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do I edit my sandbox post to point the real question now?
code gold?
sorry @AncientSwordRage, forgot to ask in the sandbox, but is "moved or removed" a strict "or" or is it an "and/or"? For instance, what's the output for 6, 7?
@ophact 6 7 -> 4
1 move, plus 3 removals I think
oh so it's an "and/or".
@ophact just edited that in
whats the shortest way to check if a variable is a list
what language
ask nicely?
"Are you a list?"
that's satisfying
more silver than bronze
@DialFrost type(v)==list?
ye i was thiking the same thing @ophact
@DialFrost depends what other types it can be
but i was wondering if theres a shorter way
type(x)==list will always work
oh wait pxeger lemme pull it up real quick
it can only be string or list
if im right
try: v.append('blahblah')
except: print('nah, not a list')
bruh lol
that would be nicer
oh u edited it lol
only the last one
u have 141k rep in all networks???
@DialFrost in that case, x in x will be True for strings and False for lists (assuming no circular references)
how do people get 577 bronze badges or something? They have way too many tag badges?
lemme try it
no ophact
they get the same badges over and over
only certain badges like "nice question" u can get indefinitely
@DialFrost yeah, but on the site I moderate some people have 592k just on the site
[*x]==x might also work @DialFrost
@ophact ur a genius
u beat pxeger's answer by 4 bytes
x in x is shorter isn't it?
no, cuz ur answer makes it so it returns true for list
pxeger's answer is opposite
@ophact isinstance(x,list) is longer lol
so i have to do not x in x
not x in x
which is longer than [*x]==x
there are ways to circumvent that requirement
@PyGamer0 yes that was my initial proposal
no wait it was type(v)==list
@pxeger actually this can also be ""in x which means you can save a space before it
it works @pxeger
@pxeger Example please?
pxeger [*x]==x works
@ophact nvm I'm stupid lol
I was expecting [*x]==x to be True for both
haha ur not pxeger
14k requires brains
everyone makes mistakes
for example me, cant solve 1+1 on a bad day
you can also do x[:0]==[] or x[:0]==""
@pxeger :0
@DialFrost what type are the elements in the list?
A: Ungolf my tinylisp code

DialFrostPython 3, 421 392 bytes import re k=" " def p(e): l,*t=0, for n in e: if")"==n:break if"("==n:z=p(e);l=max(l,z[0]+1);t+=[z] else:l=max(l,1);t+=[n] return[l]+t t=p(iter(re.findall("[^() ]+|\S",input())[1:])) def f(t,d=k): if[*t]==t: r="(";s=[f(i,d+k)for i in t[1:]] if t[0]>2: if l...

when python3 nearly beats retina ^
off by 60 bytes(which is huge) but ya lol
the elements?
2,000 rep is within site!
when u have 2k rep, Edits to any question or answer are applied immediately
but does this remove the 2 rep u get for every edit below 2k?
CMC: Using any math operations (square root, negate, add, subtract etc.) calculate 1 to 10 using ONLY 1 and 9 ONCE. (not a programming challenge, a math challenge)
anyone answer my qns? thx
@PyGamer0 log√√√√√√√?
@l4m2 what?
@PyGamer0 i have an answer for you
@PyGamer0 What do you mean "calculate"? what should we output? A list of numbers from 1 to 10?
whoops this uses 1 twice
forget it
when u have 2k rep, Edits to any question or answer are applied immediately, but does this remove the 2 rep u get for every edit below 2k?
> (not a programming challenge, a math challenge)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 |{{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}}|
@PyGamer0 a math challenge that i did in programming
-log2(log9(sqrt(9))) = 1
-log2(log9(sqrt(sqrt(9)))) = 2
-log2(log9(sqrt(sqrt(sqrt(9))))) = 3
obviously there are shorter ways
but this works for anything
assuming log2 and log9 can be used as "any math operations" and don't count as using up the numbers 2 and 9
@PyGamer0 1 = 1, 2 = sqrt(9) - 1, 3 = sqrt(9), 4 = sqrt(9) + 1, 5 = 180°(9) - 1, 6 = 180°(9), 7 = 180°(9) + 1, 8 = 9-1, 9 = 9, 10 = 9 + 1
Assuming central symmetry of digits is a valid operation
(TIL it’s called point reflection in english)
pxeger do u know if the 2 rep bonus for every edit is removed once 2k is hit?
@Fatalize I would just call it "rotation"
@DialFrost yes
so no more 2 rep after 2k?
Otherwise it'd just be free rep
@DialFrost you don't get the bonuses anymore
ah well
Does anyone know how to ask Dennis if he could pull new commits of a language for TryItOnline?
@DialFrost Well it makes sense. I could just edit everything and get an easy 500 rep (i think that's the max you can get from edits)
(Or if he even wants to do it)
thats wat i was thnking as well
@Fatalize right now, we just ask caird to add it to a list of pending requests
but at least i get free access to instant edits
@lyxal I see
That's the list
Dennis has been seen in the TIO chatroom a few times, and people have tried to say things each time, but to no response unfortunately
theres a TIO chatroom???


