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A: "Hello, World!"

tybocopperkettleCubestack, 65 bytes S R2 R R2 f2 r R r R r r R' L2 R B2 R2 u r r r L r R R2 f' R b S' Try it online! Cubestack is a (useless) stack-based esolang that only uses moves on a Rubiks Cube. See the repository on GitHub for more information.

feedback on this? is this worth pursuing or is it like, too hard/complicated/easy/stupid/wordy?
@emanresuA minor, but "the list starts with length 2. It then goes to lengths 3, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 0." probably should either all be code block numbers or remove the code block from the 2
@emanresuA more important question: can lists within the list be empty?
I'd say yes, since it's not very edgecasey
@thejonymyster I get it, and I think it's a pretty neat idea. However, it's hard.
@emanresuA i think put a test case for it then :P
abt the o-tris one fair i thought it might be, ill prolly scrap it then
unless hard is ok
i just dont wanna be the next conway tetris :P
hard's fine!
why not be the next gol tetris :P
OTL i have enough haters as is
Q: Speed up, slowpoke!

23TuringMachineIn this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form def BOTNAME(info, round, me): pass # ... main body Specifically, the function must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10 times. Actions Each play, this bot can either ...

CMC: remove the most frequently appearing character from a string
Vyxal, 4 bytes: Ċ↑ho
and people said max by tail was useless!
It is
It only exists for use with Ċ
Loving this version of VS Code Insiders
it's rather nice
CMQ: Is there a JS library similar to Sympy that provides types for complex numbers, rationals, etc?
Hm okay, thanks
Or just use Sympy with pyodide
... interesting... idea
Its creator is impressed
And concerned for your sanity
eh, it's one of the nicer fizzbuzz languages I've used
nowhere near as bad as Forth or XML + XSLT
I'm just glad operations such as modulo, multiplication and equality vectorise
it would have been worse otherwise
did that rubik's cube commutator challenge ever get posted
it did indeed get posted. new deadlineless bounty incoming...
@lyxal The permalink isn't working for some reason but I'll try and fix it
@lyxal There we go, cubestack.surge.sh/…;
@NewPosts The controller for this is horrfiying. To prove a point, I'm making a bot called exit(0)
@emanresuA why?
Isn’t breaking everything disallowed in koths?
@user I guess... :|
i know we do the deadlineless bounty thing but are we also alloewd to like... do regular bounties
Yeah, of course
ok cool :3
i had this one jelly bounty up for ages but i guess ppl just didnt care so im gonna make it a timed bounty and see if anyone snatches it :P
We just do deadlineless bounties for a lot of stuff, either because they'd take longer than a week, or they're non-challenge-specific, or they're for things that occasionally happen but can't really be prompted by a bounty (like designing and using new languages)
right lol
3 hours later…
Q: Give f and g that sometimes commute

cjquinesLet \$Z\$ be either the integers, the positive integers, or the non-zero integers; pick whatever's convenient. Give two functions \$f\$ and \$g\$, each \$Z \to Z\$, such that: \$f(g(a)) = g(f(a))\$, for infinitely many integers \$a\$, and \$f(g(b)) \ne g(f(b))\$, for infinitely many integers \$b...

4 hours later…
WE NOW HAVE AN OFFICIAL CHATTING ROOM!!! chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/137039/speed-up-slowpoke

 Speed up, slowpoke!

Speed up, slowpoke! Chatting Room, codegolf.stackexchange.com/...
@emanresuA is this because of the eval? how can I fix it? + how can you name a bot exit(0) ?
globals()['exit(0)'] = <func>
is this because of the eval
if so, i fixxed it
now it only takes in a func and use func.__name__
which should be safe totally
@emanresuA .
and is this too much bots...?
Q: Speed up, slowpoke!

23TuringMachineIn this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form def BOTNAME(info, me, round): pass # ... main body Specifically, the function must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10 times. The arguments it take in are info, ...

@NobodyNeedsNames yes.
Personally, I think it's a bad idea to have unique names for the bots at all
It's just gonna lead to targeting
names shouldn't be accessible to other bots
well, ok..., but why no targetting?
also wait if they have direct access to the functions that run other bots too is it actually meant for bots to run on direct simulation of each other
i'm not going to forbid that tho
@UnrelatedString i would like it if someone uses that to bust someone...
@RadvylfPrograms what's olimar from a previous discussion ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^...
hi lyxal
Yes, indeed it is
1 hour later…
I am proofreading my 2564-word long essay
and up front it says:
> In this short essay ...
should I change that... ;-)
Grammarly just popped up and suggestion to change a phrase into "have been" or "been". I chose the "have been", and now it tells me "have" is redundant... Hmmm....
Premium suggestions
We found 135 additional writing issues
in this text available only for Premium users.
OH NO...
(write that in all caps)
keep clam and proof read!
I got trolled and now have to live the rest of my life in shame how am I supposed to keep calm
Q: Don't touch the walls!

pxegerGiven a multi-dimensional rectangular array of non-negative integers, pad it with the minimal number of zeroes so that only zeroes are "touching the edges" of the array, in every dimension. The output must remain rectangular, and have the same number of dimensions as the input. Example For the in...

