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I love how this is essentially just some rich french dude arguing that democracy makes people greedy and isolated
Oh, same with "the equality of conditions". Can't give people rights or we'll all forget to worship our ancestors and build public roads
ah yes, blorpg
> Democracy makes people feel isolated
that makes sense lol
> Although private interest directs the greater part of human actions in the United States as well as elsewhere
wait is it legal for you to give us that
Yeah, it's publically available
@RadvylfPrograms how do we get the JSON between bots? sockets?
Scrolls written in the blood of our enemies
ah yes, good old /dev/deathpit
Nah, we'll just use a private network through Docker, and a script on the bot's end will pass the commands through STDIO or args
I do not understand how to use docker
You don't need to
I'll do that part
how do I make my part talk to your part?
I'm making it in Python bc Python
I assume there's an API?
I'm thinking it'll be a script, you'll just run ./tick [bot] and pass the data through STDIN
that is horrendous
So the Python stuff will mostly be a wrapper for that, so people who make a controller in like, Haskell aren't left out
Haha that looks like it has flat teeth
As if the teeth were one dimensional
@Ginger Well what would you recommend?
This is a pretty straightforward way to do it IMO
@lyxal don't you have 1D teeth?
lyxal why are you awake
@RadvylfPrograms better way: Python socket or language equivalent
(one sec)
@Ginger sus
oh wait
@Ginger That's far more annoying for non-Python users
53 mins ago, by lyxal
sucks to be you. School holidays (and uni break) just started over here.
Mar 5 at 3:37, by Radvylf Programs
> TFW se rver racks are really e x pensive so y ou j u st have your rack server sitting on a table
@RadvylfPrograms hold please
@Ginger wth?
good question
it's a sexy table what can i say
CMQ: How to make custom file extensions?
like .py
Name the file file.custom
@RadvylfPrograms ಠ_ಠ. I read it as sex y table
there's no agency that will swoop down on you for making up a new extension
You might need to change the save option on Windows to "Any type"
^^ todo
You can use some sort of windows thingy to register your app as the thing you use to run that extension
Windows Thingy™
@RadvylfPrograms If you double click on a file with an unknown extension, Windows asks you to pick an app to run that program in, and whether you want that app to be the default app to run files with that extension
Yeah but you didn't have to do that with, e.g., .py, did you? Making all of your users do that would be bad design.
@RadvylfPrograms Of course I didn't need to do that with .py, as the computer is magic, duh
perhaps we could use pipes?
@Ginger Lyxal is mario, ask him
@lyxal what do you think of pipe()?
@cairdcoinheringaahing (insert diatribe about Windows Registry here)
@Seggan you should probably fix the shruggie in your bio before @lyxal steals the dropped limb
Can someone make a Mario-style platformer game where you try to defend limbs from Lyxal, and the Vyxal gang are minibosses?
@cairdcoinheringaahing in case you wanted the real answer: the Python installer does this for you
Escape from the Limb Factory or KOTH?
hard choice
@pxeger idk what you're talking about, the real answer is that the computer is magic
I would totally start on this if I didn't have catstruct and RTO to work on
Plus a ton of school work
I'm tired of doing complicated boring computer stuff
platformer wins
step 1: game engine
I want to make this a website
so it'll be in JS
also I can't write stories for shit
so someone else will have to help with that
I can help with anything you need me to do
Want me to write a rough story?
perhaps a new room is in order
@RadvylfPrograms yes but don't forget about school etc
@Ginger Dew it
@Ginger school is for people who don't have Escape from the Limb Factory

 game about Lyxal and limb stealing

it's what it says on the tin
@Ginger p5js?
@RadvylfPrograms @lyxal @VyxalGang do you approve of this
am i in the vyxal gang?
i guess i am
since i am in the organization
yeah use p5js
p5js doesn't seem to have a built-in physics engine
I'll just port the one from tanks
All the hitboxes will be rectangles, right?
there is no point in doing needless work
matter.js is what we shall use
Libraries should never be used unless absolutely necessary tho
We already have rectangle collision code written
and so does the library
Mine's better because I wrote it :p
we are using matter.js
Okay, okay, cool
do you have a replit account?