For general discussion and feature requests regarding tryitonl...
wow so few ppl there lol
That's the unfortunate thing. TIO has been getting increasingly stale with its languages.
Hence the creation of all the TIO clones.
We've got pxeger's ATO, redwolf's RTO, emanresua's DSO and Bubbler's TIB
but shldnt TIO be the main one
@DialFrost ?
TIO is the original
But there's a opportunity to overthrow it's spot as the prominent online sandbox
unless it actually stops working, I suspect that's unlikely to happen
anyone wanna check?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostKnights jam The knight is a chess piece that, when placed on the o-marked square, can move to any of the x-marked squares (as long as they are inside the board): .x.x. x...x ..o.. x...x .x.x. Eight knights, numbered from 1 to 8, have been placed on a 3×3 board, leaving one single square empty .....

@pxeger not necessarily - if there's ever a surge in new golfing languages being made (and with active communities), and they all get added to a non-tio site, that site will probably overtake TIO in popularity
That's the advantage non-tio sites have - freshness
They can have languages updated or added
If Dennis was still active and updating stuff and adding new stuff, then I'd agree that TIO wouldn't be rivalled in prominence any time soon
But the market is ripe for the picking
Now's your chance to make a [TIO clone]
I suppose as time goes by and TIO becomes even more out of date it will become more and more annoying
good thing we've got RTO to save us all
I fixed your typo :p
I fixed your typo :P
I definitely think you mean ATO
No, I think you mean RTO
I'm totally not biased in favour of pxeger
@GingerIndustries no no ATO is the way to go
:60439616 okay American.
@GingerIndustries because ATO already has offices
we have offices
Jan 22 at 1:25, by lyxal
user image
Not like that you don't.
problem is, the only building we could find is one of those shops that sells cursed stuff and when you come back it's gone, so the offices move around a lot
Imagine not having stability
Made by ATO gang
brb right back
@WheatWizard let me know if my comments are making sense?
Yeah, it makes sense. I wouldn't have posted an answer if I were still unsure of anything.
@pxeger but you used 2 and 9 a bunch of times
1 hour ago, by pxeger
assuming log2 and log9 can be used as "any math operations" and don't count as using up the numbers 2 and 9
(the question is from vsauce2 btw)
oh, factorial
@lyxal VTC lyxal because pxeger hacked into lyxal
@pxeger what have you done
@lyxal aw, why not?
ATO best
Let's do a test
already has 50 languages
no wait I'm too dumb to think of a test
How can we prove that lyxal is a sock of pxeger?
@mathcat ez
@lyxal are you a sock of @pxeger?
@PyGamer0 wait ... that's genius
@PyGamer0 genius
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

JitseRandom Point from a 2D Donut Distribution code-golfrandom A donut distribution (for lack of a better term) is a random distribution of points in a 2-dimensional plane forming a donut-like shape. The distribution is defined by two parameters: the radius r and spread s, in which r represents the av...

Lyxal will be considered a sock of pxeger, if they don't reply within 24 hours.
why would that prove it
good point
@lyxal imagine not having custom interpreters
made by RTO gang
imagine not functioning
made by ATO gang
just you wait, we'll be online eventually
Lyxal will be considered a sock of pxeger, if they don't reply within 1337 hours.
wait, we're online right now!
@mathcat that'd prove it
at some point radvylf will add custom interpreters
and then you'll see. you'll ALL see.
*evil laugh*
@GingerIndustries yeah we will see custom interpreters
I'll close my eyes
@WheatWizard Ah ok cool, I didn't see the answer until just now
the brilliance of [custom interpreters] will overwhelm your eyelids
also what happened to LYAL?
one sec
in the absence of anyone else doing so, I hereby declare that this is now a LYAL
which language
working on it
Welcome to the ${LYALNUM}th Learn You a Lang! Today we'll be learning dc.
what is dc?
read the linked post
why not bc?
i didn't name it
can we learn bc instead, in honour of the late Lorinda Cherry?
@pxeger fine by me
actually I think she might have written dc as well
she did
which makes this doubly appropriate!
well I think dc is probably more interesting to learn than bc so let's stick to dc
@pxeger dc vs bc, which is better?
@GingerIndustries someone should probably pin this
lol no one is doin anything
46 msgs when i was gone for like 5mins
Don't go then.
@emanresuA That's ok I already know Haskell, so I don't need anyone to teach me, but thanks.
regardless, it seems that dc is the LYAL
@WheatWizard lmao
can somebody sanity check the latest edit here: codegolf.stackexchange.com/q/242886/9534
I'm late to get somewhere and I ended up raising a meta bug
Q: Pasting from Microsoft Excel defaults to pasting an image via the Uploader™

