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@Bubbler How's that a reason?
@Bubbler wut does tat mean
Boring, repetitive, basically the same task to many other ascii-art challenges already on the site but just with a different picture
What I mean is that "draw pattern scaled to certain size" is just not particularly interesting
wats interesting now then
That's what's hard about writing challenges
so ur saying its hard to make a challenge inetersting
looks like im going to answering then
creativity is key to making interesting challenges
im not creative - big problem
cant answer simple coding questions - another problem
@DialFrost lmaooo me too
@AidenChow LockPickingLawyer: Throws away the key and picks the lock.
not creative in the slightest, i only have like 2 challenges
@DialFrost This is easier to fix: practice more
@Bubbler i've been coding for 2 years
and i dont even know what recursive functions are
@DialFrost i mean u do seem to be able to answer more complicated questions, i think u r just doubting urself too much
Mar 14 at 1:10, by lyxal
and to understand recursion, you must first understand recursion
@AidenChow nope
@DialFrost . . . I swear ive seen u use recursion in at least one of ur python answers lol
its like in chess
i dont even know what opening im playing i just play it
@AidenChow where?
@emanresuA but recusion can only be understood if you understand recursion
@Bubbler i've ran out of fuel
@DialFrost go to the nearest gas station near you to get some fuel
@DialFrost codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/242583/96039, function p is a recursive function
it is?
and also that seems like a pretty sophisticated answer for a complicated problem
so it would seem like u, in fact, can solve more complicated challenges
prob not
i made my solutionwayyyy to complicated
look at the firts answre
why not?
only 300 bytes!
me: 2000
well at least u can solve those problems, i cant even understand them :P
you could probably save ~200 bytes shortening self
@DLosc 66 codels
     teeiisssbbbbnnnntttteeeee ii
@JoKing i dont know how tho
push 1, neg, print, push 1, print, push 2, print, ..., push 9, print
self is a long variable name. try using a single character one instead
u cant do s=self
@DialFrost uh no
instead of def __init__(self,...) im pretty sure u can do def __init__(s,...) instead, and s would be the same as self
theres no way that works
it does
2 hours ago, by DLosc
From an encoding perspective, it's "nice" because the low bit of each character corresponds to the blue channel of the associated color, the next bit to the green channel, and the next bit to the red channel. But I guess that's not super important for this application, and I should have made it less "clever" and more Piet-specific.
then u can replace all instances of self with s
why not? it's just a variable name
self is just a variable name
^^ and ^
sometimes i use this instead just to fuck with people
you can also use this
the whole point of explicit self is it gets to be just a variable name
@AidenChow IT WORKS
it is literally just a variable name
self is not a keyword
we already explained how
@DialFrost yeah, as other ppl have already mentioned, self is just a variable name, nothing special about it
Took me a while to get used to it coming from JS
see i dont even understand self
note that the self parameter isn't even magical or hidden or anything from the outside, you can literally call the method from the class and pass an object in as that parameter
if self was a keyword then you will not need to pass self as a parameter to the methods
I would tell you that it's similar to JS's .call but you don't do JS
@UnrelatedString so? int.__init__(1)?
ok o/
Unrelated, but does anyone feel like don't do sounds wrong?
...i'm not sure that works since it's __init__
but yeah
> Unrelated
@allxy you don't do do do do this
heh, doo doo
@Bubbler I'm not even sure how to parse that
@UnrelatedString It does work with __init__, and in fact int.__init__(1) is valid (albeit pointless) Python code that does nothing.
@DLosc No. I won't give this up or let it down.
int.__init__(1,"extra","irrelevant","arguments") is even valid.
got it down to 1843 from 2040!
jo king was right!
he guessed it 3 bytes off
is this rly neccserray for a question?
Your program needs to take input from STDIN, or the nearest equivalent if not possible.
Your program needs to output using STDOUT, or the nearest equivalent if not possible.
just use the defaults like a normal person
Today's xkcd seems super rushed
@RadvylfPrograms ?
A: Things to avoid when writing challenges

xnorArbitrarily overriding the defaults The default code formats, input/output methods, and other defaults are a product of community thought and discussion. Don't change them just because you feel like it or disagree with them. They have good reasons for being as they are, some of which are only app...

