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funny story apparently i've been drinking decaf for the last like four days
that explains a lot
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

caird coinheringaahingIs there a normal subgroup? Let \$(G, *)\$ be some group. That is, for all \$x, y, z \in G\$, the following axioms hold: \$x * y \in G\$ \$x * (y * z) = (x * y) * z\$ There exists some \$e \in G\$ such that \$x * e = e * x = x\$ There exists some \$x^{-1} \in G\$ such that \$x * x^{-1} = x^{-1} ...

@UnrelatedString as in, self-made or from cafes?
or rather my dad's been making it and his eyesight is
not great sometimes
so yeah
@lyxal If you were getting decaf coffee when ordering normal coffee, that's a proper reason to complain to the cafes
@UnrelatedString that's a big yikes from me
i've actually had a crippling sore throat and accompanying cough for two days or so of barely being awake or able to sleep
slept well today but didn't feel any better, noticed the decaf, brewed some *actual* coffee, then about two hours after drinking it i actually feel mostly better
Also, is it satchel style, pods from one of those machines, those beans in a glass jar kind, or something else?
And how the hell do I have 4 followers on Google maps?
Like really, it's Google maps - a platform where you really wouldn't expect followers.
@lyxal I know this isn't what you mean, but for some reason, I imagine this as 4 people who just follow you around but through Google maps
like, you walk from your flat to a local coffee shop, and Gary in Montana just walks along with you in Google street view
@cairdcoinheringaahing those are my FBI agent, my CIA agent, my NSA agent and my AFP agent
why does google maps even have a followers feature
Beats me
I just upload pictures of places for self validation when big numbers get bigger
@lyxal french press with store bought grounds
except our french press broke and we just today got a new one so for the last like half a year we've just boiled them in a pot but that's neither here nor there
lmao for the semantle, my top 3 words at the moment (none of them are top 1000, but i find this pretty hilarious) are spoiler
@AidenChow phenomenal
reminds me for a while one of my top 5 on yesterday's was "fuck"
bruh my top 1000 word is #966, i think i got really lucky
ohhhhh i got 998
u would think i got it by now, but nope
i have 5 words top 990 so far
943 here
cant think of any more words
I did not solve Semantle #57 in any amount of guesses. My first guess has a similarity of 1.15. My first word in the top 1000 didn't happen because I quit on turn 26. If you can't tell already, there is no penultimate guess and it looks like I wouldn't have gotten the word anyway without getting extremely frustrated. semantle.novalis.org
@lyxal bruh why do u keep giving up lel
@UnrelatedString nice i have 980 too
and so fast too
and 985
@AidenChow because I can tell that if I kept on going with semantle, it would become tedious and painful rather than being fun. It just isn't my kind of game it seems
No point doing something like that if you aren't going to enjoy it
:\ i have 998, 997, 994, 990 rn and im still not getting the word wtfffff
i have 997 but not 998
Today's related words are actually helpful
@lyxal yeah i figured
im just not getting it cuz im dumb
980 is a bit more helpful than 998, 997, 994 and 990
ok i got it
literally couldnt get it cuz im so dumb
that was way too big a hint lol
I solved Semantle #57 in 95 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 13.34. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #34. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 59.25 (996/1000). semantle.novalis.org
I solved Semantle #57 in 113 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 16.67. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #52. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 42.87 (924/1000). semantle.novalis.org
ok that was pretty obvious once i got it
should probably keep helpfulness comparisons spoilered in the future
i have more top 900s than 0-899s, sad
lol same
probably the least helpful for me was spoiler
@SandboxPosts Any feedback would be helpful, totally not because I learn my maths content by posting challenges around what they teach us :P
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Is it a base-\$\infty\$ prime?
1 hour later…
ooh just got my first instance of uni workshop notes using a table for formatting
We should start a charity that aims to initiate a global nuclear war. That would raise a lot of awareness for cancer.
That sounds like lobbying with extra steps
Nothing gets funds directed at curing a disease like ensuring everyone who's still alive after your charity event suddenly has it.
@RadvylfPrograms I support it, so long as I get to press the giant ACME plunger that sets off all the nukes
I find it kind of funny Putin's comparing himself (or rather, Russia) to J.K. Rowling
lmao what
what the fuck is the context
that makes more sense than i expected
still funny though
I wonder what the odds are that Putin's read a harry potter book, or even written HP fanfiction
Must be stressful being a dictator, maybe that's his hobby
@RadvylfPrograms but who's going to donate if they know your aim isn't directly actionable?
It's directly actionable if we have enough money
We just need to buy a really long bungee cord, a helicopter, and an amateur radio kit
But how are you going to get the nukes?
They don't just sell them at Walmart you know.
We don't need to. We bungee down from the helicopter as the president walks by, take the relevant paperwork, and use the radio to send out official orders to launch the nukes.
@RadvylfPrograms but why would the president have the relevant paperwork handy?
The nuclear football (also known as the atomic football, the president's emergency satchel, the Presidential Emergency Satchel, the button, the black box, or just the football) is a briefcase, the contents of which are to be used by the President of the United States to authorize a nuclear attack while away from fixed command centers, such as the White House Situation Room or the Presidential Emergency Operations Center. It functions as a mobile hub in the strategic defense system of the United States. It is held by an aide-de-camp. == Contents == In his 1980 book Breaking Cover, Bill Gulley, the...
TIL that you just need special militant operators to nuke people
Surely it wouldn't be that easy to steal though
Like they'll see you approaching them from the helicopter
High altitude helicopter. Above 60k feet they won't see or hear it.
Like I said, a really long bungee cord ;p
They'll see you jumping out idiot
