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@taRadvylfsriksushilani It allows you to connect multiple times from the same device
Wait how many times did you connect lol
Don't do that innocent look at me.
It won't work
I have proof
@mathcat (◔◡◔)
No, it works. I'd quite frequently test the game by using two windows
No, I meant the innocent look won't work
oh lol
@GingerIndustries use ur hacks
Oh, righr
GingerIndustries is hecker
the hp bars dont seem to do anything
is it open source?
Sort of, but not mostly no
I made a hack for my copy
I've been TPing all over the place lol
i joined 3 times
@taRadvylfsriksushilani whats a tping?
It's a secret :p
Radvylf has Paint 4D
2 mins ago, by ta Radvylf srik su shilani
I made a hack for my copy
@taRadvylfsriksushilani not anymore
i want to teleport :(
@mathcat ?
Theory: Redwolf uses Paint 4D, so traveling in 3D Space is done within seconds.
Alt theory: Redwolf uses se nitro to summon 3D and 4D, then moves through dimensions so fast in 3D and 4D it looks like teleporting, but it's just moving at the speed of light.
If your mouse is in front of the tank, it shoots towards it, but if your mouse is behind the tank, it shoots away from it. It's a bit wonky and a bit annoying since you'll be turning and suddenly the gun flips around
I've already made 3 TNB theories.
@mathcat 1. everyone is secretly a robot 2
Ok, so it looks like the point at which the gun flips around is directly related to the angle at which your gun can point, which is directly related to your reload speed
No, your speed
But yeah, any time your mouse is at an angle 180° to a valid turret position, it'll point there
setting everything to 1 gives me an angle of 90°, but changing reload to 100 gives me an angle of 180°
Updated to fix A+D issue
@AaroneousMiller That's because it's auto-scaling 1+1+1+1 to be 200
So your speed was being set to 50 with 1 for everything, and closer to 0 once reload is 100
if you cancel every box, you get super speed
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ah, so the lower the speed relative to everything else, the higher the gun angle?
It's just that the sum of the stats must be 200, so it's being helpful and auto-scaling the other stats
Tryna get bullet trails to work
I'll be restarting the server a lot in the next few minutes, just a warning
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what does that do?
x, o, and space are no longer firing
@BgilMidol Disconnects you
@AaroneousMiller oops, that has to do with my hacks
also, you are no longer able to click and hold to keep shooting, and as long as you are holding click, the gun doesn't move
no walls?
Okay. bullet trails are working
It triggered a client side bug, lemme fix
Okay, hard reload
You see the bullet trail twice if you shoot, but I'm working on a fix for when I restart the server next
i saw tanks, then when i shot, the tanks disappeared
You're on the old JS
Hard refresh should fix
Okay, I'm going to restart the server. Give me a second.
It'll fix the double trail bug
haha reload 100 go brrrr
yo where'd the map go
@taRadvylfsriksushilani can you add chat?
Gtg for school stuff
Q: If I have a list and loop through it, print two slices ([n:] and [:n]), is it O(n)?
O(n^2) or O(n)
slicing is O(k) where k is slice size
So like:
for n in l:
	print(l[n:], l[:n])
I set the pings to 10/s instead of 4/s as a test, if anyone wants to reload
@mathcat see my previous 2 messages
Do some driving around
@BgilMidol didn't understand, O(n^2) or O(n)?
Oops, there's a bullet trail bug
That's why everyone looks like they have super crazy machine guns
hey guess what
Don't take my machine gun away
@GingerIndustries what?
I guessed what
my tank is an enderman
one sec
see the tank in the middle?
@mathcat could be either, not sure
watch as it DISAPPEARS
@taRadvylfsriksushilani well, i DO have one
Oh lol
Yeah, there was no bug
Eyy I can make another conspiracy theory
Vyxal Bot created Bgil Midol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani >:)
I have them too :p
observe as I DISAPPEAR
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I found a bug
Look at that tank on the top
I can move out of the canvas.
It's an infinite playing area
You're still visible on my screen, for example
@taRadvylfsriksushilani really?
can I zoom out?
oh, ctrl - does the thing
Idk, I'll add it in the next client release
Noclip bullets?
I'll add HP and damage to the game during my next class
whoops I gave myself infinite reload time
campfire is the backup in case chat dies
Added chat
Hit t
Okay hard reload first
Just updated the JS
@pxeger OH
ATO has now reached 50 non-trivial languages
@taRadvylfsriksushilani beat that!
Ginger. Stop spamming the tank game chat. it's not funny.
@pxeger Wait, I don't understand
I will spam no more
@GingerIndustries no more
no more
No more
No More
Hit the road, Ginger, and don't you come back no more
@GingerIndustries fair enough
@pxeger Not sure if we will
It's currently looking like RTO might not be able to exist at all
And I'm too burnt out on messing with container stuff to work on it for a little while
don't say that
I believe in you radvylf
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh no, how come?
(believe it or not, I support competition)
Well, gVisor was what we were using, but turns out it has pretty major compatiblity issues
Shouldn't switching OCI runtimes be basically a drop-in replacement?
