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@Anush Are you still here?
@hyper-neutrino We can now, it got changed a couple of weeks back
@taRadvylfsriksushilani When you create a Github repo (RTO), Can I help you?
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's nice
still rep-gated or no?
Don't think so. deleted:1 as a search is still rep gated, but they changed "see all deleted questions" to actually show all, rather than in just the last 60 days
ah, okay. i like that
Oh, I found my first challenge and I undeleted
@taRadvylfsriksushilani when do you think you'll add time-outs for programs?
And will you add an output limit like TIO?
I've had them the whole time
And there's an output limit
Thanks, I will make full memory lol.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Not with python it seems
How long is time out?
Oh, it was just a back-end error
So the container got killed but your browser was never informed of that
Ah good.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm executing this python code:
while 1:g+="a"*99999
@Fmbalbuena As a general rule, if you want to keep your question record positive: don't delete dupe questions; and edit/improve questions closed as unclear
Okay fixed, reload the page
I got rolled by JS's jankiest feature
Dupes happen to everyone, and are helpful for finding other duplicates later down the line. And getting a question reopened adds more to your question record than just posting a new question
@taRadvylfsriksushilani just another observation: it outputs after a bit, but it doesn't change the run button text
Oop nvm
It fixed itself
There is some jank with the run/stop buttons
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm still running the program, Can you prevent?
But also, the output is streamed live, so it won't change back to stop immediately even under perfect circumstances
Currently the max output size is extremely restrictive, at just 1 KiB, but that's for debugging purposes
I'll increase it to 100 KB for 1.0.0, and 200 KB if you have a registered account
wtf who set up a loop to click stop
@cairdcoinheringaahing I edited, Vote to reopen
@lyxal Was that you or a weird bug on my end
@taRadvylfsriksushilani bug?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I was wondering what would happen if I opened an autoclicker on the button and if it'd be noticed
2022-02-10 00:37:14.2850 actor(tyaigswx).data: {"action":"stop"}
2022-02-10 00:37:14.2850 actor(tyaigswx).on(stop)
2022-02-10 00:37:14.2890 dock(cubattuycwos).stop: stopping
2022-02-10 00:37:14.2900 actor(tyaigswx).data: {"action":"stop"}
2022-02-10 00:37:14.2900 actor(tyaigswx).on(stop)
2022-02-10 00:37:14.2950 dock(cubattuycwos).stop: stopping
2022-02-10 00:37:14.3050 actor(tyaigswx).data: {"action":"stop"}
2022-02-10 00:37:14.3050 actor(tyaigswx).on(stop)
2022-02-10 00:37:14.3120 dock(cubattuycwos).stop: stopping
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Probably because I runned the Python code above.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Interesting
I promise not to do it again
@Fmbalbuena No, your Python is fine
@cairdcoinheringaahing Turning one delete -> undelete, close -> reopen or negative -> positive adds 1/t to your Q record (t being the total questions you've asked). Doing 2 or 3 of those (e.g, undelete a negative closed question and fix it up to reopen positive score) adds 2/t and 3/t respectively. Asking a new question will add less than 1/(t+1) to your Qrecord, and that decreases for each new question
@lyxal it's not anything harmful it just wastes vertical space in my log file lol
but yeah don't do it again plz
That's about all the website stress testing I can think of for now
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't understand
@Fmbalbuena Lets say you've asked 10 questions. If you edit one of those questions and it gets reopened, you add 0.1 to your Q record. However, if you just ask a new question, your Q record will increase by less than 0.09
The exact number depends on the number of negative, closed and deleted questions you have, but it must be strictly less than 0.09
Aka: Improving closed questions has more value than asking new questions
@cairdcoinheringaahing I don't think this a dupe, Because any command pushes to the stack.
@Fmbalbuena As I said in the comments, while the exact commands are different, and Volatile is not the same language as !@#$%^&*()_+, fundamentally, the core challenge idea is the same: implement a stack based language with a small, trivial set of commands
@cairdcoinheringaahing Is there a way to vote to reopen?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Can you delete your hat?
@Fmbalbuena For this specific challenge? I don't think so, tho people may disagree with m
@Fmbalbuena But its still winter
My dog's head will get cold if I take off the hat
@cairdcoinheringaahing What about changing the hat?
I'll swap back to the regular SE baseball cap in March or so
@cairdcoinheringaahing What is the use of Q record?
@cairdcoinheringaahing which?
@Fmbalbuena Curious, Inquisitive and Socratic
Sandbox posts last active a week ago: Quicksand, Spinning Word Search
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I've been working on the mock-up for a while now
My math teacher keeps assigning videos to watch and he's mentioned multiple times by now that he's supposedly the #1 youtuber on natural deduction and some other topics
fact-check time
I'm starting to think that at this point he just assigns the videos to all his students to get more views :P
yk I bet my browser cached that, just a second
Ugh, I need to censor all the screenshots because he doesn't seem to care about his own privacy lol (or that of his students, honestly, some of his videos are during class and you can see his old students)
I underestimated how much my browser caches lol
The point of deleting is a message is not letting other people see it
oh, sorry
ah well, I can't view them anyway
@GingerIndustries It's alright, not a huge deal here
why the hell is the newest image in my cache an image of a pizza
there's also a cursed babby
Why would you not want a pizza in your cache? :P
Far better than cookies :P
what the hell is that
You tell me, what sites have you been visiting lol
i don't know man
I also found the SE Chat ping sound
I've found myself having this chatroom open in 3 different tabs on my phone lately
triple the fun!
Probably doesn't help that TNB is one of my quick links
TTThhheee NNNiiinnneeennnttteeennnttthhh BBByyyttteee
In the last 7 days, I've opened ddg 732 times. 99% of those times are to come here and check CGSE
you are loyal to the cause
@lyxal lol 100% of the time i use ddg is for cgcc
I have not used it 700 times yet tho, just downloaded a few days ago to separate my cgcc stuff and my other accounts
I wish safari had different profiles
