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Blackwolf for me on ios
@lyxal i like your drawings
maybe start a webcomic like xkcd
@lyxal you're welcome :)
todo: make a subreddit called r/tnbquotes
@GingerIndustries do you have enough reddit karma?
@lyxal I don't have reddit
so somebody who does please do it on my behalf
TNBQuotes or TNB_Quotes?
I sure hope this doesn't come back to bite me in the ass
oh boy
I fear I have made a horrible mistake
I'll let you guys go wild with it
@lyxal did we really need that lol
Because I gotta go sleep
wait lyxal actually shut down their computer
I can't see them on the user list
well done lyxal
@mathcat Ô_Ô
Final version of the Gambling Alien problem: s=:get;:split" ";:intify;;:out:sum s;/2-:min s;;
@lyxal ...why?
wait why is @allxy here
@allxy you are very sus
you have too much rep for a sock
@lyxal Bluewolf on chrome os (and two pawprints)
yeah, two pawprints on windows/edge too
If my order doesn't get thrown away because of the wrong billing address, my raspberry pi should be here in about a week and a half
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Kevin CruijssenStrikethrough the Word Search List Tags: code-golfstringascii-art Introduction: Every workday I read the newspaper in the morning while eating breakfast, and also do some of the puzzles at the back. When I do the word-search puzzles I (almost) always go over the words in order, and strike them th...

@RadvylfPrograms ohoho
whatcha gonna use it for?
I'm going to hook up a USB speaker to it, and make it read things like weather, news, my email inbox, etc. every morning
Because I'm a totally sus impostor and keep falling asleep after my alarm goes off
that is a really clever idea actually
hello all!
bear repair™
I think I found a good server and it's only...$1k :/
It uses 3.5" HDDs, which I didn't know still existed
It has four new 300 GB HDDs though, so in RAID 10 that's 600 GB. Not that bad. RAID 5 would get me 900 GB, but without the performance gains.
And with 28 cores at 2.4 GHz, manufactured in 2016, and 32 GB of DDR4 RAM it would theoretically work perfectly with Firecracker
@RadvylfPrograms 3.5" has always been the standard for large-capacity HDDs
@RadvylfPrograms But no way I'm throwing $1k at it lol (despite that being a great price)
invest in rto please
I'm broke lol
I just spent all of my christmas + birthday + allowance money from the last like five years on this new laptop
And I'm $60 in debt from the Raspberry Pi
I'd suggest patreon but we don't have anything to give to people
And nobody's gonna donate $500 to a patreon for something like this lol
CMQ: how to get $1k?
Let's do some calculationing
Begin with $2k
Firecracker runs fine on a droplet
@Adám very helpful /s
You can get a droplet that could handle a few things running at once for $48/mo
It would take about 2 years for that to add up to $1k
So, the server's actually not that bad of an investment, especially considering you get 4× as much RAM and 7× as many CPUs
And that's not even considering storage
and then you have it for infinity
Well, 5 years is a more realistic expectation
With RAID-5 you could get 900 GB from the HDDs it comes with
we still need $1k
Which is enough for about a thousand languages, even if they were all pretty big
I guess I can get a job
I don't have a car or drivers' license but I do have a bike and high self esteem
minimum wage: $7.25/hr
time to get $1k: 137hrs (5.7 days)
@RadvylfPrograms except for electricity, internet, and hardware maintenance costs
Electricity is irrelevant because my parents pay for that, internet is irrelevant because my iSP doesn't charge based on bandwidth, and hardware maintenance is pretty low
Certainly far less than $48/mo
And if I were to pay for the amount of cores and RAM this server has in a droplet, it's be hundreds a month
$240-$360 it seems
Cost per month for 16-32 cores and 32 GB of RAM
Add $20/mo or so for block storage
very money
big boy server is better option
Ebay has some good stuff too
One for $100 less, with less CPU power but better HDDs and RAM
hey guess what I just implemented mixins in Etch
so that I can add functions to Python built-in types
@RadvylfPrograms What is this for?
so that we can run Firecracker
If it'll run Dyalog, we'll contribute.
Dyalog (and some other APLs) will be one of the first languages added, yeah
The seller on Ebay looks pretty reputable (99.8% satisfaction) and they've sold 94 of the server I was looking at, which is a lot. They say you can message them to ask about custom ones, I might do that since I don't really need 64 GB of RAM
In the past I've used bargainhardware.co.uk which lets you buy a completely customised server
You can probably find something similar in the US
@RadvylfPrograms Hopefully, we'll release next week or so.
