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@RadvylfPrograms Charcoal, 17 bytes: F⌕Aθ§θ⁰§≔θι✂θP⭆¹θ
quick question, in ascii art, are you allowed to return a list of strings for each line of text
@lyxal Why does this sound like a Shakespearean insult lol
@AaroneousMiller Has to do with whether the for loop exits from a break
54 mins ago, by Unrelated String
it executes if the for wasn't broken out ot
@NewPosts Peter Kagey's challenges always confuzzle my brain
> You are a saucy boy
@user ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
bruh sinvec is basically a ascii art challenge maker lmao
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostBeaker drawing Your task is to output the following beaker with the volume n: _ % % % % % % % % % % %%%%%%%%% You are the fill n spaces of the beaker above, so n=5 looks like this _ % % % % % % % % %----- % %%%%%%%%% Even though this defies...

@ophact would you like me to make the bottom row have the most crates possible? so theres only 1 unique way to solve it? (for "stack em'")
Bottom row would have the least number of crates. And making the stack highest already guarantees a unique solution.
If it has the most number of crates in the bottom row, then it's a single row of boxes.
added thx @Bubbler
should i post tips for golfing in python 3.8?
or is the update not advanced enough for ppl to actualyl give diff tips
i think specific 3.8 tips can just be posted to the old thread with a note that it's 3.8 features
since tips for python is not version bound
and there probably aren't all that many 3.8-only tips to be worth
@UnrelatedString TIL
wdym @hyper-neutrino
oh nvrm i get wat u mean
There's only a separate JS / ES6+ tips because ES6 was so revolutionary
Pretty much every answer since 2017 uses ES6 features in some way
so we're only allowed to send in 1 tip per answeR?
Or several very related ones
yeah it's not a feature that gets like
pretty useful
yeah it took me a while to learn about it
very useful though
pug (the html templating engine previously known as jade) has for..else run the else block if the for block was empty (though i don't think it has a break? maybe it does)
both seem logical
I wish it used something other than else
does kinda suck when you end up trying to use it to emulate a labeled break but arguably at that point you should just use a function
else is really unclear about whether it's the break or no-break that's the "other" condition
the way i remember how else works is just "if you're searching with a for loop, you break when you find it, so else means you didn't find it"
but that's just a mnemonic and it should be made clearer on its own
not immediately intuitive
my other way of remembering it is
break exits the entire chain of blocks, and the for..else are all one "block" i guess
else in a for or while loop can be seen as saying "perform conditional flow normally, else deal with the early termination"
...is while ... else actually legal
that sounds fucking scuffed
since there's basically two different analogies you could make
I used it in Vyxal the other day
So yes, while else is valid
since while takes a condition like if, but is also a loop like for
you could just as easily expect the else to fire if the condition fails at any point during the loop without being broken out of as for it to fire only if the condition fails before the loop executes at all
On a different note, I do not like ants
They are annoying and they need to leave me alone
Like I just want to sit on a bench at a public swimming pool in peace without being harassed by little ants haphazardly wondering around
They don't need to be a nuisance to me, yet they crawl on my legs and cause pain anyway
Ants stay away from the smell of other dead ants as a way of staying safe right?
Well hopefully they smell the carnage that's happened here and they stay the frick away from me.
@lyxal no, they will find dead ants and bury them
although maybe not immediately
@hyper-neutrino wait so killing them only makes things worse? Gosh dang it.
@lyxal don't quote me on that I just remember that dead ants will give off pheromones which will cause ants to move them to the graveyard
and if you spray a living ant with the dead ant pheromone apparently it'll go to the graveyard and just pretend to be dead there until the smell wears off and it just goes back to being normal
I thought the pheromones told other ants to stay away
Which is kinda what I was counting on
idk. i could be wrong and you could be right. i ain't an ant ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gosh, RCF2324 is hilarious:
> Any attempt to brew coffee with a teapot should result in the error
code "418 I'm a teapot". The resulting entity body MAY be short and
Thank you internet people very cool
Grr I hate how laptop companies try to make the screens as bright as possible as a selling point
Because when you're on them in the middle of the night you're being blinded
At max brightness my 13" laptop screen can literally illuminate the entire room, more so than my lamp
And at min brightness it's still uncomfortable to look at
Do you use eye comfort?
What the heck is eye compression?
how do use exec and print together
and how come this prints None?
they're called eye compresses not compressions
but good enough
does anyone think that codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… < this is ready?
@pxeger No, nothing in particular, yesterday was just very confusing to me
I feel like it's two separate challenges - counting the amounts on each later and doing the ascii art
For most langs, the first is going to be the interesting bit and the last is clunky boilerplate.
@mathcat I think today will be too :(
anyone think my puzzle is ready?
and @pxeger sry but i think my answer for the challenge "draw a battery indictator" is way to similar to urs
shld i delete mine?
Duplicate answers are allowed by the rules as long as there's no plagiarism
You can delete it if you want, but I don't mind if you don't
xnor did most of the grunt-work on mine anyway lol
haha okey
the only thing i copied from u was ur idea of printing a list of strings as output
else it was ovs and aidenchow who helped me golf my code to look so similar to urs
i used the list idea to shorten it further
still currently finding a way to beat ur code :)
wtf happened to chat
@PyGamer0 wdym
uh reload probably
Worksfine for me
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pajonkWhat was my Wordle play? code-golfarraystringopen-ended-function Task Given a winning Wordle play results (clues), the target ("secret") word and a list of words, output a possible sequence of words leading to such results. You may assume that for given inputs a solution exists. If there is more ...

