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well it sure looks correct
I'd say that what if 2 is what's going to be released
we'll know in 59m
youll know in 59m. ill be processing invoices
don't worry, I'll tell all of yall what it is
what if its a bomb
and the website blows up
we'll know in 56m
@mathcat crack
@Fmbalbuena I know it's very hard, so here's a reference:
in Python?
Depends what you mean by string
How can that be a string?
@mathcat This is STDIN and below STDOUT
Q: Generate a lot of random files in randomly nested directories FAST!

MohsenThis is rather a practical question. In my pull request here I need to generate a lot of files and directories for benchmarking different implementations of Glob. I'm running into "too many open files" error with current Node.js implementation, even after using a package that is suppose to avoid ...

Well it's the same approuch:
Ugh I am very tired
:o xkcd countdown has half an hour left
To quote Mark Twain,
xkcd countdown?
In the header, to the right
what happens if Countdown reaches 00h 00m?
Nobody knows
My guess is the simulataneous activation of every nuclear warhead on the planet
Frick it's been spoiled
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Nope, My best guess is that the dinosaurs spawn.
Don't go to the explainxkcd if you don't want spoilers
(Main page)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I think I will make A golflang, What i should do?
Well, first you'll need to make some important decisions
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Hi
You missed my explanation of how to halve a string
When/where was this?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani which?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani scroll up a bit
ups sorry
@Fmbalbuena 1. Tacit, prefix, postfix, or something else?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Tacit
Why do so many new golflang designers choose tacit |~:
@taRadvylfsriksushilani wat
I chose stack
and Bgil prefix
@taRadvylfsriksushilani because I like Jelly
Tacit's hard to be competitive in without cloning Jelly
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Can you implement gcd and lcm?
LCM can be trivially made using GCD
You can find fast GCD on wikipedia
@taRadvylfsriksushilani or Rosetta code.
Those likely won't be efficient implementations
@thejonymyster the language takes an image and its scale as input, so depending on what scale you say it is the program does different things
@taRadvylfsriksushilani from math import gcd Wrong
This is C code
The next choice you'll need to make is what you want your golfing language's goals to be. "Make it golfy" is an obvious one, but do you want to try to make it more readable? Focus on specific types of challenges? That sort of thing.
I'd really recommend deciding on some goals upfront. It's super easy to start adding way too many features to your first golflang that aren't focused around its goals
@taRadvylfsriksushilani My goal is to be golfy and Make easy to solve challenges.
I'd add some more specific goals and ideas. Identify some part of modern golfing languages that you like, or think should be improved.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What do actually don't like about JS?
I love JS
I heard a lot of rumors
Hmmm lemme save the permalink
for emergencies
Jun 18 '21 at 22:31, by Redwolf Programs
@totallyhuman I will defend JS until I die, although I hate it
Jun 15 '21 at 22:00, by Redwolf Programs
I hate JS but that doesn't mean I don't really like it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani You're like a typical hero in the movies, who has to defend a side character, but then the side character ultimately dies.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Can you star This please
The countdown is shaking
@Fmbalbuena Github stars are like SE voting
@taRadvylfsriksushilani OH NO
They're meant as a rating of quality
I am not going to publically state that I like your project by starring it, when I don't know anything about it yet
Jan 22 at 18:04, by hyper-neutrino
stop demanding people to do shit
@mathcat Nope
Nobody likes being ordered to star or upvote things, or provide feedback on things, or whatever else
CMC: Find the most redirected message in TNB
What happens if countdown reaches 5m 00s?
I've been assuming this a language barrier, but it's been multiple months.
see the countdown
... nothing happens.
xkcd's timing out
2 Minutes
Down to 2m
@taRadvylfsriksushilani lol
@Neil aha
someone on explainxkcd has a pretty plausible prediction for the countdown but were about to find out anyway so i wont reiterate
1 Minute
It was spoiled already
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what?
But I won't reveal anything :p
tbh i think itd be great if instead it was just like
30 seconds
it ended and it went away and he never mentioned it again
15 seconds
7 seconds
Maybe my maths homework will blast
when it reaches 0
ok there lol
what if 2?
it looks cool in red
reminds me of ape out
@mathcat :/
I don't like.
it didn't blast
@mathcat when you say that will blast?
tbh it seems like a silly question. if 2 then 1+1. duh
I sure know what I'm purchasing
@Fmbalbuena It won't
@GingerIndustries nuclear warhead
Cat cannon
Nuclear warcat
Normal warcat
dishwasher/washing machine combo
Gas-powered toaster
wait that just reminds me of [relevant xkcd](the one where he compares different wrong ways to do things)
like washing your clothes in the oven etc
idk what to look up though
Over time, Wikipedians come to appreciate the amount of time the development and network operations teams put into keeping the site running as well as possible. In addition to learning this, another vital rule is picked up fairly early on in the learning process: Don't give the developers ideas. == Thou shalt not take the name of blocking in vain == One minute you're joking about pwnage and running vandal bots. Next, you're getting 403 errors from all the sites. You discover that a network operator has blacklisted your entire ISP with a well-placed line in the Squid configuration. Who's pwned now...
that sent me on a wikiwalk help
@taRadvylfsriksushilani microwave-powered toaster
you have to close a protective cover over the top before starting it
somehow my glb file is not working
sorry Netherlands, looks like you'll have to wait a while
eyy I can order it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Wiki of Ash?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I think I will work my golflang.
@mathcat I've added some error handling
What would be a better contender for pepper's ghost club than this guy here
@mathcat what was the issue?
its working now
@mathcat do you have one of the prisms?
I'm seeing like four weird things rotated
@mathcat correct, check help
also reload the page bc I just fixed a bug
camera zoom's not working
@mathcat ???
works fine for me
Can you send the glb file you're using?
try reloading
Everythings working except zoom
nvm probably smth wrong with my file
I should try designing a lossy compression algorithm
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ^((0+)(?: \2(?:)0*\g<1>|$)) regex (PHP flavor, sorry), Is this valid?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani for what?
exe files
Just images
I mean, I guess PSIF could be considered a lossy image format
@taRadvylfsriksushilani you could try making one for JSON
A lossy compression format for JSON?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani no, lossless
json's got lots of whitespace and stuff, you could prob make it smaller
I've made one before
...of course
JSON has no whitespace tho
Unless you choose to add it
golflang where programs are decompressed a few times before being evaluated
nvm thats just what compression algorithms r
@thejonymyster Thing is, compression doesn't work well with things that are already information-dense
lang that is optimized for being compressed
@thejonymyster you mean APOL
@thejonymyster Application specific compression is always better
In other words, code pages and stuff :p
I may have made the perfect compressible golflang by accident
@taRadvylfsriksushilani right lol fair
My next golflang is going to be a very interesting paradigm
exciting !
Paradime: A golflang based on money
Paradame: When a knight's wife jumps out of a plane
Pararhyme: A golflang written in iambic pentameter
i actually was working on a dumb lang based on rhyming
hello person, welcome back to TNB!
it's been 1/3 of a year since you last spoke
good morning welcome back to tnb flows better
sorry im nitpicky about iambs
i did write a regex that.. roughly, detects syllables
its surprisingly good, but it does currently not know how to detect syllables that split on vowels
like it splits neanderthal "nean der thal" iirc
since it looks for consonants to start syllables usually
@GingerIndustries I feel like an esolang that involves "trading" of memory values could be interesting
plus the name is a pun
@GingerIndustries that makes me think like a tcg
I think I have a name for my golfing language
It's based on katlani
@taRadvylfsriksushilani nice
@taRadvylfsriksushilani How to save this game
You used to be able to save it on my server, but since I disabled PHP, you can't anymore
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Code?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani No, code for saving game
Hmm. Let me try some stuff.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani which stuff?
JSON.stringify([resources, unlocked, trades, deals, unldeal, offers, multiplier, othreads, auto]);
That'll make a save string
[resources, unlocked, trades, deals, unldeal, offers, multiplier, othreads, auto] = JSON.parse(...); that'll restore from it
How to get JSON code?
Just paste it in the console
Paste it here when you're done so I can make sure it worked right
Yep, looks correct
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Wait there is 6 char limit???
@taRadvylfsriksushilani exiting!
@Fmbalbuena You'll need to do the JSON.parse() thing
Paste [resources, unlocked, trades, deals, unldeal, offers, multiplier, othreads, auto] = JSON.parse(prompt()); into the console
Then paste your save string into the popup box
@mathcat where is it going
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what about this
to Santa Claus
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I can Hack by changing [1004,912,1160,921,2,78,0,0] to [9999999,999999,9999999,9999999,9999999,999999,9999999,99999999999]
Yep, but you could also just do resources[7] = Infinity :p
you could lie and say you won
0 bytes
@taRadvylfsriksushilani or something I can hack is {"age":null,"buy":{"id":3,"count":30},"sell":{"id":0,"count":161}} to {"age":null,"buy":{"id":3,"count":999999999999999999999999999999},"sell":{"id":0,"count":-1}}
@thejonymyster Why, certainly! I'm picky there myself.
at least i know im not alone in it
well, back to work i go. see you all soon
Q: Climbing the Bookshelf

