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I would like to apologise for my recent inactivity.
Because in my local time, I haven't posted anything since last month
That is all
actually, you're the perfect person to ask
do you have any punny names for a KOTH auto-runner?
Give me a second to ponder on that
Roboking of the Heap?
Roboking for short
sounds like an 80s vacuum cleaner
Or RoTH if you prefer acronyms
VtC as violating requirements: not punny
asks mod to reopen
VtC stackapps.com as having misleading <title>: I am not attracted to any of the apps and libraries
@Ginger the King's gym
Because it's running bots
And running is exercise
GAH: Ginger's Automated kotH-runner
or even worse: AAARGH
Another Automated Answer Runner: GkotH
you know what, that's perfect
I'm using it
Does anyone here know enough C to help me with a quick but really stupid question?
Glad I could help :p
I know a little C @forest, what is your question?
wait, I bet I can add more As
@forest Depends on the question
static int (*func)(void);

static int func1(void)
	/* first function */

static int func2(void)
	/* second function */

static void __attribute__((constructor)) init(void)
	func = condition ? &func1 : &func2;


int public_func(void)
	return func();
@Pyautogui This is for a shared library. Is there a way to do this without declaring so many functions?
Idk enough about C. Sorry.
I want public_func() to point to either func1() or func2() depending on condition. I feel like it should be easy...
I mean, this works, but it's ugly.
oh well
another (assumedly advanced, and anti-ATO) amazing, awesome automated answer runner: gkoth
dunno man
You just lost a customer
only things I could come up with
ATO or bust imo
wait no come back
Don't be anti-ATO and I'll redirect my money back to you
bleugh, guess I lose 3 As
If you want to be anti something why don't you be anti-ants
I know I am
nvm, just realised there are more As in some of the words
ooh good idea
If you were going with the letter B I would suggest Birdless
Oh that gives me an idea
no, I think we're good for now
@RadvylfPrograms Speaking of which, how much bandwidth has canvas used?
@RadvylfPrograms How should I set this site up?
It'll obviously need server-side stuff
should I use Flask?
I g2g, we can talk more later
Set up the server with OpenBSD. :^)
@Ginger PythonAnywhere + Flask is pretty easy to set up, I'm working on a website for a group project rn and we got one up and running (okay, it's not fully functional) in ~2 days
I just set up something very similar to Tanks and asked Radvylf nicely
TIL let is a valid variable name in JS
Just a reminder that Jeopardy (the game show) is the sussy among us impostor
@RadvylfPrograms I think at least one of me, lyxal, and pxeger should be appointed for timezone reasons
Huh, I knew var was a valid variable name in Java but that's just because of backwards compatibility jank. Why should let be allowed as a valid variable name? It probably takes extra effort in the parser to allow backtracking for something like let = 5
@allxy We already have Adám in the same timezone as pxeger, though pxeger is more active here
I think you or lyxal would be best
Is it possible for you to use only the emanresu A account or only the allxy account all the time?
I'd probably switch to only using emanresu (for flag handling) if I was chosen?
Because someone pointed out yesterday that an RO who only has RO powers when on one account would be less useful
@allxy Great
Is there any reason you use allxy?
Not really :P
Great, so there shouldn't be any problems with you being RO
I think you or lyxal would be best for timezone reasons
Though pxeger would be best for, well, maturity reasons
Or pygamer
Sorry, that was quite rude. Thinking about it again, pygamer would be a fine RO.
Maybe DLosc could be an RO too but I think he has a US timezone?
One objection I can see someone making to PyGamer becoming an RO is that his account is often taken over by his brother, who may or may not do malicious things
Short of giving Pygamer tips on how to beat up his brother, I don't think there's any way to prevent that from happening
@user Yep, US central time, same as Radvylf I believe.
@user True, I guess
Is an RO even needed here? This room seems pretty chill.
The more the merrier
We need an RO to move off-topic messages and the ginormous meta conversations about off-topic messages and ROs out of this room
> Among Gus
@forest ROs are pretty handy regardless of room chillness
and it also means they're around before something unchill and unexpected happens
Huh, canvas has 5x more messages than ATO
@DLosc a truly momental event for YTP
^^^ we had a user come in a few days ago spamming quite a bit. Got a little hostile at the end
Huh, really? Guess I just missed that.
I saw that in the transcript and I'm still confused
Does CG attract a lot of crazies?
Not usualyl
Not really
The main site has random spam questions occasionally, but I assume other sites have that too
What they said would make more sense if I spam-translated it repeatedly
@user tfw people spam the sandbox lol
(Which happens very occasionally :P)
> Padded cell
Weird, I just did a search for messages containing "code" from that user and they seemed to have an actual on-topic message in 2016
in Padded cell, Apr 24 at 16:52, by humn
As forementioned, i''ve resisted the temptation to sing along.
@forest 🙋‍♂️
@AncientSwordRage Hm?
@AncientSwordRage We're the good kind of crazy
@forest depends on whether you count us in your definition or not ˙ᓀ˙
@forest I feel particularly attracted to CG
I guess someone does have to be a little crazy to code golf in the first place. :P
The first code golfers used Perl (or APL?). Make of that what you will :P
@forest More so to spend the last 2 years developing a golfing language to do better at code golf
We don't need stars on consecutive messages btw
I'd recommend just starring the second message
Yes we do lol
They're part of the same conversation and make similar jokes
@forest I don’t think people golfed in it at first
That probably came later when Perl golf got popular and spread to other languages right?
I wonder if there’s any articles on code golf history around
Speaking of Perl... does anyone known if $foo = { a => 1, b => 8, c => 256 }->{$foo} is a good way to replace a with 1, b with 8, and c with 256 in $foo without having a multi-line if statement? In Perl 4.x sans modules, fwiw.
@lyxal Or to spend the last seven years developing a golfing language that is never going to do as well at code golf as other languages developed around the same time ;P
@lyxal Well, we succeeded :P
@user I'm also in the same timezone as pxeger, fwiw
@DLosc you could always come join us if you wanted to ˙ᓀ˙
True that
@lyxal Vyxal's definitely the most contributed golfing language :)
It do be do
A: Did decreasing the amount of rep required for meta cause spam?

