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01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

I genuinely thought you were emanresuA for a moment
<whisper> ssh, don't let them know
ssh: Could not resolve hostname dont let them know
: Name or service not known
@emanresuA Desmos 32 bytes: f(l)=[1...l.length][l>join(0,l)]
> vectorises? Cool, didn't know that
@emanresuA yeah, basically most operators that you can think of vectorizes in Desmos
Y'all ever just breath? Because I do
I don't breath
whoever even does that
Whoa wearing polarised sunglasses in a car with tinted windows makes everything look trippy
i can imagine
Makes everything so colourful
> Don't feel pressured to learn another language because of the stereotypes associated with the one you're using now. If you're comfortable with Python, use it. It didn't get to be the 2nd most commonly used programming language in the world by being a children's toy. Anything you can do in C++, you can do in Pythion, unless you're doing something that requires crazy performance. C/C++ people love to call Python programmers kiddies, but a lot of the time I think they're just jealous :p
I know too many languages :p
rather, pressure to use something other than python should come from within
I know some languages, am learning one, and am trying to unlearn a specific one
Any guesses as to what that one is?
Second guess: JS
Third guess: SQL
Fourth guess: Java
yeah i'd guess java or sql
doubt anyone has learned php to begin with these days
and as fucked as js is it's also js
Is it worth it to learn PHP IYO? New programmer (been trying to learn for a year or two now).
@RadvylfPrograms Correct
@Pyautogui Nah. Anything you can do with PHP you can do with JS
@Pyautogui No, PHP is dying pretty quickly and has been for a while
afaik php's pretty much a fossil at this point
@emanresuA Ruby?
it blew up because its ecosystem was relatively convenient to develop in but it's been surpassed
PHP is a very fast and easy way to add horrible unmaintainable code, security vulnerabilities, and other fun stuff to your projects
@Pyautogui Depends on what you want to use it for, but I don't know much about PHP and am inclined to agree with others above
why would you ever unlearn ruby
Nah, ruby's cool
granted i haven't learned ruby
but it seems cool
Ruby looks cool from a distance, at least
Like a better Perl
I know a little bit of ruby but I haven't used it in ages
Node.js, Rust, Go, or Python are what I'd aim for if I were just starting out and were looking for something back-end
not Rust
why not rust
rust is based
Node.js and Python because they're beginner friendly and not going anywhere any time soon, Rust and Go as more advanced ones
Seems way to cryptic to me
Rust is definitely the future, for lower level stuff
I'd prefer Node
rust is just Funky C
i need to get back to learning it
I though Rust had functional bits?
Rust and Node serve much different purposes, though
Unlike C
@UnrelatedString I know C++ and can't even write proper C code lol
@Seggan Given its huge fan club, that's not an opinion everyone shares
it has tons of functional bits
@Pyautogui Yes, it's a lot like Haskell
takes after haskell a lot
@emanresuA what category?
Do you recommend it for someone to get into the function paradigm?
The type inference is just...*mwah*
reminds me i need to yell at my friend to learn haskell again
Rust is definitely pretty cryptic, but advanced C code is also pretty cryptic. Rust just has a very steep learning curve.
@Pyautogui Not really, I'd suggest a "real" FP language like Haskell itself (or Scala)
Thanks. Good to know
@Pyautogui No, I'd go with something more functional. Rust is more meant for low-level stuff, like as a replacement for C.
@Pyautogui functional languages definitely make for nice succinct code (speaking from a Clojure perspective)
@RadvylfPrograms Definitely worth it for the safety
Even JS isn't that bad for functional stuff, if you just want to dip your toes in it
you'd appreciate rust's functional elements better after learning a proper functional language
although functional languages suck at applications programming imo