Ginger IndustriesIntroduction You're making a robot that can navigate a set of books of varying heights. It can climb books and jump off books, but if the distance is too big it will stop to prevent damage. To firgure out the ideal design, you're writing a simulator. Your program will take as input a list of numb...

Just got Yearling! Here's to a year of golfing :P
Made a custom terminal theme
@taRadvylfsriksushilani 43 bytes
Wait...TIO's unblocked!
But some of its files aren't
Oh you're at school
Wait actually 41
Ooh, I've never seen that trick before
With the [a, ...x]
oops I didn't read 5 messages up lol
42 'cos your nan trick though
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I've seen Arnauld use it a few times
@taRadvylfsriksushilani compression-artifacts.png
Would [a,b,...x] work?
Oh, no it wouldn't
Yes but it'd lose bytes later to f(x)
Here's some better recursion with 0-indexing for 41
A: "Hello, World!"

logicKotlin, 33 bytes fun main()=print("Hello, World!") Try it online! as usual as it gets... again

@taRadvylfsriksushilani ^^
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Turns out, not only is it good for more than one challenge, I just got an invite link of my own after level 2, so if anybody's wanting to do foobar, let me know
Q: Turns out that you might not write the fun main for kotlin even if the post asks so because of this:

logichttps://codegolf.stackexchange.com/a/101563/ as you can see, as the OP explains at the answer, if ran as a .kts file (kotlin but script) it won't need a main function as it starts from the top. What are y'all opinions on this? how should this case be treated?

