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@RadvylfPrograms ah, so not ready for codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/q/202 yet then?
Nope, not yet. RTO's still a prototype of a prototype.
The fact that the public demo exists at all is just because I was too lazy to implement password protection and accidentially leaked the URL at some point then rolled with it
@pxeger ATO doesn't seem to have the latest version of Funky, is there a proper channel to request updates?
Q: AoCG2021 Day 22: Hyperbolic rescue

Wheat WizardPart of Advent of Code Golf 2021 event. See the linked meta post for details. The story continues from AoC2017 Day 11. Crossing the bridge, you've barely reached the other side of the stream when you are overcome with a sense of deja-vu. "Haven't I done this already?" But before you can finish ...

the Machine is being tested
What would happen if you told us what it did?
good question
but I think yall can figure it out
just look at the two images
Is it... a magnet?
look at the top
Is that a piece of ceramic?
under it
look at that part in both images
A piece of metal screwed (bolted?) onto another piece of ceramic?
yup, that one
Is it the little gap there?
look at the off image
Is it something that folds paper more than 7 times?
@GingerIndustries That is from the off image
@emanresuA then look at the on image
Is it a compass of some sort?
Or a clock?
Hm there's a weird shadow on the off image
that's just a shadow
you're overthinking this
Then we might need a bit more context. Two pictures where basically the only change is the addition of a third party object on top doesn't provide much in way of guessing what it is.
@GingerIndustries maybe if there was a bit more to go off, we wouldn't be
the plate under the white square changes color between the images
I assumed that was lighting differences
it's frost
See now how would we know it was frost?
i dunno
but that's what it is
also the big shiny box is a heatsink
Rapid cooling?
it's pretty much impossible to guess what this thing is so I'll just tell you:
superconducting electromagnet?
18 mins ago, by Ginger Industries
but I think yall can figure it out
it's a beverage coaster that uses the Peltier effect to heat and cool drinks
I would never have guessed that
I'm testing it rn and tbh it's not doing so well
No, watch, I don't think it is
how the hell did you take a screenshot of your watch
@GingerIndustries I just pressed the home and back button simultaneously
But even on my old watch, there was a screenshot function in the WearOS companion app
also why is there a stray white bit in the corner
@GingerIndustries no seriously I mean it.
Samsung made it intuitive
@GingerIndustries because there's more text if you scroll down on that screen
CMC: Pixel
Haha funny heart rate number
when I see yo mama
who's yo?
that's the first name
@GingerIndustries that's not very enthusiastic then
69 bpm is within my average resting rate, so you obviously don't get very stimulated by her
Do you mean Yo-Yo Ma?
I'm going to leave before this devolves any further
Aww :(
> Note JavaScript is NOT the same as Java!
Isn't Java that thing you use for static web page delivery?
No, you use java to interact with XSLT
Btw, did you get a good grade on the XML assignment?
What about the horrible website?
@emanresuA I was talking about Java servlets
@emanresuA never was for marking
It was a workshop task
@lyxal Isn't that 1990s stuff or something back when JS and Java were supposed to work together?
@emanresuA that's applets I think your thinking of
Java servlets are like flask for java
But not exactly flask
Oh okay
i'm not sure they were ever meant to interoperate but they were both web technologies yeah
I know about Java servlets because that's what they're teaching at uni
Web engineering amiright?
Okay turns out I have reached a new level of stupidity. I was trying to get my Java Servlet to run, and was double checking class names, localhost URLs, environment variables, etc, yet I kept getting 404s. Turns out I forgot to compile the actual servlet.
I feel that's gonna keep tripping me up the whole course now
I'm messing around with a typescript project (ballfactory.surge.sh) and I keep forgetting to compile my code
I'm so used to flask running an interpreted language that I didn't realise that tomcat runs a compiled language
Such realistic physics amirite?
ah yes, I do love how it manages to perfectly come to a semi-halt on the springs and decide to somehow jump properly onto the next spring
and them instead of continuing that, decide to jump up on the last one
Yeah lol
Guess how much code there is?
2 files worth?
Don't ask me why vscode thinks it's a git repo
wowsa that's a lot of typescript
Feb 24 at 5:32, by emanresu A
user image
I remember that
Feb 24 at 5:39, by emanresu A
@emanresuA Courtesy of 300 lines of TypeScript.
There's now about 1000
note that there was nothing sus about week 11 at all
What happened to 6, 7, and 10?
they were weeks where there wasn't a workshop
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

emanresu AWhat spreadsheet cell am I in? Most spreadsheets number their columns A, B, C, ...Z. Once you get to Z, they continue with AA, AB, AC ... AZ, BA, BB ... ZY, ZZ, then AAA, AAB, AAC, ... ZZZ, and so on. Your challenge is to, given an alphabetical string, convert it to a regular numeral. You can do ...