You can have your helicopter as high as you want
Pfft, I'd be at terminal velocity
And what if they move out of the way of your reach?
They'd only have a fraction of a second to do so
You're going about this all wrong. Physical action has too many risks
I think you overestimate how much time people spend staring at the sky above them.
And how quickly people can react to someone dropping from 100 km/h from directly above them.
What if you miss your target?
What if it's a decoy?
That's why I maintain that physical action isn't the right approach
Bureaucracy is the key
Bribery, back channel negotiations
That kinda stuff
Or at least plan an infiltration of the launch sites instead of bungee jumping it
plan a bungee jump infiltration of the launch sites
You just want an excuse to go bungee jumping don't you.
Joe Biden's walking to lunch and someone pops up in front of him, dangling from a rope, holding an open briefcase full of cash.
he has mere seconds to accept before they shoot back up
understanding this, he makes the deal before he can think better of it
The two lock eyes, knowing they only have seconds to be with each other. It's love at first sight. Biden tries to wrap his arms around the mysterious stranger, to be taken back to the helicopter, but before he can manage this the stored mechanical energy in the bungee cord tears the two away from each other. Biden sits down on a bench nearby, knowing they'd never see each other again.
5 mins ago, by lyxal
You just want an excuse to go bungee jumping don't you.
I...I might not
You know what, you guys go ahead and do that then. If it succeeds so be it. But if it doesn't, then that just plays into the long con of gaining the trust of the white house and stealing the codes in a more predictable manner
I guess you could also train a few dozen workers at the charity in the necessary skills to join the air force and work in the missile silos
see now you're thinking long term
The bungee jumping strats would work on a short-term with only moderate risk, though. No reason not to start with that, like you said.
finally! now you're seeing it!
Playing the long game is how you overthrow governments, impose dictatorships and create the most popular golfing language of 2021
Now I really want to write a full on Biden x Bungee-jump-briber fanfic
Opens incognito tab to make wattpad account
ΰ² _ΰ² 
TFW you hear a song in a dream and really like it but you'll never hear it again
just compose it yourself smh
Went to an end city for the first time in survival and shulkers are nowhere near as bad as I thought they might be.
i feel like there's been at least five times in my life that a tune has popped into my head for like an hour and i've either immediately forgotten it or tried to write it down and been unable to figure out what the fuck the notes actually are
@emanresuA Yeah, as long as you don't like...stand in an open area a few blocks from one they're surprisinggly eeasy to fight
Sucks when they TP away though
@RadvylfPrograms They can teleport? That explains a lot
I feel like the challenge of them was that they can camoflauge, but then they're procedurally generated in the same spot each time so it doesn't matter
@RadvylfPrograms Fortunately I grabbed a stack of chorus fruit :)
Those really are a lifesaver
Ooh, I haven't heard of that strat. Presumably they TP you back to the ground?
They TP you to a random solid block nearby (x/z wise)
They can send you all the way back to the ground
at this point i'm not sure i understand people who are capable of producing any form of art
  #    ###  #####
 # #  #   #   #
##### ####    #
#   # #  #    #
#   # #   #   #
WTF is this answer
can't believe I just spent like half an hour configuring macros for VS code just to make it write java servlet boilerplate
l for l in am I missing something
@RadvylfPrograms nope, that's pretty standard
nothing terribly cursed about that
What does it do?
it's a list comprehension
it's more l for l in [2*int(v[1]/2)]
Yeah but...isn't it the identity function?
it took me a hot minute to visually parse
it binds l twice
@RadvylfPrograms multi-level list comp goes brrr
@UnrelatedString wth is wrong with my eyes, i read the "visually parse" as "sexually respire" like wth
@RadvylfPrograms pretty sure I've used something like var for var in expr before
Maybe for like...a generator or something?
i've definitely used it in my aoc boilerplate
since it's faster to extend than [*expr]
@PyGamer0 ._.
@UnrelatedString I still don't understand why it iterates over singleton lists
i don't eithert
and twice
@RadvylfPrograms mostly when filtering by a predicate
which is different to the use case here
because something like
(str): lambda: int(
        "".join([char for char in lhs if char in "0123456789"] or "0")
is more sane than that answer
because in this case there is no filtering
so my best guess is scoping
It seemed to not change anything when I removed it in TIO
yeah it might be like
the way it's evaluated the second `l` might use itself instead of the original
so it;s actually just deadass an imperative algorithm in a list comprehension in python 2
@emanresuA some poeple are just idiots
@emanresuA capitalism and people with too many [wacky stacks] amiright?
That's a screenshot of a screenshot of a photo of a screenshot btw
and just realized the 2*int(v[1]/2) can also go to v[1]//2*2 given it's no longer python 2
If you have a 1-char identifier for it, v-v%2
that too
or more to the point v[1]&~1
You should post this
I'm still doing semantle, top guess so far is spoiler
Nvm, just leapt up to 887
And now I can't get anything similar
I have nothing negative in today's semantle so far
Lol not much of a spoiler is on the list
@emanresuA done
1 hour later…
The semantle is such a pain
I have 998, 997, 995, 990, 987, 986, 985 and 982 but I can't get the word itself
tfw your computer lags and you get two cursors
@emanresuA well that's all you need
One of those words is exactly what you need
Does that change anything?
not especially
You still already had what you need
Is the answer an adverb?
And you never saw that
I didn't actually, I didn't check on the tab until you'd already deleted it
Ooh 996
@lyxal That's just plain wrong
I solved Semantle #57 in 149 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 10.13. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #32. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 59.25 (996/1000). semantle.novalis.org
or rather, shares a prefix
Was it similar to 995? 995 was the typo in my message
was meant to be 994 but I didn't specify that
Hm, Bubbler's running for moderator on proof assistants
@emanresuA correct
Q: Convert from Two's Complement to Decimal

