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@graffe you call that smart? since neither the number nor its reversal can start and therefore end with 0, one must be a multiple of 4 (but not 20) while the other must be a multiple of 25 (but not 50), and 75's reversal isn't even even, so 25 is the only possibility, and fortunately 52 is a multiple of 4
I just call it faster than thinking through the problem :p
If AoC's taught me one thing, it's that brute forcing stuff's usually faster than being clever unless it's a week from Christmas
work it smarter make it better do it faster makes us golfier
Considering doing AoC in RSN this year
I'm either going to do something absolutely silly like that, or go all-in and sacrifice my sleep schedule again
@graffe 143
@RadvylfPrograms good
@RadvylfPrograms imagine considering AoC22
@RadvylfPrograms I'm already used to watching YT at 125% speed
Better to watch it at 0% speed. I.e. don't watch YT, because it sucks.
about how long does these types of meta posts last until we make up a decision?
Q: Chat Event Refinement: Make You a Lang for Great Good

SegganWe have decided to make a chat event based on language creation. In this post, we will discuss how we should do it. The event would just be a time dedicated to showing off WIP languages, get feedback on codepages/features/whatever from other people, and for those other people to just generally me...

that is a good question
i know for like, standard rules and loopholes, there are like
specific numbers and amounts of votes
or relative amounts or whatever
but i dont know if that holds for like... general meta stuff
someone with more experience should answer :P
I just upvoted on your answer because 999 looks nice ;-)
@RadvylfPrograms remember the lanternfish!
i got it immediately and didnt get a bunch of out of memory errors lol
omg 999
nobody vote on me ever again :P
immediately upvotes one of your answers
Haha nerd.
Get pranked
@thejonymyster if you edit this: codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/247980/111945 you can allow me to retract my upvote but imo there's no point
its ok :3
Where's the 999?
@thejonymyster yah
@forest chat is late and lyxal destroyed the 999 with an upvote
I see
@thejonymyster Aand you're back to 999 again ;)
oh the humanity
when i first got past 1000 i started to click on every single vote count that i ever see. which i am still doing now
@emanresuA how
wait how did i even get offset by 1
don't tell me you casted 5 downvotes
@emanresuB I did that as well. I don't know why that ability isn't given to everyone.
idk either
@thejonymyster Casting a downvote removes 1 rep.
ah. They probably deserved it
@forest on meta?
Oh, no not on meta.
Only on main
oh ok
@emanresuB same ;)
mostly do it to downvoted stuff and huge upvotes
(T_T)TL oh the humanity
eye halve aye spell inn check here
hit came bye my com putter
an now eye will never make miss takes
CMC: create a complex number in memory
not inspired
@Seggan in memory? :o
i.e. create a complex number in your language
@Seggan any inputs? Or just syntax?
@lyxal syntax
@Seggan Vyxal: °
python: i forgot but there is some way
E.g 5°6 is 5 + 6I
it probably doesn't work but say it souunds like shabby in english so if you write sssssshhhhhhhhhhhabbbbbbby there's no way they can block it
without blocking all chats
wtf two emanresu
22 hours ago, by emanresu A
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery
@emanresuA ahaha
find the pun in my New Name
> Nobody Needs Names
why on earth do you keep changing your name
I think you can only change your name once a year or something.
once 30 days
but there's a way to get past it
different parent SE sites
technically you can change your name average 6 times a day
@lyxal not quite
changing your name and then coopying to all sites
Oh, so changing your name on another site?
I guess the 30 day limit applies to each individual site.
and then click on
> copy to all other sites
Y'know...changing your name 6 times a day for a month would be a fun challenge
Gee you'd need a lot of creativity
but then
Could automate that I suppose.
How many SE sites are there total?
you will need to go into all 180 sites of se
@forest 180, and so
find the pun in my New Name
Is it a reference to NNN?
erm no
but it's a good alliteration]
not if you know what NNN stands for lol
@lyaxl what does it stand for
I recommend you google it
nothing in common
Ah yes, National Netail Nroperties
Ooh my mouae is deliciously warm
nvm, not a reference
it's sort of like
@forest I had to get a new mouse since my old one's been acting up, and it arrived recently, and because Texas it is warm
Oh your mouse, not mouae.
hint, what does Nobody Needs Names mean?
hmm, I think one word is familiar
which, and how?
is it because you need names
yes, indeed
Okay so funny story: seeing pxeger's message on my fridge ping sound, I went and downloaded it from Radvylf's userscript repo, I opened it and let it play once. Then I heard it again, checked here thinking someone actually pinged me and realised that I have the windows media player set to loop stuff, meaning I pranked myself
also, I don't know what the standard SE chat ping noise is anymore help
ahahahahahahaha @lyxal I suddenly want to pin you