@RadvylfPrograms Which one?
1. It doesn't fit on my screen correctly
2. The math is wrong in the title text (200% - 30% != 280%)
3. Misspelling of "increase"
Unless the last two are intentional but it seems unlikely to me
@DialFrost 1825 by folding the return after that try...except into it?
except:return 0
lines 35-37 if i counted right
it works
Some more suggestions: you can change return 0 to just return everywhere, and I think you can change if not S.t("FU"):raise Exception to just S.t("FU") since input validation isn't normally necessary
@RadvylfPrograms Hm... well, even if the subtraction were correct, it would be completely meaningless to subtract those two percentages, so it's possible that the mistakes are intentional since the hypothetical person saying the title text clearly doesn't know what they're talking about.
The not fitting on the screen bit is weird, tho.
@TheFifthMarshal it works thx thefith
I solved Semantle #60 in 26 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 0.90. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #15. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 75.15 (999/1000). semantle.novalis.org
@UnrelatedString niiice
i played it kinda inefficiently but also got kinda lucky so yeah
it seems like todays word is relatively ez for everyone
today's is stupid
i worked up very slowly from my first 20-something being spoiler lmao
lmaooo nvm
my first top 1000 word was spoiler at guess #7, if i played it smarter i most likely couldve gotten it with less guesses than what i got (23 guesses), but wutever
and it kinda bit me in the ass that i probed spoiler so early; got hung up a bit on that on my second to last guess lmao
@UnrelatedString yeah, i was looking for those too
my penultimate guess was #999 smh
i tried multiple earlyish and the conclusion i drew was... wrong
same lmao
@DialFrost You can get 1768 bytes by making e throw an exception for invalid output instead of returning: tinyurl.com/57j9vjx7
why is everyone here so smart
thx marshal
for some reason i guessed 919 before 917 after my first top 1000 was 549
i need a friking calculator to check how many bytes marshal saved
@UnrelatedString lol it seems like we had a pretty similar route, i did 917 -> 919 -> 549 instead
And -1 more byte by removing the space before "and" in if s.b>=1 and s.E[l]:g (oops, my mistake, I should have caught that earlier)
wat line
Oh, and you can delete the input() at the beginning for 1760 bytes (relevant meta post: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/12442/46076)
wait wat
how to get input then
wait oops i did 917 -> 549 -> 919 but wutever, doesnt really matter, still had a similar route
I mean delete the code that inputs the cube size and ignores it, since you can ignore input by default per the link I posted
@DLosc 48 codels. This is revolution
tlrtmedaskijfv b
ltrvfjiksademt b
ye but i dont know how
@Bubbler wtf, how does that even work :|
>>>>>>>>>>>>>v X
^<<<<<<<<<<<<< X
thx marshal
wait marshal
ru a moderator?
Used explicit turn-right at the start of the 2nd row
No, I'm not a moderator, although I do a lot more moderation activity than actual code golfing (and, if anyone cares, I was responsible for the close vote review queue spike that occurred earlier today)
@TheFifthMarshal ah ok
rly wat happen
2 hours ago, by emanresu A
The close vote review queue has been really active recently
ah ok
u only have 6k rep
i swear u had like 50k or something
@DialFrost lol maybe u mistaken for someone else?
I do everything but gain rep
@TheFifthMarshal So does ais
For very different reasons
I do it because I just enjoy moderating more than posting (across the entire network)
wow okey
im more active on chess now tho
cuz its easier to answer
coding is exrtremley tricky
especially for a noob
Javascript object references have come back to bite me
Daily Crosswordle 69: 4m 16s https://crosswordle.vercel.app/?daily=1

