

emanresu ACATHY, 265 bytes caTHYcatHyCatHYcathYcAtHyCAthycathYcathycathYCaTHYcathYcathycAthyCaTHYcathYcathycAthyCaTHYcathYcathYcathYCaTHYcaThycaThyCaTHYcatHYcatHyCaTHYcAthycaTHYCaTHYcathYcathYcathYCaTHYcathYcathYcaThyCaTHYcathYcathycAthyCaTHYcathYcathycathyCaTHYcatHYcatHYCaTHYCATHycATHycAtHy Try it Online...

sidestep the debate by not indenting anything at all!
yea i thought we were golfers
who's indenting a one liner :P
True lol
@Zionmyceliaadamancy Yeah, but you ucan have something like I/D machine
@emanresuA Remind me what an I/D machine is?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterPairs at every distance Given a list x of 2 or more integers, output whether there exists a pair of equal integers in x separated by exactly n elements for all n such that 0 =< n < length(x)-2. For example: [1, 1, 3, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1] will return truthy, because [1, x, x, x, x, x, x, 1] These 1s are...

I want to make a fortune database of good quotes from this chatroom
\o/ 30k!
Someone downvote emanresu A to get their rep to 30k (well, emanresu will also have to downvote something to get it to exactly 30k)
you do it
nice palindrome actually
I can handle this
I don't gamble
3 0s between 3s
theres gotta be an oeis for that actually lol elt me check
There we go, 30k exactly
ayy 30,000
I currently have 3,330
Welp I have 5810. Not too interesting
8567 network-wide. Not too interesting either, other than it's 5678 shifted right
A: 1, 2, Fizz, 4, Buzz

emanresu ACATHY, 420 bytes cathYcathycathyCathYcatHYCAthycATHyCatHYCAtHycaThYCAthycATHyCatHYcaThYCAthyCaTHYCatHYcathYCAtHycAThycAThYcathYCAtHycAtHYCatHyCatHYCathYcaTHYcathyCATHycathYcathycaThYCATHycaTHycaTHyCATHycathYcathYcaTHYCATHycAtHycAtHycAtHycatHycAThycathYcatHycatHyCATHycatHycAThYcAtHycAThYcATHycAtHy...

@Zionmyceliaadamancy I'll look into it
cathy should have a sbcs
Can we get an official pronounciation guide for the different Cathys
cathy would be funny to RLE by case
@RadvylfPrograms Not sure why this is happening
Check if something like codegolf_review_close is logged
@RadvylfPrograms Put a lot of emphasis on the capital letters.
How do I put more emphasis on the H in a tH lol
catHy is certainly "cat-HI"
Although what about catHY?
it's an exercise for the reader
guys have we figured out why programming is so s o so so so hard yet
or is that still unsolved
@thejonymyster faeries did it
challenge looks ok, though I don't see the connection with the xkcd
suggested title: ro1000an nu1000era50 en100o501ng
@Zionmyceliaadamancy yes
@Bubbler did u look in the hovertext of the xkcd?
My new language works!
@emanresuA foodback? why is someone making me hungry every time i go in here
looks fine to me, I already have a vyxal solution, iirc it was 11 bytes
actually 9 bytes
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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