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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

Service only lets you have one trial per email? Just generate a new duck email and you're good to go!
I am back Ginger Industries
@WheatWizard hey I've got that!
it works very well
todo: make a ToS for OLIMAR
> These footnotes and section titles are not legally binding.
well huh
@pxeger ok tell me what browser i use and os
@PyGamer0 lemme guess: A browser capable of acessing the internet, running on an OS capable of running a browser?
was i right?
@pxeger i just printed a random ip address
@PyGamer0 I don't know what pages you've visited so I can't correlated anything with my logs
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ginger IndustriesLoopless unending program Your task is simple: Make a program in your language of choice that never exits. However, you are forbidden to use any looping constructs (for, while, etc). in your source. You may use any other instruction in your language to accomplish this goal. This is code-golf, so ...

UPDATE: My pakidge is currently ~135mi from my place of dwelling
Jul 17 '21 at 2:42, by Aaron Miller
Solution: Now we just need to make Vyxal Mono font
@AaroneousMiller every character is normal except for V, which is upside down
@GingerIndustries ∧ is also upside down
Infinite output in ///?
@GingerIndustries No, ∨ Is upside down of ∧ and ^.
@GingerIndustries wrong
@pxeger lmao
@GingerIndustries i use nomOS, an OS not capable of connecting to the internet
@PyGamer0 then how are you talking to me
I am using my brain to simulate reality and to simulate you, hence I can directly talk to you.
please don't wake up, I don't want to die
i have already woken up, muhahahaha
@DLosc Infinite output in ///?
@Fmbalbuena Try it online!
@PyGamer0 No, I did not put the quotes
oh sorry
@Fmbalbuena Try it online!
@PyGamer0 I mean uh, You can stop now and go to write infinite output?
like what o_o
@UnrelatedString That's something I'm planning on doing with an upcoming language, actually
Since I already have ¨ characters in my code page
xẋẍ maybe
@Adám Well I mean, you don't have much of a choice if you work with browser stuff
And I wouldn't call it objectively bad...from my point of view, most of it's pretty reasonable, since that's what I'm used to
How much do specifying a start address cost for languages like opcode?
i hate you so much
(for legal reasons that's a joke)
@l4m2 If you mean the choice of a starting point within the program, it seems to currently be treated as free. If you are referring to a choice of absolute address, I am not aware of any precedent.
@m90 Seems having its absolute address fixed may save code even if it's 4 byte penalty, but I've no example now
CMQ: When no justification is specified, should table headers be center-justified, or should they be left-justified to match the other rows?
@AaroneousMiller Left, but it should be easy to centre whole columns.
Yet another gold badge on MSE
but wait...
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

DialFrostTime Complexity Using performance measures carried out on the execution time of the programs for a new computer, your mission is to determine what's the most likely computational complexity from a family of fixed and known algorithmic complexities. Example Here is an example of performance measur...