@DLosc 40 codels with my first proper loop
dddd e??sc        vv
push 9, while top is nonzero { dup; subtract 1 }, print 10 times
@AidenChow That is hard
Done, 6m 57s
@AidenChow Was your solution spoiler
wats the yellow thing
Because I feel like there's more than one correct answer
for wordle
@allxy huh are u doing 70 or 69
cuz my final word was "tease" not "utter"
oh it must be daily
sorry for tomorrows spoiler
I assumed it was like semantle
@allxy i tried this and managed to get to that third line without managing to come up with anything valid for before it lmao
attempted first two lines were spoiler lmaoooo
@allxy wow it is
yall doing 70??
I am
Because I'm future.
im sitting here thinking that the game wasnt too bad, and yall are saying that it was hella hard :\
Try my Crosswordle https://crosswordle.vercel.app/?puzzle=v1-9,39,40,242-lyxal
@AidenChow it's a good kind of challenging
@lyxal lmaoooo, nice one
@lyxal Edited so that you nerds don't take that out of context
Try my Crosswordle https://crosswordle.vercel.app/?puzzle=v1-18,18,18,78,242-frick
Pattern 100% intentional
@lyxal dude why tf is this so hard
This is a great meme format
@lyxal what is that? effiel tower?
huh CGCC doesnt have a fennel answer yet.
time to do one
Try my Crosswordle https://crosswordle.vercel.app/?puzzle=v1-30,30,164,164,242-smile
@lyxal Got it
@PyGamer0 vvvvv
@flawr Thank you!
Last one I swear
@lyxal TIL weest
@lyxal ayy finally got this one, it was really challenging for some reason spoiler
:60768716 Try my Crosswordle https://crosswordle.vercel.app/?puzzle=v1-27,23,242-beans
@AidenChow Your words were very different to mine
I made sure not to include my solution this time
i swear where is the hello world
@lyxal spoiler
A: "Hello, World!"

PyGamer0Fennel, 23 bytes (print "Hello, World!") From the fennel website: Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed, simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a lisp syntax and macro system.

@AidenChow my intended solution was spoiler
I solved Semantle #60 in 96 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 7.43. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #38. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 40.69 (919/1000). semantle.novalis.org
@lyxal spoiler
wait mathlab is MATL?
A: "Hello, World!"

PyGamer0Fennel, 23 bytes (print "Hello, World!") From the fennel website: Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed, simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a lisp syntax and macro system.