RomanpTake an input, and convert it from Two's Complement notation (binary where the first bit is negated, but the rest are taken as normal) into decimal. Input can be as a string, a list of digits, a number, or pretty much any other format which is recognizably Two's Complement. Leading zeroes must fu...

@emanresuA really?
When you can't catch the cat because you're on mobile
i really dont know how to use git :/
You can start by uninstalling it
i rebased from my main branch, git pulled and git pushed and literally doubled the number of commits lol
and i still didnt get what i wanted from the main branch
@lyxal :| How did you even find that
@PyGamer0 That's why the real way to do it is to upload hundreds of files to GitHub in one go and edit on GitHub, and commit on GitHub
which is also bad
rebasing didnt work oof
merging it with the main branch did
and why did Dyalog APL open !?!!!!
Is it just me or is the natural number game completely broken?
@emanresuA normally I wouldn't have because my github dashboard is overrun with stuff from the roughly 500 people I follow. But github decided to add a "for you" tab which just happens to show recent activity only from those who you actually interact with
Ah can't solve the semantle
@ophact oof whats ur highest guess
@ophact oh yea i guessed that word too
@emanresuA this game? its working fine for me
For me it's just constantly "Lean is busy"
It knows

Wordle 281 X/6

looking at the scordle makes it 10 times sadder:

Scoredle 281 X/6

⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ 920
⬜⬜⬜⬜🟨 15
🟨🟩⬜🟨⬜ 2
⬜🟩⬜⬜🟨 2
⬜🟩🟩🟩⬜ 2
⬜🟩🟩🟩🟩 2
2 days ago, by Aiden Chow
@att scores how well u did on a certain wordle, the numbers mean, based on the hints u got and what words u guessed, how many possible words conform to those hints
i literally had 2 possibilities for the answer for half the time smh
okay... so is there some option on Wordle that allows you to do this?
I solved Semantle #57 in 50 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 8.06. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #12. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 37.99 (824/1000). semantle.novalis.org
@ophact dang only 50 guesses??!?!
Got lucky
Scoredle 281 4/6

⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ 408
⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛ 7
🟨⬛🟨⬛🟨 1
@ophact It's not a hard one
I had to conjure up synonyms for quite some time
@emanresuA how many guesses u took????
@ophact yea me too, i had more 900+ than 0-899s by the time i guessed the word
@AidenChow How many guesses?
@ophact I solved Semantle #57 in 113 guesses. My first guess had a similarity of 16.67. My first word in the top 1000 was at guess #52. My penultimate guess had a similarity of 42.87 (924/1000). semantle.novalis.org
@emanresuA well duh, it's probably seeing that people here follow caird and dlosc and recommending them
i can somewhat play megalovania on one hand on a piano
in flax, 2 hours ago, by PyGamer0
Feedback for elements?
No you broke the chain
using chain separators?
i don't think you're going to get a better complexity than sort's
speaking of one hand, i've been trying to design a one handed keyboard layout. How nerdy is it to make the number row the keys 1248, where you can combine them in a binary fashion for the missing numbers
Nah, you only need 0 and 1
hmm, i'm trying to avoid having consecutive key presses for a single char
@JoKing can't be any nerdier than being an active code golfer :p
is that a dig at me for being inactive :(
I wasn't even thinking about that
I actually consider you active in the community
My definition of inactive is having left the site altogether
my last answer on the site was december last year, oof
i guess i'm a more active mod than doorknob
Not answering != inactivity
Answering is just one way to be active
Question asking, chatting, comment leaving, golflang designing, community moderation tasks and so on are all valid forms of activity
i haven't done too much of that lately. i'm so close to done with uni though, so maybe i'll have some free time soon
Anyhow my point is that you already are a nerd. Your keyboard idea only compounds upon that fact :p
one of my plans for when i get my new mechanical keyboard is to make a GoL interpreter in the rgb
@lyxal I take that back. The premise of my point has clearly been disproved. Looks like you can get nerdier than being a code golfer.
(/s just in case)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

mindoverflowCGCC Rocket Biking Something I found while looking through some old files. It seemed like a neat idea for a code golf challenge. The intro One of the most popular events at the annual Cyclist's Grand Competition for Charity (CGCC) is the rocket bike parcours. The rules are simple: Inspect the par...

the zip uneven lists challenge was surprisingly pretty difficult to do in desmos, idk why
kept running into unexpected complications lol
I was browsing reddit and I found the following python implementation of rock-paper-scissors:
import random
input("Rock, paper, scissors? - r p s:")
print(random.choice(["You win", "You lose", "It's a draw"]))
and it feels wrong, but it's technically just the same as a bunch of if-statements comparing a random guess to input
wow ...
it's a dirty hack and I love it
skip the input and just tell me i'm a loser
#best rock-paper-sissors implementation
print("You are a loser and you always will be.")  #speak factz
# Chosen by fair dice roll, guaranteed to be random
A die with three sides?
function random(){return 4;/*chosen by fair dice roll, guaranteed to be random*/}
I know that's what it is
I know the xkcd
but in this context, there are three choices
@lyxal XKCD shows just how bad some RNGs can be...
at least it teaches us about how necessary it is to have a good RNG
i am reading RNG as PNG :/
1 hour later…
@lyxal hmm
I thought winning/losing is more likely to happen than draw
wait a sec
uh no
lmao i pinged lyxal 21 times
CMQ: Is cubing a number common in code golf?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

LecdiHow Many Syllables? code-golf natural-language Given a string containing a single word as input, your program must output the number of syllables in the word. For the purpose of this challenge, a syllable is defined as a string of vowels containing no consonants. Whether a letter is a vowel or c...

@PyGamer0 Depends
but not many times have I used a cube
@lyxal 1.7k views wow
Mar 2 at 13:21, by mathcat
@lyxal wth you're famous
What can I say? People just like watching me prove caird wrong with a video that took like 12 attempts
prove caird wrong?
Sep 7, 2021 at 0:06, by caird coinheringaahing
This "fair dice roll" always results in 4, I'm starting to think it isn't fair :P
Because I'm the kind of person to make a youtube short just to make a point
my cat is screaming
π’«πš°©π’€Ÿπ¨«πœ ±π‘±π ‘π †πš±©πš‘π‘¬πœ„π• •π—ƒπ›€²π ©π―™π‘—πŸ²πœ²πž±πŸ΄πž€»π  ½πœΆπž±­πŸ‘›
@lyxal this gives me an idea
one second
@lyxal How did it take 12 attempts?
That easy?
TIL graffe is Anush...
no I mean AFWAIL
A few weeks ago I learned
more precisely, TWAIL
Two weeks ago I learned
nvm idea no work ;-;
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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