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@mathcat you fool, Rickroll Defender blocks it fine
tmw you try set up a proxy server with PythonAnywhere so you can view blocked sites at school, only to realize PA too only lets you access sites in their whitelist
@RadvylfPrograms nerd, I have 2 to natural philosophy
Yeah I have like 3 dozen 2 to natural philosophy lol
No 2 path to standard philosophy though
But an annoying amount of 3 paths
CMC: Shortest path between a list of fictional astronauts and Code golf
Does a link to a paragraph in the code golf article count?
would assume so
If so, I have 6 as an upper bound
all i've got is also 6 actually
might have another idea
@UnrelatedString Oh--I'd count that as 7 steps
makes sense
7 steps, 6 unique articles determining the path
tried to figure out what the number is from last round and it looked like that lol
How do you do the hover text again?
...i have 5 unique articles to a post on this site but not the article on golf lmao
[visible text](arbitrary_link "spoiler text")
the link has to be a valid url afaik; most people use http://example.com or such but i pull some other random shit out
Ah, quotes
wait that's 5 not 6
still unfortunate
@UnrelatedString Mine is similar, but I got to redacted in three steps instead of four.
two should be possible
i almost thought i could get to something related to a later article in the chain more directly by something involving someone notable but I forgot something
can someone explain in simple layman terms what this question is asking: codegolf.stackexchange.com/questions/243449/resize-the-image
i read this a couple of times: "split a square into \$n\times m\$ smaller rectangles, fill each with the value given in \$A\$, then resplit into \$w\times h\$ one and get average of each small rectangle" but i still dont really get it
@UnrelatedString It's really too bad, isn't it!
the middle link is
how do have a different text when you hover over
25 mins ago, by Unrelated String
[visible text](arbitrary_link "spoiler text")
1 hour later…
So my new laptop uses USB-C for charging...I wonder if a phone charger would be compatible with it
Can't find the charger for my old Android phone, so I'm going to try a Nintendo Switch charger
Let's hope nothing catches on fire
It works lol
But it gives me a warning that it's a low power charger
That's amazing
@pxeger I mean...I didn't mean it like that lol
Not anything about me in particular, just that we all spend a rather large amount of time doing a rather obscure computing related hobby and thus pick up a lot of knowledge about it
(Sorry for the late reply, internet issues)
@DLosc Same, vscode python sucks for Vyxal
@user Because third derivatives are a pain.
@mathcat what is that project?
a game?
you are free to use it, give credit if you want to ....
@RadvylfPrograms How's this for a late reply?
Apr 9, 2021 at 15:25, by Redwolf Programs
user image
4 hours later…
@emanresuA eh, derivatives aren’t that bad, integrals are
Yeah, I guess
Q: Convert to UTF-∞

AnttiPIt's 22022 and the Unicode consortium is having a problem. After the writing system of the ⮧⣝Ⅲⴄ⟢⧩⋓⣠ civilization was assigned the last Unicode block, the consortium members have been scrambling to find a new encoding to replace UTF-8. Finally UTF-∞, a proposal by Bob Rike, was adopted. UTF-∞ is b...

@GingerIndustries what
no way
:O [someone used deadfish.surge.sh)
A: Output "Lorem ipsum" with minimal number of characters

anatolygDeadfish~, 3061 characters {i}dsdddddc{{iii}d}iciiic{d}dddc{i}ddc{{ii}dd}dc{{i}ddd}iiic{i}dddciiiciic{d}iic{{ii}dd}dc{dd}ddsc{i}icdddciiiciiic{{d}ii}ddc{{i}dd}iiic{d}c{i}ic{{ii}ddd}iic{{iii}ii}ic{i}iic{d}iic{i}iiiiic{{d}iii}ddc{d}ddc{dd}ddsdc{i}iicdciiiiic{d}ddddcddc{ii}dddc{d}dddddc{i}iiiiicicdd...

wait that's 5
Looks like Vyxal is part of Wikipedia now, it's mentioned on the page you linked
It's been there since July last year
Were you the one who added it in?
Wordle 253 3/6

@ophact no
Wordle 253 2/6

What does "253" represent? Thought it meant time but you solved it later than me yet we both have 253.
I'm bad at wordle
@ophact it means that it's puzzle #253
And also, those results are actually from 6 hours ago
Hence it can't be time
Wordle 253 4/6