ah yes insanely long class declarations class StackView private constructor(private val backing: List<StackObject>) : Collection<StackObject> by backing {
function fillKeys<T>(object: { [key: string]: T }, keys: any, value: T | (() => T)): { [key: string]: T } {
Even better, unlockedResources: UnlockData<ResourceName> = fromKeys<boolean>(ResourceNames, false) as UnlockData<ResourceName>
@emanresuA wheres that from
SE has a ping noise?
@Seggan Something I'm working on
Since when?
since always?
@forest .
May 30 at 6:28, by emanresu A
@NumberBasher You can edit in a reply btw
Oh. I don't let my browser play audio, so that explains it.
@emanresuA ok
@NobodyNeedsNames like this
@forest how do you play vids
@NobodyNeedsNames wget and mpv
@emanresuA laziness is the feature of all arrogant human beings
@forest o ok
I generally don't need to play videos though. Only on rare occasions.
And I have DRM acceleration disabled for mpv (for security) so it heats up my computer if I play too much video.
Guess that was too off-topic but all the other inane posts were fine. lol
More taking up a lot of space
@forest well I've been considering moving all the pirating messages too
Sounds like a good idea.
maybe my last statement isn't too offtopic
> i was just wondering where pandas is, my python is throwing errors at me...
@lyaxl Because it's off-topic or because piracy?
Yar har fiddle de dee.
@forest off topic
who can catch the pirates and send them to the abandoned island?
sounds like a cnr or a koth
"cnr: get away with piracy!" lol
wait thatd be backwards then :P
then the robbers would be cops i think :?
Pirate pirate-related media and make a video about it, so people can pirate a pirate piracy tutorial
avgns evil monkey twin the irate pirate primate
who can catch the pirates and send them to the abandoned island?
@lyaxl Are you doing the move
I just tried to do the move... but it didn't work
I'll try agian
Except it went through, because the messages don't exist???
what exactly went wrong then?
looks like it worked to me
It worked, the moved messages just didn't send
@RadvylfPrograms I can't exactly because I'm only mobile
wxcept they did?
:P so it worked except it worked
great show
dammit i cant wait til next tuesday i wanna ask lang questions but the tarpit is sooooo dead gfsdgsd
:P i can actually wait i was exaggerating
ask it here
Just do it here, it'll always be on topic
But gotta go to sleep now, o/
gn o/
im setting default values for variables a-z, are there any particularly important big numbers to set them to?
(in a lang im making)
you tricked me.. 100 years prison
So wait... this is on-topic? I just see lots of random letters.
@thejonymyster well
say -1?
oh yea -1 would be nice lol
or, 3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326648213393607260249141273
lol thats a lot of pi
lol i like pie
pie should be sent to the bakery
or should the bakery send pie?
jokes aside, i suppose some math constants would be good
@thejonymyster 69, 420, 6969, 42069, 69420, 420420, 696969, 4206969, 6942069, 6969420, 42042069, 42069420, 69420420, 420420420, 420696969, 694206969, 696942069, 696969420, 4204206969, 4206942069, 4206969420, 6942042069, 6942069420, 6969420420, 42042042069, 42042069420
@emanresuA that sounds more like a builtin function (also nice)
@emanresuA you should really send all your heroic deeds to a room ;-)
i guess its tricky cause like should i have powers of 10? or should i just have those be easier to access?
i guess i really just need to come back to this later since its always gonna come down to "shouldnt it just be golfier somewhere else first"
right thats the hardest part OTL :P
@emanresuA what is this sequence
indiana jones voice "it belongs on the oeis!"
@thejonymyster id say 0,1,-1,0.5,pi,e are all good values, if you dont have other easy ways to get those
this is a good emojicon... O/¯T¯L_
@des54321 people will be angry
@des54321 well now i feel like working backwards now lol
every time i think of a number, i think "ok, now how do i make this really easy to access so that the variable init isnt as useful" lol
@des54321 because you left something out
@NobodyNeedsNames Back in my day we just used: orz
@thejonymyster thats probably the best strategy
brb food
but i do feel like having the option to have some variables auto-initialize to 1 and others to 0 might be very useful
for sure
i was even considering having it just like
a=1, b=0, c=1, d=0...
but whatever thatd solve probably can be golfed somewhere else too
@des54321 you must include tau pi sucks tau is the best tau is the best thing in the world wahahahahahahahaha]
@mathcat Nope, it's still Monday in my timezone :P
why not p=pi lol
and t=tau
i am all about mnemonics :P
almost had dollaR as a mnemonic for $ being related to r
ok i gtg but i will ponder these things thank you all
pi is the best
@thejonymyster o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/
Man they really need to add a way to mass move messages on mobile
Because unless you have The Key™ (or similar) and you use it as an OTG connection, you can't move mass amounts on the go
wait what
@emanresuA .
That was the second of two messages, the first of which didn't send.
Mar 11, 2016 at 21:26, by flawr
> "If you put a million monkeys at a million keyboards, one of them will eventually write a Java program.