@emanresuA ...i just did this search on myself and
@SandboxPosts @emanresuA this is just custom base conversion where the base is upper-case letters
*custom bijective base conversion
Q: Custom Number Base Converter

Martin BarkerThe powers that be want to be able to quickly convert any number they have into their own number base using any format they would like. Input Your program must accept 3 parameters. Number: The string number to be converted InputFormat: the base string the number is currently in OutputFormat:...

tsh duped it already
Everything wrong with our english department, in four words
> Langauge
Aside from your latin class?
Language Arts is just what they call their English department
Latin falls under their World Languages department
Do you know if any of the other classes are as disasterous as your latin class?
I doubt it
I've sent at least three emails to people at my school, escalating from my school counselor to the principal with no response, so preparing to go above their heads and contact the world languages coordinator at the district level.
And, failing that, the superintendent :p
Hopefully you get somewhere
You may not have the support of your parents, but maybe you could get someone else's parents to write an enraged email?
I think my parents might be starting to realize it's not my fault
Phew. That's good.
I mean, it's not exactly common to have a 100 in a class, then the next year have a 25 while simulataneously having high As in seven other advanced classes.
Yeah lol
I'm bored, anyone got a mainframe I can hack into?
Hi bored, I'm lyxal
Nice to meet you
Can't wait to learn about inheritance.
Apparently there will be talk about why it's not the best thing, which is alright I guess
People abuse it
class Teacher extends Person for example
Although something like, say, class CustomButton extends HTMLButtonElement is fine.
congrats to sandbox for achieveing 300,000 views!
base class? more like based class amiright?
decidedly not
Any thought about the python code in my sandbox post? codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/24572/44718 I'm not sure what I should do for it. And I believe without specially mention the behavior, there will always be some one post an answer like that.
You could say "code may fail due to floating point errors"?
A rounding function round(100) yield 101 due to "floating point errors" is somehow(?) a strange behavior to me. Especially the output is an integer (maybe float type in some languages, but still an integer).
@tsh I don't think that could occur in most languages with a correct implementation - The sort of error that causes 0.1 + 0.2 to equal 0.30000000000000004 can't occur with integers in most languages.
@emanresuA That's what I'm concerned about. And based on the same reason, I would like avoid answers like the Python one in my post. Because it is an incorrect implementation to me. But in code-golf, we typically ignore floating point errors. So should I simply ignore the issue and say "yes, a floating point error is allowed. so your code round(1) got 2 in some rare cases (maybe 1e-16 probability) is acceptable."?
I think that answer is actually a correct implementation. According to the python docs, random.random will never return 1.
me when multiple inheritance:
Although it indeed have probability returns 2 for round(1)?
me when composition:
Well, actually if the input is a large enough integer and random.random() returns something sufficiently close to 1, the result may be rounded to the next integer
@ATaco either the ATO chat room: chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/122645 or open an issue on the GitHub repository: github.com/attempt-this-online/attempt-this-online
looks like the required value is 0.96875
can go a bit lower
so I think requiring outputs for integer inputs to be exact is somewhat arbitrary
and also IMO the error margin should be specified as "<a small error margin> in probability is allowed for input numbers with magnitude less than <some reasonable number>"
got to 0.9687499999999999444888487687425 before realizing there are better uses of my time if i cba to automate it lmao
Lesson: writing a challenge that involves floating point numbers is hard
So if I want to allow the Python code, what should I change to my question body (so others will not argue it again after someone submitted a similar answer)?
You need to fix ^^^^ first (since the challenge is impossible to solve otherwise for large number reasons)
and removing the requirement for exact integers will allow the python code
I think I should keep the example when input is 8. Otherwise someone would ask “will input always be non-integer?”
But I don’t think it is reasonable say “if input is 8, you should output 8 but floating point errors are allowed so it may be 7 or 9”
Btw, what is your intended way to distinguish exact integers from non-integers?
Honestly "the output for 8 may be 7 or 9 with small probability" doesn't sound bad to me
(and I just don't like the whole idea of "a float can be checked for exact integer-ness")
anyone here pro woth pytorch?
just asking
Q: What was my Wordle play?

