Cubestack, 65 bytes
S R2 R R2 f2 r R r R r r R' L2 R B2 R2 u r r r L r R R2 f' R b S'
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Cubestack is a (useless) stack-based esolang that only uses moves on a Rubiks Cube. See the repository on GitHub for more information.
@emanresuA minor, but "the list starts with length 2. It then goes to lengths 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0." probably should either all be code block numbers or remove the code block from the 2
@emanresuA more important question: can lists within the list be empty?
In this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form
def BOTNAME(info, round, me):
pass # ... main body
Specifically, the function must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10 times.
Each play, this bot can either
We just do deadlineless bounties for a lot of stuff, either because they'd take longer than a week, or they're non-challenge-specific, or they're for things that occasionally happen but can't really be prompted by a bounty (like designing and using new languages)
Let \$Z\$ be either the integers, the positive integers, or the non-zero integers; pick whatever's convenient. Give two functions \$f\$ and \$g\$, each \$Z \to Z\$, such that:
\$f(g(a)) = g(f(a))\$, for infinitely many integers \$a\$, and
\$f(g(b)) \ne g(f(b))\$, for infinitely many integers \$b...
In this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form
def BOTNAME(info, me, round):
pass # ... main body
Specifically, the function must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10 times.
The arguments it take in are info, ...
@UnrelatedString i would like it if someone uses that to bust someone...
@RadvylfPrograms what's olimar from a previous discussion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...
Grammarly just popped up and suggestion to change a phrase into "have been" or "been". I chose the "have been", and now it tells me "have" is redundant... Hmmm....
Premium suggestions We found 135 additional writing issues in this text available only for Premium users.
Given a multi-dimensional rectangular array of non-negative integers, pad it with the minimal number of zeroes so that only zeroes are "touching the edges" of the array, in every dimension.
The output must remain rectangular, and have the same number of dimensions as the input.
For the in...
In this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form
def BOTNAME(info, me, round):
pass # ... main body
Specifically, the function must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10 times.
The arguments it take in are info, ...
@NobodyNeedsNames I doubt that. People like me, pygamer0 and Seggan will probably keep it active by using it as a regular sounding board for ideas and feedback
@cairdcoinheringaahing exactly. People like us will use it in selfish ways :p
@pxeger y'all thinking I'm talking about the connotations of Dennis, when in reality I'm talking about how it was posted by 2x-1 and how that's low-key nostalgic for me lol
@thejonymyster something like this but like not bad, /^(.)((01|10)((.)\5)*((?!\3)(01|10)((.)\9)*)?)*/ ?? something to do with something something something :P i swear its doable i swear ill have the money boss
In this challenge you will be simulating a frog jumping from lily-pad to lily-pad in a pond. A frog's jump distance is uniquely determined by the size of the lily pad it jumps from. So for example there are lily-pads that let a frog, jump 1 unit, lily-pads that let a frog jump 2 units etc. A f...
Find the walls code-golf array
This is a simpler subset of the challenge Don't touch the walls! suggested by Jonah.
Given a multi-dimensional rectangular array of integers between 0 and 9, output all the elements which are "touching the edges".
Output is very flexible: it can be in any order, and...
Whoops, that could be solved in 8 using a different method.
When I have some time I want to do a computer aided search.
Another question: If consider paths in which the frog doesn't get to make a choice. That is at every step there is only one option either left or right and the other would lead out of the pond. For what pond sizes n does there exist a pond where such a path exists?
Push some numbers
Given a list of integers, apply the following rules to each element:
If n is even, move it to the back.
If n is odd, move it to the front.
Zero can be considered even or can be removed.
Test cases
[1,2,3] => [3, 1, 2]
[0,1,2] => [1,0,2] or [1,2]
(more test cases coming soon)
How many times has the retina 0 byte program been used as a solution / part of a solution? i've searched Retina 0 on cgcc but is there anything i can add to narrow the search?
approachable and hard to use aren't mutually exclusive though, a language can be approachable and then after you start using it you realize it's harder to use than you thought :P