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I think trigonometry's pretty much the end of stuff that's practically usable in maths
Differentiation and integration seem like they should be, but you can't describe the world with equations.
Intégration is very useful depending on what you’re doing
A lot of physics needs it
Hm okay
@emanresuA and you absolutely can describe the world with equations, to an extent
> to an extent
Yeah, pretty much. If you try to describe the movement of a car along a road, you'll end up with an eighteenth-degree polynomial.
Just because we haven’t come up with perfect equations for everything yet doesn’t mean they’re useless
@emanresuA you can get pretty close with all sorts of approximations
@DLosc ab is just bc minus some content at the end; not sure anyone ever takes both
Machine learning involves much more than trig
Imma stop now because i think you’re close to convince d
I am convincedish now
i sure am having Fun with vector calculus in the ml class i'm taking this semester lmao
And you never know when the most bizarre abstract stuff has connections to real life
@user no i wont cheat.
@UnrelatedString is it like integrals of surfaces over vector fields and studf
If so, i sympathize
just some pretty simple gradients at this point
@emanresuA The amount of daylight in late March is the same as the amount of daylight in late September; but (if you live far from the equator) the average temperature is warmer in early fall than it is in early spring. Why? Because the temperature tracks (roughly) with the integral of the amount of daylight rather than directly with the amount of daylight.
Enough for the infinite mqthematician mosquito joke to make sense?
@emanresuA You can't describe the world perfectly with equations
we haven't yet
Why abandon equations entirely just because they’re not perfect?
Wait I’m confused, what side are you on lol
@UnrelatedString I'd put a decent amount of money on can't, given that chaos theory is a thing.
@user Yours, I'm just playing devils' advocate a bit
@DLosc And the three-body problem
i feel like that gets into "prohibitively expensive to simulate" more than "conceptually impossible to simulate"
—-Id put a decent amount of money on can’t, given that nukes are a thing—-
although i guess it depends on the definition of "with equations"
@UnrelatedString you can’t simulate the universe, can you?
@user Dammit, em dashes
@emanresuA And undecideability, for that matter
@emanresuA maybe i will too for a while
@user I think you should. There's nothing funnier than an argument where nobody actually believes what they're saying.
Hey guys!!
Since we can’t describe the world perfectly and probably never will, we should all just do whatever
(playing devil's advocate advocate)
@user You could, but you don't have to.
@AviFS hello! o/
Oh Desmos won?
@emanresuA of course, i don’t have to do anything
@hyper-neutrino o/
@hyper-neutrino goto sleep
@AviFS Yep! Aiden Chow was teaching for a while, then had to leave.
Speaking windows ny advocate hat on, i would recommend qll of humqnity getting drugged up and launching ourselves into the Sin
@emanresuA it is 11:20 pm why would i sleep now lol
It’s late
@user Windows??
he says, in the same timezone as me
@hyper-neutrino Because it'll protect you from Lyxal's fridge, which has developed a mind of its own and is coming for those who tried to destroy it.
I meant to say Sun but i think I’ll change back to sin lol
I have the alpha version of a project to share!
i already nuked lyxal's fridge once, and I'll do it again
It's evolved
@user There are a lot more typos than that
@hyper-neutrino hey, my phone’s clock is like a minute behind yours because it was like 11:19 for me then
HUGE difference
it was 11:19 when i sent it
i rounded
@emanresuA they’re not misinterpret able tho
@user windows is
@hyper-neutrino well i rounded from 11:18:99 myself
y'all squabbling over times while I'm just over here installing Java 11
Yes, there are 100 seconds in a minute
@emanresuA oh.
I'll be adding loads of langs to the backend-- the project concept and front-end are language agnostic. But I have it running right now in APL: avifs.xyz
I meant “with my”
@AviFS nice!
@lyxal You might want to check on your fridge
@lyxal install java 17, latest lts with lots of goodies
It's an interactive repl-like environment that prints the state on each line, and dynamically updates the affected lines when variables/functions are changed.
@user no, because Uni requires 11
Uni bad :(
is 17 compatable with Tomcat 9?
because that's what I need 11 for
@AviFS ... why is it trying to connect to localhost:8003
Bruh idk
we doing java servlets in 2022
@emanresuA ...
Imagine using java for real life stuff
I have a websocket running on an actual cloud server, lmao.
I just changed it.
Sorry, just a sec.
@lyxal those who repeat history are doomed to repeat it
Or something
@user well yes
the one class i've taken in java, i'm not sure it actually told me what version of java the autograder was on
so a few times i'd just submit something that worked perfectly locally and it wouldn't compile
@user if you're repeating history, you already are, dumbass.
@emanresuA Pretty embarrassing, haha. Fixed and committed. But caching will be a thing.
For now, it won't run on Safari. It'll run on Chrome & Firefox, though.
The websocket isn't encrypted and secure enough for Safari... Have to make it a wss:// instead of ws://
@emanresuA Stop breaking it, haha
Q: Getting Java version at runtime

listI need to work around a Java bug in JDK 1.5 which was fixed in 1.6. I'm using the following condition: if (System.getProperty("java.version").startsWith("1.5.")) { ... } else { ... } Will this work for other JVMs? Is there a better way to check this?