And Kata v2 doesn't support Docker, and Kata v1 hangs when you try to kill a container, and anything else is going to require weeks of rewriting stuff
or are you doing something really funky
It really should, yeah, but it's harder to find compatible, sandboxed OCI runtimes than you'd think
I thought you said this was a 6 on the Fire Scale
@taRadvylfsriksushilani runc is the original OCI runtime, which will surely be the most compatible
crun is the one I was considering for ATO, because it's fast
there's also a bwrap shim github.com/projectatomic/bwrap-oci which is pretty simple
@pxeger But it's not a sandbox
it's "not a sandbox", but it's a sandbox
No, OCI containers without additional hardening is a very bad idea for a sandbox
just close your eyes and pretend CVE-2022-0185 doesn't exist
And a lot of runtimes aren't fully compatible with, e.g., docker kill, docker stats, and docker pause
And I'm guessing bwrap-oci is not
just write 500 lines of custom C and zsh code instead ;)
Almost wondering if some sort of nested thing would work better
Like, Docker in a full VM
I have invested too much time in this frontend to give up now
Honestly unsandboxed docker in a VM doesn't sound like too bad of an idea, ignoring start times
It's basically guaranteed to be secure, because full VM, but also fully compatible, because full Docker
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I mean, TIO uses literally only SELinux: github.com/TryItOnline/tryitonline/blob/…
RTO has a larger attack surface though, since there's not only user submitted code, but user submitted languages
ah yeah
I think ATO's current sandbox design could securely have user submitted languages
I hate when I try to use curl to download a file and the result looks like this:
> <a href="https://dl.google.com/go/go1.17.7.linux-amd64.tar.gz">Found</a>.
@pxeger cmon no that's radvylf's job
@taRadvylfsriksushilani curl not following redirects by default is indeed a bit of a design flaw IMO
@GingerIndustries I meant that if redwolf wanted to, he could copy ATO's design
I'm not really interested in supporting custom languages
well I am already doing the design
As part of RTO's mindset of allowing anyone to keep the project up to date in my absence, I've decided to use no sandboxing at all, with all user-submitted code being run as root on my machine. That way other people can keep my system up to date if need be.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani this is a good idea that I see no problems with
Gonna try firecracker, what AWS uses
Today is Andrbloopitus and tomorrow is Bob
After that is Ksaksid, the day before Ekaksaksid, and one week before North Timothy
Oh were you not here
We invented a calendar system
Every day has its own name
A unique name
when did that happen
The day before Jacob
better idea: give each day a random UUID
Jacob was yesterday
Feel free to suggest names for days here
Time flies, had no idea Ksaksid I was so soon
@taRadvylfsriksushilani no, today is 4fb0d7a8-8adf-5098-b630-f706669d2d54
tbh I should set up a website so you can always know the curent UUDaTID
Can't wait for Vapingchipmunk
How are we going to prevent duplicate days?
Beheading those who suggest them
that should work
my system never has duplicate days
Once this thing really takes off we can have a UN council in charge of naming
@taRadvylfsriksushilani you mean 4a5718ef-d8e5-50b0-a9b9-32f6b39cc21a?
That's unpronounceable!
Our system needs to be human readable
@taRadvylfsriksushilani it's pronounced "fourahfisiedef-dayef-fobo-aynbyn-tretugsibtrnincictwonah"
Not as easy as "See you on Antarctica Prime!"
I'm eagerly waiting for Dain, so I can rickroll people.
Oh boy does firecracker take a while to install
I've been doing so for the last like 20m lol
happened to find this interesting deleted post
Moment of truth
Gonna try to run debian:latest with firecracker-containerd
ctr: start failed: aws.firecracker: unexpected error from CreateVM: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to create VM: failed to start the VM: failed to stat host drive path, "/var/lib/firecracker-containerd/runtime/default-rootfs.img": stat /var/lib/firecracker-containerd/runtime/default-rootfs.img: no such file or directory
: exit status 1: unknown
> have you tried walking into the sea
Figured out where the issue is coming from, no idea how to fix it though
This is a GitHub Issues type of problem
I was not expecting that to work
but it seems that yes, you can send ZWSPs in chat
in fact it seems you can send spaces in chat as long as you put a ZWSP in it
so that means I can do stuff like this:
I was trying to figure out the best way to format this thing I was doing and accidentally reinvented JSON
Happens to the best of us
@GingerIndustries yeah, remember:
‮You can also use U+202e tricks
‮hey look I can type backwards
‮black‮ magic
I used U+202e to do a rickroll once
‮never gonna give you up
No, I mean I was able to make a link that looked like a google link but was actually a rickroll
Yeah firecracker's not going to well
@taRadvylfsriksushilani o.0
@taRadvylfsriksushilani is it going to house?
@mathcat AND MY BOW
E.g.: ‮rto.run/lg.oog
That looks roughly like a shortened goo.gl link, but it's actually at rto.run
So I can make that 301 to a rickroll
@taRadvylfsriksushilani That's ... weird
something reversy
Something's very wrong
My school's food has had flavor recently
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