@Seggan How's Clojure btw? I started learning it but was scared off by how different from Java it was and the scary errors
clojure is fun
Love it
@Seggan Yeah, IMO functional programming is more for the experience right now than the final product :p
Cool, I should take a stab at it again
What about LISPs? Are they actually functional? Kind of confused on that part.
@RadvylfPrograms I mean, if you're not doing performance-critical stuff, having readable, maintainable code is pretty important
@user kinda difficult to get off the imperative paradigm tho. most iteration is transformation of lists
@Pyautogui I think they're sorta like the original functional language, IIRC
@Pyautogui Some are, some aren't. I think Schemes are functional (Clojure, which Seggan recommended above, is functional (and seems to inherit from Scheme?))
@user +1
@emanresuA you gonna give any hints?
Thanks. Good to know!
You should try Racket btw, it's close to Scheme but aimed at beginners
Not the fanciest IDE, but you can make your own languages and everything
wait racket has an ide
I am currently taking a course on Racket. A rather slow-paced one (have not gotten past the boring bits yet).
IIRC Scheme is not even a language, just a spec
They were too chicken to implement it
I have one at my home, though
Wait eric wastl made phpsadness?
and Vanilla JS™️
@user theres literally a dialect of Scheme called Chicken
i think that's the joke
There is a thing called a pun, you should look it up :P
@Seggan Redwolf guessed correctly
Those messages were references to Chicken Scheme and Chez Scheme lol
@emanresuA ah, missed that msg
whats yalls opinion of logical langs?
Very cool but I'd love to see a practical one
prolog is
that's about all i can say lmao
I'm kinda worried JS is sorta becoming the English of programming
Brachylog is Brachylog
^^ tho Python is a serious competitor
im scared for Java's life
JS, like english, is an awful mix of a bunch of other languages that results in a strange and problematic result. But, it's used all over the place now, and still growing rapidly.
@RadvylfPrograms I'm fine with C-like syntax becoming the English of programming tbh as long as people start teaching introductory classes in better languages, such as Scala
@Seggan Nah, Java will probably the next COBOL in like 60 years
Java 17's out and you've still got people who can't move away from Java 8
Yeah, Java and PHP are the Ottoman Empires of the modern programming language globe
@user I mean Minecraft finally forced its users out of Java 8
tho people still wont get off 1.12
I wish PHP the best thing I can wish for it: a quick death
There are some people who still play 1.8 because they dislike the combat changes in 1.9 so much
id hate to abandon java tho
the jvm is chill
java as a language should hopefully wane but the rest of the stuff on there is 👌
Eh, stuff like Scala work great in Java's place, and just moving away from OOP in the first place is something I support
@UnrelatedString now that you say it, im more talking about the jvm instead of java lol
Static typing's good if it's Scala or Typescript
@emanresuA ...and it's bad otherwise???
I mean I love Scala but there are loads of cool (and practical) statically typed languages out there
i never tried scala, found kotlin and groovy too complex, think i should try it out?
I'll throw C++ in with Java and PHP honestly
@user who u replying to
Although Kotlin is like Scala Lite, so you may find Scala complex? Don't try to learn the whole language at once, just try the basics
@Seggan You
i haven't seen much scala but there's less sort of feature bloat than in kotlin
Rust works pretty well as a replacement for C++, and with a much less diseased-rat-without-a-leg standard library
granted you don't have to figure all the funky stuff out to use kotlin
kotlin has waaaaaaaaaaaaay too many keywords to learn
@UnrelatedString I'd say Scala 2 had more feature bloat lol but I don't know Kotlin
tho extension functions are quite useful
i do like the stuff kotlin lets you do but it does have some issues
@UnrelatedString Mediocre otherwise
@Seggan You're not going to be happy with Scala then, but those keywords are worth it
oh yeah extension functions are so fucking based
@emanresuA what makes dynamic typing generally preferable