I got unlucky
On the other hand, @lyxal got lucky ;) three greens from the start
Game theory do be like that sometimes
Even if it was later discovered the first video claiming the best opening word was the best was somewhat wrong
what was the best opening word?
not crane
In a follow-up video, 3b1b told it was actually something else
huh... I always start with "there" or "those" for some reason
1 min ago, by lyxal
Even if it was later discovered the first video claiming the best opening word was the best was somewhat wrong
1 hour later…
Q: Solve an alien wordle

Wheat WizardYou've arrived on an alien planet. The writing system, the culture and the language there are completely foreign to any language you know. But somehow they are all playing wordle already. So as a method to learn their language and culture you start playing their version of wordle. Their wordle...

A: "Hello, World!"

DialFrostBit, 645 bytes BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 1 BIT 0 BIT 1 BIT 0 ...

Does anyone think it might be useful to have a tag?
doesn't do the job?
I think you can just search "wordle is:q" instead.
Good point
2 hours later…
i am feel not very spicy
List of cursed things #8239443: <style type="text/javascript">
<script type="text/css">
@ophact <script type="vyxal">
fun fact: IANA briefly considered assigning ZIP files the MIME-code vyxal
lyxal's asleep time to post mirrored vyxal logo
user image
@GingerIndustries Where did you get your information?
@ophact ur mom
@GingerIndustries IF NOT ur mom = THEN ur dad actually, mate.
@prosody-GabeVereableContext how the rgksp are you in so many rooms
hey look what I found:

 Ukrainian Conflict 2022

Room for discussing the conflict in Ukraine.
CMQ: How to get three letters in a string with the most occurrences in C++? (Doesn't need to be golfedd)
@GingerIndustries bots don't sleep
@mathcat ಠ_ಠ
lyxal is bot
@GingerIndustries Supercomputer, plus being a en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mentat mentat. (And chat experience. Sadly though, so many quiet/empty/silent chat rooms...)
Is it okay if I tell you I think Radioshack's $20 Learning Kit Lab Circuit Boards reddit.com/r/electronics/comments/nnlih/… are "Code Golf" && if I do not really have a supercomputer? :∫
Error 438: Only Chuck Norris And Jon Skeet Can Request This Resource
Is it called the starboard because it appears on the right side of the chat page? :) — Eliah Kagan Jan 25, 2017 at 15:25
Today there are better options for interacting with actual programming code, but lord those learning kits were tough. Actual puzzles (like building Toys R' Us lego skyscrapers) I could build well, but Radioshack circuitboards haunt me. A cheap Rasberry Pi would have been good instead, would have taught me actual computer code along with the freaky jarring kit buzzing sounds. :/
Arduino is really good too
I had a Littlebits kit when I was a kid, very cool but not very versatile unfortunately (unless you bought one of the pricier kits)
The more hardware is involved, the more painful programming is. CMV :P
@user why use Littlebits when you can use Bigbits
Because circuits should be small, stoopid
Do you want to go back to the age of room-sized computers?
virgin littlebits vs chad bigbits
Also, someone accidentally just starred both my messages, could you remove them before it's too late?
@user laughs in Deep Thought
If you're ever deep in thought, you sure don't show it
I'm kidding, I'm kidding
@user I am coming to your house to smack you in the face with an em dash
With a bit of imagination, I was powering the Manhattan Project. At least we were not having real learning shocks and fires like our parents.
@GingerIndustries You'll have to reckon with my first
That's curvy and weak, not strong and structurally stable like my dash
It's hard to wield and some of the pieces will just fall off anyway
How you gonna hold that?
your dash is wiggly but my paving tiles are strong and hard
@user hold it by the end bit
do not decontext that
Still sounds hard to hold
Besides, I can just chuck my 𒀱 at you from afar
And I have a secret weapon
Aww, the zalgo doesn't show up when you hover
@GingerIndustries You know what, I think I will
@user >:(
> strong and hard
please no zalgo spam ._.
@hyper-neutrino Could you remove the two stars on my messages? They seem to be kinda random
PSA: Please don't put random zalgo text in this room. Put it here instead!
@hyper-neutrino 【•】_【•】
• |<
does that look like ok?
@mathcat ( •_•)
todo: make an esolang that only uses these for commands
hello world: ⍩ "Hello World!";
CMQ: t = new thing or t = thing:?
also forever do [...] done or do [...] forever?
w=image:load "watermark.png";w:anchor="bottom right";⁂i∈↨folder:"images/"~i:paste w i:width i:height;.
^ stupid
@GingerIndustries make
not new
t = make thing
@GingerIndustries I would prefer t = thing.new() over both of those tbh
@GingerIndustries forever [...] end or loop [...] end
@user nope, not how functions work
@user I have already decided keywords, it uses do and done
keep in mind the motto: "So Simple Your Grandma Could Use It!"
script.io redirects to it
I'm considering "Script" as a name for this language
CMQ: Names for language? (example code available upon request)
@GingerIndustries request
@pxeger what program?
how about Fizz Buzz?
a classic
@pxeger here ya go:
counter = 0
    if not counter % 3 then
        out "Fizz"
    else if not counter % 5 then
        out "Buzz"
    else if not counter % 15 then
        out "FizzBuzz"
        out counter
Wordle 253 3/6