im back from school
@Bubbler which answer would you like me to bounty for your Most significant impact via Meta award?
i have an idea for a challenge
and it's a good one
does anyone remember when @ophact tried to golf english
i'm doing that, but BETTER
uh i already made the challenge in sandbox
@StackMeterPlus ya I rmbr
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

alephalphaHow-many-bonacci-like is this sequence? code-golf fibonacci sequence integer Inspired by @emanresu A's Is it a fibonacci-like sequence? Make sure to upvote that question as well! We say a sequence is Fibonacci-like, if, starting from the third term (\$1\$-indexed), each term is the sum of the pr...

@SandboxPosts Hm, that doesn't ping me buut it's highlighted green
> @emanresuA ok got it! - 2 days ago by DialFrost
did that ping?
Yes, and rickrolled me. Nice one :P
I'm getting soft, letting my guard down
lmao i did it
Dec 13, 2021 at 18:25, by emanresu A
@PyGamer0 You got me... with my own site
@PyGamer0 when you're 4 parallel universes ahead:
we have a palindrome number of starred messages (proof)
and now its ruined
@pxeger This one :)
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Aiden Chowcode-golfarray Implement Scordle Background TODO: Explain what Wordle and Scordle are Challenge Your task is to implement a simplified version of Scordle with lists of numbers. The input contains the following: The possible numbers 1 to n that can be contained in a guess (think of this like ther...

^ could someone check this out thx
@PyGamer0 did you check the proof
yo @PyGamer0 ... you pretty advanced at python coding?
hopefully the whole russia situation blows over soon
@TrexxæByte wh....why are you asking??
Lookin for like... guidance... advice
idk about my level of skull skill
I'm well beyond like... fundamental, beginner stuff
but being self-taught... I dunno... my teacher sucks
i taught myself python :P
wish I could take some classes
(with help from books)
and yeah... me too... got kind of a massive library
I'm sure you got just as many... but if you don't, I could give ya a list
I'm tryin to like... get away from just the command line shit.. and do actual GUI
and nah... the whole Russia thing? The biggest concern I have... is our current Commander and Queef in charge. That's what worries me most.
I just hope and pray his cabinet and advisors and ... whoever else... manipulate (or CAN manipulate) him for the greater good
Q: Is it a sub-permutation?

