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Or, id restricted to function type
It's only the identity on functions. You can't do ($) "test" since strings are not functions.
Well, yeah, fair enough
HaskellMC: Bubble sort
It's also has special unboxing properties. But let's not talk about unboxing.
Do you mean destructuring or something entirely different?
It's actually not possible to write ($) without compiler hook ins.
@emanresuA Unboxing is to do with pointers and other low level gubbins
does haskell have low level stuff?
laziness + no side effects makes anything low level very nasty
@WheatWizard I knew you were going to link that
time to create a worse version
give me two minutes
There are some nice things about low level Haskell stuff. But it's its own skill and it's pretty separate from the rest of the language.
That's kind of slow even for a bubble sort.
@pxeger It also doesn't work: Try [1,2,4,3]
@emanresuA how do i splice arrays in js like python?
nvm got it
Do you mean slice?
def bubbleSort(toSort):
  for i in range(len(toSort)):
    for i1 in range(len(toSort)-1):
      if toSort[i1] > toSort[i1+1]:
        temp = toSort[i1]
        toSort[i1] = toSort[i1+1]
        toSort[i1+1] = temp
  return toSort
@emanresuA how to prepend to stuff
in js
def b(l):
 for _ in range(len(l)):
 return l
^ CMQ: how to golf that?
@PyGamer0 change _ to i
how will that help?
reduces it by a whole 0 bytes
You don't need a newline after the for header.
can i write it as a one liner
def b(l):
  for _ in l:l=f(l)
  return l
something like: repeat(f,range(len(l)),l)
i guess the time complexity is still O(n²)....
Why are there just 3 spaces out of nowhere on the second line?
And the same on the seventh?
to make it align with the second return
Oh. I don't think that works.
It just looks weird.
it just for readability
@WheatWizard oh lol
I think it makes it less readable.
173 without spaces: ato.pxeger.com/…
(There's still an extra space)
Lightly golfed for 136 bytes: ato.pxeger.com/…
i wonder if b can be written as a lambda
Sep 8, 2021 at 1:03, by OldSandboxPosts
@emanresuA I think caird coinheringaahing is a Sith Lord!
man i can't have shit in this room
CMQ: Ever used %-formatting and f-strings at the same time?
@allxy yes, for a code.golf problem
I think it was the overlapping rectangles one
But I can't tell you what it is
nerdlegame 71 4/6


https://nerdlegame.com #nerdle
Dammit, commutativeness
nerdlegame 71 4/6


https://nerdlegame.com #nerdle
so damn close to a 3
mini nerdlegame 71 3/6


https://mini.nerdlegame.com #nerdle
mini nerdlegame 71 5/6


https://mini.nerdlegame.com #nerdle

for those who want to see my full breakdown, it's here
Q: In the new top bar, the moderator diamond no longer changes color to indicate new inbox messages

Cody GrayThe title says it all—this is yet another regression with the unannounced, untested, unwanted launch of the redesigned top navigation bar. Moderators have a diamond icon in their top bar, which is ordinarily the same color as the other icons (inbox, achievements, etc.), but is supposed to light u...

thank you SE, very cool
We officially have no bountied questions.
hey wait if stacks is open source, that means we could change it ourselves right? (assuming merged PRs, but with enough people showing interest in the PRs, SE might notice and merge)
they have multiple labels on a PR that mean the same thing
and have they not heard of draft PRs?
Is do-not-merge actually a synonym of work-in-progress?
They don't seem like the same thing.
I am going to work on that userscript
work-in-progress implies do-not-merge
hol plees
so yes, SE has made them synonyms
CMQ: Can somebody with a cached version of the pre-icon-color-change site use a color picker on the icons?
the icons are roughly #a1a6ae
or #a6aab2
depending on where you choose the colour from
hold please
I took my own screenshot from the web archive
@Ginger *holds*
oh hey it's raining
I wasn't allowed to write /shrug as the course of action
Because it's "unprofessional" and "could lose marks"
So why not make it professional to react to things with /shrug? /s
"hey boss the printer broke" "/shrug"
"and the users don't like the new site design either" "/shrug"
alright, step 1 of 2 complete
I've gotten it to fix the color, now I just have to do the notifications
can somebody with a cached version put it in a gist?
Don't got one of that though
how did they look originally?
(both of them)
Well the rep count I've linked above
Let me see if I have a screenshot of notification count
did the search button's color also change?
I don't know
But hopefully these points of data make a beautiful line for you
And that you'll be out of beta and releasing on time
can somebody upvote a post of mine? I need to test the rep notifications
(and the inbox ones too if you can)
@Ginger ping ping here's a thing.
@Ginger hang on
I have committed science™ (for the people who are still alive)
@Ginger go to CGCC
user image
Found this among my screenshots
why no jelly answer or vyxal answer to this?
because nobody wanted to write one?
because I regexn't
@Razetime you're razetime.
@Razetime can jelly do regex replace?
@lyxal pssst i got an idea: triadic atoms are forced dyadic atoms with the accumulator as an extra argument
triadic rules are just dyadic rules
A: "Hello, World!"

