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Although the RustPython executable is like 10MB, and the JS file is in the hundreds of kilobytes
So when I get those working, I'm probably going to host them externally
Doesn't seem like that fits very well with DSO's advantages
DSO and TIB are cool because they require very little server load to run, and they're fast since you don't have all the overhead of network stuff, sandboxing, etc.
I'm never going to need to upload them again, and surge deploys everything irrespective of whether it's changed or not.
And it does have a bit of network overhead when you load certain interpreters because it loads them straight from source
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Using something like RustPython would be inferior to the more traditional model in most ways
presenting ECO: Execute Code Online, my service which just uses the APIs of all yalls services depending on language and load
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh, I'm serious.
once yall are done making your services, I'll make mine
The alternatives seem a bit dubious and less mantained
And I want Python in some form
@GingerIndustries Adds regex match for /eco/ to API block list
@taRadvylfsriksushilani nooo
Imagine having an API
@AShelly Nice to see some of the early users returning! I'd suggest that, instead of requiring ['G', 'O', 'B'], you just allow [0, 1, 2] or something, as integers generally result in simpler bots. Is the KOTH only Python, or language agnostic?
pxlcode base conversion function: n YR BASE ARE BELONG TO base
@GingerIndustries Express 13 in base us :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Ngl, I knew I had some very inefficient answers, but it wasn't until I saw your nomination for Off the Charts that I realised how many:P
Do you think you could develop any of those into crypto algos by any chance
Definitely beyond quantum-safe lol
If you can find a way to encrypt things using maximal equal sum sections, sure :P
> The algorithm used has complexity \$\mathcal{O}\left(2^{n^2} n^6\right)\$ (for a grid of size \$n \times n\$)
Honestly, golfers these days are so obsessed with " quick" solutions instead of "short" solutions :P
why do I always forget to open TNB out of all chats?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I can certainly change the return type. I'm not expecting people to golf the answers, so I figured it didn't matter much, and made the score string correspond to Green Orange Black. Which brings me to one of my meta questions: How closely can I reference Wordle without running into IP issues?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I read \mathcal as mathcat lol
@AShelly Well, we've had two challenges that reference it by name already, so you should be good
The challenge should be language agnostic, the framework runs a user provided script. Although maybe I'd specify that it's an easilly installable language.
@AShelly Game mechanics are not copyrightable (in the US, anyway), though it's possible they could be patented. The name Wordle is probably trademarked, and I'm not sure about the legality of using it without permission (regardless of whether other challenges have done the same).
IANAL, but I'd say the safest option is to keep the mechanics, avoid referencing Wordle by name, and say your question is "based on a certain very popular word game."
@DLosc I'm sorry you what
@GingerIndustries I Am Not A Lawyer
@DLosc o.0
I mean, if I'm like really big brain and invent some next-level stuff, anyone can copy my idea?
@mathcat you say that as if you are not big brain
I am not
lemme search how many times I've said "I am stupid" in the chat
If you were that stupid, how would you know?
@mathcat From skimming that article, it looks like "Because a court decided in 1800-something that a bookkeeping technique wasn't copyrightable, and the same principle was generalized and codified as law in 1973."
bookkeeping technique?
@mathcat From skimming the article: if you can prove that your stuff is sufficiently next-level (read: new ideas not thought of by anyone else before), you can apply for a patent on it and have patent protection for 20 years if successful.
so I was working on PXLCODE and encountered a problem, and successfully came up with and implemented a very clever solution. Immidiately afterwards I realised that there was a much simpler way to do it and that's what I should've done. This is why Intelligence and Wisdom are two seperate stats in DND.
@thejonymyster ok, but anyway: 2*stupid and 4*dumb
@DLosc oh, nice
@mathcat Sounds like 2spooky4me
@GingerIndustries DLosc is sharing private personal info with us, don't judge :P
@DLosc It really is ludicrous how long copyright protection lasts compared to patent protection.
@cairdcoinheringaahing ._.
anywhat I think I'll sleep early today
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm now slightly tempted to invent an esolang. Another Nice Algorithmic Language or something like that.
@mathcat o/
@DLosc ಠ_ಠ
@mathcat \o
A Lang Whose Acronym Stands For Itself
except it doesn't, but pretend it does
@DLosc I went to check if esolangs.org/ANAL was taken and came across this monstrosity
i wish i didnt open that at work
@thejonymyster Compiler Language With No Pronounceable Acronym beat you to the joke ;)
:60346642 what ever do you mean
@DLosc a classic, but that's not quite the same joke :P
@thejonymyster laughs in APOL's a Poor gOlfing Language
i got there first :P
@GingerIndustries YAML Aint Markup Language
@emanresuA Pip Isn't Python
:60346656 Password correct! Welcome to Tautology Club!
@DLosc Yaml's older than PIP I think
i hit enter too soon and then forgot the message that i had planned out to write
but yea i love esolangs and their names
ive posted this before but its still great. All of this person's esolangs are art
do they have an account on stackexchange?
They came in here just the other day
Yep, they had 10s of thousands of rep, but now they mostly post things as CW answers to protest how easy it is to get rep with FGITW/clickbait and stuff
ais has/had several accounts on se
@taRadvylfsriksushilani conclusion: post clickbait
Jan 30 at 21:10, by ais523
right, it could be undecidable but sub-TC
iirc he deleted his account when he made the switch to cw so he wouldn't have the rep from his prior non-cw answers
and there's maybe a different account on meta
check it out (mostly) on staging.ato.pxeger.com
@pxeger how do I request a language?
There's a long list
How do you put your own interpreter within the header portion of the code? I've seen some people do that for some langs that arent an option on TIO
@thejonymyster that's a clever idea
it's not my own, ive seen it here and there
i'll probably just do that for my langs, until (if ever) they get on a site
it beats having to copy-paste the code
into my jank replit interpreter
@thejonymyster basically, ais dislikes the fact that, as you get more rep, SE pushes you to do more on the site/in the community (e.g. moderation, reviewing etc.). He deleted his account a few years back, but still has a couple of sock accounts to post impressive answers or to chat
@thejonymyster Depends on how your interpreter works, but generally you're going to make it so that the main Code box is contained in a multiline string, and that string is what gets passed to the interpreter. For example (see the last link)
where does the input go? i am a noob :)
Jun 28 '17 at 15:13, by ais523
@LuisMendo yes, I'm leaving, editing your profile like that is apparently how you have to confirm ownership of the account
Reading down from there explains it all tbh
@thejonymyster Again, depends on how the interpreter's written, but reading input from stdin or from command-line arguments are two good options.
@DLosc thank you, i guess ill mess around with it
@cairdcoinheringaahing it makes a bit more sense now, i agree
but i dont think ill ever understand the people who compete seriously
to me, rep is for purchasing bounties :P
@thejonymyster (not that i think its dumb or anything)
@thejonymyster "If I can create a shorter answer than every other answer, I get a small dopamine hit"
Also, "Oh look, a green +10. Now, I get a small dopamine hit" :P
stasoid is still going at the polyglot challenge lmfao
how long has it been since someone else has answered
speaking of old challenges, is anyone still working on the image steganography CnR one?
I'm very proud of my (updated) cop
oh yeah i need to edit more hints into mine
because it's been like a month but it should be pretty easy
@hyper-neutrino Two years (and sixty answers)
1 hour later…
morning guys

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