@AaroneousMiller uh oh, exponential growth :p
Wouldn't that be linear growth, since each link only spawns one more link?
Nope, you get another at level 4
oh nvm then
SE is so cursed sometimes... I did close and reopen reviews on the same thing.
It's that time of year again...time to start making a really long list of operator ideas for a golfing language
Yay, cracked DLosc's thing
It's probably a bad idea to allow access to arbitrary variables, even if it's extremely hard to use them
todo: get to 2k rep
todo: get to 23k rep
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'M NOT AFRAID OF YOU AND YOUR TABLE
Ah nice to see some fellow socks
Everyone seems to have socks now
Socks are cool
I'm actually a sock of a sock
And I'm wearing socks, luckily
You're... Gold Farmer Sprow's sock?
todo: get a sock
@allyx Redwolf SMP's sock?
@GingerIndustries There's a store near my house that sells socks, ground beef, and vacuum cleaners
As well as other assorted products
@emanresuA Not sure if you're getting closer or farther
Mostly on account of I lied when I said close lol
You're mean
Are you actually a sock of a sock?
If I went through enough effort to change the colour of my crystal thingy, I'm going to try to keep my identity a secret :P
@emanresuA You could say that, yeah
(I say that b/c "colour")
@taRadvylfsriksushilani how is that name pronounced? ive never known
I say colour
@thejonymyster "cared"
@allyx good, I need a 200-foot lead sphere
@taRadvylfsriksushilani That makes more sense than what I had in mind
but how about the "last-name"? (If you know)
Don't ask me how to pronounce mine
It looks like it'd be "coin" something, but "coinhering" is a word ("co" + "inhere" + "ing")
Imagine having an ambiguous pronunciation in your name
Is yours like alex?
That, or possibly "all-eye-ks"
It's ambiguous
@allyx That's probably more correct because lyxal is pronounced likesal
> A mole of bytes would be the SI standard
Wait, that's actually not too impractical of a measure of data
1 mol of bytes is around 24 MB
But there's still the trailing .022 or whatever
Err, I guess you could redefine the mole in terms of powers of two
@taRadvylfsriksushilani translation?
The o_o face with the eyebrows
@allyx confirmed
I've set up a system to log any events which occur in the room with a type ID other than 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, or 18
In other words, everything that the server sends that isn't a new message, edit, user joining, user leaving, ping, or reply
Hoping to figure out the format of lots of different types of events
Maybe try...
- Making someone a RO
- Kicking someone
- Adding/removing feeds
Probably better to do that in a different room though

  Chat stuff / abc

Trying to find formats of WS stuff / slash
There's a pastebin of event ids somewhere
I think I sorta understand async JS now
@emanresuA Welcome to the insane asylum
Calls redwolf
@BgilMidol The nomination for a post for Best Of is how you can convince people to vote for it, when other nominees may look stronger. I'd suggest elaborating a bit on two of your noms, and actually doing the third, before the posts get locked in a couple of days
@cairdcoinheringaahing link to it again?
Thank you chrome for trying to translate a latin-to-english dictionary from latin to english
Wow lol
Hey, at least it knew it was Latin and not Spanish or something
@cairdcoinheringaahing better?
Crickets are loud
Especially ones trying to fly into a window
Surround your house with snakes
We don't have snakes here
Import snaked from africa
Or the sea
I can put a water moccasin in a box and ship it to you, then you can chop it into little pieces and stretch them out into more snakes
Big brain
@BgilMidol I mean, most of our challenges hit the HNQ. Think of it this way: what is it about that challenge that makes it worth 500 rep to you? Then explain that as the nomination
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ?
> # Run this bellow code it will fix the error
> bellow code
Who wrote this
@taRadvylfsriksushilani which xkcd comic?
It's from a what if, not a comic
Which one?
Oops, wrong account
@emanresuA It's from one of those SO scraping sites, and it didn't keep the name of the person who wrote it
@allxy Lol i said you.
@allxy Hey everyone, I think allxy is emanresu A. Not sure why I think that, just a feeling. :P
Lyxal discovered it before you
Looks like cat ears lol
I am plat, earn't
If only you were a mod, then you could have three
@emanresuA Woah You got a secret notification
No, the one on the left is a flag lol
@allxy That's (part of) the joke :P
Oh :P
I think I figured out how I'm going to plug the loophole you found in Exceptionally... now I just need to figure out how to format the repost. I don't want to clutter up the cops thread with multiple copies of the full language description.
Just say "language spec is as in this post, except variables are immutable" or something

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