The rest of them will all write Perl programs."
@emanresuA .
@emanresuA bah, some of them will error
take this
1/0 i mean
is everyone midnight now? hmm
people are probably just busy doing other stuff probably
for example, I'm doing uni work while vibing to deltarune tracks
this is my current jam but there's a chance it'll change soon (just in case you ask which lol)
@Neil 143 is great! How did you do it?
@graffe what?
@user yeah that's a much better idea
wait I've think, I'll temporarily delete the bounty
I have an idea: I'll post a bunch of scratch answers and if someone outgolfs one, I'll offer a 500 250 bounty
(IME) don't go wasting your rep until you get to 20k
and what is ime
= in my experience
oh ok
@hyper-neutrino .
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Nobody Needs NamesLeft and Right, Spsp Style WARNING This question is written by the Spsp language creator TvoozMagnificent` and might includes severe advertising. Spsp What's Spsp? Spsp is designed to be a 2D fourth generation golfing language. What are the commands? Good question, it is in developement, and if y...

@emanresuA hmm okay
@emanresuA argh me: wasted my rep before even passing 0.2k
@emanresuA .
4 hours ago, by emanresu A
May 30 at 6:28, by emanresu A
@NumberBasher You can edit in a reply btw
4 hours ago, by Nobody Needs Names
@emanresuA laziness is the feature of all arrogant human beings
I like it when it tells me

Please avoid extended discussions in comments. Would you like to automatically move this discussion to chat?

And then I click yes.

And the next time it comes up again...
@DLosc aw damb
@mathcat beat my ELL rep
Im xatxhing up!
ugh okay
bounty plan discarded
@mathcat gimme
Why cant TNB have a camera function installed :(
@mathcat i got 4k in 2months, is that slow lol idk
that's fast
Oh breh
@mathcat breh u shld look at john skeet
Getting 200 rep a day without doing anything
I half-killed skeet.
Q: Test if two numbers are equal

anna328pChallenge Input two integers. Integer I/O must be decimal. If the integers are equal, output a truthy value. Otherwise, output a falsy value. Clarifications You will never receive non-integer inputs. You will never receive an input that is outside the bounds [-2³¹, 2³¹). Rules Standa...

@emanresuA Damn thats alot of downvotes
I did a search, and
Q: Word stays a word after taking away a letter. Repeat

Hubert GrzeskowiakThere is an old, popular riddle: Find an english word with 8 letters that, taken away one letter, creates a new valid word. Repeat that until there is no letters left. Example solution: starting staring string sting sing sin in I Write a script that, given a file with words*, outputs one...