AncientSwordRageI'm trying to make a markdown table in Microsoft Excel, I copied multiple rows then went to paste the text into a post, and I get this result: Whereas I'd have expected the table to have been pasted as below in notepad++: |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9 |0|4|2|2|3|2|1|3|err|1 |err|0|err|err|err|err|err|er...

Q: Golf the prime numbers in Shue

AnttiPI'd like to introduce a new? programming language I call Shue (Simplified Thue). It has very simple syntax. Here is a program that checks if an input is divisible by three: yes no 3=0 4=1 5=2 6=0 7=1 8=2 9=0 00=0 01=1 02=2 10=1 11=2 12=0 20=2 21=0 22=1 0=yes 1=no 2=no Try it online! At the top w...

i can't get to replit because they screwed up their Cloudflare config
pxeger works at replit confirmed
I was gonna find an old message to provide a funny response to that, but chat search isn't working grumble grumble
@GingerIndustries that's a Next.JS error page; it's not to do with Cloudflare I think
but why
why i dont use discord:
in the k tree, Feb 11 at 15:11, by PyGamer0
actually i find SE chat to be more superior [citation needed]
Q: "Defuse" the bombs

Wheat WizardYou've been hired by a bomb defusing company to perform some "controlled" demolition of un-exploded ordinance. You are given a list of bombs represented by non-negative integers. [3,2,4,0,3,1,2] Every step you can set up and explode a bomb. When a bomb explodes \$n\$ it destroys all bombs withi...

1 hour later…
@NewPosts All 3 Python answers are converging on the same optimal solution lol
CMQ: In my golfing language, should n/0 return Infinity?
replit's back
@BgilMidol Depends on how the rest of your division works
@RadvylfPrograms same as python
Then do what Python does
but i dont want error
Then make n/0 infinity
yes but a built-in would be shorter
Or, if n is negative, -infinity
just return none
@GingerIndustries built-in none would be shorter
@BgilMidol Doesn't matter. If you want n/0 to return a number, there's basically one reasonable option, and that's infinity*sign(n)
@RadvylfPrograms alright
Even if there's a shorter infinity
@BgilMidol yes, infinity (or negative infinity if n<0)
Or make it 7
@cairdcoinheringaahing ?
@cairdcoinheringaahing another 7 fan!
@BgilMidol If you don't know the answer to a question, the answer is 7
it's unknown what n/0 should be, so it should be 7
@cairdcoinheringaahing why not 42?
I don't get the confusion, this is quite clear and obvious
Ash's float division was nice and symmetrical
@BgilMidol Because 42 isn't prime
> 7 is the most codical number
- Tom Riddle
oh yeah
@RadvylfPrograms what does that mean?
imagine using 7
made by 14412 gang
@BgilMidol Row / column gives the result in that cell
E.g., n / -0 is -Inf
@RadvylfPrograms is -0 == 0 here?
Yes mostly
For completeness here's the exponentiation:
The division and exponentiation tables are both all pretty and symmetrical
That ensures that:
1. Math is as consistent and reasonable as is possible when you treat infinity as a number
2. There's no weird incompatibilies between, e.g., JS and Python implementations
@RadvylfPrograms Uh…
Math.min(0,-0) // -0
0>-0 // false
> as consistent and reasonable as is possible
I think the advantages of signed zero and infinity far outweigh the disadvantages
@Adám what
what's [] ** "-00"?
@pxeger one second
@pxeger in python?
@pxeger In Ash?
in various languages
@pxeger thats not valid python code
In Ash it's []
Or, if you use the float power operator, [] but for a different reason
in JS it's 1
I guess because it's basically just 0 ** 0
Rather reasonably so
I would be very surprised if [] ** "-00" was anything other than 1
how about an error?
In JS? Pfft
that's clearly the most reasonable answer
That's pretty typical JS casting
If it was Python or something, sure. But I'm tired of all these "wow can you guess what JS does here?!?!?" that aren't at all surprising if you know that JS's type casting is jank. It's not a new joke or big surprise to anyone who's seen the [] + [] stuff once or twice.
@BgilMidol then fail and backtrack :)

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