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@ATaco ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ don't ask me I just woke up one day and there it was
@Neil A variable was being set without having been defined in a strict mode module, and it worked in Firefox / safari
biweekly minigolf is here
but idk about code jam
@Nobody that isn't even an event for this room, how are we supposed to know
ah yea, there you go
@emanresuA wouldn't be the first tokenized encoding--enter ti-basic :P
ok just thought it had to do with code
can anyone help me with my questions in code golf? thanks guys
does this --- --- get used in CGCC or only in chat?
posts on main you ust use <s></s>
chat markdown is... special
does it work?
@UnrelatedString .
does the chat markdown that you just used work? i'm going with "yes"
scientists have not yet confirmed this...
@thejonymyster hahaha
CMC: given a character, return its position in a standard US keyboard. The position is defined by which row they key is in (the first being the escape row) and which number key (from left to right). Only printable ascii will be input, and characters with multiple solutions may return any result. 0 or 1 indexed
I guess that turned out less mini than I thought
what if they input
do we have to output optionshiftf
@ATaco .
@Nobody that is not printable ascii
Only one key needs to be outputted, modifiers are implicit
@thejonymyster ok
doesnt html have enough js as is
no such thing
Regex style sheets
@UnrelatedString whomst'd've are you this time?
in canvas, 1 hour ago, by Unrelated String
i've been meaning to make an obvious accompaniment to the donut but haven't really had the time or effort lmao
also i've started editing my users of cgcc post :P
okay this is half because i cba to put her on canvas next to the donut but also half because of fucking morbius memes lmao
you changed your avatar, hmm
@UnrelatedString .
like i was skimming around bits where spoiler to maybe just caption something "it's morbin' time" and i just happened to see this frame and think that's actually good pfp material
we need a morbius themed challenge
What's the easiest golfing language to learn? Or should I post this on meta?
24 hours ago, by Radvylf Programs
Okay so, I've got a challenge in the sandbox (not at all fleshed out, just a title) that I want to discuss/get feedback on, to see if the concept's worth pursuing
Any feedback?
@Nobody Vyxal's a solid choice, it's got a big community and is designed to be easy to pick up
Pip is an older golfing language but uses a more familiar model. Jelly might be more familiar if you know APL/J/K, but otherwise it's not easy.
Japt is still pretty competitive IIRC, and if you know JS it might be a good choice
Q: What is the easiest golfing language to learn in your opinion?

NobodyWhat is the easiest golfing language to learn in your opinion? I have tried to learn many golfing languages without success, and I want to hear your suggestions.                                                                                                                                        ...

i forget is there a community we know of where every so often, they have a lang design jam
i swear i heard about that here or something
wish i could help but speed challenges confuse me
where is it in the sandbox though?
It's literally just a title and a placeholder, the description I gave in that trancript is more detailed.
Also my URL autocomplete failed and I just googled "sand" lmao
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Radvylf ProgramsQuickly approximate the square root of a float As in like, constant-time and almost instant, but off by a lot. No time for looping here. This is going to take a lot of work, since I'm going to make an emulated CPU which will allow more precise timing.

(That last sentence is not necessarily going to be the case)
oh right i remember seeing that
Everything is O(1) if you query an API /s
are you thinking of scoring on some weighted combination of speed and accuracy
Something like, your speed gets multiplied by the difference (division-wise) between your answer and the correct one
So if you answer 0b1.10 * 2 ** -2 and the correct answer is 0b1.1101... * 2 ** -2, you'd get a multiplier of about 1.009
and have some like constant factors in there to make sure it's not viable to do something too wildly inaccurate like just halving the exponent and leaving the mantissa alone
That's exactly what I was planning on using as a baseline actually. I'm going to aim for that to about double your score.
@UnrelatedString new pfp?
shocking, i know
I’m glad it’s not staring into my soul
does anyone know a programming language similar to this
2d emoji
> What is the easiest golfing language to learn?
@Nobody woha this is cool, what is this and where can i check it out?
@thejonymyster "DON'T YOU LECTURE ME WITH YOUR $30 PROGRAM!" proceeds to play a beautiful cacophony of emoji spam
i kinda wish that site was tc even though itd be useless and dumb
@lyxal i saw that
@thejonymyster appstore
@thejonymyster too much sound hahahaha
@Nobody vyxal
@thejonymyster especially since it's to emulate those videos where people just manually sound out the emoji spam lol
@UnrelatedString new pfp?
oh dang ye unrelated string does have new pfp
@PyGamer0 ok
@Nobody ...5 stars 1 rating 0 reviews has me suspicious
CMP: ^ guess the person
woah is that a tmbg room
@PyGamer0 you
cant believe i am in so many rooms
Q: Revese a string but descending order for Repeaated charactor

