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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Uh... afternoon
Just got the wordle in two guesses lol
@PyGamer0 idk, try it
i just got the best (or the worst) idea for flax
tell us more
in flax, 29 secs ago, by PyGamer0
So uh, Jelly is left to right. What if flax is right to left?
@UnrelatedString (cant ping you in the flax room) ^ thoughts?
in flax, 24 secs ago, by PyGamer0
so uh technically 1+√2 will be possible and it looks neat
well to implement it i can of course reverse the chain when i passed it to the evaluation
or do it after parsing
I notice that golflangs are much more popular than Etch. I wonder why...
so flax is more or less APLish
@GingerIndustries ukraine?
I wanted to see how many people read the bio of a chat profile, and here are the results:
7 people read my chat profile in 3 days
(oh + discord)
wait why is SE down but not chat?
chat is pretty much bombproof
access denied
Ya boi's in Abilene right now lol
trying to figure out where to put that anonymously
On the way to Colorado
because drive shows my full name
@RadvylfPrograms wat why
Spring break
@RadvylfPrograms nice
I just had my Spring break last week
@lyxal nothing to see here
@GingerIndustries i can't access the file
you need to give me permission to let me access it
that's intentional
i requested permission
don't bother
I intentionally removed that file because it revealed my full name
then make a version without your name in
@UnrelatedString i'm voting to close your name as off-topic
@GingerIndustries well your full name is Ginger Industries
@PyGamer0 no real reason not to
@UnrelatedString nice pfp
@PyGamer0 y tho
what even would be the purpose
and cool
@mathcat The No. 1 producer of Ginger in the world!
@GingerIndustries You should have named your language Ginger.
yes but flax could compete with jelly
but not if it's right to left
and i don't think you can knock APL off of #1 of the RTL langs
@SegFaultPlus4 why not?
because APL
APL is too powerful
CMQ: Can anyone here solve the Rubik's cube? (asking because of scientific reasons)
‮i can
oh yeah I got U+200F copied
‮so now i type like this ,isn't it cool
@SegFaultPlus4 translation: "so now i type like this, isn't it cool"
‮correct, you get a -100 rep bounty ,paid within 24 hours
writes a program to reverse a strifng
Warning: unprintable chars
you can just copy and then delete the first char
correct, you get a -100 rep bounty ,paid within 24 hours
@mathcat easier said than done
@BgilMidol congratulations
what are you going to do with those extra -100 rep points
@SegFaultPlus4 tavugrzbf
(rot13, reverse)
i will also do tavugrzbf with you when i give you those -100 rep points
question (from xkcd): should "a couple" always mean 2
i vote yes
@SegFaultPlus4 2-7
@BgilMidol incorrect
@WheatWizard what even
btw is "a couple" always 2, or not always 2
personal opinion, a couple is always 2
a few is 3-4
a handful is 5-7, and several is 8-11
a dozen is 12
lots is 13-25, and many is 26+
i have resolved English itself
@AidenChow i have fixed all of English's ambiguties
how do i impose this on people
hi allxy
hi EManresu
have you seen
@mathcat regular 3 by 3 or any size cube
3 by 3
@mathcat I can
I just wanted to see if people who like to code also like puzzles
@emanresuA nice
@mathcat in that case no
mine's 21s
@emanresuA CFOP?
@AidenChow can you solve the 1 by 1?
@mathcat yes, eventually. I know two methods, one of which works on the void cube
wait isn't it that donut cube?
with a hole
no, a donut
@mathcat uh i think can solve 2by2, takes me forever though and i havent done it in a long time
1by1 might be a bit tricky for me XD
i could do a 1 by 1 in a minute
50 seconds maybe
40 is too low for me tho
@AidenChow oh by the way, i still haven't seen your -100 rep bounty go throught
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pajonkAll empty cells are neighbours code-golfgridsequence Task Given dimensions of a 2D grid \$n>1,m>1\$, output the size (number od cells) of the minimal connected region, so that every empty cell is its neighbour. Cells are neighbouring (or connected) when they share a side, so no diagonal connectio...

@SegFaultPlus4 lol what does negative bounty even mean? does that mean im literally gaining rep???
