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No, that's not going to be part of the core language
How are people going to write it then?
So in an answer you'd probably have an xxd of the catstruct code, and then you'd link to whatever transpiler you used and post the source code
I guess :P
I might make a semi-official transpiler, but that won't be "catstruct", that'll be "pre-transpilation catstruct with Radvylf's transpiler"
In other news, I'm somehow now a RO of CG&CC Gaming
where can i read about catstruct, if anywhere
Radvylf has a gist somewhere
@RadvylfPrograms To enjoy this suffering yourself:
window.addEventListener("wheel", (info) => {

    window.scrollBy(0, info.deltaY);
}, { passive: false });
(Usually there's some sort of really ugly fake scrollbar too)
(And typically instead of deltaY they'll just make some number up and the scrolling will feel very unnatural)
@Seggan how does H behave on odd / 0 / 1 length strings?
@RadvylfPrograms This is my normal scrolling lol
Ah, are you on a mouse?
Hmm. I guess for best effect you need to replace info.deltaY with 10
Oh wait, and with a Math.sign somewhere since that will only scroll down lol
Weirdly, scrolling doesn't work when I try fiddling with any of that
Oh well
May 20 at 19:34, by Radvylf Programs
catstruct programs consist of two parts:

- The structure of the program as a binary tree
- A list of operators

The binary tree represents dyads, monads, and nilads. There's two types of leaf nodes, one for nilads and one for inputs, which don't have an associated entry in the list of operators. This allows more complex implicit input and reduces overhead for functions.
^ Important context for that gist
@thejonymyster returns the integer division result
@thejonymyster math
@Seggan sorry, i misphrased
(odd/0/1) length strings
oh wait i see what you mean
H3 = 1
@thejonymyster when needing an input not to be comsumed
see one of the example programs at the bottom
i think it was the hyperfactorial one
so H"cat" => "c","at"?
why longest at the back instead of at the front?
how about H"a" and H""
is it ["a"] or ["a",""]
@lyxal becuase integer division
and is it [""] or ["",""]
is why i was askin
2nd case in both
works 4 me
I wonder which is more useful: longest half at front or at back
compiler flag
but halving an integer does int div
so imo strings should too
challenge idea;
for a list of positive integers X, a "complement" of X is any list of positive integers Y such that X union Y is a list of consecutive integers with no repeats
e.g. [2,4,6,7,8] is a complement to [1,3,5]
any given posint list X has a smallest complement Y, which has a smallest complement Z... etc until you have the empty list
[1, 2, 3,    5,       8,                13]
[         4,    6, 7,    9, 10, 11, 12]
[            5,       8]
[               6, 7]
challenge: i dont know
Given a list X, output a complement of X?
Or, the "chain" of complements?
outputting the whole chain seemed like a bit much to me? am i just off the mark abt that?
Seems like it'd just be repeated application of "output a complement"
@Seggan what types do you support?
actually yea ive warmed up to it
sandbox time
@Neil nums, strings, functions, and lists
so how do you concatenate two lists?
should #? return a if a is falsy?
CMQ: Writing a golfing language in JS. Should I bother trying to use both floats and ints?
@Neil it says right there: 0
@Neil J
I know it says 0 but I'm suggesting you might prefer to return a
interesting idea
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

lyxalEnumerate the Microwave Timer code-golf Related Sometimes when I use my microwave, I do a little trolling and enter times such as 2:90 instead of 3:30 because they end up being the same time anyway. The microwave happily accepts this and starts counting down from 2:90, displaying times like 2:86...

wow it's been way too long since I last sandboxed something
also, why use o when F does the same thing?
never realised that
make o vectorised removal then
The phrase man bites dog is a shortened version of an aphorism in journalism that describes how an unusual, infrequent event (such as a man biting a dog) is more likely to be reported as news than an ordinary, everyday occurrence with similar consequences, such as a dog biting a man. An event is usually considered more newsworthy if there is something unusual about it; a commonplace event is less likely to be seen as newsworthy, even if the consequences of both events have objectively similar outcomes. The result is that rarer events more often appear as news stories, while more common events appear...
The "Examples of literal use in journalism" heading has a concerning amount of entries
well after all, why not? Why shouldn't man be allowed to bite dog when dog bite man all the time?
I guess, yeah.
@Neil actually there is a point
consider the case of "abcdef","daffodil"
o would return abcdef
F would return bce
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterIterative Smallest Complement For this challenge, we will define the "complement" of a list of positive integers A as being any list B such that the union of A and B is a list of consecutive positive integers with no repeats. In other words, B is the complement of A if B has all of the integer m...

