From an encoding perspective, it's "nice" because the low bit of each character corresponds to the blue channel of the associated color, the next bit to the green channel, and the next bit to the red channel. But I guess that's not super important for this application, and I should have made it less "clever" and more Piet-specific.
note that the self parameter isn't even magical or hidden or anything from the outside, you can literally call the method from the class and pass an object in as that parameter
Your program needs to take input from STDIN, or the nearest equivalent if not possible. Your program needs to output using STDOUT, or the nearest equivalent if not possible.
Arbitrarily overriding the defaults
The default code formats, input/output methods, and other defaults are a product of community thought and discussion. Don't change them just because you feel like it or disagree with them. They have good reasons for being as they are, some of which are only app...
Some more suggestions: you can change return 0 to just return everywhere, and I think you can change if not S.t("FU"):raise Exception to just S.t("FU") since input validation isn't normally necessary
@RadvylfPrograms Hm... well, even if the subtraction were correct, it would be completely meaningless to subtract those two percentages, so it's possible that the mistakes are intentional since the hypothetical person saying the title text clearly doesn't know what they're talking about.
I solved Semantle #60 in 26 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 0.90. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #15. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 75.15 (999/1000).
my first top 1000 word was spoiler at guess #7, if i played it smarter i most likely couldve gotten it with less guesses than what i got (23 guesses), but wutever
No, I'm not a moderator, although I do a lot more moderation activity than actual code golfing (and, if anyone cares, I was responsible for the close vote review queue spike that occurred earlier today)
Fennel, 23 bytes
(print "Hello, World!")
From the fennel website:
Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed, simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a lisp syntax and macro system.
I solved Semantle #60 in 96 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.43. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #38. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 40.69 (919/1000).
Fennel, 23 bytes
(print "Hello, World!")
From the fennel website:
Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed, simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a lisp syntax and macro system.
> Existence is the ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality. In philosophy, it refers to the ontological property[1] of being.[2]
@DialFrost well thats the thing, when u finally do manage to golf the code, it feels like an accomplishment. thats the benefit right there. and anyways, if u cant find any golfs for a particular answer, just move onto another answer
if i can golf the code, then great! i benefit by practicing, when ppl alr golf them to such extent that i dont understand it and cant golf it even if i understand it, i dont benefit
@PyGamer0 In principle, requiring everything to be sandboxed is just easier, and safer, than having different classes of problems require different protocols. In practice, those of us familiar with CGCC, aka cocky, bypass sandboxing at our own discretion anyway.
So just because we don't necessarily sandbox our own tip questions when they're pretty straightforward, doesn't mean we shouldn't state it as a general rule for newer folks.
@DialFrost eh, how simple do you want the challenges??! i feel like some of the most recent challenges were pretty simple, like the interstice of two binary numbers or convert from twos complement to integer
Fennel is a lispy language which compiles to Lua.
From its page:
Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed, simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a lisp syntax and macro system.
I am looking for general tips for golfing in this language. Tips should be somew...
So in addition to the rule against general-lang stuff like whitespace+comments, you should add a rule against general-lisp stuff and link to that main one.