Jan 20 at 15:33, by Adám
@pxeger Weeks. And yes, I've been waiting anxiously for it to release so I can start nagging you ;-)
Well, better to release late and fully functional, than on-time and buggy
Wow, I just got Vox Populi 100% organically
@pxeger Looks cool. It'd only be £50 to have it ship to the US lol
It'd be 991 USD for an R630 with good specs from there
@RadvylfPrograms + import tax
which is probably gonna be fairly high
I'd think it would be included in the price, but idk anything about international shipping
Assuming that $991 is including taxes, it would actually be cheaper than the ones I was looking at that ship from within the US lol
import tax is different from VAT
VAT will be included in the price (unlike in the US I guess)
but you might not even find out how much import tax is until it's arrived and sitting in a nearby post office warehouse
Okay how did an online import tax calculator get "Sets Of Assorted Tableware, Not Precious Metal Plated, Including Base Metal" from "Computer server"
looks like rto is not dead
todo: make esolang that only uses a-zA-Z
hello world: sHello, World!d
I kinda wonder who needs 1.5 TB of RAM sometimes
"Y'know, hard drives are overplayed. I'm just gonna store everything in RAM, why not."
@GingerIndustries Related
> !
> only a-zA-Z
> With the sounds of explosions intensifying around Kyiv, a dog walked past this Russian-made surface-to-surface missile that had landed in the middle of the road by a bus station.
I get the focus is the missile, not the dog, but the fact that a NYT reporter is writing about a dog walking around a parking lot is kinda funny ngl
@pxeger The ! is inside a string
@RadvylfPrograms Did you mean: Microsoft Flight Simulator?
...if the second d terminates the string why does the first not
(and if it doesn't then what the hell is it doing)
@UnrelatedString hm good point
string literals may be difficult
use u to escape
sHello, worlud!d
Or do it CSV-style and use two ds
sHello, worldd!d
I like the u method
maybe u could also introduce escape sequences for non-alpha characters lol
Maybe use a char other than u so you can use u for Unicode escapes
maybe x
Wait no, since you need x for xa0 and stuff
How about c
You'd probably want to use a less common character than u or c
how about Q or J
or a more common one for shits and giggles
and also allow numbers
go all the way with e
with jS for space and jd for d
I thought it was letters only
okay fine
@RadvylfPrograms sHelloqnAnAnCCdjSWorljdqnAnAnCnBdd
is that unreadable enough for you
So I guess at some point I'll scrape together the motivation to redesign OISB to use Firecracker
PHP doesn't get nearly enough hate
Everyone loves to laugh at JS
But PHP does everything JS does wrong, but worse, and it adds its own mountains of issues
And it's literally the worst possible idea imaginable from a security perspective
yeah but I don't know PHP
should I learn it just to make fun of it?
@mathcat I envy you
If there's anything in this world that deserves bitter, unrelenting, and cruel hatred, it's PHP
@mathcat No. Making fun of PHP is just something people do to endure the trauma of having used it.
I'm pretty scared now
PHP is like Perl and JS were brothers, and one day Perl falls off a cliff and liquifies his brain. So the doctors saw JS's head off and superglue it to Perl's still-warm corpse, then wrap it in tinfoil and throw it on a high voltage grid transformer.
Perl, now PHP, gets up, unwraps the tinfoil, and stumbles over to an automotive shop, and proceeds to drink a gallon of antifreeze.
Great metaphor, very relatable
I'd make a similar metaphor for C++ but it'd be too graphically violent to be legal in any country
@pxeger omfg
I'm just up to the inconsistency section, but how did no one bother fixing this in PHP 1.0?
more like: .
Factorial in Alephabet (my hypothetical letters-only esolang): irtVtANBdrMTsnCdxnCdd
TIL that JS classes are expressions
Thank you for ruining my day all over again
due to people being Stupid and Pedantic, Hello World in Alephabet is longer then factorial (sHelloqnAnAnCCdjSWorljdqnAnAnCnBdd vs irtVtANBdrMTsnCdxnCdd)
@emanresuA Only under certain conditions, right?
They're like functions IIRC
You can do something like var x = class {};, and class A {} != var x = class A {};
The first is a class statement, the second is a named class expression
@RadvylfPrograms IIRC x.name is A
Opinions on this as syntax in a structurally typed language? const x = Type({toString: () => "foo"})
There's a statement version of class, and a non-statement version
They look basically identical
@user the name of Type() doesn't really make sense to me, shouldn't it be Object({toString: () => "foo"}) or something?
unless you mean x holds a dynamically-created type object?