Useless to you now lol but might’ve helped
@AviFS How does it work? I'm typing stuff, but otherwise it doesn't seem to do anything
@lyxal you’re repeating me, stipid
@user unless you went to the same uni i do and did the same course I'm doing, then no u
@DLosc Sorry, just a sec! I had refactored like two things before sharing it.
How can I force a reload?
Because it's caching on my end so it still works.
Ctrl shift r or fn5 (idk if that’s what you meant)
Ctrl-F5 is what I use for a hard refresh
Best to use ctrl shift fn5 r for best results :p
I use alt+F4
works like a charm
Why do so many combos exist for this lol
I mainly just changed the styling. This is embarrassing.
But yeah, it stopped doing stuff.
@AviFS Ooh, is this the project we'd been discussing in the OISB discord?
Also, if you want wss, and HTTPS in general, I very strongly recommend letsencrypt+certbot: certbot.eff.org/instructions
It's free, takes like 5m to set up, and gives you all the HTTPS stuff plus necessary config
This is literally murdering me.
@RadvylfPrograms (Assuming you're on a server you control, and are using something like nginx as a reverse proxy)
> literally
o/, permanently I guess
I worked on this for weeks, and it's been working awesomenessly.
I might actually have to figure out how to use git now to go back to the last stable commit.
Oh no. It isn't that. The server just isn't responding anymore? But it's connecting. SSH time.
TIL it's hard to balance a pen on your headphones in the same way you'd balance a pen on your ear without headphones
Anybody know a good way to get the LaTeX that corresponds to a particular Desmos graph? I'm looking at some of Aiden Chow's answers, and the claimed code doesn't quite match what I would type to get the same thing (e.g. \min where I typed min and it seems to work fine).
@DLosc ctrl-c but there are tricks to golf the text
This is really painful, I don't even know. Oh well. So I had changed from the server's websocket to the localhost websocket for some quick front-end stuff, as I've done loads of time. And I made the mistake of Ctrl-C-ing the cloud server to see if that would help. But now that I'm restarting it, it's giving me all these new errors and it doesn't work anymore. And it's node. It's painful.
@emanresuA Oh goodness, there must be. I don't think \left(\right) is necessary. :P
most of the desmos golfing tips are for the text :P
Welp, time to go read the tips question
@AviFS Errors don't appear out of nowhere. Sounds like either you accidentally made changes to the code, or you have something like a conflicting instance of the server using up the port.
There's no stable commit to go back to, because it's the server stuff which went all screwy. Git was for the frontend. There must have been a better way to do this.
What's the error text? I've had a lot of experience in horribly and close to irreparably breaking node-based projects, so I might be able to help
@RadvylfPrograms Right, I'm trying to figure out if I changed something while it was running. But actually, I think it has to do with the initial connection. It's to do with the in/out response logic, but I've never gotten an error on that particular if statement.
Sounds like one possiblity is that you could be sending invalid data from the front-end, without robust enough error handling on the back-end.
This is where I'd typically add a half dozen console.logs
If in doubt, console.log :p
When in doubt, hack into the mainframe.
Wtf, YT Premium is $12/month?
You could get a netflix or disney+ subscription for that much, and have money left over
Who would pay $140 a year for a download button and a few less ads
Especially when screen recording and adblockers exist
Am I doing something wrong or does this Desmos tip not work anymore?
Huh. I couldn't get it to work with the code I just wrote. Guess I'll post it as-is and someone can tell me how to golf it. :P
Oh, great. Now it's not working at all. X^P
Okay, my problem was that I was trying to do sign instead of \sign, I think
Ready to try again? avifs.xyz
Do y'all ever just consider birds and question why we needed birds? Like really, why do birds have to be a thing? Why couldn't we just have no birds? That'd arguably be better for society. But no, we just have to have birds in our lives.
New bugs?
Well, for the most part, it's a working demo!
You can try defining variables and functions, then doing stuff with them, then changing them above it.
@AviFS Looks like. I put in 2+3 and it gave 5, but then I tried making a longer expression and it still gave 5, and now it's not doing anything.
And the relevant entries will update as you type.
@DLosc Yup. Same.
@lyxal No, because 1) the existence of birds is not predicated on whether they're useful to humans, and 2) some birds are delightful.
It's a real bummer. It's running perfectly on my local server.
For now, if you reload a few times, it seems to eventually get happy.
@DLosc I don't care if they're not predicated on their usefulness to me I don't want them to be at all.
Wait, could it be related to multiple people using it at the same time?
Each one should make a new websocket, but they might be affecting each other.
That's the only thing I never tested. And as soon as, I imagine, you stopped playing with it, it started working for me again.
@lyxal I do not share or understand this opinion.
@lyxal they make loud noise, poop on car and stand around looking stupid
Although I just read about how some birds in Australia apparently spread fires intentionally, so I can see why you'd be upset about that.
@RadvylfPrograms Your expertise is wanted!
Keep typing stuff!
@lyxal and the moment you try and be friendly with them and approach them, they just run away never giving you a chance to make amends with them.
I think it's updating my end, too.
Did you just put in 20.2?
I typed 2
and got 18
Are you getting my messages?
@AviFS Which ones?
@AviFS No
@AviFS No
@AviFS Yes
Alright, I'll let you try it out then.
No one interfere!
It's broadcasting the messages back to all connected websockets.
Which is kinda funny since we can redefine each others variables.
It worked for a bit, but now it's saying 1+2+3+4+5 is 24
I haven't even used any variables
You found the Easter Egg!
How to define variables?
Umm, nevermind.
It's gonna need some work on the web sockets clearly, haha.
@DLosc I got your 15
But variables in APL are a←42
It ended up on my screen instead of yours
This one won't break because it runs on the client side.
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostLexical sum For a given number n, output an strictly decreasing array whose sum is n and its lexical order is the smallest from any possible outputs Smallest lexical order means that for n=9, [5,3,1] is not allowed as you can reduce the 5 to a 4, so the final output is [4,3,2] Testcases 4 -> [3,1...