Connection established
Are you stuttering?
well why are there two g's in the word then?
because I haven't said ggretings as my first(?) message before
oh, creative
how long do i have to wait for this to get approved
> Your suggested edit is pending review.
was that supposed to be a pun?
@Ginger .
@Ginger gg + greetings = good greetings
or good game reetings
Advertisement 1:
Q: Speed up, slowpoke!

23TuringMachineIn this king-of-the-hill challenge, you will program a bot, consisting of a python function of the form def BOTNAME(info, me, round): pass # ... main body Specifically, the function must run in python3.9. Each bot will be entered into the contest 10 times. The arguments it take in are info, ...

Advertisement 2:

 Speed up, slowpoke!

Speed up, slowpoke! Chatting Room, codegolf.stackexchange.com/...
Advertisement 3:
nice embed :P
just realised i wont be available for the first half of LDW :(
thats why its twice as long as half of it
to anyone interested in Wellscripted:
in Wellscripted, 2 hours ago, by PyGamer0
- ASTNode("1",0)
 - ASTNode("3",1)
  - ASTNode("5",2)
  - ASTNode("6",2)
   - ASTNode("69",0)
- ASTNode("2",0)
 - ASTNode("4",1)
am i naïve for thinking this can be solved with a vanilla regex
@PyGamer0 what am i lookin at here :P
a tree
@thejonymyster probably not
see, i looked at that too
also yikes, the feels from that challenge are real
when'sldw again
i just feel like its probably golfier to use retina's... yknow... features :P
Dennis' most recent answer
when's something else again, or as i might say
literally says it on the starboard
but yea i think its possible in regex, just longer than the retina solution :P
@NobodyNeedsNames june 15th
lmao wrong reply and i didnt even notice
something to do with like, spotting alternating 01 and 10
since those are the only ones which matter lol
oh ok
frick it starts at 8PM for me?
its 24 hours..
nah its 24 kilometres
but still, i think it will get less and less active over time
ok so?
@NobodyNeedsNames I doubt that. People like me, pygamer0 and Seggan will probably keep it active by using it as a regular sounding board for ideas and feedback
Plus I have about 10 unfinished/in progress languages, I'll definitely be using it from time to time
@lyxal reading the first page of transcript for TIO's room is fun as well: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/44255/2016/8/21
@cairdcoinheringaahing exactly. People like us will use it in selfish ways :p
@pxeger y'all thinking I'm talking about the connotations of Dennis, when in reality I'm talking about how it was posted by 2x-1 and how that's low-key nostalgic for me lol
in talk.tryitonline.net, Aug 21, 2016 at 2:16, by Dennis
I like how every time I google something about SELinux, at least one answer/comment suggests turning it off.
ngl, "turn it off and back on again" could be the answer to like 75% of tech related questions :P
@lyxal tbf i did only find the challenge because i was snooping dennis's profile :P
@lyxal yeah :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing I always use to say that as "turn it on and off again" not realising just how useless actually doing so would be
@thejonymyster something like this but like not bad, /^(.)((01|10)((.)\5)*((?!\3)(01|10)((.)\9)*)?)*/ ?? something to do with something something something :P i swear its doable i swear ill have the money boss
youll see youll all see etc etc
Q: Can the 🐸 visit all the 🪷?

Wheat WizardIn this challenge you will be simulating a frog jumping from lily-pad to lily-pad in a pond. A frog's jump distance is uniquely determined by the size of the lily pad it jumps from. So for example there are lily-pads that let a frog, jump 1 unit, lily-pads that let a frog jump 2 units etc. A f...

@NewPosts uh oh, i dont have that second emoji :P
@thejonymyster It's a lotus flower. Introduced in unicode 14.0.
1 message moved from Off-Topic TNB
My phone shows it, but my computer doesn't :P
@pxeger thanks, I accidentally included that and was about to move it back
i wonder how low i can get with cheesing the problem using questionable lossy transformations that improve compression ratio
> cheesing the problem using questionable lossy transformations that improve compression ratio
that is the entire point of the challenge, is it not?
i mean i dont think its cheesing, your score reflects it yeah
i also like that /// space answer
even though it was apparently controversial :P
@pxeger i also plan to use a "stock" compressor
which coincidentally happens to be something i wrote a while ago that could be potentially useful for this problem...
i have submitted codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/248520/61379 which is better than the other stock compressor answer already as a temporary solution :p
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerFind the walls code-golf array This is a simpler subset of the challenge Don't touch the walls! suggested by Jonah. Given a multi-dimensional rectangular array of integers between 0 and 9, output all the elements which are "touching the edges". Output is very flexible: it can be in any order, and...