@AidenChow no, i'm giving you a -100 rep bounty
@SegFaultPlus4 :thonk:
@mathcat Yes
Not full though
I still do 2-look PLL
@AidenChow yes, :thonk: indeed
i'll be expecting within 72 hours
@mathcat yes
though there's a chance I may have forgotten a little bit
Surprisingly 1/3 of my class can solve the Rubik's cube
which doesn't match at all with the 5.8% rubiks.com says
That's across the general populattion. Do you really think boomers and toddlers are gonna try solve it?
okay yeah
CMQ: Convert a number n to base b, do (1+digit)%b for every digit of the number, and then convert it to base 10.
but i've gtg \o
@mathcat heh, it's got some great comments
i think this works:
Desmos, 66 bytes
if dont need to deal with n=0, then it can be 60 bytes
CMQ: How do you run sed over a collection of files?
Ah yes, .pygamer0, my favourite filetype
Hm, stackoverflow's down
Was here as a guest because I couldnt log in because of the maintenance, my screen suddenly flashed and im logged in 😂
It's back up again now
i figured
Nothing quite like waking up to SE in maintenance mode
I just want to check my global inbox for notification count and see if there's any rep change that's happened overnight but no, the sites offline
Thank you SE for interrupting my morning grind like this /s
@mathcat I used to be able to
Just like how I used to be good at chess and just like how I used to want to FGITW answers on Stack Overflow
Now I spend my life code golfing, having basically forgotten how to do any of those things well
Ya boi's in Amarillo now
TFW after a whole day you still haven't made it out of the state you live in
Also apparently there is a town in Texas called 'Canadian'
@RadvylfPrograms I'm sorry I'm having trouble taking this seriously because of a Texas Holdem game I once played called Governor of Poker. IIRC Amarillo was one of the earlier towns in the campaign and now I can't help but picture you being one of the NPCs/opponents in the game
Gambling has completely ruined my perception of Texas and I don't know what to do about that
Me committing to Git
Pretend this is that meme template with the metronome thingy going back and forth very fast
(for context, the top one is literally changing a 3 to a 0, the bottom one is rewriting the entire project in a different language with a bunch of other changes on top)
Or at least, pyodide bytecode
@user I placed it into the template for you
Thanks lol
@user Minor security vulnerability :)
Deobfuscated, import js;js.location.href = "https://youtube.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ"
And yes I stuffed up the shortener
Does it redirect on desktop?
Haha nerds
I have the power of mobile browsers not redirecting for some reason
A bug that really turned out to be a feature
@lyxal Your phone can run pyodide? That's impressive
@emanresuA Oh maybe Pyodide just crashed on Lyxal's phone then lol
No, it's a duckduckgo thing
It redirects on chrome
Good to know DDG has my back
@user no, it prints the result but just doesn't redirect
@lyxal it keeps me safe from email trackers, app trackers and even rickroll attempts by EmanresuA
@emanresuA Here's a security vulnerability on DSO
Wow can't believe you've done this
Absolutely brilliant trick amirite
Who would think that when you hit the run button it would do that
An absolutely terrible surprise
I had no idea that'd happen when I clicked run
There was no way of knowing it would happen
Are you not confused by the meaning of it?
I know exactly what it means
And I can't believe you've done this
It's reignited my updog
@lyxal I know right, who would expect someone as mature as me to do that
@lyxal What's updog
Whoa, I've been on this site nearly 2 years
I feel...older
@user nothing much, what's up with you?
@lyxal There's nothing up with me! HOw can you be so rude as to imply that I am not right? Huh?!!!
@user Not in a "I feel wiser and smarter now" way, more of a "Damn my brain don't work the way it did no more" way
Also, I am even more of a stereotypical unfit socially awkward nerd now
Thank you, TNB, for making me the person I am today
You're welcome
All in a day's (well actually, 2 year's) work
CMQ: Does anyone else feel like they're slowly moving away from CGCC?
Every once in a few months I'll switch between enjoying answering questions / avoiding the meta game of esodesign and embracing the world of golfing language creation / not having a desire to actually golf at all
So in a kind of way, yes
But code golf as a whole? No
I've fallen too far into the sunk cost fallacy to leave, even if I wanted to
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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