Louis PineEEL - 88 Bytes =72 !>=101 !>=108 !>=108 !>=111 !>=44 !>=32 !>=119 !>=111 !>=114 !>=108 !>=100 !>=33 !. Explanation EEL (Easy Esoteric Lang) is an esoteric programming language created by me, based on Brainf*** but easy to manage, hence the name. Below is a brief description of the language. .-EE...

here is the result:
do you like
@hyper-neutrino: Did you get my ping in the Sandbox? I can't recall whether replying to an old chat-message generates a ping..
It used to be the icon under it would become dark green.
that is more tricky
but I can do it
hold plees
And there was a black border around the green rectangle.
nice, but can you move the +20 to the right a little?
@lyxal lol what does this mean
And make it a tiny bit rounder.
i might write a husk
@Razetime it's something I don't get to say very often.
@Ginger The border was not perfectly black but the the same color as the bar.
i love random redesigns
I think it was also like 2px thick? Just a little bit thicker than what you have now.
@user21820 it does 👍
I think the color is still wrong for the border
also the border vanished when you hovered
Q: Damrau-Damrau distance

Wheat WizardGiven a list of the integers from \$1\$ to some \$n\$, give the minimum number of adjacent swaps required to put the list in ascending order. You will receive a list as input and should output a non-negative integer. You may if you wish choose to expect a list of the integers from \$0\$ to \$1\$...

@PyGamer0 ah now i see why
because it needs printing to stdout midway through the process
pretty sure jelly can do that
and the escaping is quite difficult
my fricking bf interpreter is not working
using that is difficult. I think nick kennedy would be up to it if he wanted to
i still dont understand how /// is tc
Oct 11, 2021 at 7:53, by pVC aecidiospore adduced
user image
/// is turing complete due to infinite storage and unbounded looping if there is no fixpoint
that font is interesting
I think I have patched the repcounter
now, can someone mention me?
@PyGamer0 well it is definitely a [] problem if it runs forever
@hyper-neutrino wait the title is agave
the rest of the body looks like APL386
yeah it is
although you gotta admit
@ophact is that yea or nay, i'm not sure
^ looks nice
but does it have the APL
no :(
thats why i use iosevka
I think I've done it
uploading script to a gist
@SegFaultPlus4 neither, it's info
morning folks
it's 2:36PM
Then as people say in one of my discord servers: Happy timezone, folks
what's a timezone
a zone of time
@PyGamer0 so this is the cat program
just do print(input())
@SegFaultPlus4 its echo...
@PyGamer0 ok then, echo(input())
Did the worst I've ever done on wordle today
@RadvylfPrograms what did u get
i got a 5
so now i have 3 3s, 6 4s, 4 5s and 5 6s
you know you're a programmer when you get concerned when your quotes don't auto-close
reason: this happened to me
Gross, auto-closing quotes are wack :p
@RadvylfPrograms you speak with the inelegance of a JS programmer
Auto-closing quotes always just mess stuff up for me
I find auto-closing quotes / parens to be incredibly annoying.
Because it's really not tough to hit " twice instead of once, and autoclosing makes it rather hard to just type one of them.
@WheatWizard yeah
Wordle 286 4/6

this reminds me of something
It just inserts stuff I didn't type into the program.
And if you've got a big ugly mess of nested brackets, changing one or two is really hard with auto-closing brackets
@WheatWizard it's simple: ", , \B
@RadvylfPrograms you can't mess it up in the first place
Jul 8, 2021 at 6:06, by PyGamer0
our teacher is now teaching; "In the latest version of Java, you write a opening curly brace and press enter, it will automatically put the closing curly brace"
@WheatWizard i hate it too
i disable it everywhere
@PyGamer0 i support this
Java and intellij are merging into one entity.
@RadvylfPrograms how can you mess up exactly 1 bracket when everything always auto closes
@WheatWizard *BlueJ
In a couple of years they will begin to absorb github as well.
@SegFaultPlus4 Never said I did. More just, if I need to insert more or change something to another type of brackets
If you think auto-closing is bad enough, you've never tried it with copilot and vs code insiders all at once
My language has auto-closing quotes. It reads 1 char then auto closes the quotes :D
@RadvylfPrograms that takes the same number of changes with or without auto closing
E.g., sometimes when you type ) and there's a ) already after it, it just moves the cursor forward instead of typing anything
@lyxal \o
hold on let me go to replit
The worst is in emacs when I have () and I try to delete the ) it just deletes the whole thing.
I'm sure if I were to get used to auto-closing I'd be just as fast with it, but I've got six years of non-auto-closing muscle memory :p
@lyxal copilot and auto closing usually works fine, but for some reason VSC insiders build doesn't like copilot that much, and it looks half completed when it isn't, and completions overlap what you already have.
My work IDE autocloses and I've used it for two years. I am still not used to it.
@RadvylfPrograms this: "({{},{}},[{},{{}},{},{}]))"
this takes half as long with auto closing as with no auto closing
How often do you type programs that are just sequences of brackets?
You still need to hit the arrow keys to move past the closed brackets
It takes just as long
@RadvylfPrograms i'm glad you asked
The really annoying thing is when I have X and I want (X) or [X].
Is now a good time to mention that I use vim, which can do everything you're complaining about and never messes up?
give me a second
(with the correct combination of plugins)
@pxeger @pxeger knows where it's at
@WheatWizard fXysl)
@pxeger What do you mean by "never messes up"?
@pxeger vim users are like arch linux users
My problem isn't with auto-closing "messing up", it's with auto-closing in the first place
@Mayube Of which pxeger is, unfortunately, one
@pxeger That doesn't work if X is large which is ... most of the time.
@RadvylfPrograms Can't be, he hasn't told me 7 times since logging on
@RadvylfPrograms Because of the separation and existence of Insert mode and Normal mode, I always know whether I'm inserting (in which case I get autoclose) or deleting or navigating (in which case I don't)

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