@Ginger I was going to say that too
Matter.js is cool
ᵇᵘᵗ ᵐᶦⁿᵉ'ˢ ˢᵗᶦˡˡ ᵇᵉᵗᵗᵉʳ
discussion should be in the room
@Ginger howd you notice that
@pxeger I tried ato.pxeger.com/… but nothing happened
@Neil xargs doesn't work with shell functions, only actual commands
Ever wondered when the CGCC mod election is going to end?
aka "How long have the current mods been mods?" :P
> -13412:-26:-4
Huh, this CW answer by @cairdcoinheringaahing still says "ChartZ Belatedly".
There's still some PHP code on my server shudders
@pxeger It was last updated in March 21, when I was still Chartz Belatedly. I reckon an edit would force an update
I'm just surprised it stores the old username at all
CW answers are weird in how they display usernames
Because they display the username of the user who contributes the most to the post, my guess is that it does some sort of caching to avoid page load
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

SegganCompute the Law of Cosines code-golf Overview The task at hand: given the following formula (the Law of Cosines) $$\sqrt{a^2 + b^2 - 2ab\cos \gamma}$$ compute it for a given \$a\$, \$b\$, and \$\gamma\$. Rules You may choose whether to input \$\gamma\$ in radians or degrees IO defaults apply Sta...

@pxeger Looks clear enough, tho I suspect most approaches will just do "sums of the powerset that appear more than once". I'd suggest adding an example where a sum can be made in 3 or more ways
Okay, finally fixed my /srv folder's file permissions
@pxeger commented a few thoughts
All 113 dirs and 538 files
@pxeger Also, a test case where one sum can be made in 2 ways, and another in 3 ways (or any two different number of ways greater than 1)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Yeah, this is less computationally interesting than it is mathematically..
Yeah... Subset sums are a really interesting topic in maths, but computers kinda trivialise a lot of things about them, especially with lower numbers
Someone in my compsci class just shouted "Greek Orthodox Easter?!" in a very concerned voice, and now I'm worried
Okay RTO is working again
Args and compiler args still aren't implemented
Do y'all like Roboto Mono or Atkinson Hyperlegible better:
Roboto Mono
wow your screenshots are crunchy
low resolution
Not really...
at least on my school chromebook they look like they are
I'm on a 2256×1504 screen
It's probably just scaled weirdly thanks to chat
scaled weirdly due to chat and you having a huge screen probably
@RadvylfPrograms Atkinson Hyperlegible is better for readability, because it's proportional-width
Compromise: Atkinson Hyperlegible for the code and Roboto Mono for non-code :p
@RadvylfPrograms If you don't use Times New Bastard, you're using the wrong font :P
oh times new bastard that brings up some old memories
@RadvylfPrograms Atkinson Hyperlegible
CMC: Given a list with an even number of elements, place the second half in front of the first. If it has an odd number of elements, leave the center-most element alone
So, [a, b, c, d] becomes [c, d, a, b], and [a, b, c, d, f] becomes [d, f, c, a, b]
@RadvylfPrograms Leaving the center alone makes this annoying in Jelly
How does Jelly handle halving an odd string?
anyone here use ipython? It seems to be broken these days. up-arrow should give you the line above but now gives me a line from ancient history
[a, b, c, d, e]ŒH -> [[a, b, c], [d, e]]
Does it have an operator to rotate a list?
Wait no
@RadvylfPrograms Pip, 14 bytes: Y#g/2gHy::gSyg
Literally "swap the first N/2 elements with the last N/2 elements and output the resulting list"
@RadvylfPrograms Python, 42 bytes: lambda l:l[-(n:=len(l)//2):]+l[n:-n]+l[:n]
A port of the Pip approach is 46 bytes as a function that modifies its argument in place: def f(l):n=len(l)//2;l[:n],l[-n:]=l[-n:],l[:n]
@RadvylfPrograms Jelly, 11 bytes
@UnrelatedString Well that's disgusting :P
LƬḊ is such a weird way to do L;1 :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing i tried 1,L and it just didn't cooperate
1,L is parsed as (1,)L not (1),(L)
oh of course lmao
not sure why i didn't try L,1 before going straight to LƬḊ
@Ginger Also on my (emanresu's) answer - just six downvotes
@allxy I learned C++ for intro programming in college. Whenever I see C++ on StackExchange these days, I don't even know what I'm looking at. Either the language has changed a lot since 2006, or what they were teaching us wasn't very idiomatic C++.
I think C++ just slowly sucks you down into a vortex of ever weirder and uglier features
@DLosc from what little I've picked up from my C++-using friends, every 3 years a brand new language comes out called C++
CMC: given a ragged multidimensional list of unique integers, and one of those integers, find the integer directly preceding it in the flattened tree. Must use O(1) memory - so you can't flatten the list!