thejonymysterEvery integer length cycle Background A cycle in (math?) is when... (?) Example: f(a1) = a2, f(a2) = a3, f(a3) = a1; cycle length is 3 Task Write a program or function which takes a single integer as input and outputs a single integer, with one additional restriction: For every positive integer n...

Well a site just crashed my chromebook instantly lol
That's...kind of a security issue actually
I better investigate
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

kevidryon2Challenge: Create a program that plays the game of the goose In this golfing challenge, write a program that simulates the game of the goose. If you don't know how it works, here's a rough explanation of it: The game takes place on a grid of 63 cells: | | | | | | | | ...

@taRadvylfsriksushilani Wait, this is your new flashy chromebook that's meant to actually work? Concerning.
Did you spin it 713 times as it says in the instructions?
They actually do it for you at the factory
("713" isn't just a random model number, the "13" is the screen size and "7" is the series)
(So 311 is the really cheap one, a 513 would have a bigger screen and better specs, and a 713 is the best 13" one you can get)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what site?
An offline copy of WebNES
I hear Jon Skeet owns a Chromebook 1020
How do you access chank tat?
*tank chat
@emanresuA t
And... how do you view it?
@emanresuA it's in the top left corner
like it always is
Server's up now
I had it down, sorry
I found a way to send only one space to chat:

this message has spaces in it!
Can anyone else connect to the tank game? I can't
I can
And chat works?
I can send messages but not recieve them
I get WebSocket is already in CLOSING or CLOSED state.
@emanresuA browser reveal
Node's prolly doin' that 502 thing again
@GingerIndustries we have to remember this day
On adrbloopitus, emanresu A did a browser reveal
@mathcat you mean 4fb0d7a8-8adf-5098-b630-f706669d2d54?
no, Andrbloopitus
petition to get @lyxalto post a youtube video of him screaming into the mic for 5 minutes
1+ signature
star to sign
anyno, I'm off to watch a movie. o/
@GingerIndustries with pauses or without pauses
@Wezl-yizl idc
Updated the HTML for the tank game to use something prettier than prompts
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I can't either:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'style')
    at prompt_for_input (main.js:10:20)
    at main.js:82:27
    at main.js:715:3
Is the websocket back up?
@emanresuA Working on it
@AaroneousMiller Hard refresh
Tanks have arms now?
Now I'm getting WS Disconn: 1006
WS Disconnect: 1006
Trying to figure out why it seems like only one of RTO or Tanks can have a working WS connection at once
Just put them in the same process
"Introducing OISB + Tanks, our new open source project" :p
Once I get to ARM it won't let me submit, I press enter and nothing happens
I'm an idiot
@AaroneousMiller What did you type in?
If it wasn't a number it may have errored
2 hours ago, by ta Radvylf srik su shilani
Happens to the best of us
@AaroneousMiller Weird
No spaces or anything weird?
Apparently it only lets me submit if I use the number row on the keyboard instead of the numpad
Uh...that's weird lol
@AaroneousMiller ಠ_ಠ
Scratch that, it lets me type anything I want, including strings, as long as I don't use the number pad
Wait, maybe it doesn't detect the enter key on the numpad
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh lol yep that was it
Can y'all connect to tanks now?
WS Disconn: 1005
Oh hang on
It's a server-side implementation issue
it is forbidden to use the top half of the screen
Someone's spamming chat
help, I'm being impersonated
No one's taking damage
yeah, it's not implemented yet
server test time! :)
Aight who's teleporting
Also you forgot to disable negative speed
Which for some reason makes you very fast
Wait, the server should have it disabled...
yeah, it disconns you immediately
Except it didn't
Okay, back up
Someone join I wanna see if it works
I think I fixed the chat-twice bug, and I know I fixed the chat-puts-a-t-in-the-box one

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