caird coinheringaahingYes, all of it Stack Exchange Data Explorer lists all spam or offensive flags ("red" flags) in its Votes table. When messing around with this query listing all votes on the site, I noticed that Meta has actually had 5 spam flags and one offensive flag cast. So, I did a little digging to find when...

I just saw forest's pfp flash up to the top of the user list - does that mean they just took a mod action?
I just edited a comment I made a few minutes ago. Not sure if that's the reason the picture moved up.
Yeah, edits bump your picture
Oh okay. I kinda want to test if other actions do that.
IIRC, joining, posting and editing are the only things that move you to the front
I know for a fact that pinning, starring, kicking, flagging don't. I think deleting might
Looks like deleting does move it up.
Hey so what's the language of the month?
Looks like it's Desmos
... which I've agreed to do bounties for
And since @AidenChow is suspended I guess I can create the post as well?
Yeah, go ahead
A: "Hello, World!"

DLosctinylisp 2, 16 bytes (w"Hello, World! The write builtin, given a string, outputs its contents to stdout. Its short alias is w. Just "Hello, World! would work except it outputs "Hello, World!" with quotes.

Oh, you created it!
@Hello,World! yo what, i didnt realize tinylisp had a write builtin
I had one idea for tinylisp 2: What if you could import libraries with python bindings?
Q: Language of the Month for May 2022: Desmos

emanresu AIn accordance with our meta agreement, since one candidate received more votes than the others, we have a new featured language! Throughout May 2022, our Language of the Month will be: Desmos What's a Language of the Month? See the meta post for nominations. In short, during May, those who wish...