why negative votes here?
@Adám Centering a column is as simple as _
@ParclyTaxel It's really underspecified. It gives a rough idea but it's really not ready for main.
How do I stop the string $$$$ from being interpreted as MathJax?
But the it also gets recognized as a single line mathjax
Even better, put a a ZWNJ between the dollars?
copy: `‌`
Oh my god I'm an idiot
I spent half an hour trying to figure out why a calculus thing I did was wrong, turns out I forgot to turn a cos into a sin
I'm more stupid
Imagine trying to figure out why the quadratic equation isn't giving you a whole number when you forget to subtract c so it's 0 on the other side.
But that took some 20 min for me to figure out what I did wrong.
I spent 45 minutes trying to figure out why a command with an arity of 1 was reporting that it had an arity of 1 instead of 2
Just Hello
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What is that?
I'm waiting a lot of seconds, Can you try to repost?
That's genius!
I'm gonna use it everywhere
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Hmmm, Try again
It's a joke, that's the GIF chat uses when an image is loading
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Oh, Which GIF chat?
No, it's the literal loading animation
@taRadvylfsriksushilani VTC as dupe :P
Unfortunately, it doesn't fool you if you have the no-onebox userscript
@taRadvylfsriksushilani post the literal loading animation
@taRadvylfsriksushilani try oneboxing
I did, twice
It oneboxes to the spinning loading circle
@taRadvylfsriksushilani please can you repost?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ^
Fmbalbuena. The image I posted is the loading animation.
That's the joke :p
There is no image
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Can you post onebox?
Moral of the story: That's why, children, use the no-oneboxing userscript.
So that evil people don't attack you with good jokes
It looks like it's loading forever, because it's a link to the animation chat plays when something's loading
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm waiting a lot, repost the onebox or link to the Image
I already did, four times
That is the onebox
It's the loading animation
You see a spinning circle, right?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani link???
That is the onebox
@UnrelatedString ɱnemoŋic
@taRadvylfsriksushilani VTC as dupe
@taRadvylfsriksushilani this is not spinning circle, This is spinning dodecagon
@mathcat somebody should make a bot that automatically replies with that to any duplicate message in TNB
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Can you post spinning circle instead of spinning dodecagon?
I'll mak... wait bots aren't allowed :/
@pxeger But...what if someone posts a dupe twice? The bot would then reply to the "VTC as dupe" with a "VTC as dupe"
And the second time that happens...
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Nope, the link is different and the reply is different
@taRadvylfsriksushilani VTC as dupe
@Fmbalbuena Well, if they're dupes of the same message, the links would be the same
@taRadvylfsriksushilani VTC as dupe
@lyxal I agree enthusiastically with zʑʒʓ for ranges, but I do hope you consider using ?!¿¡ for something.
CSQ: Who knows what typeof NaN (in javascript) returns? (Obviously no testing now)
@mathcat obviously thats a bool
Reminder that javascript is sometimes strange
(No offense JS)
um ... yes
@mathcat 'number'?
@mathcat Number
@mathcat chat s??? question?
It's not stupid, because NaN is, in a sense, a number. You derive NaN from a series of operations involving numbers, so it would make sense that it's also a number.
but then again, I'm one of the most aggressive JS defenders, so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
@ThisFieldIsRequired no, I referred to "s"
chat stupid question
it's not stupid, because JS's number type is implemented by double-precision floats, and NaN is also a double-precision float
the thing that's stupid is arguably the name number
yes, that is true
what's also stupid is the use of "object" for any non-primitive... well... object.
I tell you something else which is stupid: typeof null === 'object
brain fart
Okay, next round:
Actually, I'll make it CJQ
Chat JS Question
Chat stupid question sounds ... stupid
ok, bring it on
CJQ: Math.min()
If anybody wants to try out a rough first draft example of Descend, there's now a repo. There's no implementation yet, but there's an example markdown file, as well as an example html file where I converted the markdown to html by hand
@mathcat probably because of overflow, min is more than max.
Okay, I see, you'll have more brain cells than me
@ThisFieldIsRequired overflow?
just a hunch
I don't know what the actual cause is.
huh, Math.min(undefined) is NaN, not the same as Math.min()
that must make it one of very few functions to have the behaviour that f(undefined) is not the same as f()
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

pxegerGenerate all groupings code-golf array combinatorics Let's define a grouping as a flat list, which is either: just 0 2 groupings followed by the literal integer 2 3 groupings followed by 3 4 groupings followed by 4 etc. (for all integers \$ \ge 2 \$) Note that 1 is not included in this definiti...

@SandboxPosts brownie points for working out where I got this idea from
Last round (because those were all the "strange" things I noticed): {} + []
[object Object]?
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Parcly TaxelScore a curling end Curling is a sport where two teams aim to place stones as close to the centre of a target as possible. The winner of a curling end is the team whose stone is closest to the centre – they score as many points as the number of their stones closer to the centre than any of their ...

@mathcat This was in the "wat" talk, but I don't remember which was which X^D
So I'll go for NaN to cover the field
okay *drum roll*
Pxegers right!
only []+[] is 0
I think they may have changed that. I get 0 too (Chrome dev console).
wait what?
one sec
Not that that makes any sense either
I get '' from []+[]
oh I see
console.log({}+[]) returns [object Object]
okay in that case
wait a second, if I just do {} + [], it returns 0, but console.log({}+ []) gives [object Object]
the weird and wacky world of javascript
> {}+[]
'[object Object]'
> console.log({}+[])
[object Object]
Oh goodness
that's really weird
> []+[]
> []+{}
'[object Object]'
> {}+[]
'[object Object]'
Pxeger and ThisFieldIsRequired you both win a Million dollars null!
> []+[]
> []+{}
'[object Object]'
> {}+[]
@ThisFieldIsRequired Use a 4-space indent instead of ``` to format multiline chat messages as code
@ThisFieldIsRequired remove the backticks, and press Ctrl+K, to get code
I don't get why backticks shouldn't be allowed though...
because SE chat is old
> {} + {}
'[object Object][object Object]'
I guess that sort of makes sense
An error would've been more helpful, though, if you're not going to make adding two objects a meaningful operation
or undefined
Is there any operator that returns undefined in JS?
.? as in {}.x
(not counting stuff like 5 && undefined)
@DLosc Not sure if it counts as an operator but [-1] as in ""[-1] and [][-1]
@pxeger I guess that counts, though I was thinking of operators that take expressions. Maybe [] then (5["x"])
@Adám Oh, yeah, that
@pxeger Doesn't that give a syntax error if not parenthesised? (Yeah, JS is odd.)
1..x and .1.x give undefined universally.
also someone please review my sandbox proposal
fastest gun in the west
Proof Assistants has entered Private Beta!
(question #2 hype!)
@ParclyTaxel refers to a phenomenon in which the first answers get all the attention
right then
@ParclyTaxel This might help you in the future:
A: What are our specific abbreviations and terms?