take java, add extension functions and operator overloading, and im as happy as i can be
I kinda feel like OOP isn't very...good
Scala 3 has extension functions, null safety if you want, your own operators, etc.
I feel like it fails at a lot of its goals
fuck operator overloading tbh
OOP is the holy grail of imperative programming
@RadvylfPrograms OOP is great as long as you don't abuse it
@UnrelatedString Whoa whoa what
I think OOP adds a lot of bloat without actually making code much better
you should be able to use operators according to typeclasses/interfaces
instead of treating them like funky names
Oh ok that makes sense
java's problem is that it does neither
Rust-style overloading, then?
i... think so
its annoying having to do bigDecimal.add()
Typescript's type system combined with python's overloading would be perfect.
I like operator overloading, but only for things like custom number types
and i will never understand how java programmers don't go insane using .equals()
Making + do things to like, a Printer or a WebSocket reduces readability
@UnrelatedString i keep typing .equals() for some reason in Python
@RadvylfPrograms By OOP, are you just talking about how Java forces you to make classes everywhere? Or about how it's got lots of unnecessary mutability? Because you can totally do OOP without that ugly stuff and have very nice code
Scala is both OOP and FP and it makes for some very elegant code
@RadvylfPrograms which is why haskell has Num 😎
Java has Number
they should add overloading for that
@Razetime Yeah I've been trying to do composition over inheritance recently and it's honestly made everything so much nicer
Event-based programming and structs do a lot of what OOP does but way less janky IMO
@RadvylfPrograms But it makes sense for, say, Point(4, 5)+Point(2, 3) to be Point(6, 8)
i feel like encapsulation is valuable
Algebraic data types are the bomb
@UnrelatedString Definitely
haven't looked too much into event based programming
@emanresuA Sure, I just don't think operators should be overloaded for things that aren't very clearly related to their original behavior
the real strat is to use algebraic datatypes and encapsulate them with typeclasses
The way OCaml does it is kinda weird, you have a supertype and a module that implements a subtype or something
so what it think the conclusion of this conversation is that every language is terrible 😂
hell yeah
Every language is terrible but making one yourself is way worse :p
Let's look at it another way and say that all languages have their strengths,
no actually ALGOL 68 is the perfect language
And combining two is even worse
but everything is ultimately meaningless because humanity will go extinct at some point so who even cares aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I do all of my programming in Functional HTML++
i want that to exist now
XML-based functional programming language
I love it
<func pure><arg type="string">name</arg><body><return><reference>name</reference></return></body></func>
(A cat program)
All the conciseness of XML with all the accessibility of an FP language
could go for a lisp analogy of some sort
Oh that reminds me, I was working on an OOP "Lisp" monstrosity written in Smalltalk
Called it Oops
<function name="add" args="num1, num2">
  <setvar v="result">
		<add v1="&num1" v2="&num2" />
  <returnvar v="result" />
Smalltalk is so crappy that I abandoned it, I should go back to it
use a prefix for all of the language's tags xslt style to give lyxal ptsd flashbacks
It was going to have curly braces, no primitives of any sort, no control flow (except recursion and pattern matching)
The star icon's failed to load, so...
the void
@Seggan false.
Every language except APL is terrible
APL has no package manager
Who beeds pacmage manqgers with apl
<fhpp:define name="foldl">
                <fhpp:variable name="f"/>
                <fhpp:variable name="x"/>
                        <fhpp:variable name="h"/>
                        <fhpp:variable name="t"/>
@emanresuA No chess tonight, sorry--got a late dinner and I'm tired. I'll plan to make a move tomorrow.
@user true.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

