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Still need to work on making it smoother though, and some stuff like bullet trails don't work yet
@pxeger it's seriously many things but closer to seriously crazy than seriously serious
to give you an idea of how fucked up the screen is, it looks like a large, solid black sperm is taking up the entire left half
What kind of laptop was it?
*is, I'm using it right now
oh god it's getting worse
except... there's probably more written in BF than each of those other languages so... yes I'm wrong
@GingerIndustries Make sure they don't wipe the computer when they repair it.
Actually, probably take a backup now, just in case.
Good. :-)
Does anyone know any games that aren't golf where a low score is good?
I sure hope that strange smell isn't the computer's guts lighting on fire
@wizzwizz4 code golf
I'm trying to find an adjective other than “golfy” to describe something similar to golf.
code golfy
Sort of like code golf, except you don't do the final squeezing out bytes bit.
So, you might have long, clear variable names.
I'm 80% sure it'd be some kind of heresy to call that “golf”.
You can't do any fighting right now, but you can drive around and enjoy the lag
uh oh
Two people are in the same spot
You can't move when that happens lol
Umm...just a sec lemme fix that
You can move. Just, slowly. And backwards.
also other card games, although often the goal is to run out of cards completely, which doesn't fit as well with code golf
@taRadvylfsriksushilani my computer's fan is speeding up as I type this
Okay now you spawn in a random spot, just reload until you're not in a wall or another person
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I escaped, but then another tank spawned on top of me.
this is my favorite game and I can't even access the website
my laptop is about to lift off
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Rotating the tank makes while keeping the mouse still (to the right of the tank) reveals an interesting behaviour. What's meant to happen in that case?
Your turret can only point forward within a certain range. But if it's directly behind your tank, your turrent will point 180° to it
That's intentional, so you can choose to aim from either the front or the back
I see. That makes sense, then.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I think it needs better images
hey this reminds me of this thing I made
@BgilMidol Air horns and Doritos®™.
You can't change your stats yet in the UI, but you can in the code, which is why you can see my tank going fast
Oh, it's multiplayer?
Brb griefing.
All stats can range from 0 to 100, but they must add up to 200
time to do some science
is there health?
So if you change speed from 50 to 100, you'll need to change armor or damage or something to 0
@BgilMidol Yes, but the shooting is currently not implemented for multiplayer
im setting speed to 200
Max is 100 for any individual stat
Also note that you have to reload for it to take effect
So you'd lose the change I think
stat_rld is reload speed, set that to 100 if you want a machine gun
Then you can hold any of space, x, or o to fire (or click and hold)
z/x/c and i/o/p work for moving the turret if you don't like aiming with your mouse
how to change?
I'll add a way to change it in the UI
Okay, reload and you can set your stats
Remember they need to add up to 200
yay i fast
speed 100, reload 100
What is reload?
How fast you can shoot
Turret behaviour just changed. Not only does it allow turning like 170 degrees now vs, half or so before, now, when I turn the tank, instead of the turret being dragged along, it swaps to the other side instantly.
The turret behavior is based off of your speed
To balance really slow or really fast tanks a little bit more, the slower your tank is, the wider an area you can aim at
Huh, I can move when speed=0. I thought I'd become a fixed gun.
No, otherwise you'd be stuck at your spawn location. But you do move really slowly (it's exponential).
I've taken the multiplayer servers down for now though, since I'll need to add combat stuff, and fix the jittery appearance of the tanks
Nooo, the jittery appearance is retro and endearing!
I might keep it then :p
It does fit with the very bare minimum vector graphics
i will figure out how to haxx this game
It's actually not going to be hard lol
The server's only semi-authoritative
How do I install mods? /s
I know
i'm working on it
hackerman (⌐■_■)
@Adám Customized tank skin pack, only $19.99!
I'm actually considering merging this with my idea for a nomic-style hacking-based game, where the central server has zero authority
@DLosc only 20 [kromer]?!
@DLosc How much is adding 10 stat points?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What happens when I drive off the edge of the screen?
You can still do stuff, you're just not visible
There's no barriers or anything. I don't think it's too overpowered though, since the bullet trails would make any off-screen snipers really obvious
And there's a max bullet travel distance of 1k pixels
@taRadvylfsriksushilani when are you going to bring those servers back
@Adám Ah, I see we're going pay-to-win here :P
why play [tanks] when you can play this?
@GingerIndustries 10m
it crashed immidiately
@GingerIndustries How to play?
you don't really
it's just a tech demo
Can I move? I saw urmom moving around...
Not working for me
is it focused
Should be--I clicked on the center of the screen
try reloading
Ah, okay. Now w and s work (but a and d don't seem to do anything).
I think it stopped working when a new player spawned in.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I have developed a new Hacking Engine for the tank game
@DLosc it is very buggy
> Uncaught TypeError: player.position is undefined
ah well
I've also got this snazzy chatroom thing
Lol--I reloaded, did some keyboard mashing, and now it seems to be running console.log('e') in an infinite loop :P
@DLosc that's my top-of-the-line error handler
Okay, server's back up
Bullet trails may or may not work now, didn't bother testing
@taRadvylfsriksushilani lies
Wait it's not >:|
Wait hang on
It's not?
It would crash as soon as someone fired a bullet
I'm currently shooting another tank (with 0 results apparently)
Weird, I'm not seeing any other tanks
The other tank is rotating in place with its gun always pointing the same direction. Maybe it's an artifact of the matrix.
That'd have been because I just took the server down and brought it back up
So it thinks the other player's holding the turn key down forever
Wait it was a client side bug
Okay, server's back up
And maybe bullet trails will wor
@GingerIndustries What hacks does it have?
Teleportation and super-op-machine-gun would probably be the first two that come to mind
And I guess superspeed and unrestricted turret
@taRadvylfsriksushilani triple turret
giant bullets
homing bullets
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Unrestricted turret, no cooldown, 9000 damage, 9000 armor, and the ability to shoot through walls would probably do it
Oh, no collision would be a good one
For the tank itself
i am finally back
jk I am going now
> This section of the [documentation] contains tutorials. A tutorial shows how to accomplish a goal that is larger than a single task. Typically a tutorial has several sections, each of which has a sequence of steps.
This tells me this will be a tool that creates problems
@GingerIndustries I ascended the plane of mortals
user image
@lyxal so you are a god now
@DLosc the entire site yes
i can’t move with ipad
looks like i am vegetative now
probably require a keyboard
can you hop in this thingy?
alas no
bhop rejected :(
@Wezl-yizl When I clicked there from a link in a Best-Of nominated CGCC post, the symbol looked familiar; turns out I have this article by the same person, about generating maps using Voronoi diagrams, in my bookmarks. I go back and reread it every few years because it's so much fun.

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