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I'm making an interactive desktop background to promote random stuff, I still have space for something, what should I promote?
@mathcat Your interactive desktop background tool.
a tool?
yesterday, by Ginger
what did you expect, something reasonable?
No, ofc I did the measurements by myself and designed everything in a normal photo editor
@mathcat when you say random stuff, what does that entail?
youtube channels, cgcc, a weird joke, and a rickroll
Exactly. That's what I meant.
oh yea i forgot lol
promote [this](linkthatleadsnowhere.com)
formatting is too smart U_U :P
@thejonymyster Needs the https://
well okay I guess I could promote making interactive backgrounds
i guess youll have to give yourself a promotion
why didn't I think of that, thanks
@DLosc i was just barely too late y_y to edit
that reminds me, esolang where programs are formatted like urls :P
@thejonymyster Try it online!
@mathcat Promote Ernest and Celestine. It's a great movie.
@Adám took me a second to understand lol thats great
Looks like Little red riding hood but not red nor a girl but animated and gosh why is this film pg the trailer gives me the impression that it's a kids' movie and is it on netflix I'm genuinely interested now.
@mathcat "why is this film pg" it says it right in the trailer, "for some scary moments"
so its basically a hroror movie
Okay good I'll promote it
note: i also want to watch it now
I'm trying to think about specific things that might have been scary, but my initial thought is that it's no scarier than Finding Nemo (which definitely had some scary moments, especially when watching it in a theater)
CMP: would it be silly to put up a bounty for something cross-challenge? e.g. "write a solution to [this] which is a solution to [this] in reverse"
im sure its Fine but also i dont want to do something thatd be generally discouraged for being too metagamey / not in the spirit of the site
/ derails from the challenges themselves if done poorly
Better would be for a single program that solves two related challenges, maybe recognising the task by the inputs somehow. Yes, needs to be done right.
i'll probably just hold off til something truly spectacular hits me :P ty for input
@RadvylfPrograms Agreed
@pxeger The comment is the cherry on top
How have I gained +201 rep today?
How can you gain +1 rep at all, other than undownvoting (which I haven't done today AFAIK)?
is anything an increment of 5?
Having an answer accepted is +15
that and +2s could get you +21, but you can confirm or deny that happening
I don't think that's possible
@thejonymyster IIRC question upvotes used to count for +5 but they're now +10, the same as for answers
edits give you +2, i thought comment upvotes did as well so idk im stumped
You only get +2 for edits when they're suggested edits, which can't be for me because I have >2000 rep
comment upvotes give no rep
right sorry thats what i meant, and i figure you didnt do that or else youd know
maybe it was the ghost of golfmas past
Accepting an answer gives +2 but you almost never do that
oh right, the >2000 thing i forgot that too
according to /reputation, I have only gained 200 rep in fact
maybe you unlost 9 points :P no uh idk how it works
@pxeger you didn’t explicitly in downvote, but something you downvoted a while ago got deleted
At least that’s my theory
also, is there any reason to accept answers or are we not doing that never ever
Not on the question SE says I got the +1 on
@thejonymyster We very rarely do it, but there is very occasionally a reason to do it
@pxeger It's just caching, it happens from time to time
11 mins ago, by pxeger
the oracle is right as always
the question "should i blame caching?" always comes true eventually. sometimes, the right answer is just being cached tho, so it takes a while :P
how pronounce caching
is it like cash or catch
I say "cashing"
I believe it's from the French word "cacher" which means "to hide"
But, I believe the proper way is "ka-ching" :P
also: we should call $ cash since # is hash
@pxeger this is insightful!
indeed i do!
I'm sure there's a funnier version of that; I remember seeing on bash.org
but I can't find it now
programmers should talk about code the way fry cooks talk about food
"gimme a self serving man, when you cut him he bleeds" => "write a quine which errors when any substring is removed"
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

sergiolDon't like the middles There will be no winner on these question. Just for the fun of the challenge. Your job will be to output every sequence of each 10 numbers, alternating between the evens and odds, but removing the middle number, which means all numbers terminating in 4 or 5 must not be gene...

hello. I just posted this new golf exercise in the sandbox ^.
@thejonymyster "I'll take a double triple bossy deluxe, on a raft, four-by-four animal-style, extra shingles with a shimmy and a squeeze, light axle grease, make it cry, burn it, and let it swim." -> "Print 'Hello, World!'"
@pxeger Idea: Cockney rhyming slang names for ASCII characters
@DLosc that example list is so satisfying to read in order its like a dr seuss
@NewPosts There's gotta be a way to chees this with adjacency matrices. The problem is construucting them.
@thejonymyster If you liked that, you'll probably like this
@cairdcoinheringaahing and the remaining 25% are covered by "are you sure that it's plugged in"
Hm yes
@emanresuA should be easy to construct, but how would it handle 2,9,1,9?
where every individual pad is reachable but it's impossible to path through them all
(specifically shouldn't you be able to get an adjacency matrix by just tabling the indices by absolute difference then checking equality with the pad values)
@UnrelatedString Yeah, just thought of that
@UnrelatedString Smort
Only issue is, matrix exponentiation in Vyxal is fricked
@RadvylfPrograms I like four spaces first, but it doesn't work with programs that begin or end with a blank line, so I use code fencing for those, although neither work for programs that contain a line that contains only spaces, so I use HTML for those. Although it's most reliable it's also the hardest because of the need to quote stuff. I don't like code fencing because the post formatting breaks while you're typing in the fences.
Copilot on 2d langs be like
Does using Rust get easier with time or do you spend the rest of your life having to work out little mini-puzzles every time you want to do something beyond fizzbuzz in complexity
Like, all I want to do is take the top two items from a vector, concat them, and push that back onto the vector, but I'm 22 lines in and it's still complaining about borrowing and stuff
@emanresuA wait why is in inserting that end of text?
You usually don't see that unless you've run the normal text models on an empty prompt
@RadvylfPrograms What is the type of your vector?
Hi @Bubbler, haven't seen you in months
An enum which can contain either a string, bool, or array (represented as a vector of that same enum)
I'm just trying to get the string case working now
Are you trying to create a golflang in rust?
Is your string String or &str
@emanresuA A very very simple one yeah
@Bubbler String
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