> I learned C++ for intro programming in college. Whenever I see C++ on StackExchange these days, I don't even know what I'm looking at. Either the language has changed a lot since 2006, or what they were teaching us wasn't very idiomatic C++.
@pxeger stringifies
Example: [[1, 2], 5, [[7]], [8, [3]], 8 -> 7
C++ is where programmers who know they're destined to write bad code either way go to curl up in the corner and die
is this even possible
@RadvylfPrograms curl up in the corner
@allxy that would constitute flattening. Stringifying would use O(n) memory, to make the string
C++ pipes your soul to /dev/null
@allxy Should be, if the original list doesn't count toward the memory requirement.
@allxy thinking about it, any other solution would probably be recursive and therefore use upto O(n) stack space
@Ginger worse, C++ pipes /dev/rand into your soul
so I don't think so
Oh right
@DLosc no, it doesn't
Bash cds into your ~ and rm -rfs your mom
dd if=/dev/urandom of=newfile bs=1M count=10; chmod +x newfile; ./newfile
It breaks things
user image
oh dear
@Mayube I guess they keep incrementing it in-place ;P
@RadvylfPrograms type <Ctrl+c> reset <Enter> and you'll be fine
@DLosc C++++
(I'm running this in v86, dw)
@RadvylfPrograms v86 lets you do that? Lol
I mean, it's basically a fully emulated computer
What SE sites other than RPG.SE would the tag work on? :P
Maybe medical science? Although I think there'd be better wording than that
Worldbuilding, probably
i feel like worldbuilding wouldn't phrase it like that
@RadvylfPrograms wow, not heard of v86 before, but's pretty impressive
really surprisingly fast, apart from the filesystem
I'm playing Minesweeper in Windows 95 lol
True gamer right here
@UnrelatedString Looks like they have and
@allxy up/down arrow keys are surprisingly complex to implement
(that problem is what inspired my CMC above - you can't really "flatten" the DOM)
@pxeger Just take the DOM as an argument, and run F on it, ez :P
@DLosc It's possible if you ask for the value directly after instead of before nope I don't think that is either
because the traversal itself is linear memory
yeah, to find the element you have to traverse the whole depth of the list, which is necessarily linear
I think it's possible if you use a data structure with enough pointers, but a nested list isn't going to work.
@pxeger You can stringify it though...
yeah you could do it with nodes that point to their parent as well as children
Or you can just use a recursive flat
@allxy ...in linear memory
For pxeger's problem it doesn't actually need that
@allxy stringifying the DOM is an absolutely terrible idea
have you ever tried to parse HTML?
True lol
> MHTML, an initialism of "MIME encapsulation of aggregate HTML documents"
Yeah sure
'cause that's how initialisms work
@RadvylfPrograms it wasn't as cumbersome as MIMEEoAHTMLD
i could go for some MEAHD
See now it's too similar to Mead, and we can't be giving those web devs any ideas about alcoholism, they hate themselves enough as it is
i didn't know it was even possible to do css sober
CMC: find a nested initialism or acronym with the most layers (MHTML=MIME HTML scores 2)
Infinite acronyms aren't allowed (GNU=GNU NU=GNU NU NU=...). Must have some actual use, and not be made up just for this purpose
DoH maybe?
(Domain Name System) over ((HyperText Transfer Protocol) Secure)
Depends whether you count HTTPS as one or two I guess
I don't think HTTPS counts as 2 layers
@UnrelatedString This is why it's unethical to teach kids programming
CSS isn't programming!
this is why it's unethical to teach kids front end programming
@pxeger It is
(unless it is: eli.fox-epste.in/rule110)
You're telling a computer what to do
Using a language specifically meant for that purpose
@pxeger I'd argue that a cooking recipe is programming :P
@UnrelatedString this is why it's unethical to do front end programming
Plain HTML isn't programming, I don't think, but CSS totally is.
It's objective instructions providing an algorithm to transform a series of inputs into an output. Cooking = Python
Instructions unclear, am having boiled snake for dinner
@cairdcoinheringaahing I was gonna complain that Python is nondeterministic, but I suppose cooking is too if you do it badly enough
cooking = python is pretty much the entire first half of a high school cs class
@pxeger Python strictly speaking isn't, Python + modules is
Cooking by itself is deterministic, but if you add extras to it, who knows?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Define modules. Does builtins count? Python is very tightly coupled to its library and it's very hard to say where both start and end
If it needs an import, it's a module
@allxy I can't get past the part with the passcode
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Python, is in fact, Modules/Python, or as I've recently taken to calling it, Modules plus Python.
