@lyxal thanks, it's good to be back! I've been dealing with a large helping of "life" recently, which is why I haven't been around, but I'm hoping to start being a bit more active
'cause on the one hand, can't stay here forever, and plenty of people before me have left the site. But I've invested so much time. I feel a pretty strong sense of community, and feel like I have fairly good friendships with a lot of y'all
I probably wouldn't feel such strong emotions about the topic if I wasn't closer with CGCC/TNB than my family.
its touching to hear that u think of us in such high esteem, but seriously, how fucked up can ur family be if u enjoy chatting with online strangers more than your own family (not to sound too harsh or anything, just what i think)
They have zero trust in me, and the reverse is also true. My sister steals things from me all the time, but my parents never have any proof and my sister's basically convinced them I'm a liar and I make up stuff about her.
We have a cat, Stormie. For six years we've told her to be nicer to the poor thing. She'll pick him up until he cries to be let down, and she still won't put him down. She'll hug and squeeze him in very clearly unconfortable ways, she's given him showers and lied about it, wrapped him in blankets so he couldn't run, etc. She's 13 and she still does this, and she genuinely believes he likes her. He can't even walk around the house, he has to slink around, running if you drop a pin.
That's just an example of how little empathy or understanding for others' feelings she has. Everything is about her. If her friends don't do what she wants to use them for, they're no longer her friends until she needs something else. So you can imagine what it's like when she doesn't need you but she can't get rid of you.
@RadvylfPrograms I feel like if you drift away it will be because you've eventually found other directions in life and we won't be as important to you anymore, and that might sound sad but if/when you do, it'll only be because CGCC/TNB isn't an important part of your life anymore compared to how it may be now.
idk if that was worded in a way that can be understood but basically if the site dies that'd be sad but as possibly worthless assurance, if you do drift away, you won't be sad about it because it'll only be because this place isn't as important to you anymore that you let yourself gradually leave here
A few years ago we went on a trip somewhere, and they had a tennis court. My parents used to play it for fun in high school and college, so we played around a bit and liked it. My high school has a tennis court, so we'd go pretty often. My mom can't really play tennis much for health reasons, so it'd just be the three of us. Well, it's hard to play tennis with three people, and she was actually getting pretty good, playing in tournaments and stuff, so I became an obstacle.
She'd never hit balls to me. She'd constantly be rude, pick fights, laugh when I messed up (which I did about as often as her). And she'd use these awful false-equivalence arguments every single time that we were both arguing so it was both of our faults. Time and time again. It was awful. And that's why I don't play tennis any more.
I don't know how much of it was intentional, but she destroyed my interest in a hobby, so that she could spend more time practicing. I was going to play high school tennis, I had it on my course selection sheet and everything, but I just couldn't bring myself to go with them anymore.
And I can't be like "dad, stop, maybe don't make fun of me constantly?", because he has all these ideas about how "men can't feel emotions" or whatever, so I don't even bother
I've thought lonjg and hard many times about the costs and benefits of that sorta stuff, but...it'd just mess up too much to be worth it when I'll be gone in two years. And my mom doesn't deserve it.
They make like $115k a year total, both cars paid off, house paid off and doubled in value thanks to Austin growing so much, and do you know how much they've saved for me and my sister for college? $50
Because a bank was advertising they'd double the first $50 you put in a college savings account
I've told them for years all I want is for them to lend me money, and he refuses to do that. They're trying to push me to go to a cheaper, state school, even though they won't pay for a cent of it.
i'd definitely not recommend leaving your parents (at least this early) as one of the solutions except as a last resort just because it puts a lot more stress on you due to finances and managing living stuff which is a bad thing to have when you need to focus on your education which sets you on a good path, and you have the rest of your life to do whatever you want with it
though of course that advice is coming from me only because i'm able to tolerate my household enough to stay here; I can't weigh the benefits/detriments for you but it's definitely necessary to consider that you might put more pressure than necessary on yourself during like, probably the most important years of your life
Worst part is, a combination of COVID and the classes I'm taking mean that I haven't had a class with any of my friends in four years. Half of them went to a different high school. My social skills are like a quarter of what they used to be. I don't really have any IRL friends anymore, aside from one who I have 10m a day to talk to twice a week on the bus to school and back.
And I don't have the heart to tell him our only common interest is something I don't even care about anymore
@RadvylfPrograms that's something I really can't offer any advice for cuz I have like, basically 1-2 IRL friends rn (not counting my brother) and we almost only talk online and usually not to converse but just to ask each other questions, discuss assignments, or play video games
nearly all of my social interaction is on discord lol
Yeah. I'm hoping once I get a job this summer I'll be able to rebuild the social skills I lost during the lockdown (not that I had many in the first place)
@lyxal yes. a combination of covid, my parents not wanting me to because of financial and other stresses, and myself ultimately deciding that they were right that it was more trouble than it was worth means i'm still living here ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and it's fine like I can handle it
i mean once you're an adult if you really want you can just cut off your family and if you don't care about if they think you hate them or keeping ties with them that'd be viable no?
not that I can really say I would recommend that but
as much as I want to dislike my parents it'd be dishonest to say I don't appreciate what they have done for me (even though I disagree with a lot of their parenting style) and I feel like cutting them off would be unhealthy for me
I really want to just block them all on the plane to wherever, and my dad and sister totally deserve it, but my mom has been a bad parent more out of health issues than malice
i've talked about it with some other friends too and ultimately I feel like no matter how much I dislike them once I move out and stop seeing them much I'll probably end up missing them and if I do cut them out of my life I feel like I'd regret that ultimately
I solved Semantle #70 in 186 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 2.27. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #51. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 25.66. semantle.novalis.org
E.g., they range foot long chameleon things (Garden of the Purple Dragon), to massive fire-breathing flying sheep eating things that can barely fit in a castle
And you can have like, dragon skin, dragon blood, dragon eggs, etc. that all do interesting things
But phoenixes are pretty cool yeah
I like how Harry Potter sets up a conflict in the Fantastic Beasts book (the reference one, which is literally a list of magical beasts) about how some are classed as beasts and some are classed as beings, and that centaurs are classed as beasts, then it's basically never mentioned again and we're supposed to accept that centaurs are considered subhuman animals without rights.
(I'm apparently not very good at the smooth-transition-to-non-depressing topics thing)
Smooth transition take 2: CMP: Do you prefer that feeling when you finish a dneeze or that feeling when someone says “You’re an awesome person we all love you”
If we're taking about light hearted things again, then I'd like to tell y'all how I remembered today that a prime minister of ours once threatened to shirt-front Putin