CMQ: Would it be unreasonable to require that command line args in RTO be valid UTF-8?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani No if the lang is S... uhhh i don't know which SBCS or SCBS
there might be some esolang interpreters out there that might for some reason want to expect arbitrary raw byte sequences for arguments but those probably run into problems normally anyhow :P
For code and stdio I've made a lot of effort to make things arbitrary binary compatible, but I guess for args it's pretty unlikely people will need that
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Unless you are using Vyxal (flags is very useful) or Jelly (Input is arguments)
@Fmbalbuena no, vyxal and (probably) Jelly read cli args as utf8
@Fmbalbuena Well, since args can't handle null bytes, using SBCS-encoded text in command line arguments wouldn't work in the first place
@lyxal Jelly reads arguments as input.
Redwolf was talking about the encoding of the cli stuff not the actual cli itself
I don't think I've ever seen an esolang that takes command line arguments not in utf8
@taRadvylfsriksushilani \0 doesn't work as a substitution?
IIRC args cannot handle null bytes as an OS limitation, not a shell one
Oh, this confused me for a sec. Args actually can handle null characters, but not null bytes
Because null chars are represented in UTF-8 as c0 80 in places where null bytes can't appear
So printf '\x00' | xxd works as intended
Wait no
I'm dumb
That's printf handling the formatting, \x00 is appearing as \x00 there rather than being parsed by the shell
Good frick there is a metric frickton of people at the public swimming pool today
And a surprising amount of teenagers in friend groups too
I do not like this many people.
It is not something that would make anyone here happy
@lyxal or is the public swimming pool at the people? 🤔
idk exactly why you came to the TNB, but I'll assume it's for advice
advice: bug spray
I'll need a lot of bug spray
It's a big pool
@Wezl-yizl I like commenting on the unfortunate masses in public places
I did so last time I was at the pool and I'll do it again
@lyxal well glad you want advice, because I love giving it
So long as your suggestions aren't like caird's, it'll be fine.
similar to and probably inspired by programming language compilers, pools have a concept of ownership
So long as you don't get stuck in an inflatable rubber ring again, you'll be fine
Feb 1 at 3:46, by caird coinheringaahing
Spend 3 minutes continuously peeing to establish dominance
Don't suggest that. I'm not going to.
Oh yeah lol
Ok. Spend 4 minutes continuously peeing to establish dominance
@emanresuA that was on Australia day with my cousins in their backyard
I wouldn't dare do something like that in public
I may be stupid sometimes, but I'm not an idiot.
@Wezl-yizl so while it would be rude to zero out the people in the main pool, if you memcpy() you gain your own copy that you own
ofc if you possess an unsafe{} block you can do anything
who wants to guess who has replied to Wezl the most in the nineteenth byte?
Redwofl / Lyxal
okay redwofl / Lyxal, what's your guess :P
More accurately, Redwolf's ahead by ~10 messages
Wait no, cairds' got ~150
Great...runsc breaks part of RTO under some circumstances
@Wezl-yizl do you mean just "Wezl" or any name of yours?
C is now working on proto-OISB, out first compiled language
I finally got around to licensing DSO (MIT license)
Hm, bronze
yay i got halfway till 2k now
within 10 days
talking about rep, I'm 43 away from hitting 20k
I can almost taste the answer deletion powers from here
I haven't used them in the month-and-a-half that I've had them so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Ugh, I'm starting to agree with Codidact's idea that editing priveleges shouldn't be rep-based.
CMQ: Superscript characters for if quick?
superscript question mark if that exists?
@emanresuA doesnt look like it D:
@emanresuA ok a block just disintegrated lmao
That's the last time I trust Copilot to write rotation vectors
@emanresuA ^ closest one i found
@PyGamer0 Nice!
implementation: "ˀ": attrdict(),
and it works
@emanresuA thats actually cursed lol
my years of tetris gameplay coming in clutch here
i actually have a relatively normal looking stack: imgur.com/a/sPlxYUP
in flax, 11 secs ago, by PyGamer0
now flax is TC :P
CMQ: How useful is this
@PyGamer0 That's basically APL's , which is useful for general purpose programming, but probably not so much for golfing.
ill add it nonetheless
@AidenChow Haven't implemented clearing lol
def isprime(x):
    return 1 if not contains_false([x % i == 0 for i in range(2, x)]) else 0
^ will that work?
@PyGamer0 you need to replace contains_false with contains_true. But that's still inefficient. return int(any(x % i == 0 for i in range(2, x ** 0.5)))
You're using sympy alerady, it does some clever stuff (Miller-rabin something I think) to do really fast primality testing
@emanresuA oh thanks
@pxeger what does any do?
Returns true if any item of a list is true
It stops evaluation once it sees a truthy value and if it hasn't reached the end
@pxeger should be not any, sorry
alternatively: return int(0 not in (x % i for i in range(2, x ** 0.5)))
CMC: Make the OSP testing room freeze
(In other words, make sure no posts were last active a week ago)
Weird that a user with 25k rep on SO would post that answer
The mods haven't been very active lately but I've NAA flagged and VTD'd
@pxeger 25k there is not at all equivalent to 25k here
@lyxal o wow
@emanresuA Is reading the question too much to ask even of a 25k user?
maybe they just thought the post was on SO, in which case it's less invalid (although it'd still be a link-only answer)
I suspect they were just trying to plug their code
great and I'm the only one online with enough rep to vtd
just bounty me 10k rep, and then I can do it too!
I feel like the OP of the question should have some more power in that respect
like the opposite of accepting an answer
@emanresuA what you are a member for one year and you can VTD O_o
I'm a bit of a tryhard :P
It took ~7 months to get 20k
Vyxal helped a lot
@emanresuA i think i am here for more than 6 months now
53 mostly high-quality questions helps
i still havent reached 1k lol
that's cause you just hang out in chat and almost never actually post anything lol
my 2 brain cells cant come up with anything
or answer anything for that matter
what's the user id parameter called in SEDE?
@pxeger all i need is 23,989 rep
wait can CGCC answers use SEDE as the language :P
SEDE just uses T-SQL which is a perfectly fine language
well, I wouldn't actually call T-SQL perfectly fine per se, but it's acceptable to use on Code Golf
it's the SQL dialect used by Microsoft SQL Server
@emanresuA According to some rough calculations Vyxal answers are about 9k of my rep
a mod has entered the chat
Sadly not a CGCC mod, so we can't nuke that post
@emanresuA ok
@Fatalize Would you mind VTDing this?
what is nuking a post
Q: Implement OADD_MONTHS