generalized fizzbuzz, but with a pattern like this as input
Oops, ran out of memory because I forgot to add an i++
@lyxal haven't you got - for that?
@emanresuA ok i think i might be able to do ngn/k .. maybe i upload it to my website?
at PyGamer0.github.io?
or gist it?
does the licence allow that?
MIT license allows pretty much anything
Oh :P
@lyxal will you be 20 years old in 10 days?
well dang
I guess so
@Neil sure, but it doesn't allow item removal from lists
@lyxal well i will be 15 in 1 day :P
I can not express just how disappointed I am that is not naturally single width
what's with the a other amogus?
a other amogus?
i don't hav tim toe spel chek
I still don't get what you meant
the APL comment char
I thought you wanted an amogus element
that's not single width either iirc
why edgy furry teens on the internet have artwork associated with APL commenting is beyond me
Doesn't look as cryptic though
@SandboxPosts I literally was thinking about making a challenge like this one the other day, @thejonymyster why are you reading my mind :P
wait that was the wrong NSP link I replied to
@SandboxPosts I meant this one, it is lyxal who is reading my brain
because putting funny numbers into microwaves is a universal thing
anyone with even a grain of humour puts 3:69 instead of 4:09 like a normal person
I do think I have a good solution to that written in haskell now though
also on the subject of that post, I do think requiring the outputted times to be in order is sensible, partly as I have no idea how a solution that outputs them out of order would even work
it could output ascending instead of descending
I suppose
another small question that pertains specifically to my solution is if a flat list (like [minute,second,minute,second,minute,second,minute,second....] is an acceptable output format
that's something I was considering, and I don't know how I feel about it. On one hand, I'm totally fine with people coming up with creative ways to solve the challenge but on the other hand, it makes reading the output a little harder and doesn't exactly resemble the display of a microwave
@pxeger damn, I seem to have picked all the low hanging fruit now
I'm my own worst enemy
I bet some of those comments were mine :|
A disproportionate number were in reply to comments by @​ceilingcat, who apparently deletes their comments a lot, and doesn't then flag replies to them. So a lot of them were on answers in C
@lyxal its not essential to my solution, but its a 6-byte golf vs a list of 2-tuples
15 mins ago, by emanresu A
@emanresuA seems interesting, I think it could be a little more clear that youre expanding it by "tiling" it out as opposed to, say, repeating the edges outwards
We're cooking tables now?
We need a surface to cook on
gotta have a table to cook on :P
@des54321 Better?
@emanresuA looks good :)
@pxeger Today's data: comment flag limit 60, raised 66 comment flags; 60 automatically marked helpful; 6 needed manual review, of which 4 have so far been approved. (+1 post flag)
So, maybe, flags that require manual review don't count to your daily limit? Or only sometimes do?
@emanresuA also currently trying to come up with a haskell solution to this (can you tell im trying to learn haskell?), and it is giving me some yelling-about-types that I think is an actual problem with what I'm trying to do, and not just me writing it wrong
the weakness of haskell having such a strong type system is that all coding mistakes producing 15+ lines of errors complaining about type mis-matches
@pxeger How are you finding the comments?
@des54321 Typescript + intellisense go brr
58 mins ago, by emanresu A
@emanresuA Ok, but what criteria.
@lyxal does F not do that?
@lyxal also easier to key in
Jun 14 at 9:44, by pxeger
@emanresuA Yes I saw that. But I don't think that's the only query being run.
I don't know what other criteria you'd use, aside from votes
And I already flagged every downvoted invalid post (I think)
I guess you could look for nicely formatted answers
You can look for comments which ping users not involved in the conversation.
You can look for comments that have "thanks" in them.
Oh, I guess :P
Q: Extend a matrix in all directions

emanresu AGiven a multidimensional, rectangular array and a list of dimensions, such as: [ [1, 2], [3, 4] ] [3, 4] Your challenge is to extend the matrix to the dimensions given in the list. To extend an array to a length in a single direction, simply repeat its elements; for example, if we want to ext...