(class A {});new A() errors as A isn't defined
@emanresuA but new(class A {})() works, right?
@pxeger Not quite - new(class A {}) works but yours tries to call that as a function
Wait what? That is so cursed
@emanresuA Yes, as the () makes it an expression
You'll see people do !function(){} on occasion
The grammar here is so suchly:
> Which quality do you dislike most about yourself explain why?
@GingerIndustries Looks interesting, but I think you're going to have lots of people asking about how the selector mechanics work with edgecases.
@pxeger Yeah, x would be a class object
@RadvylfPrograms I dislike the fact that I am me. Other than that, I am an amazing person
@user seems fine to me
and pretty consistent with Python, Ruby, JS which are all varying degrees of structurally typed
Wonder how a structurally and statically typed language could do it
Although I suppose it wouldn't have expressions as possible values for types anyway unless it had macros and stuff
Q: Is it a Giuga number?

caird coinheringaahingGiuga numbers (A007850) are composite numbers \$n\$ such that, for each prime factor \$p_i\$ of \$n\$, \$p_i \mid \left( \frac n {p_i} -1 \right)\$. That is, that for each prime factor \$p_i\$, you can divide \$n\$ by the factor, decrement it and the result is divisible by \$p_i\$ For example, \$...

@emanresuA No? new (class A {})() would be the same as new Dog()
new (class A {}) only works because, for some stupid reason, new Dog works
@emanresuA I can answer questions if need be.
@RadvylfPrograms well where do you think they get dogs from?
@RadvylfPrograms oic, thannks
Q: Fibonacci triangle

emanresu AGiven an integer n, output the following ASCII art to n rows: 1+1=2 1+2=3 2+3=5 3+5=8 5+8=13 Essentially, the first row is 1+1=2 and the nth row (1-indexed) is \$f_n + f_{n+1} = f_{n+2}\$ where \$f\$ is the Fibonacci sequence, padded so the numbers line up with the previous r...

@GingerIndustries Other dogs, of course. Prototyping is the JS way :P
@user ofc how could I forget
Although I guess JS would have dogs asexually reproducing
of course when using Etch you just would do :Dog;
:Foo makes an object of class Foo?
: is a sigil for global vars
And ; ends the argument list
So :Dog; is basically Dog()
if it were in a module you'd do animals:Dog;
Oh, that's actually readable now that you've explained it
Will Etch have sexual reproduction? I believe C++ can do something like that
this is a language for kids
then again I guess they have to learn it somewhere
Where's that SO question about casting a C++ object to a supertype and back when you need it?
> You see, when a :mommy; and a :daddy; love each other very much, they do the :mommy:makeBabby :daddy;; and you get a :babby;!
Subtype foo = ...;
Super bar = foo;
Subtype otherFoo = ...;
bar = otherFoo;
I think that should turn bar into a mix of foo and otherFoo
Or something similar to that
Because assignments in C++ seem to really copy properties over
bum bum bum bum bum bum bum
@GingerIndustries Okay, I'm confused by the syntax again. Is makeBabby a global again?
And why are there two ;;'s? Isn't there just one function being called? (makeBabby)
Apparently :daddy is a lambda
@user in python this would be mommy.makeBabby(daddy)
Then shouldn't it be :mommy:makeBabby :daddy;?
And why is the entire daddy needed as an argument. Anyone who knows anything about good design would know that you only get the essential stuff from daddy (mommy.makeBabby(daddy.geneticMaterial))
my mistake, it should
So the : sigil also acts like the . in OOP langs?
@user Anyone who knows anything about females would know that they consume and destroy the father upon reproduction
@user yup
mommy.makeBabby(mommy) is a very strong insult in Etch
@GingerIndustries Is this a reference to the spider xkcd?
@RadvylfPrograms Took me a second
@user Actually, multiple animals do it
@user I don't get it
The joke is that if you were talking to :mommy, one way you could say that in english is "go f*** yourself"
what's the next face up from ಠ_ಠ?
⍥_⍥ > ಠ_ಠ > o.o > ._.
it just keeps getting bigger
that's what she said
Fake: You're a CGCC user
There's something kind of nice about the old xkcds that I wish would show up in the modern ones more often
CGCC users are not all sexless food tubes [citation needed]
It was a joke about golfing and making things smaller
@RadvylfPrograms Color?