Wheat WizardA finite-permutation is a function which takes an \$n\$-tuple and produces an \$n\$-tuple such that every element of the input is present in the output, and the ordering does not rely on the values of the inputs. We can unambiguously represent these permutations with an \$n\$-tuple where each ele...

@TrexxæByte how’d you go from python to russia to biden (?) lol
I was just replying to dude... that mentioned it before we started talkin
seems do-able... right? Like having full reign over my 70-year-old Grandma with dementia - surely the rest of the executive branch steers him, holds his hand steady in the right direction ... so his Parkinson's doesn't veer us into mushroom clouds.
@lyxal dépends on the phéromones right
Russia to biden? because dude
We're Ukraine's allies
I’ve heard you can keep ants going in a circle using pheromones
And Biden's already been talkin about stickin USA's nose in it
@user What are you? Fr*nch? 🤮
@TrexxæByte we have an alliance with them?
like that isn't just typical of the U.S.
yeah... they're an ally
@TrexxæByte that is going to happen ig
@TrexxæByte If you didn't already know, you can explicitly reply to a message by hovering over it and clicking the button that appears on the right.
you didn't know? That's what really worries me... Biden talkin about stepping in to help...
Hope the war magically finishes before I’m 18
ahhh hell.. nah, didn't know that... been a hot minute since I been in a chat room
the whole north eastern seaboard of the united states gonna end up the NEW chyrnobel
anyone know someone with a bomb shelter?
Biden may be old and not the best president ever but i doubt we’re going to have nukes being launched
Although it may be worth it to start stockpiling sticks and stones :p
I wouldn't think so... but my ol lady was tellin me Russia made severe threats(and I dunno why I'm just taking her word)
@TrexxæByte true
but at this point, russia has started golfing ukraine like we golf code
to anyone that made even the first move at helping Ukraine... was going to suffer more severe consequences than any in history? ... She worded it something like that
so yeah, that's bad
I don't think the U.S. would be so quick to wanna help if Ukraine didn't have a resource that made the U.S.'s eyes gleam
cause believe... U.S. don't give a SHIIIIT bout its OWN citizens, much less another country's
Ukraine's got ... I dunno... oil? I think is what I heard?
fossil fuel... money... basically
Q: AoCG2021 Leftover: HexaGoL

BubblerThis challenge is one of the two challenges which were planned for Advent of Code Golf 2021, but didn't fit into the 25-day schedule. Related to AoC2020 Day 24, Part 2. Given a binary configuration on a hexagonal grid, output the next generation of Hexagonal Game of Life using AoC rules: A livi...