pajonkTask Given a winning Wordle play results (clues), the target ("secret") word and a list of words, output a possible sequence of words leading to such results. You may assume that for given inputs a solution exists. If there is more than one, you may output any or all of them. Take your input in a...

in 2011
Thanks, SE
Q: Find the magic numbers to divide a number without division

xiver77An integer \$x\in[0,2^{32}-1]\$ divided by an integer \$d\in{[1,2^{31}]}\$ will produce an integral quotient \$q\$ and a remainder \$r\$, so that \$x=d\times q+r\$. Any \$q\$, in fact, can be calculated by the following formula. $$y=\lfloor\frac{x\times m}{2^{32}}\rfloor\\q=\lfloor\frac{y+\lfloor...

@Bubbler Typically, in most languages fmod(value, 1.0) == 0 or x == floor(x) could tell if a float number is integer. For any languages using IEEE 754 float number, it works without any ambiguous. So something like floor(x) + (x - floor(x) + random()) could be an acceptable answer although it cost some more bytes.
floor(x) + floor(x - floor(x) + random()); typo
> pxeger approved
100% of people say they are alive. Therefore, humans are immortal.
@emanresuA Have you ever thought that some of them are simply lying?
@emanresuA I don't get how you went from the first statement to the second statement.
@Adám reasons
100% of the dead people are dead.
Because math.
@PyGamer0 ah yes, the floor here is made out of floor
Wordle 262 6/6


holy sh!t two 6/6s in a row
@SegFaultPlus4 but the floor here is made up of flour
Wordle 262 6/6

I feel that
@emanresuA but people keep telling me to get a life so i guess I’m not alive?
i made the first modifier for `
outputs 10
@PyGamer0 is , add
or is , output
@PyGamer0 shut
@SegFaultPlus4 no
someone want to tell me what tf this is:
my new language el
its a tiny stack based language
1234 pushes 1, 2, 3, 4 to the stack
,,, appends them into a list
to give [1, 2, 3, 4]
and +/ sum reduces
to give 10
@PyGamer0 is it output
i just explained the thing above
and i put it on gist
will put el on github
9️⃣8️⃣ VERSE - WELCH
5️⃣6️⃣ DECAY - DECAL
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this only used 12 guesses, not 13
beat this
3️⃣8️⃣ FANCY - FOLLY
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uno más
Thank you copilot
@lyxal image not found
can't believe it actually does hex conversion
gonna grind chess
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerPairs of integers ordered by their exponentiation code-golf sequence number Output the infinite list of pairs of integers \$ (a, b) \$, where both \$ a > 1 \$ and \$ b > 1 \$, ordered by the value of \$ a^b \$. This sequence starts: 2, 2 2, 3 3, 2 2, 4 4, 2 5, 2 3, 3 2, 5 6, 2 7, 2 Here are the ...

@pxeger what is it with you and the sequence challenges
maybe I should try some, they look pretty simple
What I really like about @pxeger's challenges are that they are very simple, and yet really enjoyable to solve (mostly in finding super-short approaches). The same can't be said about those bland OEIS challenges (given a positive integer, calculate some complex formula [something like x^2+x-5 usually]).
Man I can't wait for winter months.
My alexa hoodie just sits there begging to be worn
And I can't do anything about it because it's too hot
Too hot to unironically wear it and sleep in it too
Q: S̶t̶r̶i̶k̶e̶t̶h̶r̶o̶u̶g̶h̶ the Word Search List

Kevin CruijssenIntroduction: Every workday I read the newspaper in the morning while eating breakfast, and also do some of the puzzles at the back. When I do the word-search puzzles, I (almost) always go over the words in order, and strike them through one by one. The word-searches in the newspaper have two col...