Anant DabhiTask : Given a string, let say 'abacad' We need the output which is reverse in order but it should contain the repeated characters at the first. If more characters are repeated, then it should show them in descending order for repeated character for above example expected output is : adcb

@PyGamer0 lol dang
@thejonymyster idc these stuff
plus it is 100%free
im in like 8 rooms myself , and i thought that was a lot
meanwhile i am currently in 35 rooms lol
lmao noce
i wanna see a snapshot
@Nobody i dont even think all of them fit on the screen lol
@hyper-neutrino imagining something really long...
@AidenChow me2
@Nobody also i would like to divert your attention to "Maid Café"
lol ye tf is maid cafe
just do not visit it

 Maid Café (メイド喫茶)

Welcome back, my Master! (お帰りなさいませ、ご主人様!) Sit wherever you'd l...
@PyGamer0 bruh
@Nobody trust me
@PyGamer0 dont understand
that sneak peak of the description of the chat
ok go ahead visit it :P
nah im good
at your own expense :P
don't blame me :P
there isn't even anything wrong with it it's just the anime.SE main room lol
@PyGamer0 i went and i still dont understand
@hyper-neutrino lol
there is legitimately nothing wrong with it
@PyGamer0 only "a little" nsfw
@UnrelatedString whats it about
@UnrelatedString i know i was scaring them :P
aside from i guess nmp sakamoto posting question oneboxes that can occasionally contain randomass untagged spoilers but that's just the site overall
oh its just the general chat for anime SE
@PyGamer0 ...
still kinda weird that the site's main room is like 60% just one guy yuriposting but that's not like actually a problem
you did it poorly haha
@AidenChow a room you'll never find me in because my opinions matter.
what's the best guide to vyxal? github.com/Vyxal/Vyxal/blob/old/docs/Tutorial.md ?
Vyxapedia.hyper-neutrino.xyz is the best
wait i should have just said nmp so someone could correct me
@lyxal hmm that site is like rubbish
areyou sure you didnt link the wrong one
probably trolling :P
oh is the server acting up again
i dont believe this is the website
@UnrelatedString what
@Nobody lol what is that
@AidenChow idk
Dang it @hyper-neutrino
it's supposed to be a vyxal site but hyper hosts it on the same server as the shenhe mains website and sometimes it just breaks for some reason
hey whats the "you should use the sandbox" copypasta? or do we not have one
shit yeah i was thinking of scpwiki, they have a "you should get this drafted reviewed and greenlit" copypasta
anyway we should probably have one
@UnrelatedString hahahahaha
i think individual people have canned responses for that but i don't think there's a unified one
on the same server?
when will it be fixed, hmm
@UnrelatedString .
@hyper-neutrino is vyxapedia mostly static? Because maybe just host it on something like surge
@lyxal i think so
@UnrelatedString drat. i dont wanna be the one to write it so ill just wait on someone else to mention it to the infinity profile picture person on cgcc
@hyper-neutrino we need you ~~~
just use HTTPS
if this also doesn't work then idk it's not an issue with my nginx config so it's probably just cloudflare certs overriding each other or smth dumb
now it is good
oh yeah it does work for me
@hyper-neutrino oh lol if i use https then it works otberwise its shehe mains or somthin
i never actually tried it myself
at this point i should just delete the shenhe mains website, i don't think anyone looks at it ever and I moved the staff applications back to google forms anyway
bye, off of vpn for a bit so I should be able to see but not send messages
and also wait what browsers don't default to https
no it does but
@hyper-neutrino < i don't think anyone looks at it ever
> i don't think anyone looks at it ever
people do
shenhemains.com and hyper-neutrino.xyz are on the same IP and apparently somewhere along the way something doesn't like that
@UnrelatedString DDG for Android apparently
@lyxal i'm on safari
i was checking to see if maybe defaulting to https isn't a native feature of firefox and the only extension i could think of that would do that is ddg :P
oh ok no vpn works
Cool. I use the actual app
@Nobody ^
@hyper-neutrino "When dealing with multiple values, the first one will be the last one popped, so if there are three arguments, a will be the third-from-top, b will be the second-from-top, and b will the the top of the stack (TOS)." typo?
looks like it
> When dealing with multiple values, the first one will ce the last one popped, so if there are three arguments, a will ce the third-from-top, c will ce the second-from-top, and c will the the top of the stack (TOS).