If you want to get a sense for what it's supposed to do, you can play with JS:
There's got to be some weird cooperative and/or guessing game possible here
and then when you change a it'll update.
Eg, you can do something like:
@DLosc I know! We should totally be able to make some funky interactive esolang cops & robber thing based on a similar premise. Or hidden cooperative code-writing without "blowing up the bomb."
But that wasn't quite the purpose of this one.
It just is
42 just is
No expression needed. The answer is just 42
Oooh, we're definitely breaking it.
It's down to a crawl.
I better restart the server now that I figured out how to do that.
...The websockets don't close when you exit or restart, so that's probably part of the problem.
Who keeps sending 5s?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostStacking art Your task is, given a array of numbers, that is strictly decreasing, output the crate stack Since the array order follows this rule layer 1>layer 2>layer 3..., we have to make sure every layer above the bottom one is centered with respect to the whole width of the layer below it. If ...

She's up again. Hard restart.
@AviFS ...
@lyxal Was that you, haha
avifs.github.io/tabl/#js is hacker-proof if you didn't actually get it working uninterrupted.
@AviFS ...
Thanks for testing, I'll leave it up so feel free to play with it when no one is "on." Gotta figure out how to actually use websockets now.
You gotta tell me! Is that some sort of loop or are you doing it by hand?
It's an intricate system of autoclicks
The first one opens the keyboard, the second one taps the number 8, the third one hits enter, the fourth one opens the refresh menu and the fifth clicks refresh
Rinse and repeat on a timed loop and you've got fun times for all
That's actually hilarious.
The 5s were simpler: one on the 5 key and one on the enter key
Each running 50ms after the next
I better check the AWS dashboard before I get a bill through the roof, haha. Supposedly I'm covered by time rather than usage, but... I better make sure!
I'll hold off on the autoclicker shenanigans until you find out
Gonna make a chat room specific just because I have the feeling this is gonna clog up TIO for a few days otherwise.
@lyxal No no, don't you dare. It's brilliant.
I've triple-checked already. But... I'm gonna quadruple check.
And switch over to Digital Ocean, haha
@AviFS just until you find out about billing
@AviFS am I safe to continue shenanigans?
@lyxal I just hate that it isn't more clear. But supposedly yeah, that's how it works. It's just a free tier EC2 instance so it's not supposed to try and auto-scale on me, which is how people rack up obscene bills.
From what I understand, the worst that happens is it just grinds to a halt and you have to hard restart it.
So yes, please go ahead!
I'll do my worst a bit later
I gotta go for now
Sounds good.
@Adám You might be interested. I think everyone's off it for now.
Gonna do this in the tabl room to not clog up TNB.
1 hour later…
@UnrelatedString the consensus on scoring Desmos submissions is that the code works properly when pasting in the raw text into the Desmos graphing calculator without any further modifications, which includes the auto-complete feature that Desmos has.
so anything that autocompletes with keystrokes but not copy paste is invalid
@UnrelatedString yes, thats sounds about right
@DLosc see my comment under your post. i think the problem you were having was that you were pasting the entire code into Desmos all at once. if you paste in each line one at a time, it will work. pasting in one equation at a time seems to be allowed.
@AviFS ⍳1e9 1e9 - sorry
How do you do conditionals in desmos?
You can do piecewise
{condition: result, [condition: result], [default]}
Never thought of that, wow
@ophact yeah, as emanresu said, a piecewise
you can apply this tip if you can.
oops wrong link
That's the same link
@ophact oh really?
oh yeah
@DLosc is desmos even turing complete
is it even a language
@SegFaultPlus4 yeah it is
It should be turing complete...
It is turing complete
Google it
No recursion right? I tried it for recursive factorial and it didn't work
Then how does it loop?
@ophact actions
Is there something I'm missing?
Actions / ticker
Type a -> a + 1
And stuff should appear
Q: Is Desmos Turing-Complete?