@user why golf when you can bowl
this applies to both coding and women
@user No, the existentialism
Hmm, perhaps the ideal temperature for CGCC users is 0K, because everything's smaller then
@user In Python that would be abs(0)
@RadvylfPrograms Does it not show up ever again?
It's much more concentrated in the first few
@GingerIndustries wtf is woman golfing and woman bowling? Are you chopping women up and expanding them or smth?
Medieval stretching machine thingy
For golfing, pile rocks on top of them
Maybe Randall became happier after the success of xkcd and stopped having as many existential questions
@user why try a few women when you could try a hundred DISCLAIMER: don't do this it's douchebaggy
*slowly backs away*
*approaches at same rate*
*takes derivative of both of your displacements to verify*
Well I hope y'all turn out to be asexual so you never date anyone and treat them like this
> DISCLAIMER: don't do this it's douchebaggy
@hyper-neutrino you should make like a @user and back away slowly
@RadvylfPrograms ⍥_⍥
@user *laughs in s=:get;:split" ";:intify;;:out:sum s;/2-:min s;>6;*
Huh, my raspberry pi shipped despite the billing information being wrong
@RadvylfPrograms Do that a couple more times, jerk
oh boy
@user *removes your bones and makes floor tiles out of them*
@user Pfft, that'd be utterly abserk
@RadvylfPrograms are you sure it would werk?
I don't think you have the context for this joke :p
In physics, jerk or jolt is the rate at which an object's acceleration changes with respect to time. It is a vector quantity (having both magnitude and direction). Jerk is most commonly denoted by the symbol j and expressed in m/s3 (SI units) or standard gravities per second (g0/s). == Expressions == As a vector, jerk j can be expressed as the first time derivative of acceleration, second time derivative of velocity, and third time derivative of position: j ( t ) =...
@RadvylfPrograms Multiply by that by your D and subtract it from our displacements times your P
@lyxal You should buy vyxal.com
(just giving you some feedback)
I dislike I, though
sunAdDnJdd -> ඞ
@allxy is active
I think that's emanresu
@GingerIndustries Hello, World!
@allxy sHelloqnAnAnCCdjSWorljdqnAnAnCnBdd to you too!
CMC given two integers a, b as inputs, print a polynomial in x and y whose unique maximum is at the point x=a, y=b
Seems like you could just do a quadratic every time
@user try it with a=1, b=2
is Y meant to be y?
@graffe why, what’s the problem?
@graffe yes
I like your quadratic
minecraft movie when
@Adám I don't know if you'd be able to answer this, but do you know (very roughly) what that contribution would look like? The difference between, e.g., $100 and $1000 would make a big difference in how viable this would be.
@user it’s not a polynomial yet :)
It’s an equation
Eh, expanding it is trivial
Wait, idk what exactly you mean then lol
[-1, 2 * a, b - a * a]
If you want a list of coefficients
A quadratic in one variable is ax^2+bx+c (not the same a,b,c)
So you want z=x^n’ajjebnnbs y
But we need a function of two variables, x and y
3d is hard
Not an equation
@user :)
You can make a paraboloid or whatever it’s called i think
Still not too hard actually
Thar sounds good
@NewPosts I have 24 bytes in Vyxal
-(x^2 + y^2) has its max at (0,0)
if I want the max at 1, 2 …
Maybe -((x-1)^2 + (y-2)^2)?
@user what do you think ?
@graffe Should work
And you can add or subtract any constant C without changing where the max occurs. That might help for golfing the solution if it needs to be in expanded form.
Good point
yes please give it in expanded form
Does it need to be in descending order of exponents? E.g. would 2x + x^2 be acceptable, or does it have to be x^2 + 2x?
Are there other formatting requirements?
Because if it doesn't have to be in a particular order, and if it's okay to write +- for a negative coefficient: Pip, 23 bytes: '-._."^2+".B._MZ"xy"2*g
That's a downward-opening paraboloid that passes through the origin and has its maximum at x=a, y=b.
@RadvylfPrograms I don't have enough kromer. I need more [wacky stacks] from my github sponsors page
Buys vyxal.com and holds it hostage
...or I will kill one domain every hour.
It sure would be a shame if I made it 301 to a rickroll
Oh wait you mean vyxal.com
Lol I thought you meant the domain I actually want
Do what you want with vyxal.com
TFW server racks are really expensive so you just have your rack server sitting on a table
I've had it there since 7th grade

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