Well my english teacher is playing Fireboy and Watergirl now
No clue what we're supposed to be doing
I think it's pretty clear whether or not he's in the 25% of the teachers here who are quitting at the end of the year
(Most of whom are quitting because of him, I should add)
you're clearly supposed to backseat game
I was telling my AP seminar teacher, who's also an english teacher, about the super sarcastic comment he'd left on that assignment and she was like "yep, Mr. Riggs do be like that"
He's infamous for just giving up on grading and giving everyone 85s on stuff
@RadvylfPrograms I hope so much that that is an exact quote :P
of all the grades to default to
why 85
@cairdcoinheringaahing Unfortunately it is not :p
like that's fucking awful
Default to an 83; after all, 83% of all statistics are made up on the spot
> Persuasive Composition: Competition Needed? Mastery 85.00
I didn't even turn this in
@UnrelatedString IDK how good the results are, but...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AZTECCOCompare me and input code-golfquine Missing quine challenges? Write a function or a full program that compares lexicographically its source code and input, that is, output three distinct values of your choice telling if input / source code is Bigger, Equal or Less than source code / input. You ar...

@RadvylfPrograms And now he's watching Steven Universe
So, my upcoming language cannot support triads, due to the way its parsing works. So I came up with a pretty cool hack: there's a dyad called the 'triad modifier", which must be followed by a dyad. So, it parses the same as two dyads, with three arguments, but the two get merged afterward into a single operator.
If followed by a monad instead it's a digraph dyad, and with a nilad it's a digraph monad.
isn't that kind of what currying is?
Sort of, but the dyad that comes after it just an ordinary dyad. So for example, T+ (if T was the triad modifier) might be "pad right", and the + is never actually run
Since the parser doesn't care what the operators do, and the operators just receive their children as an AST and it's up to them if they run it or treat it as something else
This is actually how functions and string literals will work too
@RadvylfPrograms Look at your clues. If you don't have all three, find them.
A string literal will just be a valid tree of operators prefixed with a string literal modifier monad
@allxy I have all three but they don't do anything when I click them
@RadvylfPrograms what if the next dyad is another triad modifier?
Look at the board next to the passcode and decode them
@Mayube It doesn't care, it's just treated as a number (the index in the dyad list)
So you couldn't chain 2 triad modifiers to make a quadrad?
I suppose you could theoretically make it take another dyad after that to make a quadrad, but that's three bytes
ninja'd lol
Quadrads are cool but definitely not worth three bytes IMO
I mean if you need a quadrad you need a quadrad
if the alternative to using a quadrad costs 10 bytes, that 3 byte quadrad don't look too bad all of a sudden
@RadvylfPrograms Did you figure out the password?
I find it interesting just how much redundancy there is in english
Because lots of important words like pronouns and verbs like "be" and "can" encode additional information, you can get all sorts of stuff wrong and the sentence is still understandable
"Am confused" is perfectly unambiguous, and things like "There were two car" are still pretty easy to figure out
You can also mess with the word order a bit
english has data correction
"A dog chased I", "I chased a dog", "dog I chased", etc.
I guess it sort of makes up for english's totally ridiculous lack of nice patterns
In lossy contexts such as loud rooms, redundancy is an important feature.
@RadvylfPrograms That's not very teacherly of them but damn, gotta respect them if they can play both Fireboy and Watergirl at once :P
Yeah lol
frick differential equations
I spent three months learning about them then forgot
And now I have a test to do
More "frantically study"
@PyGamer0 to be fair make doesn't detect header file changes unless you tell it which object files depend on them, it will only assume object files depend on source files by default
@pxeger whoops I also failed to notice that cc successfully and silently creates an object file for an empty source file
@allxy man that font is awesome
... it's comic sans
oh lol
idk why I didn't recognize it
also eww at var and inconsistent quotes and require
It's awesome and terrible at the same time
It looks trolly
thats the best and worst possible way to program
Like xkcd
@RadvylfPrograms I parse "dog I chased" as "the dog that I chased" i.e. a noun with a relative clause
"a dog was chased by I"
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