AdámSee also Stack Exchange Glossary - Dictionary of Commonly-Used Terms. Abbreviations marked with a star (*) are chat specific. *The Bakery: The Nineteenth Bakery, the room where spam and off-topic messages from The Nineteenth Byte are moved, kept as a gallery room so that users whose messages are ...

The CURED room on MSE stands for Close Undelete Reopen Edit Delete. There we very often use the single letters to ask others to perform the corresponding action on the linked question
e.g. a message with just C means "please close the linked question"
@pxeger i'm into the beta
The new year system on Stack Exchange looks weird
@pxeger what's the site about?
@ThisFieldIsRequired Thank goodness, I thought the change was just my imagination and I was slowly going insane
@AaroneousMiller what change
@mathcat proof assistants
click on any stack exchange post, scroll to the bottom, look at the right of the post above the pfp @StackMeterPlus
@ThisFieldIsRequired It's not weird at all
it's just weird because I'm not used to it. Eventually I'll get used to it
@hyper-neutrino I figured out that part
But what is a proof assi... wait why don't I just google it
i don't suppose you'd appreciate me giving "an assistant for proofs" as an answer :P
but it is basically just broadly a system that helps verify or sometimes automate some steps when making formal proofs
huh, so those outages a few days back were DDoS attacks
@ThisFieldIsRequired i've done that and i still see no change
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh lol rip
@taRadvylfsriksushilani which outages
When SE kept going down
that was a thing
also guess what @taRadvylfsriksushilani
i finally hit 1k rep
i came back from the dead and finished what i started
would it make sense to do this, but with something else
or would that be too stale
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Parcly TaxelScore a curling end code-golfgeometrygame Curling is a sport where two teams aim to place stones as close to the centre of a target as possible. The winner of a curling end is the team whose stone is closest to the centre – they score as many points as the number of their stones closer to the cen...