emanresu AThe graphing calculator Desmos has a ton of functions, and can express any arithmetric formula. What I want to know is, is it Turing-Complete? Desmos supports, among other things: Most mathematical operations / functions Multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, modulo, etc Sum and produ...

@emanresuA nice, i should probably make a similar post for geogebra cause i genuinely have no idea if geogebra has infinite loops
@SegFaultPlus4 see this post for further details
@RadvylfPrograms you should (re)make cookie clicker
Looks like the websocket bugginess from before has to do with the hacky hair-pulling I did to get APL piping properly. It looks like the logic for the main websocket is just fine after all. The issue was that I was using a second websocket on the backend to deal with APL. That's what made it look like broadcasting, because after sending it down along the websocket chain, the primary one didn't know which client to send it back to.
Compiled langs are back on hold, but here's a demo with Vyxal this time. It should handle multiple people now!
Yay, Vyxal :)
Also, Safari's working now, too. I think because that domain is insecure (http vs https), so it's not complaining about ws vs wss anymore.
Permission to try break it?
Feel free to respond in the tabl room, if you'd prefer.
@emanresuA Absolutely, positively and always.
Oops, broke it already
by accident
(I was trying to see if you'd disabled )
(There's a multiline mode somewhere, but it maintains the stack by design to allow for interactive code writing where you can see the code state as you write. So you're encouraged to break your code into semantically meaningful lines for self-documenting code on the right. And then you can see the stack change through as you feed in different input at the top.)
@emanresuA Haha, infinite loop?
It's seriously dumb right now.
@AviFS No, just pushing 1e11 ones to the stack
checking + timeouts + safety = 0
@emanresuA code?
Is it like, generally working though?
I don't actually know any Vyxal to play around with it.
Yep, it's quite nice to use
@AviFS 10:e(1
@emanresuA Ah yeah, that's not doing much.
With Dyalog I never hit a number too big, haha
But the Vyxal-Python transpiler's not quite there yet :p
@AviFS Try ⍳1e9 1e9 - or don't
What's a long but straightforward Vyxal answer on CGCC that I can copy/paste in to watch the stack?
I don't really understand what does but the results grow pretty fast
@AviFS Is there any input support?
It's all there in the code, but I added nothing to the UI.
Got too perfectionistic and it was gonna make me miserable, haha
But tomorrow I can make a skeleton to allow configuring all that stuff, and show everything.
It's also sending back the output.
What gets displayed on the right is the state, not the output. If you print something with the , command, it'll just pop off the stack and disappear. But it's there in the JSON.
But yeah, pretty cool
ok i got my computer project
^ that is the first question
x in [3025,9801, 2025] (afaik that's all)
soo is that all possible values of that "tech" number
@emanresuA i have to do that in java
and if i use membership tests ill get 0
wohoo desmos
didn't know about actions before
@AviFS In?
@Adám Expired! But she'll be back round again. An APL interface, and I saw you had just joined the room.
@lyxal Darn! I'm off for the bed now, but there's some Vyxal for you.
It doesn't seem to like maps
₁ƛ₍₃₅kF½*∑∴ just gives an empty string
@AviFS what does it do?
an online interpreter?
Think of it as a sort of interactive notebook
You type expression, it shows stack on the right
And it updates stack as you type
(You can also change stuff above it, and it'd dynamically update everything affected.)
o/, i need sleep
What Lyxal said! More generally, it shows some kind of meaningful state interactively on the right as you type, but right now I'm just leaving Vyxal up as the only language until the Vyxal folks are happy with it. Then I'll add other langs; everything is written to be lang-agnostic.
@lyxal That'll be an easy fix tomorrow. It's running the official python vyxal interpreter on the backend, so it supports everything. But I wasn't sure what data types I had to support for pprinting. I don't think I told pprint how to display an array, so it's defaulting to the empty string.
Fun fact: the value of a single robux is more than the value of a single ruble
gg putin a video game currency is beating your own nation currency.
@lyxal lol
@lyxal its not robux its bobux :p

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