@NewPosts What is the maximum length for a valid path?
That's an interesting question.
There's a recursive way you can build pretty bad paths: [1], [2,1,1,1], [4,1,1,1,2,1,1,1] ... but I'm not sure if these are optimal.
Actually [4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1] is worse than [4,1,1,1,2,1,1,1].
Err, no they're the same.
How about [1, 9, 1, 7, 1, 5, 1, 3, 1, 1, 10]?
That seems impossible ... ?
You have to move to the 9 and there's nowhere to go from the 9.
oops, you're right
I was working backwards, forgetting that frogs can't time travel
@WheatWizard I fixed it to what I actually meant, but it's still impossible
I was trying to construct one so that you have to repeat the same movement over and over again to get anywhere
Whoops, that could be solved in 8 using a different method.
When I have some time I want to do a computer aided search.
Another question: If consider paths in which the frog doesn't get to make a choice. That is at every step there is only one option either left or right and the other would lead out of the pond. For what pond sizes n does there exist a pond where such a path exists?
cant you do that for any size
eg [n, n-2, n-4,...n-3,n-1]
or am i bad :P
Uh I mean that gives you zero moves to start so it can't work.
eventually on the inside of that list you would get to numbers smaller than n which allow you to move in both directions
But I think you meant 1 less than every element. Which doesn't work for n=4.
@WheatWizard I presume they meant [n-1, n-3, n-5, ...n-4, n-2]
yea i gooft
[3,1,0,2] When you get to the 1 you have a choice.
However [1,2,0,1] works for n=4.
I thought we're not allowing zeroes? although you can just replace 0 with any sufficiently large integer for the same effect
Yeah it doesn't matter whether or not you allow 0.
0 is typically shorter to write than [big number] anyway :P
[3,3,0,2,2] works for n=5
And [4,4,4,0,3,3,3] works for n=7, I think you can see a pattern now.
for even n it's just like [5, 5, 5, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4] right?
thats an even n :P
and no, that misses the first 4, youre missing the 0
that's WW's fault for saying n=6 with a list of length 7 ;)
:P i was bamboozled
but you do miss the first 4, which is worrisome
I think if you make it all 4s it works though.
Oh no obviously not.
Hm yeah that's hard.
I don't think there's an easy way to make the odd strategy work for evens.
maybe prepend a 1 :P
i think that doesnt work though
also one could argue that the odd solutions dont work, since you dont have 1 choice at the end
but i am not so pedantic
can you make one where you do have 1 choice at the end (which would have to bring you back to somewhere you've already been)
no, youd have to argue that the center spot could be n away from exactly one lilypad
which it isnt, by nature of being the center
@thejonymyster No it works.
oh yayy
In fact the solution I found for n=4 is exactly that.
oh yea lol
so n=6 is [1,3,3,0,2,2]?
looks like it, hooray
oh, yea and since its even, it does work in the way i described as like
[1,3,3,3,2,2] like what pxeger was saying with the 5s and 4s
weird goal for future me: when Wellscripted is done, implement flax in it :P
CMP: what are the most important elements for a golflang
interesting question...
@pxeger not just me, Arnauld too ;)
@Seggan silicon
well i guess basic arithmetic, base conversion, common stuff like halfing doubling squaring etc. ...
@Seggan and i believe Fig supports lists?
if so common list operations like head, tail, append, concat, ...
and you need a way to recurse or iterate to make it TC
dont forget IO lol
@PyGamer0 yep. its a must for functional langs
it doesn't actually need to be TC
@pxeger o-o
@pxeger its supposed to be actually competitive so yeah TC is perferred
If you performed the minimal removal of TC stuff from Jelly, its builtins would still make it very useful for most challenges
How often have you used any kind of explicit looping in a modern TC golfing language?
given any type / combination of types youd expect input, a good way to handle them
@Seggan oh functional... guess add some fp combinators (like husk), and add good amounts of high order stuffs
fp combinators?
@Seggan fp = functional programming
@pxeger mapping is a form of looping
@pxeger ah
Mapping doesn't have to be looping.
but mapping alone doesn't make a language TC
@pxeger (there i meant fixed point, \o/)
It can for example just allocate some thunk to be evaled on demand.
S           # Hook: S fgx means f x(gx)
 =          # are they equal:
            # x (implied by S)
            # and
  u         # unique elements of x
   d        # when x is the decimal digits of the input
S there is the S combinator..
S isn't a fixed point combinator.
3 mins ago, by PyGamer0
i meant combinators
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Bgil MidolPush some numbers Given a list of integers, apply the following rules to each element: If n is even, move it to the back. If n is odd, move it to the front. Zero can be considered even or can be removed. Test cases [1,2,3] => [3, 1, 2] [0,1,2] => [1,0,2] or [1,2] (more test cases coming soon) ...

