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Is it just me or does this make no sense?
It's generated by a markov chain
It isn't supposed to make sense
Q: Flack Overstow - Generate spam from Stack Exchange posts

Mark Rushakoff Online demo courtesy of Nathan Osman: http://quickmediasolutions.com/flack Note: this tool now works with all Stack Exchange sites. Just paste the URL of your profile and the app will take care of the rest. Screenshot / Code Snippet $ python flack.py 126042 Before 'if' statement... Past 'if' ...

I actually tried to comprehend this for about five minutes. — Wold Dec 16 '14 at 6:56
> If a question receives 15 downvotes and no upvotes, chances are pretty high that it's a side effect of a paragraph break.
> Step 1: Create a simple user interface Ensure these things are present on the page: Code box (where the program goes) Output box (self explanatory) Step 2: For the record, code golf is ineffective, as one can't just create complex systems if they don't understand it. And I agree, generally I might add a part where there?
Generated from FlackOverstow
Based on my meta cg posts
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostReverse FizzBuzz FizzBuzz is a problem that can be described with following rules: For given f b n integers, in range from 1 to n inclusive, output: for multiples of f print Fizz for multiples of b print Buzz for multiples of f and b print FizzBuzz for other cases print the number Given integer...

hiya all!
Hi @lyxal
@Neil wanna teach me charcoal :)
Okay, Tanks is back up
cc @GingerIndustries
This is gonna be a possibly controversial move but...
I'm adding color to the game
Differentiating the teams using different grays just wasn't looking good
Don't ask me why that exists but it's a thing
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Me when spawncamping
I think armor's a little OP, I might have to debuff it in the next update
Sorr yuser
emanresu killed me :(
TBH 0/0/100/100 is OP
Wait there's a chat in your game?
Spawncamping will be harder once teams are added
You'll spawn behind the little walls instead of in the center
Alright, I'll say it: Who's Joe?
Me when 200 speed
REDWOOLFF did you add no validation?
It's supposed to be 0-100
Sorry lol
I'll fix
We were doing haxx earlier, I wasn't prepared to do a serious game lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani We both killed each other lol
is that a bug or a feature
Not even sure which, actually
You should be able to keep your name semi-permanently
Having to type it in every time is annoying
Also, being able to keep the other settings semi-permanently would be nice
I'll add an actually settings screen soon
So you can do it all on one page and just hit enter if you don't want to change anything
Gonna work on some team features really quick
I use Lyxal speed
As in, I literally enter Lyxal for each field
I'm mean
> Gotta work on some new features. Log back on later!
@taRadvylfsriksushilani you need to add world borders
Because otherwise you just drive off screen and get lost
@lyxal Does that not just result in NaN lol
@lyxal Just don't do that, lol :p
@user idk but you go fast
Or better yet, add an infinite world and let people scroll
Entering "user" for every field gives me WS Disconn: 1006 (and negative numbers give 1005)
it's because the server's down right now
I'm adding some features
Oh lol
@emanresuA That could actually be kinda cool...like procedurally generated walls?
Yeah :P
@user it was I
Idea: use the ulam spiral or similar to generate wall locations
I was Joe
No you weren't, you were Lyxal :P
No you weren't, you were
Actually, I was L'yxal
I have been LyxaI at some point
These are my proposed color palettes for the teams. Top two are normal, bottom two are colorblind:
How are you going to handle stats UI-wise
I'm thinking text boxes, with warnings if the stats don't add up
I was going to go with range sliders, but turns out those basically don't solve any issues but add a ton of complexity
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Not really - they force numbers within a certain range, and the actual value reporting isn't too complex
@taRadvylfsriksushilani A <span> showing how many points you have left would be good too
Oh, good idea
@emanresuA But it's just as easy to tell them to just tell them to make it be between those values and enforce it with code
And allows choosing precise values faster
But I gtg for now for dinner o/
I should be back in an hour or so with teams
At roughly 21 seconds there's a shot of an array of actors dancing in a celebratory style above their percentage increases
Yet there's one guy who's percentage increase was actually a decrease
The idiot is dancing like a 2.34% loss is the best thing since sliced bread
What a dingus.
7 hours ago, by Ginger Industries
petition to get @lyxalto post a youtube video of him screaming into the mic for 5 minutes
@lyxal ^ Any comment?
@lyxal Who is pipis?
3 hours ago, by lyxal
Give me a week or two and I might make it
CMP: Do you think a medium-sized project in Java 11 should be ported to Kotlin or Java 17? Porting to Kotlin would make it way nicer but would take time, while porting to Java 17 would take no efforts at first because it's the same language and can be done gradually, but there's much fewer benefits
This is a project that doesn't care too much about performance, just simplicity and readability (and it also must never crash, which is why Kotlin's null stuff would be nice)
@lyxal What does pipis mean?
@Fmbalbuena it doesn't mean anything
@lyxal You are pipis, Can I be pipis?
Uh oh
@Razetime could you take a look at my challenge codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/…
@DialFrost kinda dupe
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostMountain Map Task: You will be given a list of the heights of mountain peaks along a row. The starting height is considered as 0. Each step of rise in altitude is represented by / and fall by \. Each peak consists of a rise and fall /\ at the appropriate height. Once a peak has been drawn, p...

