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@allxy you good gamer?
is 8 days
is week + 1
@lyxal During the day, are you primarily in TNB on mobile or on a desktop/laptop?
depends on the day
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

EphraimRuttenbergCollatz Encoding The Collatz Conjecture The famous Collatz Conjecture (which we will assume to be true for the challenge) defines a sequence for each natural number, and hypothesizes that every such sequence will ultimately reach 1. For a given starting number N, the following rules are repeatedl...

I need someone in Australia or some timezone near there to run a userscript for me for a few weeks
As soon as possible
and how often
It just runs in the background when you're in TNB
It's gathering information about who's in the room when single-star messages are starred
Is there a reason this has to be a userscript and can't be run server-side?
@pxeger Oh true, I'll just do that
excellent idea
back to updating my bios for the week
Installs Tampermonkey Server™
Ayy I think I just fixed a major memory leak in sock_2
I'll have to test it for a little while to see, but it was using like 4 GB of RAM a few days ago ._.
@SandboxPosts if people could check out my sandbox proposal and give feedback, it would be greatly appreciated!
im pretty sure it hasnt been done before, but there are quite a few "collatz" themed code golf challenges
Looks like a cool challenge
You could possibly make it a standard sequence challenge, although I think it's fine as not being one of those
i thought about making it a sequence challenge, but i dont think it would function any differently
it doesnt seem as though generating the first N collatz encodings, or all of them would get any shorter answers than the current specification
Yeah, I think in this case it's just "a function that turns a number into a number", which could be a sequence but doesn't really have any need to be
i even considered submitting the sequence to OEIS, but i dont have a preexisting account
There's probably not really going to be a cool recursive solution that generates the first N terms either
uh, i submitted a comment that was >15 chars but it said it was <15 chars
ok, the message length now excludes the ping
should i bold the condition that n>0?
if you missed it im sure others will as well
no good reason not to as far as i can tell
Q: Rotate a string half a character

Wheat WizardTo rotate a string by one character we take the first character off the front and append it to the end. For example: \$ \DeclareMathOperator{\rot}{rot} \rot_1([1,2,3,4]) = [2,3,4,1] \$ To rotate a string by two characters you simply apply this function twice. For example \$ \DeclareMathOperator{...

it would be fun to have a challenge to rotate a character by a given angle
@RadvylfPrograms I've just realised that your plan is useless
Transcript starting exists
is that trivial in any language?
Meaning you don't have to be in the room to star a message
CMC Given a letter from a-z, output the character rotated by 45 degrees.
is this problem possible for all string lengths? if the function represents a permutation of N characters, then the problem (i think) is equivalent to finding an element of the symmetric group S_N whos order is 2N. however, not every symmetric group has such an element
i dont have the deepest knowledge of group theory so please correct me if im wrong
bah, I wanted to include some @s in a comment but SO thought I was trying multiple pings
insert a zwsp? here's one (between the quotes) "​"
too late, comment is over 2 min old now, but thanks for the idea though
@RadvylfPrograms does the chat api also tell you when exactly someone entered a room?
@lyxal Sure, but whoever's doing this 1-star-spam presumably isn't doing that
I mean, in theory you could even use a POST request directly
@user You get a message whenever someone enters or leaves a room. I'm just being lazy and using the data-users thingy in the HTML.
You can also check by scraping the HTML of chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/240/…
@graffe HTML, 37 bytes: <input style=transform:rotate(90deg)>
@DLosc I stumbled across this challenge with my random question script:
Q: Language Design: 2-D Pattern Matching

PhiNotPiThis is Fortnightly Challenge #6. Theme: Language Design There's a chatroom for this challenge. Come and join us if you want to discuss ideas! And now for something completely different... This fortnight, we want to experiment with a new type of challenge. In this challenge, you will be de...

> 45 degrees
90 45 then
I solved Semantle #90 in 22 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of -1.89. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #8. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 26.50. semantle.novalis.org
oh since when did SO have a "trending" sort option (recent votes count more so it's like sort-by-votes but new answers have a chance to be visible)
this looks pretty nice
@SandboxPosts should i go ahead and post this challenge? i know its early, but 4 votes in such a timeframe seems quite good
@hyper-neutrino Recently
@EphraimRuttenberg the recommended minimum is a week
im fine with waiting. however, i see a lot of challenges that are posted very soon after their sandbox, so maybe this should be standardized a little more rigidly?
there are various opinions on the topic it seems. in the sandbox faq the top answer recommends 72 hours
A week without feedback is the normal recommendation
It's changed over time, and IIRC the sandbox FAQ is pretty old
yeah lol 7 years
posted on April 29, 2022 by Razetime‭