@Neil only if you have a list and a singleton
Hallo lyxal
@mathcat ur way behind me now :)
@DialFrost hello there :)
@DialFrost nah not in CGCC
@mathcat >:(
Anyone got any good pfp i can use XD
that searches for comments which are replies on posts where they are the only comment, and therefore, they are replies to deleted comments
@NewPosts @lyxal the BQN answer is 26 byte LOL
then I pick out the easy ones (<50 chars and contain "thank")
and I've just about run out of those now, so I'm just looking for any kind of outdated comments
Dang it razetime I said 1-4 bytes not 26 of them. Smh — lyxal 29 secs ago
i saw :P
@pxeger Should I be courteous and let you get marshal before I go through these myself? :P
@WheatWizard pretty much bang on
@WheatWizard I'm only 21 away now (or 19, if you handle my 2 pending posts flags!), so as long as you leave a few, I'll be fine
and I'll rerun my most fruitful queries next week (i.e., when SEDE next updates), to hoover up the more recent ones
@NewPosts how do i solve this in flax lol
@lyxal then what does - do when given two lists?
@PyGamer0 With difficulty
It's a hard challenge without clever array-oriented builtins
@Neil it vectorises
+10 in the sandbox and +15 on main... that's something I've never seen before
yeah, that was really weird
Also, it looks like I currently own all the HNQ real estate
@WheatWizard BTW, this query can still be improved, because it includes false positives when there are deleted users (when s.UserId = NULL)
Jun 12 at 18:30, by pxeger
@pxeger +10 score on a sandbox post... that's pretty rare
Jun 12 at 18:31, by pxeger
inb4 it does terribly when posted on main
15 isn't terrible, but I kinda predicted this
At least it isn't +8 sandbox, +7 main
Which was +8 sandbox, +3 main for a few months
@lyxal Which one is this?
@pxeger yeah I just noticed that, perhaps you should use count(s.Id) instead?
@Neil I had that before, but I wanted to catch cases where there were multiple comments all by the same user.
@pxeger so why weren't you using count(distinct s.UserId)?
because I didn't know that was a thing lol
(note that this still doesn't solve the null issue)
@emanresuA this
accidentally made it go into the stratosphere
it's at y=1000000 and counting
maybe setting v_y to 420 was a bad idea
after accidentally resetting the simulation, it's reached y=2000000
okay wow it takes a long time to fall back down
that's the max height
hang on let me make changes to that
@lyxal now change the gravity to 1
oh and i will make a codepage
alright what if i make a part of my codepage as:
▀ ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▉ ▊ ▋ ▌ ▍ ▎ ▏
▐ ░ ▒ ▓ ▔ ▕ ▖ ▗ ▘ ▙ ▚ ▛ ▜ ▝ ▞ ▟
@lyxal ^
oh boy i like this codepage
CMP: Codepage feedback ^? ref
i stole yanked 3 lines from the vyxal codepage :P
@PyGamer0 Needs IPA.
@WheatWizard what is IPA?
these? ɐɑɒɓɔɕɖɗɘəɚɛɜɝɞɟɠɡɢɣɤɥɦɧɨɩɪɫɬɭɮɯɰɱɲɳɴɵɶɷɸɹɺɻɼɽɾɿʀʁʂʃʄʅʆʇʈʉʊʋʌʍʎʏʐʑʒʓʔʕʖʗʘʙʚʛʜʝʞʟʠʡʢʣʤʥʦʧʨʩʪʫʬʭʮʯ
why do i need ipa?
Why do you need a codepage at all?
It's all aesthetics.
i guess ok lol
which characters do i remove........
to make space for 3 characters...
I'm not a fan of the christmas tree looking characters. They are hard to see I think.
FD and FE
only problem is that those are from APL, which is kinda a major influence on flax
so I suspect pygamer will want to keep those
i have grade up and grade down
@lyxal yes i want to keep those
Yeah, I just think they are ugly and not very distinguishable.
i have all of the BQN circles (modifiers) lol
Yeah the fact that there are two different small circles is a little ... eh
and they're all non-single width too
i guess i can remove
and i think i will remove ⌾⊘◶⎊⎉⚇⍟
and i will revamp the elements (AGAIN) :p
in flax, May 25 at 10:33, by PyGamer0
Also flax v0.x.x are all beta versions. I might push breaking changes a lot but once I feel that I will not make any major breaking changes then I will release v1.0.0
because i still have the freedom to do so :p
1 hour later…
Anyone have something resembling a chronological list of golfing languages?
codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/12978/78850 + edit history is the closest I can think of
Q: Programming Languages Through The Years

Calvin's HobbiesIn this challenge, users will take turns completeing three fairly simple coding tasks in programming languages that are allowed to be progressively older. The first answer must use a programming language that was made in the year 2015. Once there is at least one answer from a 2015 language, answ...

Specifically, I'm wondering what the first golfing language to use a non-ASCII codepage
05AB1E is the first I can think of, but I doubt that's it
first SBCS would probably be gs2 in 2013
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Oliver FChallenge Create the image of a progress pride flag. Output Dimensions Rules Your program must (obviously) create the image and not just load it from a website The colours can be just your language's default if it is very difficult / impossible to load RGB values, else they should be: red: (25...

in flax, 17 secs ago, by PyGamer0
Announcement: feel free to suggest elements for the element wishlist
Q: Gray coded gray code convertor

JiříTo increase data safety at our company, we are planning to start using gray code numbers (where successive values differ by only one bit) instead of classical binary ones. Please help us to make a program that converts numbers to gray code (single number to single number), but the program needs t...