@taRadvylfsriksushilani How's the tank update coming along?
Almost finished with the nicer UI
@Razetime so i delete my post? since its dupe
i misread it
or have the link on the top of the puzzle
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

alephalphaChromatic polynomial of a graph code-golf graph-theory polynomial Given a undirected graph \$G\$ and a integer \$k\$, how many \$k\$-coloring does the graph have? Here by a \$k\$-coloring, we mean assigning one of the \$k\$ colors to each vertex of the graph, such that no two vertices connected ...

this is a fizzbuzz Guessing question
so it's actually very different
@DialFrost IMO your second good challenge
thx eman
oh thx razetime
Pretty much yeah, oh well
oh crap
delete ig?
do i delete?
cuz its dupe
it's your choice
im asknig for ur opinion
cuz idk what to do
it's a dupe. now you a) change your entry or b) delete it. I have no say in this whatsoever.
Alright teams are working now
Uh, no they aren't
Now they are nvm
Now I can't start or enter my name and there are two start buttons
One should be green and one should be brown
If they're grayed out, something's invalid
Is it working?
Looks like it is now
Before I was just getting the raw HTML
(As in no styling)
Oh, the CSS must've cached for longer than it should have
Although the buttons aren't coloured (probably caching)
if they aren't, that should indicate something's invalid, or possibly that the JS didn't load right
Working now
@DLosc what does pip use?, flax currently has H for head, T for tail (everything except tail), Ḣ for the last element, Ṫ for everything but last.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani There're two "Start!" buttons and neither of them work
Then something about your name or stats is invalid
They'll turn green and brown once you have a valid input
Sorry, gtg
I kept everything 0 and added a name but they’re still grey
You won't get a chance to find the perfect build to defeat me
@user Because they need to sum to 200
oh, does it no longer autoscale?
@AaroneousMiller Nope, not anymore
I'm on team brown
It doesn't like it when any of the stats are over 100 either
Yeah, 100's the max
I’m on mobile, wish i could play:(
Is there a repo somewhere? I know this isn’t serious but id like to pr some stuff
Not for a while. But I'll gladly accept feature requests
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh ok
A warning about the number not being right next to the stat would be nice
@DialFrost looks good but there’s a few mountain challenges that may be dipes?
I gtg now, but this game looks like it'll be fun with multiple people
And once I add the ability to upgrade some of your stats mid-game
I'm planning on adding a +10 boost to any stat of your choice, including a fifth regen one that's always +0 at the start, any time you get a kill
or maybe it'd boost the rest of your team so you can't kill farm and become mega OP
Can somebody connect as green team and kill Me real quick?
nobody wants to help Me?
If you connect twice and kill yourself, then about 7/10 times it disconnects you
@AaroneousMiller I'm 152m high on a mountain with only my phone, so I can't
@lyxal excuses
I have descended to 136m
You happy now?
also flax has gotten an A+ in code quality
according to lgtm
@lyxal I suppose that will have to be acceptable
@lyxal what about vyxal?
@PyGamer0 pretty sure it's A+
@AaroneousMiller I still only have my phone though
@lyxal yep it is A+
My goodness this is a tall mountain
Took 30 mins to climb and will take 30 mins to get back down
Sadly no holes to fall down into the underground
It ain't Mount Ebbot :(
I'm back
@taRadvylfsriksushilani would you mind making the walls about twice as thick in tanks?
(People can shoot through them
you don't say
Also who's Me
lol, I'll increase it by Fixed
Hard reload
@PyGamer0 @ for first element, S or @> for all but first element, H or @< for all but last element, and there isn't a builtin for last element but you can do @v which is "get element at index -1."
I've discovered a new trick - be out of render distance
I've discovered a new trick - zoom out
Wait how?
Doesn't work on firefox :(
ctrl + scroll wheel?
No mouse :(
Ok @taRadvylfsriksushilani you can still shoot through walls
Oh right, teams
I forgot, thought it was free for all
Wait how can you shoot through walls, emanresu?
I can't get it to work
gtg :(
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Not me
But other people have
If someone was on an old copy, they'd still be able to
It's handled front-end
oh lol im still using an old version whoops
lemme update real quick
I guess I'm color-blind. Can't tell the difference between green and brown.
Well, I'm going to be adding a color-blind palette soon :p
I think it would be helpful if it were a lighter green, and if there were some fill color rather than just the outlines.
Whew I'm back from the big mountain walk
Dang turret angle limitations :P
I'm not sure of the exact circumstances, but sometimes killing somebody kicks you
