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00:00 - 21:0021:00 - 00:00

exponential growth
Can someone explain why user's "I have a question" was flagged?
no idea
Because spam
How is it spam?
it's maybe a bit annoying, being told "I have a question" without being asked the actual question
20 hours ago, by Fmbalbuena
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Hey I have a question
Jan 10 at 0:31, by Fmbalbuena
@RedwolfPrograms I have a question
Jan 8 at 17:27, by Fmbalbuena
@wizzwizz4 hey i have a question
I wanted to ask Fmbalbuena what the "Fm" in their username meant, but since it seems they prefer telling people they have a question a few times before actually asking it, I figured I'd do the same
This has been for 8 years now...
The chat rate limit is really quite pointless though.
@user Fm means Fm
in talk.tryitonline.net, Nov 5 '21 at 19:17, by Fmbalbuena
@hyper-neutrino I have a question.
@emanresuA This means no hello, hello is not question
Greeting people is a perfectly natural thing for people to want to do
Telling them not to do that is telling them not to be friendly, for literally no reason
Then put it in the same message
pinging me to say "I have a question" is not a greeting and is just a waste of space and everyone's time
nohello.net is not perfectly valid for a room like this since this isn't a help channel
it's more applicable in other places. it's still generally a good philosophy but saying "hello" here is likely just gonna get other people to greet you back which one could say is a waste of space but it's harmless friendliness so why disallow it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I mean, it's totally fine to say "Hey, I have a question" as long as you immediately follow it up with the question
@hyper-neutrino hello
@user hey!
I has quetion , how juic avocad i try for thirtee minut but no juic
^ Now that's how you pose a real question :P
[X] Description of what you tried (juic avocad for thirtee minut)
[X] Expected result (juic)
[X] The result you got (no juic)
@redwolf10105 reject Dream SMP, embrace Redwolf SMP
@user you try juic avocad and no juic
Such a relatable feeling
@hyper-neutrino There's a reason that "Don't ask to ask" is a "rule" across all SE chatrooms
@hyper-neutrino This is what I meant - greeting is fine, asking to ask is just annoying
@user your problem is that you need 6e23 avocados to get juice. this is known as the avocado constant
1 hour later…
@Neil Avocado's number
the avocados number, i.e. the number of avocados
@UnrelatedString Avocado's number is a constant equal to the combined mass of every avocado that has ever been or will ever be
Hello, Is code page of my golflang correct?
code_page = "|¬°!1\"2#3$4%5&6/7(8)9=0?'\\¿¡\tq@wertyuiopasdfghjklñzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLÑZXCVBNM¨´+*~{}^`[],.-_:;<>éýúíóáÉÝÚÍÓÁèùìòàÈÙÌÒÀêûî"
i will ping to creator of golflangs
@GingerIndustries @lyxal ^
When you're not pinged D:
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ping
Yep, that'll work as an SBCS
Do you mean SCBS?
Another word for an 8-bit code page
No, I want Single Character Byte Set
Same thing, but Single Byte Character Set is the normal way to write it
Jk, Do you know Python?
Ok, when you are done with RTO,
Can you build golflang?
I was already planning on making a golflang by myself after finishing RTO, so making a collaborative golfing language with you (or anyone) probably isn't something I'll have time to do. But I'd be glad to help you occasionally with yours, even while I'm making RTO.
What paradigm were you thinking?
Tacit, like jelly
I don't have too much experience with tacit stuff, so I probably won't be of much help with parsing/chaining :p
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I will do this first, if I have trouble, I need help.
Golflang name?
Trying to figure out a good name is usually pretty hard
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