This challenge is based on the i. verb from J. A range grid is basically a range of m × n numbers fit into a rectangular grid with m rows and

@RadvylfPrograms so what about with feedback? and do up votes combined with a lack of criticism constitute positive feedback?
im still not going to post today. just wondering
There's not really a hard requirement, since the sandbox mostly for your benefit, but a week without any comments asking for clarification or things like that is the typical recommendation I think.
i have posted several challenges before, and it seems pretty highly variable how much feedback you can get in X days. should i be linking it in here every day or so to request feedback until its ready to post?
alright. good to know
A: Is OK to post a challenge for a sandbox post with 0 votes but is 1 week old

caird coinheringaahingPost Sandbox challenges when they're ready to be posted, not based on score or time The reason score/time are recommended (e.g. wait a week, have a positive score etc.) is because these are usually good ways of measuring if your challenge idea will do well. For example, a negatively scored Sandbo...

But yeah, generally, upvotes without comments means that people have read it, think its a good challenge and don't have anything to add to improve it
@EphraimRuttenberg Posting it here for extra feedback is always a good idea, yeah, if you don't think you have enough feedback
still im not quite clear on this. how can i determine if i have enough feedback? and should i post multiple times asking for feedback?
maybe my question would be better as a more coherent meta post. let me know
@EphraimRuttenberg Unfortunately, there isn't a hard and fast way. However, as a general rule of thumb, I like to check off 3 things: is it positively scored? have I addressed all received feedback? have I asked at least twice in TNB?
If all 3 of those are checked off, and you're happy with the challenge, then it's usually ready to be posted to main
alright. those criteria are concrete enough for me. ill check back in a few days for suggestions
i suppose the question of "is this ready to post to main?" cannot definitively be answered without posting it, unfortunately
@EphraimRuttenberg I've left posts in the Sandbox for weeks, gotten a bunch of feedback, plenty of upvotes, then posted, and someone found a duplicate, or a glaring hole etc. Or, I've completely skipped the Sandbox, and it went on to score 25+. The Sandbox is a useful litmus test, but isn't a guarantee
Y'know what word I hate? "Individual". it's so hard to type those is in the right spots.
"Indivudual" is always what I end up with
That or "Individial"
@RadvylfPrograms Yep, that's one of my favorite questions here, and I occasionally answer in one of the languages that resulted from it.
Oh cool. Also I'd meant to describe why I was bringing up that I'd stumbled across that question, but I got distracted doing something else lol
I thought there was something missing. ^_^ My guess, after some reflection, is that you saw a connection to the Language Golf idea?
It brings up the overoptimizing-for-test-cases problem, which IIRC we hadn't come up with a solution to
Right, which is why that one's a :/
How about this: "Here's a set of sample problems. The actual problems on which your submission will be scored are similar but not the same. Here is their MD5 hash. You have [N] weeks to design and implement your language, at which time the hidden problems will be revealed and you'll write your solutions to them. No new submissions or changes to existing submissions will be accepted after the problem set is revealed."
I was thinking about posting the general concept the languages were meant to optimize for, then posting the challenge list after some due date, but that has two problems. It means you can't answer after the due date, and that everyone has to come back after the due date and golf with the language.
Yeah. The hard deadline is a bummer, although the same thing applies (either de jure or de facto) to a lot of KotH challenges.
Hmm, what if it was like a CnR? Not sure if this would help, but you'd have new languages posted in one challenge, and then a few weeks later, the second challenge would be posted with a list of challenges.
@DLosc If the person who implemented the language doesn't come back and do the golfing, I suppose we could allow someone else to edit in solutions to the challenges. The OP would still get the rep from the upvotes.
@RadvylfPrograms That means that if you only want to participate in the making a language part, you don't have to come back a few weeks later and do a ton of work to find your score, other people have an incentive to try to learn your language themselves and get upvotes for golfing in it
@RadvylfPrograms Interesting thought! Main objection I can think of is IDK what objective winning criterion the first challenge could have. Would it have to be again?
So that way, if you go through a ton of effort to learn someone's language and outgolf their solution to some of the mini-challenges (holes?), you get rep as a reward, and they get rep too since it increases their score on the first challenge.
@DLosc It could be based on the sum of the byte counts in the second challenge, and in the second challenge your goal is just plain code golf.
@RadvylfPrograms Ah, interesting. So your language's score in the first challenge is determined by the best code-golf score in that language on the second challenge.
So that way both people's scores/rep benefits from a language doing better. The person who made the language gets a better score for their language, and the person golfing with the language (who may or may not be the same person), gets more rep