someone review this
Fixed the clipping-inside-walls thing in the tank game
Well, one of the two causes
@ThisFieldIsRequired In case anyone's still wondering, that is because {} + [] is parsed as an empty block followed by a + [] expression statement.
Turning still trivially allows you to do it, but ramming a wall with the corner of your tank no longer causes a floating point issue that lets you drive backwards and get pushed through the wall
@ThisFieldIsRequired i think I've said before that Python > Javascript (with ">" meaning greater than)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani how would you even get into a wall anyways
were they solid
@m90 That's... slightly cursed
@emanresuA ye
Haskell >>= Python
@emanresuA yes, but Python is still > Javascript
@StackMeterPlus If you drive at an angle to the wall, when the corner of your tank hit the wall, due to a floating point issue it would sometimes get stuck in the wall by just a tiny bit. It tries to push you out of the wall by reversing your movement, so if you switch to driving backwards at just the right moment, it'll push you further into the wall
@taRadvylfsriksushilani there's the problem
don't reverse movement, just push the person back
Well, "back" is hard to judge
E.g., if they're between two walls, you could push them further into the other wall
@taRadvylfsriksushilani but then wouldn't they go back out of that wall next frame
Yeah. But it's easier to just fix the thing that causes the tank corner to clip in the first place.
And if you do manage to clip into a wall, I honestly kind of like the idea of allowing them to drive through it using an obscure trick :p
@taRadvylfsriksushilani fair enough
@StackMeterPlus The joke is, >>= has two completely different meanings in Haskell and Python
@emanresuA i know >>= is just right-shift assign in Python, but what is it in Haskell
I think it's function application or something
@StackMeterPlus you mean Python >= JavaScript.
i was about to make a "you mistyped" post then i realised you agreed with me
i do not have the smart
I only partially agreed. Notice the "=" sign
@ThisFieldIsRequired the point stands that Javascript is not greater than Python, and that's all I need
CPQ: what does the unary operator + do in Python?
@ThisFieldIsRequired it assumes 0 as the left operand
that's all it is?
@ThisFieldIsRequired ye
it seems to be equivalent to "identity".
i tried it
you do +x where x is some numerical expression, and you get x back.
@ThisFieldIsRequired does not work with strings, lists, or tuples with length > 1
so it's even worse than the identity, then.
because with identity, anything works.
@ThisFieldIsRequired it's identity but with 80% of Python locked off
ok. btw, you don't need to keep pinging me with every message.
oh ok sorry
does printing in Haskell use a function named "print"
it can
there's a few options
print is (Show a) => a -> IO () and has a trailing newline
there's also putChar, putStr, putStrLn
i was hoping it was implicitly done before, for a [rosetta-stone] challenge
interact also exists
@StackMeterPlus yeah no main has to be an IO ()
ok, i posted the answer then
Today I realized that since all of the tests in my chemistry class are multiple choice, I don't have to frick with like...1.008 and 15.999 as the molar mass of stuff, I can just round and find the closest answer choice
Whoa, that's a bit dark.
at first i thought it was the bakery
and i was like "thats not the recipe" <:(
is that wave a hello or a goodbye
i really want to make this challenge work. Any suggestions on what i should do?
did years in dates on SE just change from 'YY to YYYY?
(i know it has three upvotes as it is, but in the meta section i explain the reason that i cant upload it yet)
I think you're gonna have to allow answers to restrict their domain, if you don't define the domain yourself
otherwise pretty much any answer in a sufficiently dynamic language like Python can be broken by passing hacky objects to the function
i didnt think of that, thats a good point
i think that i was worried people would restrict the input in a way that makes the challenge trivial, like a loophole, but there need to be infinite outputs, so i dont think it will be an issue
I'll post it when im not at work, unless someone in here sees fit to interject
or wait is it "object" in that context
ill edit and leave it in the sandbox, and if nobody says its bad ill post :)
@pxeger thank you for this suggestion btw
Eww, they've changed the questions layout on /questions as well now :(
@pxeger bleugh
@hyper-neutrino Sorry to bother you a second time for the same room, but could you unfreeze the RTO/OISB room again? (I'll do a better job of keeping it unfrozen this time)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani done; do you want me to ask makyen if he'd be willing to run his antifreeze in that room or is it fine
No, I'll just set a reminder on my RTO calendar to use that room instead of the discord every few days lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Do you have a link to your userscript to disable the Escape button in the SE chat message text box?
(acutally, is it your userscript, or did I imagine that?)
No, as there were some annoying bugs so I stopped using it. I'll check through my gists though.
I have privileges to vote to close question.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani No, in Proof assistants
Ok, I voted to close 2 questions
Are they ones that should be closed?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Yes
"Are Proof Assistants basically calculators?" and "How do I install Lean 4?"
ah there you are
@GingerIndustries @mathcat Now I have SE Nitro for voting to close questions
@Fmbalbuena Why did you VTC "How do I install Lean 4" then ask the exact same question but for Agda
@taRadvylfsriksushilani uhhhh I posted, then voted to close.
that doesn't answer the question really
I've added a basic map and rendering/collision physics for other tanks
@pxeger how did we end up with escape irrevocably clobbering your message
a lone dev's act of spite towards vim users?
In case anyone noticed, years now show all 4 digits instead of e.g. '19
@pxeger Yes ^ :P
@GingerIndustries that looks like something from an scp
@thejonymyster what do you mean
@GingerIndustries a black rectangle censoring something in a seemingly innocent image makes me think that its infohazardous
@thejonymyster what black rectangle?
it looks like this one in particular
that is a normal image
@GingerIndustries and is it in high resolution too o_o;
@thejonymyster that is an image of a lake, a , and a mountain
The last SE outage was caused by a DDoS attack, using primarily Tor nodes, so SE is now blocking Tor exist nodes
We do not want to permanently block Tor exit nodes, there are 1,246 published endpoints: check.torproject.org/torbulkexitlist. We're actively working on a solution but can't make any commitments. — Josh Zhang 5 hours ago
> exist nodes
You had to wait 3 minutes to point that out huh? :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing :)
Oct 1 '16 at 17:28, by noɥʇʎPʎzɐɹC
TIL humans are compiled on the fly
@GingerIndustries They have to be, they're self-modifying.
@DLosc ? is for taking input, ! will be factorial and ¿ and ¡ are designated as modifiers at this stage
5 hours ago, by Aaroneous Miller
@ThisFieldIsRequired Thank goodness, I thought the change was just my imagination and I was slowly going insane
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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