there ya go
also managed to only notice "the the" in the course of writing that lmao
does this not mention implicit output
@UnrelatedString good catch!
alright fixed
does this not mention implicit output
the jelly one or something that it was forked
also had not mentioned it
I forked vyxapedia off of jelly compendium because I made both of them lol
in Wellscripted, 8 secs ago, by PyGamer0
CMP: Which is better for conditional evaluation: ?: or if else
in terms of looks
The former
just don't have ternaries to begin with and enforce short-circuiting boolean operator abuse
The former allows chaining nicely
also can you make it so that it doesnt have to have the else
js annoys me with that
(if youre making something and not just askin to ask)
defaulting to what otherwise
oh right the actual use for ternaries
@UnrelatedString if youre vaguing python here, i do believe python actually technically has ternaries, its the inline use of foo if condition else bar
no one uses that because its lengthy and stupid
6 mins ago, by PyGamer0
in Wellscripted, 8 secs ago, by PyGamer0
CMP: Which is better for conditional evaluation: ?: or if else
@des54321 that's the joke lmao
@emanresuA ternary?
ternary operator
the thing you asked about
@hyper-neutrino both does not mention implicit output
and why put these links
that lead to 404
i was making a lang once that was gonna have an n-nary operator, youd just keep going
as in the "conditional evaluation" syntax you're asking about is called the ternary operator
because it takes three arguments
or is it intended or workinprogress
i dont think they were asking for the definition but i cant tell if youre memeing at this point
oh wait i totally misread which message the question was a reply to
cest la vie
but yeah for the record python's ... if ... else ... expressions are also referred to as ternary
named after the rather inquisitive tern
@UnrelatedString why doesn't python have ternary
even desmos does
@Nobody uhhh isnt it just a if condition else b ?
i mean a shorter one
cuz, codegolf needs it
@hyper-neutrino why are there so many 404 links
and please add implicit output to the beginner's tutorial
what is implicit output anyways
@Nobody the tips post notes multiple alternatives
indexing if you don't mind both expressions being evaluated, logical operators if not
@UnrelatedString logical operators as in short circuiting or what
actually i forget if indexing is shorter than multiplication + or when you have something that can work on
@AidenChow when a program prints something automatically if something hasn't already been printed
at least, that's how it is in Vyxal and (IIRC) 05AB1E
@UnrelatedString yah but still, why not have a ternary op
@lyxal you should include it in vyxapedia.hyper-neutrino.xyz/beginners#flags
or should i tell @hyper-neutrino instead
we'll update it a little later
if not hyper, I will when I get the chance
ok, Jelly has the same problem btw ;-)
but then, it's a little obvious given the hello world program
back from test ;-) tho it is irrelevant
these golfing languages don't have a ternary operator because there's probably shorter ways of doing conditionals
`string a` →a # a = "string a"
`string b` →b # b = "string b"
←a →temp      # temp = a
←b →a         # a = b
←temp →b      # b = temp (swapping the values of a and b)
hmm, i wonder if there is an a,b=b,a in vyxal
> There is a special variable known as the context variable. More information about it is available on its element page here.
yet "here" directs me to a 404 λ€ ∧∆
@JoKing doesnt jelly have a quick to do that
i don't know jelly
? Ternary if.
Anyone know a language which:
- Has 32-bit signed integers by default
- Has a print function
- Supports numbers with underscores
- Has single-line # comments
- Doesn't error on integer overflow
- Is a scripting language
- Has Python-style modulo
- Dividing two ints gives a float
lol still trying to crack that i see
@emanresuA python
@PyGamer0 almost, but python has arbitrary-precision ints
@emanresuA what does "python has arbitrary-precision ints" contradict
he needs 32 bit ints
presumably with relevant overflow behavior
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, why 32-bit signed integers
@emanresuA .
Because I'm trying to crack a certain polyglot with overflow behaviour
i think there is a number inside that is 2^31-1
overflow wrap or error
@emanresuA /
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