That doesn't solve the problem of languages made after the second challenge is posted, but then again we sort of have that problem site-wide and with the removal of non-competing we no longer really seem to care.
@RadvylfPrograms I would like to care. :P For this challenge type, we could decide to disallow languages newer than the challenge. It wouldn't be as much of a problem (preventing people from participating in something fun) if we posted more such challenges regularly and/or reposted old ones sometimes (with slight variations in the tasks to prevent over-optimization).
That's true, I was mostly just thinking about languages designed specifically and intentonally to do extremely well on the chosen mini-challenges, but I suppose it's still a big advantage to know what they are even if you don't consciously design the language with specific mini-challenges in mind.
How many mini-challenges would these challenges have? I was originally thinking like, 40-80 to make overoptimization harder, but even 10-20 would probably work if the mini-challenges aren't posted until after the due date.
Yeah, my gut feeling is somewhere in the 15-25 range would be good. The 2D pattern-matching challenge has 16, this one has 20, this one has 12, this one 10, and these two 9 (tho the 10 and 9 numbers were chosen partly for symbolic reasons).
I guess the next question is, would the second challenge be closed as a multi-part golf challenge?
@DLosc I'd lean toward the higher end of that range, just so that the scores are more accurate, but yeah. Should there be any sort of weighting to ensure that more difficult challenges don't contribute disproportionately to the final score, or is the sum of the byte counts fine?
@DLosc I'd say no, as most of the issues with those don't apply here.
@RadvylfPrograms Ideally, the challenges would be similar in difficulty, tho of course how difficult something is depends on what tools your language has. Then again, that observation is also a counterargument to weighting the challenges for difficulty, since it's impossible to objectively determine a language-agnostic difficulty level for a challenge.
The duplicate issue doesn't really apply I don't think, since while many of the mini-challenges might already exist on the site, it's not harmful in the same way a duplicate challenge is
> The main question is, why didn't you ask these as N separate challenges in the first place?
And in this case, there's a very good reason: We need lots of likely simple challenges in an organized place, and 12-25 individual challenges all at once would be cluttered and lead to all sorts of issues
I mean, the second challenge could even just be a list of links to existing challenges on the site, and I don't think there would be any reason to close it.
@RadvylfPrograms An alternative way (to try to equalise the impacts of different challenges) could be to take the geometric mean.
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah. The problem there is that it leaves the door slightly open for over-optimization, since the exact challenges are available from the start (although you have to guess which ones). Also, particularly for older challenges, you start running into inconsistencies with I/O formatting and other requirements (though maybe it would be possible to say "These challenges, but with updated I/O rules as follows").
@m90 Only issue there is 0-length answers
@RadvylfPrograms I also still like the idea of "Here are (N) challenges. Complete at least (N-2) of them. Your overall score is based on your (N-2) best scores on individual challenges."
@DLosc Yeah. I'm definitely not suggesting that's how language golf should work, but taken to the extreme in terms of duplicate-ness I still don't think it'd cause problems
@RadvylfPrograms Right. Perhaps add 1 first.
@m90 Random idea, haven't thought through the implications: Maybe use the median score?
I'd be worried a language that adds 255 1-byte built-ins for things likely to be in the challenge list, then uses the last byte for Unary, could win
Or any other high-risk-high-reward strategy that has a few very long answers but is really short at least half of the time
I don't think that'll be a problem if the challenges have enough personality. --Which we want them to anyway. Ideally, if we design the challenges well, no language would include a builtin that does exactly what any of the challenges asks. Who's going to make a 1-byte builtin for translating integers to [insert random conlang here]?
That's true, but I think the median has other flaws. It hides a lot of information, and even if the extreme 1-byte thing wouldn't work in practice, the same general issue of up to half of the answers being ridiculously long not being reflected is something I don't really like.
Sum and/or geometric mean, possibly excluding the two best and worst answers, would work better IMO
@RadvylfPrograms Fair enough
What do we think about somebody answering in an existing language? There are two and a half cases: 1) a language they made (e.g. me answering in Pip); 1.5) a language they contributed to (e.g. user answering in Vyxal or Adám in Dyalog APL); 2) a language they had nothing to do with (e.g. any of us answering in Python).
Not sure. On the one hand, they don't get the rep from the first challenge, which would ideally be the main source, and it provides a nice baseline for the languages to compete with, but on the other hand we don't want the part twos to turn into plain old multi-hole-code-golf if there aren't many languages made in the first part.
