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me too :P
i just wanted to put the idea in your heads in the form of an on topic question
i feel like my biggest problem with haskell so far is i havent been able to train my brain to think of recursion in terms of folds and scans yet
i also have more important things i should be doing now than learning haskell so adios yall, i shall return
something where you need 1=5 2=4=6 3=7 equivalence classes maybe
not sure where that'd be useful though
Whoa. I just crashed the Try BQN interpreter.
Ah, I see. I accidentally tried to construct a 1x2x3x4x5x6x7x8x9 array. :P
@att where do you get those numbers? :o
CMC: Given a list of integers, return a list of the same length that alternates between 0s and 1s. E.g. [4,8,15,16,23,42] -> [0,1,0,1,0,1]
I just found a really cute way to do this in BQN in 4 bytes.
@DLosc js x=>x.map((w,i)=>i%2)
im not a gambler but id bet thats as short as it gets
wait, i think theres some "fill" thing
You can fill with a constant, but not a changing pattern
well theres x=>x.fill([0,1]).flat() but its 3 bytes longer yeah
And that's double the length
oh yeah :P
@DLosc XOR scan on the self-equality?
@Adám Pretty close--I think that would start with 1, though.
Ah yes, XNOR scan on the self-inequality.
Yep. Or self-subtraction.
I.e. =\⍷ in Extended Dyalog APL, and =\≠⍨ in regular APL.
So I tried Under, and it came out longer: ⌽⌾(=`∘-˜⊸/∘↕∘≠⊸⊏) Maybe could be written another way, tho?
Okay, yeah, ⌽⌾(2⊸|⊸/∘↕∘≠⊸⊏) (but still longer than the other way)
@thejonymyster Same idea in Pip, 5 bytes: %_MEg
@thejonymyster heres my haskell solution for the "reversing every other element" one: Haskell, 87 bytes: w(x:z)y=x:w y z;w _ _=[];f a=let(x,y)=foldr(\x(a,b)->(x:b,a))([],[])a in w x(reverse y)
Q: Draw the Québec flag

sech1pYeah, there are many other flag challenges but I haven't seen any about the drawing of the Québec flag - I think that now is the occasion due to the upcoming anniversary Produce this flag: Rules: Flag colors: (0, 51, 153) or #003399 (blue) and obviously (255, 255, 255) or #FFFFFF (white) The im...

we should have a flag drawing tag :P
@des54321 it has been haskellized!
@DLosc nice!
flag drawing challenges definitely got kinda popular after that ukraine flag one
that sleepy emoji was kind of great though
Flag drawing challenges have been popular since 2015
yea i was gonna say ive seen a bunch
ok wait maybe not a flag tag
the thing that makes flag challenges work isnt unique to flags, its the combination of kc+graphical output
unrelated:i had a dumb challenge idea but i wanna ask a question before i sandbox
idea is "simulate a very simplified version of tetris"*
O blocks only so no rotation
or randomness etc
*except not necessarily simulate but thats not the point
what im wondering is is how much wiggle room should i give in terms of grid space?
i was thinking 6 wide by 8 tall
or 7 tall i guess? point being that its enough to stack like
3 layers of blocks before you lose
i suppose i could actually sandbox it before deciding that actually since i already know how i want to do pretty much everything else
@DLosc ⌽⌾(⊢/˜2|↕∘≠) seems to work
I'm kind of impressed that the current shortest answer to codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/248368/… is in Retina, which is kind of an "ungolfy" language. The Retina answer is 85 bytes (listed as 88 bytes, presumably since the author of the answer assumed it should be scored in UTF-8).
The runner up is Perl, with 88 bytes, followed by 05AB1E with 92.
@TannerSwett Retina can be crazy good at challenges
Plus, 05AB1E's custom encoding means that it can't directly include the special characters, requiring instead to use their unicode code points instead
On an unrelated note, I think I'm going to rename /// to Slashalash. If anyone knows any reason why this should not be done, speak now :D
/// is a nice name
also, could not should, but people might not respect your authority :P
@TannerSwett /// leads to a more interesting esolangs.org url: https://esolangs.org/wiki//// :P
That is a pretty dang fancy URL :D
@TannerSwett making about a hundred answers malformed?
@Wezl'lo-ol' I think Tanner is the creator of the language, so if anyone has that authority, they do :P
(but I like slashalash too)
Maybe rather than trying to make an Official Decree that Slashalash is now the One True Name, I'll just say that the language is also called Slashalash and people can use the name they want.
"///, often known by the nickname 'Slashalash', is an esoteric ..." :P
we love backwards-compatibility
I thought it would be "Slashalash, also known by the name '///', is an esoteric ..."
oh but that would allow fancy (/annoying) urls so yay
@cairdcoinheringaahing ...I'm not sure the coder really wants the tag :P
i wish ppl could read :pensive:
Good luck getting coders to read :P
maybe we should do
if (haveCodingQuestion) {
} else {
Any coder born after 1993 can't read.... all they know is microsoft, copy-paste SO, write they Javascript, type, drink coffee & code
why 1993
Can confirm, I was born after 1993, and I bought the Key but only after barely surviving a caffeine overdose for the 364th day in a row and porting Microsoft Windows to JS
i just dont even get how they end up here
like what did they search up
@RadvylfPrograms do you actually use The Key?
lol no
I don't think I've ever copy-pasted from SO, the coding style wouldn't match up
reading? what's that
erm, anyone gonna close that offtopic question?
The votes'll get there
ah yes, i forgot yall vote
Give it 400 rep, and you can join us in closing trash :P
Democracy!" I shout, as I post the worst challenge ever without sandboxing. "Let the people decide to delete it."
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah ik im this || close
was expecting there to be a hairspace between those
eh, its a few pixelsspace
Well, if you give it a downvote, I can cast a VTD as soon as it gets closed :P
@thejonymyster my hair is fat enough that itll only fit like 3
@att ... I'm still confused about how trains work, apparently. I would have expected there to be the initial list, not the result of ↕∘≠
it is the initial list
(⊢/˜2|↕∘≠)𝕩 -> (2|↕≠𝕩)/𝕩
Q: Parenthetical Names

Hedge FlemingParenthetical names Your challenge is to parenthesize name titles. For example: 'john the deer' => 'john (the deer)' 'pig the hog' => 'pig (the hog)' 'pig the hog the pig' => 'pig (the hog (the pig))' 'the hog the pig' => 'the hog (the pig)' Inspired by this xkcd comic:...

Ohhh, so / works with too? I had assumed it wouldn't because it might repeat some items more than once.
Honestly I just hoped for the best and it worked out
mod 3 there's a ⌾: Incompatible result elements in structural Under error
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterConvert to cyclic mixed base (Brief exposition explaining standard mixed base/radix) Cyclic mixed base is a term I just invented for (blah blah blah) Examples for base cyclic-[2,3] base 10 => base cyclic-[2,3] 1 => 1 2 => 10 3 => 11 4 => 20 5 => 21 6 => 100 7 =>

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