@AidenChow tinylisp 2 does. tinylisp only has disp
Are you going to write any docs for tinylisp 2?
Yes, eventually :P
@emanresuA Meaning...?
(load library.py) or something like that where library.py maybe defines an object tinylisp?
Would make it less language-agnostic but it should work if you keep the format similar
ah shoot an interesting challenge (collatz encoding) got posted while im suspended :(
@emanresuA So basically allowing new functions to be defined in Python in a separate file?
I think I had a plan like that for Appleseed, though I never got around to implementing it. I guess I might consider it, but it's pretty far down the priority list.
@DLosc whats appleseed
@AidenChow An earlier language of mine based on tinylisp. It attempted to add more practical-language features. Didn't get very far before I stopped working on it, but I still use it from time to time when I spot a challenge that goes well with infinite lists.
I kinda want to create a tinylisp interpreter in JS but it's hard creating tail call recursion in a language without it
Harder than doing it in a language with tail calls, yes. OTOH, I've done it in Python, so you have an example to work from.
@cairdcoinheringaahing My bad, forgot about you
A: "Hello, World!"

oeufK (ngn/k), 18 bytes `0:"Hello, World!" Try it online! I haven't seen a K submission yet, so, here I go!

@user Good to know I'm so forgettable :P
It's just that you haven't been around too much lately
Can't disagree with that I guess
Don't worry, you're not that forgettable :P
@NewPosts I like that the "small bounty for first/second answer, large bounty for 10th answer" system has caught on :P
It's a good system, I like it
Copied it from alephalpha
Also I think the Curry Lotm flopped because of the lack of bounties
^ Incentivizes users to enter and gives them a bigger carrot to keep going
@emanresuA who copied it from DLosc, who copied it from me :P
@user And then gives them a huge lump of gold that is the ability to post answers in that language and get loads of upvotes.
i would have been active as hell with curry lotm if it weren't the end of the semester at my university :P
wait anyone can get lotm bounty right, even the nominator
did not actually notice there weren't any bounties
I feel like a Curry LYAL would be nice if we can get WW or someone to teach
yeah, i like lyal becuz of the interactive learning, instead of just reading documentation or whatever on ur own
It's also nice to have someone answer questions
@AidenChow like all bounties, they're subject to the awarder being happy to award a bounty, but yeah, generally, anyone can get a bounty as long as they meet whatever conditions are set out
This question might be good for curry if someone wants to try it
My problem with Curry was that the initial simple programs I tried to write ended up just being Haskell. And I'm still very new to Haskell; I think Curry is probably more fun if you're already fluent in Haskell and can focus on the beyond-Haskell features.
^ especially on the "very new to Haskell" part
we need to nominate more language of the months
there's only a couple left now
I should nominate more of my crappy languages :P
Honestly, tempted to nominate HN's Branch
I have no usable langs lol
Although Kevin managed to use Halfwit, which I'm impressed by
@Steffan no :P
ooh, Rutger is a shout
Please no
Anything but
maybe pip or something
do i delete nomination post now that desmos is lotm
DLosc's pip, not python pip
@emanresuA The only reason I don't really want to is that it only has a basic builtin set
@AidenChow Can you do that? I just flagged it :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing The syntax is cursed
@emanresuA shoot nvm i cant delete, im suspended
It's beautiful
@AidenChow lmao
yeah can just one of the mods delete it then
You just don't understand art
@AidenChow it's been flagged, it'll get deleted
Fish :p
@AidenChow I guess that makes sense, spam-deleters
Verbosity v2 :P
Verbosity's too golfy
But it's a wonderful language, just look at the Hello, World:

Integer:DefineVariable<one; 1>
Output:DefineVariable<STDOUT; 0>
String:DefineVariable<string; "Hello, World!">

String:RedefineVariable<string; String:RemoveCharactersFromStart<string; one>>
String:RedefineVariable<string; String:TakeFirstCharacters<string; one>>

