@Pyautogui I don’t think there’s enough repetition in there for someone to compress it much but you could try putting it in the sandbox and tweaking it all the same
@Emanyalpsid There's no "valid" or "invalid", just depends on what interpretation of roman numerals you're using. A really vanilla one would only accept the "correct" encoding of each numbers, and various natural extensions of that would allow IXC or XIC (but probably not both)
I don't think there's any canonical roman numeral parsing rules
As evidenced by the IIII on clocks, and the fact that things like IIV don't create any ambiguity
Would someone mind asserting that two d20s labelled with 1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16 and 1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,24 have the same roll distribution as two regular d20s?
And they seem to share the same prefix - One is 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4 etc but it'll jump in the middle, the other starts with odd numbers, then counts up normally, then ends with only even numbers
@emanresuA so if you feed [[[1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,11,12,12,13,13,14,14,15,15,16],[1,3,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,24]]] into it it should return two d20s?
Make the list Fibonacci-like
A list of integer \$a\$1, \$a\$2, \$a\$3, ..., \$a\$n (\$ n ≥ 1 \$) is Fibonacci-like if \$a\$i \$=\$ \$a\$i - 1 \$+\$ \$a\$i - 2 for every \$i ≥ 2\$. Note that every list that contains only 1 or 2 integers are Fibonacci-like.
For example, \$[1]\$, \$[6, 9...
Roman Numerals... But With A Twist
I'm assuming you have some knowledge of roman numerals but let's just keep things clear by giving an example:
10 is X, 5 is V, 1 is I, 6 is VI, 4 is IV, 2 can be IIIV, 19 is XIX, 4 can also be expressed as IVX. Note the last three.
To make things even clearer th...
Roman Numerals... But With A Twist
I'm assuming you have some knowledge of roman numerals but let's just keep things clear by giving an example:
10 is X, 5 is V, 1 is I, 6 is VI, 4 is IV, 2 can be IIIV, 19 is XIX, 4 can also be expressed as IVX. Note the last three.
To make things even clearer th...
Count /[^a-z]/gi with /[a-z]/gi
Write a program or function which takes a single line of text as input and outputs the number of non-alphabetical characters in it (standard I/O rules apply). A non-alphabetical character is any character not appearing in this string:
Python 2, 88 bytes
p=lambda n:all(n%x for x in range(2,n))
s=lambda n:0if p((10223*2**n)+1)else s(n+1)
This code will terminate if 10223 is a Sierpiński number. 10223 is currently the smallest candidate that may or may not be a Sierpiński number, as of December 2013.
A Sierpiński number is ...
Not many days after this was written, the prime 10223*2^31172165 + 1was discovered. Since then, 21181 has been the smallest number for which it is not known if it is Sierpiński or not. — Jeppe Stig NielsenMay 6, 2019 at 5:00
Sort my Cups
I have a set of colored plastic cups. They come in four colors: green, yellow, pink, and blue. When I put them on my shelf, I like to stack them in a certain pattern. Your job is, given a list of any number of four distinct values (to represent the four cup colors), output a visual r...
Someone should just post "Replicate CodeGolf" as a challenge and we'll end up with the most efficiently coded online community in the history of the internet.
@thejonymyster no lol I meant I just finished a paragraph on why there shouldn't be hype for a big reveal and that it should instead be a journey people take with you
and yet here I am, treating the post like a big reveal
Easy solution someone upvote it and someone else downvote so the asker gets a rep increase but the score doesn't change :P (disclaimer yes I am joking please don't do this)
most people probably wouldn't make a joke from that message
The Mongolian language has "vowel harmony". In short the vowel harmony means that certain vowels are not allowed to be placed next to each other in a word. This means that suffixes of words have to care about the vowels present in the words they attach to and need to resolve to a vowel that mat...
Going to post looking for feedback and test-cases.
ah yea please do, i love when theres an option to read more :]
side note: ive only seen it on this site, but i kind of love it when people use ascii symbols to represent symbols that dont appear in ascii from other languages
aesthetically its just fun to me
like omg that word has a 3 in it? not really but it looks close enough so i used a 3
The Mongolian language has "vowel harmony". In short the vowel harmony means that certain vowels are not allowed to be placed next to each other in a word. This means that suffixes of words have to care about the vowels present in the words they attach to and need to resolve to a vowel that mat...
And the idea is that this one will be a sort of go-to reference for future esolang designers, meaning it needs to be detailed enough to stand the test of time