@NobodyNeedsNames A bot Ginger made that runs code for you
@NobodyNeedsNames I wouldn't worry about those too much, Grammarly (and everything else) is pretty bad at style checking
Follow spelling/grammar suggestions it gives you, but there's like 50/50 odds the style suggestions will make your writing worse from what I've seen
@Seggan also dont forget the amogus :P
@Seggan eval too
How many times has the retina 0 byte program been used as a solution / part of a solution? i've searched Retina 0 on cgcc but is there anything i can add to narrow the search?
I could check the parsed answer data I have
@PyGamer0 cS coming soon to your nearest Fig :P
I don't have any Retina answers that are 0 bytes, actually (old data though)
Oh, because all three pxeger found are in tags excluded by the ranking script
theres also this, not sure how youd account for that though
Ones with math operations in the byte counts are ignored, since they're assumed to be bonuses or unconventional scoring methods
i guess what we should be searching for is backticks followed by newline followed by backticks :P
Or one of the three other (and better) ways of doing code blocks lol
(Although SEDE gives you the parsed HTML by default, which is easier to work with)
@RadvylfPrograms Why are the others better?
Backticks are ugly and yellow :p
Especially, what can possibly be the difference between ~~~¶~~~ and ```¶```?
And also, automatically adding code fences in online interpreters is hard
@pxeger make it four then, didn't know about ~~~
<pre><code>...</code></pre> is superior
@RadvylfPrograms what's your third then?
First place is four leading spaces, second is <pre><code>, third is code fencing
> three other
Oh oops lol
Off-by-one smh
And AoC isn't for another six months so this isn't a good sign
I love offf-by-one errors!
My zeroth favorite kind
CMQ: what goes in the top left cell^?
Or Jelly :P
I think those are disqualified, because they can't write web apps
They can, if you try hard enough :P
Well, you can write web apps in Jelly using ŒV, but then you're just writing Python
you can write web apps with taxi
Javascript :P
Tbh, I'd put PHP in top left, then JS in top right
approachable and hard to use aren't mutually exclusive though, a language can be approachable and then after you start using it you realize it's harder to use than you thought :P
PHP's learning curve is like this:
user image
I don't think I agree with that
i wouldnt know but its very fun to look at
PHP provides lots of stuff that makes security semi-convenient, it's hard-to-notice somewhat hidden issues that are the problem
What I mean is that PHP is very insecure by default, in that the most obvious option almost always entails a bug
And what makes PHP hard to use is the completely awful built-in functions (the order of the args is basically random) IMO
Once you realise that and start to work around it, you're ok
But I think that tends to be kind of gradual
There's not a sudden "oh I need to make this secure" that you need to struggle through
You just kinda realize "oh no I did this wrong, whoops"
And keep doing that
wow I was too incompetent to code that
When the math is too hard to wrap your head around, brute-force it. That's what I say. :P
@RadvylfPrograms do you still have the language score / popularity chart thingy thing
The rankings list?
that thing yea
Yeah, keep in mind that it's missing a lot of languages and very incomplete
Lemme find the gist
thats ok its just i clicked on a link i thought would be it but it was all like "bro thats a four oh four"
it said that to me
Change the RedwolfPrograms to Radvylf
That should fix it
ah right
hoo-ray :)
Ceave Gaming reference?
indeed :P i love saying it like that lol
so the link i found said its "secret" is that normal
Yeah that just means it's not listed publically on my account, which IIRC is the default
ah ok
do you still plan on updating it yearly :P
I'm planning on updating it weekly
with a script?
No, it needs to be done manually for the deduping steps
But it keeps track of your previous choices so it should only take a bit of cleaning up to account for new languages every once and a while
Maybe monthly is more reasonable to avoid spamming the front page of meta though
yeah probably
@RadvylfPrograms choices?
@thejonymyster On how possible duplicates should be handled, what operations need to be performed in order to clean up the list, etc.
ah, makes sense
its just when i hear "remember your choices" i think of telltale games :P
00:00 - 18:0019:00 - 00:00

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