I think making a distinction between 1.5 and 2 in practice would be a problem, since I could see that turning into some rather unpleasant arguments about whether someone's ideas or bug fixes were enough to give them the right to answer with it.
@CodidactPosts BQN, 5 bytes: ⋈⥊↕∘×
@RadvylfPrograms Yeah. But then does lyxal answering in Vyxal fall under 1 or 1.5?
E.g., if I PR a single-line fix to Vyxal that doesn't add any new features and just fixes a small bug with some operator, I don't think that'd count. If I suggested a new operator to lyxal, which later was added, I'm not as sure, but it probably still doesn't count. What if I suggest 8 new operators? And what if I make a language collaboratively, who owns it vs. contributed to it? I think if we allow pre-existing languages, we'd have to allow all of them, regardless of who made them.
So perhaps restricting it to languages submitted in part 1 is a good idea.
And it also prevents someone from making a language after part 2 is posted, which is super overoptimized, not posting it to part 1, and easily winning part 2
Since if, e.g., Python was allowed, I'd think languages made after the challenge was posted would be too
How would we handle people submitting pre-existing languages to part 1?
Could I post Risky? What about a trivial modification of Risky that focuses more on math operations, but is forked from the same repo and all but a few lines are the same?
Yeah, that. Or a language that basically works like Jelly and has a lot of the same builtins but has a somewhat different type system and a different codepage? Just hypothetically. ;)
@RadvylfPrograms I don't know that it would solve all the objections, but maybe languages that aren't eligible for part 1 could post community wiki solutions to part 2.
@RadvylfPrograms One thought: If we're planning to post multiple challenges like this, we should do one of two things: either 1) allow pre-existing languages / slight modifications thereof, or 2) place limits on the languages submitted to require a certain level of minimalism. The reason is because I don't like the idea of having to come up with a new language with 200-odd builtins for every single Language Golf challenge.
Either make it so everybody only gets 16 builtins (or some similarly small number), or let me reuse most of my existing language's builtins.
TIL about node --inspect
It lets you open a dev tools window for it...in Google Chrome
You just go to chrome://inspect, and it's there
Since they both use V8 and stuff
This should help me fix that memory leak in sock_2
@CodidactPosts tinylisp, 95 bytes
tinylisp 2, 40 bytes: (\(M N)(m(\(Y)(r(* Y N)(*(+ Y 1)N)))(r M
Lexical scope is so very nice ^_^
onioni? (I'd put this in the Tarpit but it's frozen lol)
Given how well Ginger Bot went, I'd hope whoever makes this bot has more reliable testing set up
And maybe some kevlar armor :p
*checks closet*
*checks server*
@Ginger Keeping lists up to date is a good thing, but I have no particular onions about a bot because I don't know what Esolangs' policy/culture on bots is.
@DLosc they don't seem to have one
I checked
so yall think this isn't a garbage idea that will blow up in my face like my last bot did?
Who said that
nobody has yet said it's a garbage idea
perhaps I am being too hasty
Because I think it's a good idea, that would blow up in your face
why, because I have a bad track record with bots?
...maybe :p
this is simple. it's boring. it could not possibly go wrong.
I'd challenge your assumption it'll be simple
@Ginger I wouldn't say it's a garbage idea, just that it probably wouldn't get traction (because they haven't done anything like it before) or if it gets traction, it probably won't last long (because of unforeseen problems, lack of maintenance, etc.)
the task is simple, the bot isn't
Making a reliable bot is hard, especially when it involves network stuff
assuming I can overcome that issue, is the idea itself good?
And as I've learned from NPSP, maintaining the bot takes up a lot of time, and you never know when you'll wake up and realize you've failed the community for the last six hours because your server got hit by lightning and the bot went down
clearly I need to make a bot to maintain the bot /s
@Ginger I think so, although people remembering to do one of the things and forgetting the other is probably rare
I can check that
one sec
@Ginger Heh, taunting Murphy. Bold move. :P
Okay, well frick. The memory leak appears to be in something called knownTimersById which has three results when you google it
@DLosc 87 bytes
Or 104 bytes without the library
well radvylf, to answer your question,
according to my janky-ass program there are >9000 languages that are not in the language list
which seems... a bit sus
but alright
Please tell me you didn't make over 10k requests to the esolangs server in the last 15m lol
there are only 3000 pages in the category
is it counting subcategories???
is it counting ghosts or smth?
I am dumbass
talk pages?
ok, figured it out
there are actually 141
the reverse is... harder to estimate
but it's probably lower
so there you go
why such a big difference?
I wasn't using the continue property correctly
so it was just counting the same 500 over and over
and there you have it, question answered
issue: it doesn't look like any of the admins are very active
the bot could also potentially clear this page every so often
@ais523 not sure if you'll see this, but what are your thoughts?
They're not pingable
I'd need to contact an admin for the bot to be allowed but they all seem to be inactive
ok, I found their chat
Q: King of The Holster: 1 WEEK LEFT