There's also this weird bug where if you modify the main.js file, it starts doing strange stuff
Kudos to dlosc and radvylf for finding me lol
@AaroneousMiller Such as?
like damaging opponents from anywhere on the map :p
So if you have 0 in a stat, you don't actually have zero armor/speed/etc?
You have 0 armor, but for speed, damage, and reload, it's not 0
How does armor work? Just opp. damage minus your armor is the amount of damage you take per shot?
It blocks a percentage. 0 armor blocks 0% of damage, 100 armor blocks 80%
I figured out how to make an autocannon and y'all killed it :(
I think damage is a little underpowered right now
Really? I'd prefer my tank to be a little... tankier.
Well, compared to reload I mean
(I'd also really like it if the damage bar appeared on your own tank the way it does on others'. It's really hard to keep glancing at the corner of the screen.)
I can add that, good idea
Stop killing my autocannons :(
Who, me? ^_^
Hard reload for the self-hp-bars
Wait no that broke reloading
Reload for fix
i did a thing
i hope it works
yep, it works
That's so OP
dw, i wont use it
i just like seeing what's possible
Y'all having fun with tanks while I'm sitting here exhausted from a 4.5km walk
You could have fun with tanks too
Redwolf probably didn't add mobile support
How did you hack it, redwolf ran it in a closure
You just download a copy
It actually comes with some hacks built in lol
From my debugging stuff
Oh lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Wait what
If you set ri_nc to 1, for example, you can drive through walls
@emanresuA besides I feel like I'm a bit late to the lore party and that I've missed all the good stuff of breaking everything
No, there's plenty more left to break :p
i can attest to that
But as I said, no mobile version.
So I can't join anyway
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Simply golf your code
ok i am joining tanks
noice i made a hack that lets you move and turn at the same time
Holy crap they have a Unicode character for WheatWizard
@emanresuA get rekt
@taRadvylfsriksushilani how to respwan?
oh lol
i love this game
@emanresuA how to scroll the screen
the screen doesnt scroll
Going out of render distance is really annoying if you're trying to catch someone
how to increase render distance
But the Indestructible IV survived, unlike its predecessors
You don't
zoom out with ctrl -
and can you chat in the game?
Good luck finding me Aaroneous
I don't need to find you to kill you tho cause i got hax
pygamer just shooting aimlessly into the distance
he shootin me
do u mind if i show pygamer one of my more op hax?
Is it the starburst one?
who is Me?
@AaroneousMiller you?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Can you put the code on github?
@PyGamer0 yep
@PyGamer0 wanna see something cool?
Is there a guide for hacking tanks?
13 hours ago, by ta Radvylf srik su shilani
Today is Andrbloopitus and tomorrow is Bob
For context
@lyxal no, u just download the js and do stuff until u like the result
@AaroneousMiller and you just run that JS as your own client?
yep, I downloaded the html, css, and js files, and then just modified the js and ran the html
You don't need to open it as a node server?
@AaroneousMiller Hm, okay
@lyxal nope, the html calls the js file and the connection is made through there
Holy frick that's shady af
@emanresuA I should be able to destroy indestructible IV now
Good luck finding it
(Because it's not there)
@PyGamer0 sry I didn't see your chat in game, I can show you the hack now
@emanresuA i noticed cause it didn't die
You killed everything?
no, just my enemies
essentially, I did foreach opponent in enemy_team: tell the server I hit opponent
well, I figured out how to make myself invisible :p
so far, I've made starburst.js, snipe.js, invisible.js, and donuts.js
donuts.js isn't actually something super OP, it just allows you to move while turning, which feels really nice to control
i've got an interesting bug in firefox atm
the jht string compressor tab just got trapped inside a home page tab
@AaroneousMiller where from?
Just from the site?
yeah, just went to the view source page
on a related note, I have now made laser.js
I'm immortal
but u died
Nvm I'm not, idk why
I set it up so packets from the server set my health to 1
But that didn't work
@PyGamer0 nice approximation of π i guess
@emanresuA It looks like health is kept track of server side, and the hp variable is only used for your own health bar. So when you get hurt, the server doesn't care what you think your health is, and when it sees it hit zero, you get disconnected from the game
imma go sleep now
It'd be really cool to have a modding API of some sort
ways in which flax differs from jelly:
jelly: 3Ḷ → [0, 1, 2] and [3,3]Ḷ → [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]]
flax: 3I → [0 1 2] and [3 3]I → [[[0 0] [0 1] [0 2]] [[1 0] [1 1] [1 2]] [[2 0] [2 1] [2 2]]]
oh and btw [3]I → [[0] [1] [2]]
tdy someone in lichess called me "a spooky player"
idk why

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