00Her0Find the winning Mormon Bridge card Mormon Bridge (also called Oh Heck, similar to Oh H***) is a card game played (at least by me) with a standard Rook deck. A standard Rook deck includes cards 1-14 in 4 suits, which are black, red, green, and yellow, and a Rook card. Each round, a card is taken ...

so cold here
sanity check: if I toss 10 coins and count the number of heads and tails, is the prob of getting each possible outcome 1/11?
by "each possible outcome", do you mean "each possible total number of heads"?
(heads and tails but the number of heads determines the number of tails)
I think I have a simpler solution to my challenge if I am not going crazy
if so, no, it's a binomial distribution
@pxeger how can one outcome be more likely than another?
with n=10 and p=0.5
@graffe on average, you'll get 5 heads for every 10 you flip
the chance of getting no heads is (1/2)^10, which is pretty low
that is true but the prob of getting 10 heads is the same as getting 5 isn't it?
isn't the prob of getting 5 also (1/2)^10, ?
no, because you can get 5 heads in many ways: HHHHHTTTTT or HHHHTHTTTT or HHHTTHHTTT or ...
what is the prob of getting 5 heads?
@pxeger argh... you are right!
then I don't have a simpler solution to my challenge :)
each of those possibilities has a chance of (1/2)^10, but there are 10choose5 = 252 different ways of ordering them
yes I got myself confused
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerAlternating permutations code-golf permutations combinatorics number-theory sequence An alternating permutation is a permutation of the first \$ n \$ integers \$ \{ 1 ... n \} \$, such that adjacent pairs of values in the permutation alternate between increasing and decreasing (or vice versa). Eq...

@m90 I looked at your code. I think it could work but in my problem there is a fixed number of coins you can take which doesn't correspond to the variable limit afaict.
sorry @mathcat in case you got pinged
@graffe you pinged anyways ...
yesterday, by PyGamer0
> This is why we now need to store the length together with the pointer, duplicating the amount of information stored by the system.
does this mean that if C/C++ was properly designed, the pointer will have the length information so we don't need a separate variable?
(quote from "Notes on programming")
you don't always need to do that though
for structs, integers, etc., the size in memory is fixed and known at compile time
it's only arrays and things that need length
well the book is referring to malloc and free
yes arrays
@PyGamer0 I don't think you can unping can you?
and length is not an inherent part of a memory address, so it doesn't really make sense for the pointer to somehow "contain" the length
@pxeger but doesnt the computer know how much memory is allocated?
not all pointers point to the start of an allocated block
how does a computer know how much bytes to free?
@pxeger hm true
@pxeger but then does free work?
on that pointer
you can't call free with a pointer that isn't exactly the same pointer that malloc once returned
well, you can, but it's undefined behaviour
> The free() function frees the memory space pointed to by ptr, which must have been returned by a previous call to malloc(), calloc(), or realloc(). Otherwise, or if free(ptr) has already been called before, undefined behavior occurs
/ATO/code.c:1:14: note: returned from ‘malloc’
    1 | main(){int*x=malloc(32);free(++x);}
      |              ^~~~~~~~~~
free(): invalid pointer
@pxeger ok
Q: What's the best die to roll?

Wheat WizardThe "standard" polyhedral game dice are, have 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 and 20 sides. (Yes I know that there are two 10 sided die which together make a d100, but we're ignoring that right now.) If I want to generate a random number between 1 and \$n\$ where \$n\$ is not one of those sides I have a couple o...

@NewPosts It told me this question was likely to be subjective. lmao
A: What's the best die to roll?

NobodyPython, 34 bytes lambda x,y:min(y,key=lambda z:z%x) Takes a strictly ascending list, explanation coming up later.

@WheatWizard lol
@WheatWizard what if you call it with 10 and [4,6,8]?
@Nobody The size of the range will always be at most equal to the maximum of the set and at least 1.
@WheatWizard so it won't happen.

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