@DialFrost uh based on this: esolangs.org/wiki/MATL they are different i think
@DialFrost no MATL is a golfier version of MATLAB
@lyxal woah did you create it? I got spoiler
@mathcat I made the specific instance of the puzzle, and my original solution was spoiler
how do i make this output
in clojure
#(let[n(max 1(int((re-find #"C(.*)H"%)1)))m(* 2 n)](str "2"%" + "(inc(* 3 n))"O2 > "(+ 2 m)"H2O + "m"CO2"))
@DialFrost now it'll take you forever to overtake me in rep
i will get there eventually
how do i make this piet code halt? llllldaaaqelU
i tried
which is one of the shapes bubbler suggested but it doesnt output anything after it halts
triple backticks don't work in chat
^ there should be spaces so that the U's are aligned vertically
@Bubbler oh, rip
"hey is windows OS gud?"..."Windows ... Oh Shit"
use ctrl+K after pasting the code
@AidenChow no multiline markdown in chat :(
what, i tried ctrl k it still looks weird
@AidenChow If the top left cell is black, it halts immediately
@Bubbler oh ye oops
Since you have a 5-cell block at the start, you can do
its supposed to print out K once (it prints out K forever atm), cant figure out how to make it halt
l        u
ll       u
what, that actually works!
i wish i was better at coding :(
then i wld have more answers then qns
personally, i usually just go for easier challenges
Hi hi!
@AidenChow arent any
So much people is here
@AviFS ye, learning piet for lyal rn :)
@AidenChow Oh?
@AviFS ye, me doin nothing
@DialFrost lol u should try learning new lang instead of complaining about code golf, its supposed to be fun
@AidenChow i cant learnnn
@AidenChow I was so confused... I just got it.
I thought you were learning piet for lyxal
Was trying to understand the connection
@AviFS hehe lmaoooo
Kinda sad since I made the initial LYAL post...
lyal and lyxal, they too similar :P
@AidenChow not rly
when u cant even solve it in the first place theres no point golfing
um ok, code golfing is supposed to be fun @DialFrost
@AidenChow supposed to
the process of solving a challenge is one of the main joys of code golf
at least to me
@DialFrost ok then why do you code golf, if not for fun?
@AidenChow uh
its not like someone is forcing u to code golf in the first place
i like golfing, but the process of solving the challenge is the most annoying and chalelnging, its prob fun if u eventually solved it
@DialFrost but thats like the core of this site
problem solving..
i cant
thats the problem
uh so u like golfing code, but not creating code???
to an extent yes
my brain cant translate verbal to code
then golf existing ones...
existing meaning wat
ye, u can still golf other ppls code
theres a plethora of answers for u to choose from
@AidenChow i mean i dont rly benefit but ok
plus im no expert at golfing, i can hardly golf well
marshal cut off 65 bytes with ease ealier
> Existence is the ability of an entity to interact with physical or mental reality. In philosophy, it refers to the ontological property[1] of being.[2]
@DialFrost . . . u benefit by enjoying it and having fun?!?!?!
rep is not everything uk
@AidenChow i dont benefit when i cant golf the code
or do you want internet points
@PyGamer0 sussy
@PyGamer0 me
@AidenChow thats not my point
CMM: Do tips questions need to be sandboxed?
@DialFrost well thats the thing, when u finally do manage to golf the code, it feels like an accomplishment. thats the benefit right there. and anyways, if u cant find any golfs for a particular answer, just move onto another answer
if i can golf the code, then great! i benefit by practicing, when ppl alr golf them to such extent that i dont understand it and cant golf it even if i understand it, i dont benefit
@AidenChow never happens to me
as i said, there are literally tons of answers on CGCC, just choose one that looks interesting and start golfing!
there has to be at least some that u can golf
why dont you workout your brain and start answering?
@PyGamer0 i rarely answer
@AidenChow i've been looking through over at least 15 qns
@DialFrost and why not?
@PyGamer0 In principle, requiring everything to be sandboxed is just easier, and safer, than having different classes of problems require different protocols. In practice, those of us familiar with CGCC, aka cocky, bypass sandboxing at our own discretion anyway.
no luck
@AidenChow cant solve them
or dont understand them
So just because we don't necessarily sandbox our own tip questions when they're pretty straightforward, doesn't mean we shouldn't state it as a general rule for newer folks.
@DialFrost yeah, that is a problem, but there should be challenges out there that u could solve, CGCC has about 13k questions asked as of right now
@AviFS ok ill sandbox a tips question then...
@PyGamer0 Only after reading the second half :p
@PyGamer0 uhhhh idk about sandboxing a tips question, i dont usually see those type of questions being in the sandbox
@AidenChow its extremely rare for me to come across a easy qns
@AviFS i guess i'm bad at english so i'll sandbox it :)
@DialFrost eh, how simple do you want the challenges??! i feel like some of the most recent challenges were pretty simple, like the interstice of two binary numbers or convert from twos complement to integer
@PyGamer0 I hate that I'm the reason for increased human suffering on this Earth.
@AidenChow dont understand that qns
plus if i did, someone prob has the same answer but posted alr
ok what about the ascii envelope one, that one is really simple to understand
plus its not that complicated as to be impossible, yet challenging enough to be fun to solve
dont know also
i understand but cant solve
did u even try???
uh sorta
i dont know how to make the lines and spaces according to input
@AviFS im posting to main v
Q: Tips for golfing in Fennel

PyGamer0Fennel is a lispy language which compiles to Lua. From its page: Fennel is a programming language that brings together the speed, simplicity, and reach of Lua with the flexibility of a lisp syntax and macro system. I am looking for general tips for golfing in this language. Tips should be somew...

@AviFS no, no, I decided to demand everyone learn piet today :p
@AidenChow the worst part is that I had nothing to do with the similarities or any name comparison jokes
@PyGamer0 Note they should be specific to Fennel vs being generally applicable lisp tips.
So in addition to the rule against general-lang stuff like whitespace+comments, you should add a rule against general-lisp stuff and link to that main one.
ok so i changed it
Try my Crosswordle https://crosswordle.vercel.app/?puzzle=v1-0,31,40,236,242-stove

@SegFaultPlus4 spoiler

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