codeThe Missing Match code-golfstringbalanced-string You are given a string of unknown length that contains a varied amount of (, {, [ (in this context all referred to as braces), and their respective closing parentheses. The braces are all balanced, meaning an opening one has a corresponding closing...

@lyxal correction: array languages
in CG&CC-gaming, Oct 25, 2021 at 0:45, by lyxal
Haha snowgrave in 42:17 goes brrr
Today I got that time down to 39:30ish
replying here because gaming is frozen
i don't know why but this reminds me i should probably switch pfps at some point to keep the rhythm going
i don't have any good ideas at the moment
but i do have one *terrible* idea
i already hate this
Oh frick
the full frame is better but it's still kind of
No why would you make us suffer like this?
it was really hard to find an alright square crop
also for some reason it seems like the 256x256 size version is corrupted somehow
@UnrelatedString wth is that
@emanresuA what about: Typescript's type system with Python's OOP with Javascript's ES6 lambda Syntax with Haskell's functional programming with APL's arrays
the best programming language
Python's Object Oriented Programming abbreviated is POOP lmao
I like -> a lot more than =>
yeah ok
bbutpython's lambda must be changed to something shorter
js gets away with just the arrow right
i dont care if its => or ->, both are fine
so just
js syntax except with `-` instead of `=`
Typescript's type system with Python's OOP with Javascript's ES6 lambda Syntax except - instead of = with Haskell's functional programming with APL's arrays
sounds good
lets make it
lets hire Microsoft to make it :P
this pfp is less eyeburning but i'm starting to feel like it's mocking me
I did it! I beat Minecraft!
@DLosc It's fine
i'm pretty sure i still haven't lmao
@UnrelatedString Verbosity v3?
like not even in multiplayer
i havent
@emanresuA nice, is it bedrock?
@emanresuA Functional HTML++™®©
It's harder 'cos you can't shoot the caged crystals through the base of the bars
and the dragon perches for a millisecond
so no one cycle
it comes, stays there for a second and leaves
although there is a 3 bed harder one cycle i saw on eazyspeezy
@PyGamer0 Nah, it perched for aagggeeesss when I was by the perch. Probably could've, but I feel onecycling's risky because it creates fire
Which can destroy stuff you lose
Yay, I've got Inquisitive
Exquisite :P
@UnrelatedString Your new PFP is scary
CMC: Given a triangular number, output the next.
@emanresuA vyxal, ɾ¦~ḟ›i
I have 5 based off that, but there's probably a cleverer way
Um what
[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 231]
it's sloppily verifying
@UnrelatedString i dont have brain cells to make flax answer based on that
It just doesn't work
first n triangular numbers, Ç€ run the previous line on each of them, =ḊƊ check each for equality with them shifted 1 to the left (and then there's one result that isn't matched so it just hangs there lol)
oic never mind
@emanresuA 4 bytes, R flag: Ṡḟ⇧∑
what the actual solution does is just take a funky little shortcut through inverting the formula for triangular numbers
double, square root, ceiling, sum range
@lyxal The R flag applies twice?
First for vectorised sums and second to sum a number as a range rather than digits
As in, it applies twice within vectorised sums
Which is slightly cursed but kinda cool
It only applies once
Wait actually it does apply twice
Yay, I got my bronze tag badge! Finally
Holy frick
@ophact Nice :)
@ophact gg gamer
@lyxal We could add that sorta thing to the tips page
@UnrelatedString Oh no, not again
This is kinda cursed but might be pretty useful to someone
@UnrelatedString We had a chain of 9 "nice" messages yesterday
oh no
@emanresuA ooh
oh yeah wait i remember that
that was glorious
It was


23 hours ago, 50 minutes total – 9 messages, 9 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 22 hours ago by emanresu A

Do you ever just balance a soup ladel on your head?
can't say i have
Because I do a few minutes ago
Laughed out loud at the second part
@ophact well done
@UnrelatedString what is Ɗ?
oh nvm
Ð√⌈EΣ      ⍝ Alright @emanresuA this
EK¹¨=Tᵐ    ⍝ probably solves your cmc
Is this flax?
time to test it
em test case @emanresuA
Any triangular number will do - try 21
ok i get a Recusion error
oof i did a stupid thing
Integer overflow be like
@lyxal or it might just be physics.stackexchange.com/a/275128
Oh. I thought it was
@Neil it's decidedly not that
What I was talking about is how everything is just colour all of a sudden
I thought it was that
Yeah that
But on a larger scale
And happening to everything reflective
leetcode.com/problems/valid-parentheses/discuss/1842163 Is there 4th block for 4th kind of parentheses?
Oh just trivial [[[function(){...}]]];
CMQ: Is it easy to develop games in JavaScript?
i guess you can use p5js
which in my experience is easy
oh right p5js
I forgot about that!
You saved my life
can someone else verify that (n - 1 - ((2^b-1) mod n)) is the same as -2^b mod n (or in Python: (n - 1 - (2 ** b - 1) % n) == - 2 ** b % n)?
1 hour later…
Wordle 267 3/6

big yikes
@Neil True for all positive b and n, but not for negative values
yeah I only need it for 32<=b<64 and 1<=n<2**32
@pxeger thanks for double-checking for me
@pxeger how did you prove that?
...checked all numbers up to 1000
but there's pretty clearly no reason it should be true for small numbers but not for big numbers
i thought you used mathematical induction \o/
Inductions are great
@Neil Oh it's the division challenge right?
Wordle 266 5/6

Tmw you guess random obscure words before the common obvious ones
sorry, accidentally pressed enter
You saw nothing
Looks like the site is down due to maintenance.
Oh no wait, we are now back on.
1 hour later…
@ophact yup
Interesting solution, by the way...
> If f=1, subtract 2³²-1 from m and 1 from s. Output the final values of m, s and f.
I never thought of that
I just redid the whole minimum thing
which probably used up too many bytes
@pxeger will this work? github.com/PyGamer0/flax/commit/…
i want it to be runnable like flax from the command line
01:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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