pajonkIntroduction A function that adds months to a date (without overflowing ends of months) is implemented in many languages/packages. In Teradata SQL it's ADD_MONTHS, here are some examples: ADD_MONTHS('2021-01-31', 1) => 2021-02-28 ADD_MONTHS('2021-01-30', 1) => 2021-02-28 ADD_MONTHS('2021-02-2...

@lyxal how? You didn't even edit it
@Razetime Would you mind VTDing this?
there, done
@emanresuA help, i'm trapped in an infinite bookmark factory
now we need to make a bookmark maze
Idea: typing but the cursor has a 50-50 chance of advancing/not advancing
Fr mpelaxeo
CMQ: Should I keep reading the starboard or go to sleep?
VTC as unclear
TIL if you flag then delete something the flag gets marked as helpful
that sounds a little broken
gets two 20k socks and farms marshal
@cairdcoinheringaahing Laughs in huge support number spam wave a week or so ago
@emanresuA make a bookmark, one box it, delete the bookmark and rebookmark it
@Wezl-yizl who?
i am currently working on my physics project
writing about X-Rays
CMP: AC or DC?
@emanresuA how would one decide that
would it be automatic as you type
@PyGamer0 Yes, then rock out
ngl don't know why you want me to throw my rock out
but it is what it is I guess.
(please tell me someone found that funny)
@PyGamer0 Air conditioners or District of Columbia?
I thought it was Apple Charger or Discord Channels.
@lyxal I brt you did
CMP: Marvel or DC?
@user brt? Is that bacon, rettuce and tomato?
@user neither. I prefer Redwolf's SE Nitro comics
@lyxal raw lettuce
very immersive, and excellent plot line and extremely comprehensible/legible/readable
that is the corect answer
“Immersive “
A friend asked me this: "If I have a half-gallon jug of non-fat milk and a half-gallon jug of whole-fat milk, and I pour them into a gallon jug, what do I get?"
@user I don't see Marvel or DC depicting the theft of my fridge.
now I must know the answer
@GingerIndustries a spicy concoction of both
@GingerIndustries If you mix well, i assume half fat milk
well not really spicy
I think it'd's 1/2 fat milk
well I used more spicier words
it would is
@lyxal not spicy? What the point of milk if not spicyness
our WORDS are SPICER then theyre's!
@user dumbass the point of milk is that it isn't spicy.
yea milk neutralizes spicy
@GingerIndustries that’s what i said to my English teacher but she kept rambling on and on about plagiarism or something
@GingerIndustries my milk is spicy
@user you don't see people drinking hot sauce after eating chillis, you see them chugging milk
@user the f*ck kind of milk you drinking?
I drink water after milk
so therefore if you put spicy stuff in your milk the entire thing will explode in a matter-antimatter annhilation
@lyxal the usual kind. Comes in a red glass bottle
@user and you call me weird for having my phone on fan loop all night
@user ah, what you've got is called Satan Milk
@mathcat you know too much.
@lyxal you do much more weird stuff than that lol
like what?
drinking water after milk?
You have a video of a boiling kettle
boiling glass kettle
big difference
You are the primary shitposter here
@lyxal the water neutralize s the spicy
Sometimes i put milk over tasteless food to give it taste
@user tf kind of cows you got over there in America?
you feeding them peppers or something?
I’ve never been able to make ice cream at home tho
did you try using liquid nitrogen?
@user what colour is your milk?
@user see now that's the problem.
milk isn't supposed to be red
if your milk is red, you haven't fully set it up yet
typical amazon selling you disassembled milk
you gotta dip it in the liquid nitrogen first
How do you assemble?
13 secs ago, by lyxal
you gotta dip it in the liquid nitrogen first
@lyxal oic thanks
that removes the spice
makes it cool
Do i microwave it afterwards?
no, idiot. That just makes it spicy again
you need to let it sunbake for a bit
let the vitamin D enrich the flavour
Whoops thanks for all the help
no worries.
Happy to help you be normal like the rest of us
Do you grt your milk preassembled
I do
If so where do you get it
I can't tell you
Cailuse i don’t want to assemble myself
Gamers don't reveal their milk dealers
but if you go down any shady alleyway, you should be able to find someone able to point you in the direction of a milk dealer
they'd operate in broad daylight, but a) that could accidentally make the milk spicy again and b) amazon doesn't like milk dealers because it reduces sales of unassembled milk and liquid nitrogen
Q: Rolling a ball over a list