Output:DisplayAsText<STDOUT; string>

DefineMain<> [
smh you don't have to use charcodes
(I think that's actually out of date, the v2 one is longer) :P
And you don't ahve to define the length of the list
@cairdcoinheringaahing Correction: it is shorter
we could just nominate assembly or something
Cody Gray would probably be behind that
@cairdcoinheringaahing A couple of ideas for v3:
- You have to use charcodes and define the length of the array/string
- Everything's OOP
- You have to define a string datatype yourself
@emanresuA So C meets Java meets Assembly?
Yep :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd rather have ORK. :P (Actually, maybe I should nominate ORK for LYAL...)
There should be a huge amount of builtins but none should provide anything directly usable
@emanresuA Given an integer, return that integer plus 12
given an array, set all the values to -613
I want to create this language now, but without the verbosity
@UnrelatedString Huh, didn't know you could use <- in a Haskell guard and it'd act as if it were true
@emanresuA If it nonetheless turns out that they become usable when you combine them, I like it
I have the perfect name for this: Mostly Harmless
Maybe stuff like "loop while equal to 12"
It'd be stack-based for easiness reasons
CMQ: Should my hypothetical lang ^ have the ability to push arbitrary strings / numbers / arrays?
Or should you have to bizarrely construct them?
:| i cant even view upvotes vs downvotes when i click on vote count
is that some kind of rep privilege
or just an effect of suspension
@AidenChow It's a privilege at 1,000 rep
@DLosc oh yeah, now i remember
@emanresuA Definitely construct.
@hyper-neutrino or @JoKing Please unfreeze The Tarpit, we're finally talking about esolang design again ^_^
@DLosc done
@emanresuA this pls
Okay :)
One of the constant builtins will be the full text of Never Gonna Give You Up
@emanresuA i was working on an object oriented lisp once where you had to define numbers yourself
> object oriented
> lisp
had to abandon it because i wrote it in smalltalk as a meme without realizing smalltalk is cumbersome
I should rewrite it in java 1.2 or clojure or smth
@emanresuA aaron miller and i started planning a cursed language last year if you want to steal ideas from there
I saw, but the main purpose of this lang is that you have to piece things together from random uuseless builtins
@DLosc yeah, i couldn’t find challenges to apply it to where the non Haskell stuff would actually have been needed . A suggested challenge list would’ve been nice
Being fluent in prolog would probably help with curry too
i dont even really understand what the difference between haskell and curry is, maybe i just didnt get far enough into the documentation :|
It’s haskell + prolog afaik
idk what prolog is lmao
Haskell but functions can be nondeterministic
i have no idea how that would work but ok
Prolog’s a language that does logic stuff
It’s got this thing called unification which i think is like pattern matching on crack
pattern matching on crack, lolol
@user I'm kinda spoiled by Brachylog--if Curry can't do "x, where x*5 is 20," I'll be disappointed :P
@DLosc what is that supposed to mean? brachylog can solve any equation??
it's complicated
for integers it uses a constraint logic library
but for something like that it can also just compute things backwards
@DLosc it almost certainly can do that
um ok yep im gonna pretend i understood all of that
@DLosc you can also use a pattern match that can fail, which acts like False
@AidenChow maybe not any but most as long as it’s got enough constraints and everything
(if it fails)
@UnrelatedString what is a constraint logic library
i.e. assignments in guards are conceptually analogous to guard expressions
@AidenChow it's... complicated
@user oh really, that sounds pretty neat. tho i usually just go to wolfram alpha to solve any equation i have :P
brachylog is a fun language usually
Is brachylog just prolog in a different skin?
Hmm i should try it then
it's implemented 100% in prolog and its semantics lean on it heavily
Been very scared of it but if you can directly translate prolog into brachylog should be manageable
it actually transpiles to prolog so one place to start could be looking at the transpiled results
but if you're already comfortable with prolog it should all click pretty fast
every once in a while you just get some deep fucking magic
@user I wouldn't say that's accurate. The syntax is quite different and takes a little getting used to.
Hmm... Brachylog LYAL?
what is brachylog and prolog even about
the use of clp(fd) is pretty pervasive and it's specifically a modification to actually work over the infinite domain of all integers, so you can get some surprising results if you try too hard to abuse it
@user But yes, you definitely should try it ^_^
@UnrelatedString hmm that’s an interesting idea
for the most part the transpiled results are just a bunch of builtins being called on a succession of variables but it might still tell you something
or you can just read the documentation
Docs slund befter lol
My prolog is probably not good enough for me to understand the source
My Prolog certainly isn't :P
my prolog is good enough to accidentally push a commit commenting out half of the transpiler
man how do u guys know so many langs
you build up momentum after the first two or three :P

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