Wow codegolf so active now
Meanwhile me not knowing how to code
@emanresuA that's a great challenge idea, but language restrictions
@mathcat actualy im way past u alr lmao
but not in CGCC
Code golf
(and coding challenges)
2 hours later…
@mathcat The reason for the downvotes is the first version of the challenge, which is just a perfect storm of bad challenge writing things
ah wow
And it hasn't improved
Has the challenge been reposted before / is a repost allowed?
For #2, definitely
If you want to repost, it's best to ask on meta first
I think it's a good challenge
it has only got 4 answers
I don't understand why people are upset about some OS restrictions. The OP said you'll be "given a file of words", and the Linux words dictionary can be used for testing.
Q: Repost "Word stays a word after taking away a letter"?

mathcat"Word stays a word after taking away a letter. Repeat" was a massively downvoted question, not because of challenge, but mainly because it was badly written. Personally, I think that the idea is great and it still has scope for many new answers, as it currently only has 4. I think that we should ...

@NewPosts from codegolf.stackexchange.com/posts/145222/revisions, it looks like Dennis manually removed the bounty from that question
I did not know mods could do that
Will the bounty-offerer get their rep back?
I imagine they wouldn't
> All bounties are paid for up front and non-refundable under any circumstances
F user72349
@mathcat IME yes
have you had that happen to you?
@emanresuA CMC: this
I was doing LoTM bounties and bountied an answer that turned out to be invalid. They didn't fix it before the bounty ended and hyper said it could be removed.
And I got the rep back.
I guess they just don't mention that on the help page because otherwise people who regretted their bounties would constantly be clamoring to get their rep back
@emanresuA nice
@pxeger Tbh considering posting this as a challenge on main
@pxeger Þ∞k≈v↔ƛ69 420"$İṄ in Vyxal for 17
what frick
@emanresuA if you do, I suggest adding a list input (in this case it would be [69, 420]) rather than hardcoding to the funny numbers
Hm okay, thanks for the idea! Might skip the sandbox :P
@mathcat nope, needs to be in ascending numerical order
^ and fyi sort doesn't work on infinte lists
double ugh
Does mine output ascending? I can't see the output because it hangs both DDG and Brave for Android
Also I'm switching to Brave and Qwant ever since I found out that ddg allows Microsoft trackers through
it doesn't seem to work at all
Q: Good Rectangles and Evil Numbers

Nobody Needs NamesGood Rectangles and Evil Numbers This is meant to be a Puzzling Challenge: Good Rectangles and Evil Numbers - Integrated Original: https://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/116168/good-rectangles-and-evil-numbers Good Rectangle We define a good rectangle with base \$ x \$ as a rectangle in wh...

ha take that lyxal
You can't beat my that easily
@NobodyNeedsNames how is pressing the up arrow and clicking and pressing enter hard?
@lyxal it outputs:
⟨ `⟨ 69 ⟩ ⟨ 420 ⟩` | `⟨ 69 | 69 ⟩ ⟨ 69 | 420 ⟩ ⟨ 420 | 69 ⟩ ⟨ 420 | 420 ⟩` | `⟨ 69 | 69 | 69 ⟩ ⟨ 69 | 69 | 420 ⟩ ⟨ 69 | 420 | 69 ⟩ ⟨ 69 | 420 | 420 ⟩ ⟨ 420 | 69 | 69 ⟩ ⟨ 420 | 69 | 420 ⟩ ⟨ 420 | 420 | 69 ⟩ ⟨ 420 | 420 | 420 ⟩` ...
- annoyed lyxal
Not annoyed, intrigued
@PyGamer0 too lazy
@NobodyNeedsNames then why bother typing and talking here /s
Q: Concatenatable numbers

emanresu AGiven a list of positive integers such as [69, 420], your challenge is to generate the sequence of numbers that can be formed by concatenating numbers from the above set, in ascending numerical order. For example, with [69, 420] the sequence begins: 69 420 6969 42069 69420 420420 Note that eleme...

Thanks @pxeger :)
@PyGamer0 too lazy to reply :-)
@NobodyNeedsNames you just did
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