Wheat WizardStarting with a binary list (just 1s and 0s) we are going to roll a ball over it. The ball has a position and a direction. At every step the ball does the following: If the number at it's position is 1, then flip the direction. It "bounces". Flip the number, if it's 0 replace it with 1, if it...

@lyxal I'm not legaly allowed to answer that
@GingerIndustries well can you illegally answer it then?
@lyxal no, I said legaly. I need to be sitting down to answer that
i have found a chair
we have Spicy Cows
however, the milk isn't supposed to be spicy
if it is that means your farmer didn't set up their cow correctly
I assume it'd be a PEBFAC error
however, this is much less common nowadays. the real reason we don't use RbST is because it makes the milk too spicy to counteract.
well if you're going, I'm going too
I'm tired and need to sleep
Anybody happen to know why I keep getting captchas nowadays?
@ophact because you are a robot
CMP: Direct Carrot or Alternating Carrot
@PyGamer0 I prefer Diced Cow
in flax, 40 secs ago, by PyGamer0
if anyone wants anything added to flax, then feel free to open an issue
wait so
if you make a webpage for flax
would it use
Q: Count numbers that are concatenations of two squares

JanGiven a list of positive integers count how many of them can be represented as a concatenation of two square numbers. Numbers may not begin with 0 (except for 0). Leading zeros in input should be ignored. Examples 11 -> counted because 1 and 1 are squars 90 -> counted because 9 and 0 are squares ...

@user idk

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