@ophact todo: post pxeger challenges
because my current ones are too hard I think
@GingerIndustries I have posted one challenge before
@ophact Thank you! :) I have a list of challenge ideas which currently has about 80, and I'm quite picky about which ones I decide to implement
You have 80 challenge ideas?
I barely have any
Most of them aren't any good, or are small variations on each other
Example please?
Pick one you probably won't post
> irreducible cops-and-robbers (robbers must find how to reduce it) - too hard to make challenging cops answers
the list of 80 also includes most of the questions I've already posted
I have no challenge ideas
so ig I need to get some
preferably a good one
How are people adding filters to avatars?
@Wolgwang Microsoft Paint 3D™
I pretty much just took my pfp and added two transparent rectangles
Ah Thanks
Wordle 262 5/6

Wordle 262 5/6

@lyxal that's a beta move
you need to upgrade to the full release
also i might give out a 50 point bounty to anyone who makes a cool lang that is 2d, 3d, or above 3d
@SegFaultPlus4 I was going to do that
@GingerIndustries then it's a good thing i'm making a 2d lang
it's free real estate
lemme see here
okay why is this happening
voxel-painter-2.gingerindustries.repl.co errors when importing three and I CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHY
Oh wait, might be blocked on my wifi
it says it can't resolve my 100% valid module specifier
@lyxal winter months? ... oh wait Australia
@GingerIndustries it's loading for me
@SegFaultPlus4 what browser?
@GingerIndustries google chrome, the superior browser
question: how does one get on the starboard
@SegFaultPlus4 Does it go past the loading screen?
@SegFaultPlus4 make flat jokes
@GingerIndustries no
@mathcat what's a flat joke
@SegFaultPlus4 then it's not loading
i only know Python
@GingerIndustries F
I just gave you an example of a flat joke
CMC: what four languages can this code be run in: print ((0 and'4')or(None and 3 or 1/2 and 1 or 2))
1. python
@SegFaultPlus4 python 3, python 3.1, python 3.2, python 3.3
@BgilMidol only one of those is in the answer
Q: Is it irrational?

AnttiPYour task is to make a program that decides if a real number between 0 and 1 is irrational or not. As stated, this is obviously impossible, so instead we will use the following definition: p is your program, which takes in a decimal expansion of a number (list of integers), and returns 0 (≈Ration...

and also python 3 == python 3.1 == python 3.2 == python 3.3 == python 3.4 == python 3.5 == python 3.6 == python 3.7
python 3.9
python 3.8
still no
there are two pythons in the answer
mpy phone's autocorrectt is failling and appendding randomm characters oofff
and one of them is here
i'm not telling you anything about the other
python 2
python 1
one of the above two is in the answer
python 2.6
you still have two to find, and neither of them are python
perl 5 (cperl)
works on tio
no output though
it should give output
though you are going in the right direction
@SegFaultPlus4 expected output?
@BgilMidol 3
@BgilMidol there's one
you still haven't told me which two of the pythons you're taking
@SegFaultPlus4 are any estoric or golfing languages?
@BgilMidol no
@mathcat that's two
the other two are one of [python3, python3.1, python3.2, python3.3, python3.4, python 3.5, python 3.6, python 3.7] and one of [python1, python2]
well python 3 and python 2 then
mathcat gets 3 points, Bgil Midol gets 1
btw did anyone click the link
@SegFaultPlus4 no
@BgilMidol i lay in wait for so long, looking for a perfect opportunity
and now this
well most of us remember the video-id
CMQ: In what language does print ((0 and'4')or(None and 3 or 1/2 and 1 or 2)) output 1?
python 3
CMQ: In what language does # This program will output "A"????????? output A?
js imports are hell
Just do it the normal way and add a bunch of <script>s
import and all that just make everything worse
@BgilMidol PrintA
@PyGamer0 tio link???
^ thats the name, i created the language just now :P
@PyGamer0 thats a standard loophole.
And it must be on TIO.
ah not the latter
Or do you mean for this specifically
it must be on RTO/ATO
Since requiring that languages be on TIO is far from a site rule
And would be very harmful
@RadvylfPrograms yes, that is what I meant
@RadvylfPrograms um how?
Since people inventing new languages is a big part of this site
and TIO hasnt been updated for a while now
hence no new languages
CMQ: Link for ATO room?
Voxel Painter 2 is back online!
what a pain in my ass
Therapist: Lowercase o for bullet points doesn't exist, lowercase o for bullet points can't hurt you
Lowercase 0 for bullet points:
@RadvylfPrograms That's a ಠ_ಠ from me
@RadvylfPrograms Why not html unordered list bullet points?
I may have had some bad esolang ideas, but this could be the worst yet: a 3D esolang that uses Voxel Painter 2 for its editor
@GingerIndustries whats voxel painter 2?
@RadvylfPrograms lowercase zero?
I get them mixed up when typing, oops
@GingerIndustries btw where's the gallery?
I want to see my beautiful artwork I posted some time ago
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