RomanpClosing on May 6! You stand on a dusty stretch of code, watching the other programs stare at you. Will they shoot? How much ammunition do they have left? All you know is that you want to be the last one standing. Before the Game You will be given 10 points to distribute between HP, Dexterity, Arm...

@Adám picture please!
@Adám I mean for this
Retro CMC:
Sep 6, 2017 at 20:32, by DJMcMayhem
@MagicOctopusUrn CMC: consecutive differences between inputs. My favorite answer gets a cookie: (🍪)
I'd imagine most golfing languages have this as a built-in
@RadvylfPrograms Pip, 6 bytes: B-_MPg :P
Alternately: Sg-:Hg
After a lot of trying different things, I found 5 bytes in BQN: 1↓⊢-»
@DLosc Ooh that contains an emoticon
g-: is the kind of emoticon you use when you're trying to get people to realize there's something wrong but if you say anything specific they'll notice and bad things will happen
@DLosc Or, rather amusingly: -Hg-Sg
which parses as -(H(g-(Sg)))
All but the first element of g, subtracted itemwise from g; take all but the last element of that, and negate.
This challenge requires STDIN/STDOUT, but if function solutions were allowed, then--BQN, 7 bytes: ≠∾○(⥊˜)
Oh, whoops, that has 2 tiebreaker characters. Let me see...
@DLosc All right, 8 bytes with no tiebreakers: ≠∾○{⥊˜𝕩}
actually took me a few minutes to think of how not to have to use s₂
@UnrelatedString Ooh, that's fancy
s₂ does tie with reversed signs ofc
it's basically "find any contiguous substring of the input, it's a pair of two elements and subtract the first from the second"
and then the header gets every result it can backtrack to
oh wait i forgot you're a brachylog user
but yeah it's weird using on something that can also just take a list :P
Using zip (which is probably what I would've thought of first) comes out to 7 bytes, a couple of different ways: b;?z₀-ᵐ or ⟨bzk⟩-ᵐ
Too bad there doesn't seem to be a zip-with metapredicate
I'd do this in makina if I had time
tinylisp 2, 43 bytes: (d H(\(L)(?(t L)(c(-(a -(] 2 L)))(H(t L)))( (because zip and zip-with aren't implemented yet)
I believe it's 3.5 bytes in HBL: 2-(2.).
However I can't test that right now because the online version is out of date and doesn't have zip-with
@DLosc reminds me, i wonder how many times anyone's used
@DLosc Also b;?zk-ᵐ
@UnrelatedString I don't think I ever have. It seems like it ought to be useful in some context, but...
Hmm: ≡ᶻ⁰ pairs each element in a list with a copy of the full list. Is there any better way to do that?
probably not
I think I've had to do something like that before
ᶻ⁰ probably has a lot of weird clever uses that none of us have thought of because we forget it exists lmao
and yeah come to think of it i think i've had to do that too and gone with something like g;?z
which is both in the other order (which can also be achieved by ≡ᶻ²) and relies on it being the input variable
reminds me i feel like a general "pair input with result" metapredicate could go a long way
hell that could even be a worthwhile quick in jelly for when chaining with , won't cut it
i've used Ƭ for that way too much
@UnrelatedString So basically a shortcut for ;?↔ ?
specifically input to the predicate rather than overall but yeah pretty much
as in the predicate it's applied to
Ah, okay
So a -> ⟨≡≡a⟩
Come to think of it, is there any other 2-byte way to do ≡ᶻ?
...good question
three bytes is obvious ofc
;?z but that doesn't work unless you're dealing with the predicate input
Ah, okay. Yeah, I was trying jᵐ earlier but that didn't quite do the same thing ^_^
Well, I haven't found any Brachylog answers I can golf using , but I did find one I could golf in a different way ;P
1 hour later…
@RadvylfPrograms although I would argue that because of the organisational structure of vyxal internally, there's a clear cut line of who owns the language.
Organisation owners would count as class 1 and everyone else as 1.5 or 2
Yeah, it was the 1.5 vs. 2 distinction I was talking about up until the "and what if I make a language collaboratively" part.
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