@GingerIndustries So, basically scratch?
@emanresuA yes, now that you mention it
it's pretty much scratch with text
Hmm okay
@GingerIndustries Lyxal
@GingerIndustries rub
@emanresuA 흫_흫
gotta love how searching "rickroll" in the se chatroom list has vyxal as the first result
ah well
it's full of rickrollers

We're no strangers to chatrolling

Aug 23, 2021 at 12:13, 11 minutes total – 60 messages, 3 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Aug 23, 2021 at 12:26 by emanresu A

@mathcat the rickrollers made me cry so I said goodbye
I tought you said goodbye
I'm not going
the best letter of the alphabet is h
1 min ago, by Ginger Industries
@mathcat the rickrollers made me cry so I said goodbye
^ proof
it did
Am I getting the ping sound
like 10 seconds later
@mathcat I guess you've just got... SLOW PING
I didn't understand it
slow ping
just think about it
this is doubly ironic
is it has to do something with sloping?
do you know what ping is
in the context of networked videogames
table tennis?
um one second **Googles**
do you get it now mathcat
@GingerIndustries yes ginerat
i'm saving this conversation
CMC: Understand Ginger.
@emanresuA hjhhjjjjjhhjjjjjjjjjjjhhjjajj?
@emanresuA well that's easy
type random characters which are on the home row and one 7
@emanresuA \hjdjk
very normal
nothing sus
@lyxal Practically spoiled it for me since I figured you started with crane :/
OLIMAR is still working somehow
@pxeger My first two guesses were all gray
I hate how YT's font makes emoticons look
That :-) looks like it wants you to die
It's just Roboto, isn't it?
I think so, idk
It looks creepy
CMQ: Lumens/sq. meter (or sq. ft) and color temperature of the lighting in your bedroom, hallways, closet, etc.?
My house is full of disgusting 2700K bulbs so I'm going to replace the ones in my room with nice 5000K LEDs
Q: Find Cycles In Digitroot Sequence

jixpersonInput: Integer Array A which is the Digital root sequence. Integer m, n which are the modular and multiplier. Output: All the sequences in A that will cycle when taking the digit root of. Example Input: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 4 Example Output: 1 4 7 2 5 8 More details: DR(4 * 1)>4 -> DR(4 * 4)>7 ->...

1 hour later…
@GingerIndustries this is like that time I hand drew the logo
Wordle 254 3/6

@lyxal Looks like defective chromosomes
@user no u
Oh really? I don't know biology honestly, didn't realize there was supposed to be a u there
What do proper chromosomes with "u"'s look like?
bruh I know what "no u" is, I was trying to make a joke off of that
Not funny didn't laugh
Actually, I just had an epiphany--I don't care if you didn't laugh
+ ratio + L + didn't ask + cope + seethe + cringe
Q: How-many-bonacci-like is this sequence?

alephalphaInspired by @emanresu A's Is it a fibonacci-like sequence? Make sure to upvote that challenge as well! We say a sequence is Fibonacci-like, if, starting from the third term (\$1\$-indexed), each term is the sum of the previous two terms. For example, \$3, 4, 7, 11, 18, 29, 47, 76, 123, 199\cdots\...

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