@RadvylfPrograms can you give feedback for this codepage? ::p
@PyGamer0 not sure about all the subscript and superscript numbers
what are they for?
1 hour later…
@pxeger Ok I've verified the values up to n=8. (If you don't want these updates feel free to tell me)
00 00: []
01 01: [0]
02 02: [1,0]
03 03: [1,1,0]
04 06: [2,0,1,3]
05 08: [4,0,1,3,2]
06 10: [5,2,0,1,4,4]
07 13: [4,4,1,4,2,5,1]
08 17: [2,0,5,2,4,1,6,4], [6,4,0,1,4,2,5,7]
No no, it's an interesting problem
Nothing in the OEIS, though
Yeah, I want to get up to 9 and then I'll submit to the OEIS.
But I still need to make a lot of improvements to my checker before I can solve 9.
How long did 8 take?
About 40 seconds.
I imagine it has some pretty horrible complexity
Although 7 took about 10 seconds and 6 was nearly instant.
I don't really know what complexity it has right now. My algo is really hard to analyse.
Is it basically a generator attached to a path finder (where the path finder is basically an answer to your original question)? Or are they combined or something?
I've made both versions. The generator attached to a path finder was able to generate up to 7 very fast, the combined version was able to get me 8.
I'm not sure that the combined version is actually better complexity though.
Oh hey it finished. 9 takes 20 steps.
09 20: [1,2,7,5,2,5,1,7,4], [1,6,4,6,1,5,2,5,8], [3,4,3,1,3,5,7,1,3], [3,8,3,5,3,1,6,7,6], [3,3,7,5,2,5,1,7,7], [7,1,4,6,1,5,2,6,8]
I come back and the first thing that hits my retinas is "My diet consists of entirely condoms and balloons"
I can't even leave for 22 hours without yall ingesting toxic compounds
well, glad to see there's at least one other person here who appreciates the ridiculousness of this :b
@WheatWizard what exactly is being posted to oeis? number of minimal solutions? :)
@Ginger can it download and run doom yet
The length of the longest minimal path.
@thejonymyster probably
So the second column in each row.
@WheatWizard at the rate its going, it might end up being A001477
No, the 4th entry is different.
I've already checked and there's no matching sequence (even if you offset it by one)
oh i misread
i thought you said the length of the list, now i properly understand
i don't know what i was thinking, i got all mixed up @_@
Well I did say the word "length"
@PyGamer0 the first and second 123456789 lines are identical?
also theres a Fig room now
@Seggan subscript vs superscript, easy mistake to make :P
CMC: given a positive odd integer N, return a sorted, length-N list of consecutive integers with 0 as the center element. Example: 5 => [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
I did it in 5 bytes in Vyxal: ʁ⁰‹½- try
@OliverF Nice!
The Vyxal chat exists if you need any help
@OliverF i like its behavior with even numbers :P nice work
@thejonymyster Oh haha I didn’t even realise it would do that
yea i love inserting invalid inputs into challenges to see how they react :P
@thejonymyster Python 2, 27 bytes: lambda n:range(0-n/2,1+n/2)
0- feels weird to write lol
does plain -n/2 not work?
nope, because / does rounding, and using unary - means the negation is before the division, which means the rounding goes the wrong way
alternative, same byte count, if we're allowed to return in reverse:
Python 2, 27 bytes: lambda n:range(n/2,-n/2,-1)
yknow thats funny my initial idea involved that reverse but i didnt realize until you mentioned it
i was trying to do like [3, [1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1]] => [2,1,0,2,1,0,2,1]
but i couldnt explain it without defining what i ended up sending
2 hours later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Wheat WizardStrange ponds (WIP) A few things need to be ironed out, but hopefully you can get the intention of this challenge. In this challenge we considered a frog hopping around a lily pond. To recap the lily pond was represented as a finite list of positive integers. The frog can only jump forward or b...

@thejonymyster ye well I only put the first four, the input can be any positive integer n.
Wait u said it was 15 tall? It’s supposed to be 16, must be a mistake
yea i was like "wait this isnt a square grid :P probably a mistake"
Yep, forgot a line of 1’s at the bottom lol
Typed them by hand, there’s bound to be errors :p
Thinking about going from Vivaldi back to Google Chrome, since it has Tab Groups now and Tab Stacks are one major feature I'd switched to Vivaldi for
Any idea if there are any features that Vivaldi has that Chrome doesn't? (other than pretty themes and a nice sidebar and status bar?)
tab tiling?
also built-in mail and calendar but Idk how it can be a major selling point
Oh wow, how did I not know about this before?
and tab positioning, like I have them on left instead of top cuz I have lots of tabs open at once
and there are LOTS of micro-options that are pretty handy to have
@Bubbler Netscape 7 had mail and a calendar add-on and look what happened to it
...at least you can disable it in vivaldi
I'm loving these mini features :P
> Basic is a high level languish. APL is a high level anguish.

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