see... that challenge right there... I have no CLUE wth?
I'm lookin at the code and STILL dunno wth
@TrexxæByte my father borrowed a book on python from his friend (cause he had to start working in that language along with c++)
i read that book
I've got a ton if you lookin for like... a more specific area/field of python
@TrexxæByte so you dont understand the challenge?
and yeah, I tried 3-4 other languages before I ran across python
nah, man... the math in that code... omfg
you're tellin me...
you understand THIS? :
from random import randint
side = 3
hex = [[randint(0,1) if side-1<=r+c<=3*(side-1) else 0 for c in range(side*2-1)] for r in range(side*2-1)]
def fmt(side, hex):
for r in range(side*2-1):
s += ' '*abs(r-(side-1))
for c in range(side*2-1):
if side-1 <= r+c <= 3*(side-1): s += '.*'[hex[r][c]] + ' '
s += '\n'
return s
print(fmt(side, hex))
def ans(hex):
l = len(hex)
hex2 = [[0]*(l+2)] + [[0] + row + [0] for row in hex] + [[0]*(l+2)]
hex_next = [[0]*(l+2) for _ in range(l+2)]
for r in range(l+2):
press up arrow and then ctrl+k and enter
to format that code
I mean, I get the code
@TrexxæByte uh i meant editing that measage
and ill go finish my essay which im still doing :P
Press up arrow in the message box
cool, thanks
I 'member that for next time ...
Segmentation fault :(
Memory leak :(
I think you have VyxalOS.
Oh Shit
anyway, yeah... was lookin for a language to get back into coding... tried 3-4 diff ones before python... JavaScript was almost what I settled on... just to settle
You can be a polyglot
but yeah, 30 minutes to intro myself to python, it won, hands down
too bad I'm still novice at best... after like 2 years
May 27, 2021 at 14:42, by Redwolf Programs
Python takes you on a date, talks to you for a while, and its issues slowly start to show up. JS shakes your hand, punches you in the face, and then is fairly normal from then on.
classes is where it punched me in the face
I understand them a LIL better now, tho
I love classes, but I hardly ever use js classes
I like em... its just when it starts doin fkin methods, static methods
@emanresuA lies
and ... incorporating them into GUI code... ugh
So I made a weak lil GUI... quiz for state capitals...
do you make games?
nah... haven't even really scratched the surface of pygame
@TrexxæByte what's a pygame
dude... you just gave me guidance
that's exactly what Ima do!
hell yeah man, thanks lol
@StackMeterPlus its a Python package ... "add-on" ... that allows you to develop games
You know Sims 4 is written in Python?
Tripped me out when I discovered that... the whole damn game...
i use pyglet
yesterday, by PyGamer0
i like pyglet ... i found it easier to learn than pygame
Oct 28, 2021 at 7:42, by PyGamer0
much easier
as you can see a lot of people found pyglet easier to learn that pygame :P
Your name is literally "PyGame"r0
but i dont like pygame
(hence i must change my name)
and i finished my essay claps
The one on Mahatma Gandhi?
i have to submit it today
i hate windows
i got a BSoD
i opened Microsoft teams and it then BSoD
Microsoft Teams somethin like github? kinda?
no i use it for my school
From sticking the list of the top 100 code golf users by rep into codex, I came up with these: cryan, Rayark, khoniten, Zack Bloom, davidpress, SwiftyFlyer, Grand Wise Megafauna, Mathew , Casually Light User, apple++, Fade, Otohiko, phyline1, norgal, Shadow Fox1, Mazuga, Kidney Grabber, WildWeasel, kuci, gallium3n, zerg, steep, Dylan
Mossman, zpcc
It also just gave me Amorgos
which is kinda sus ngl
Could someone make sure that this answer works in theory? Not self-promotion, I'm just quite inexperienced when it comes to determining whether a program solves a task in theory.
That's the answer for which there was a segmentation fault (see above)
Are there any small efficiency changes you could make and/or small testcases?
\\ /\
/ o /
\/ \\
Looked online, but even the smallest Heronian tetrahedron gives segmentation fault
No efficiency changes, not that I know of
@PyGamer0 I also made a list of 400 randomly generated potential usernames using this vyxal program: 100(4 7ṡ℅(n∷[ka|kv]℅⅛)¾ṅ,Þ¾)
if deeznuts == 2:
haha ... eh.. not really. That's prolly the most efficient code I've written in 3 days
@lyxal i have a bigger list lol here
although each word is 5 letters long
mine varies between 4, 5, 6 and 7 letters long
> menuoo
finally i got rainbow parenthesis plugin working
jyhj too
Is it the scientific word for "Nice, but I don't care"?
@GingerIndustries kgwrg
@PyGamer0 you know nothing
@lyxal wjjug
@GingerIndustries nfeiru
@lyxal rjoojoa
i tried to take a picture and i got the BSoD
@GingerIndustries lbefsbhlhbjlhjljlhksdfjhkl
@lyxal adsjdskhdsjfdw7dwdw
@GingerIndustries axxax
@GingerIndustries wait how'd you manage to hit the 7?
@lyxal what ever do you mean
I know this is silly, but like... All your hands were clearly right on the home row.
I don't get how one finger could have stretched up to the "7".
@lyxal Why do you always fixate on these bizarre details?
I am a normal human typing with my human hands
Yeah, of course. I know.
@lyxal Keypad on the right?
@GingerIndustries I don't know.
@lyxal It's weird, is all.
aaaaaaand, scene.
Cook bread... with that pakidge thing?
@lyxal ,ie8jf0-qlc.r e,opfsw[K'AV9R30 EWOANVCQRW[\Q'jc9[cemraoejnvqamdjvwrmq039[2eopk@A:?
CGSE is home to many professional xkcd reeenactors.
I need to read... or rather look at... more xkcd
my keyboard mashes are almost just random ascii, just with a letter bias
@lyxal What's a home row?
those keys on your keyboard
And why is it called a home row?
nucccccc>O:@apWS.IajMF\C;,P'/SummmmmEIOAJ;\CM;WP'8RO[ FCm[\9qra' 0]rá['z .ir;s'a0#]-
because the f and the j traditionally have little bumps beneath them
they act as a reference for touch typing iirc
oh got it
@lyxal i don't touch type
@ophact i hunt and peck
I am very confused
what about these keys? ™ ¢
or... æ
I'm a ½ wit
Not-Actually-A-Wordle-At-All 069 4/2
🟠 🔺⬛🔶⬛🟪📗
💠3️⃣ 🏁⬛⬛😳🆔
user image
Q: Build an optimizing Brainfuck compiler/interpreter

xiver77the goal Build an optimizing Brainfuck implementation. Whether it is a compiler, an interpreter, a JIT compiler, or whatever else is up to you. scoring A reference implementation (bfi) will be given. Each implementation will run the same program (mb.b) also given at the end. Your score is time sp...

@Wezl-yizl what is That
@Wezl-yizl what is That
3 days until Mario steals your liver!
r/engrish found at JLCPCB:
Notice: 2-3 days delay may occur because orders surged and orders amassed.
Update: it seems that the world is overwhelmingly on the side of the Ukrainians
What the Russian Orthodox Church has to say:
> ...saying that the Russian Orthodox Church viewed the country’s armed forces as "actively manifesting evangelical love for neighbours, and fidelity to high moral ideals of truth and goodness".
How old is CGCC?
update: I am done with the pcb
wass sat?
@GingerIndustries source?
@mathcat wikipedia
@mathcat ~11 years
There is alread a wikipedia page about it?
@m90 nice, thanks
@mathcat There are many wikipedia pages about it
@PyGamer0 ಠ_ಠ
@pxeger I think I understood your challenge
@GingerIndustries Yeah people don't like it when countries invade other countries, unprompted, and kill a bunch of civilians
Except for China and Malaysia apparently
@RadvylfPrograms hmmmm i wonder why
@RadvylfPrograms My classmate has ancestry from Russia and Ukraine, so he's quite in a pickle now.
@mathcat Did you mean: Cancerous tumor?
No, he is in a pickle.
That's way worse than cancer
Imagine how small that'd be
@mathcat like this?
Mehditation lol
get mehdirolled lmao
not rolled but squared
Am I missing something? What is this question VTC'd as a duplicate of?
@pxeger Whoever voted retracted their vote.
is it possible to change the delay on a setTimeout or would I have to reschedule it
You'd have to reschedule it
ah, rip. what I want to do is have a recurring event that gets its cooldown shortened by a bit every time a message is sent in that channel - is there a smarter way to do this than constantly resetting a timeout?
You could replace it with a setInterval that checks a variable for when to run a function
It's not super elegant but it's not an issue for performance or anything like that
oh, I see. yeah that could work since I don't need the timing to be super accurate
setInterval gets down to like 4ms, and if you need less than that there's setImmediate, so for a chat related thing it should definitely be accurate enough
wait but if I set an interval even if the interval timing is precise it'd still only be able to run every time the interval triggers
or do you mean i just set an interval to run at a 4ms cycle
4ms cycle
Something like var time_to_trigger = Date.now() + 10000; setInterval(() => (time_to_trigger < Date.now() ? (run_thing(), time_to_trigger = Infinity) : null), 0); would probably work
ah i see. and that wouldn't like cause any performance issues with the rest of the system? cool thanks

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