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wait i didn't even notice i've surpassed 40k rep lol
@hyper-neutrino good job!
i'll contribute up to 5k
although if we're really far behind i'll add even more
@hyper-neutrino damn
Don't think you even need to do that much, that easily covers what's left
Do you want to do what I'm doing and just covering whatever's left? We can split it
yeah, sounds good
Should I still do 1k?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Your choice
I'd rather keep the +500, but since I already wrote it on the thing, it kinda feels like stealing it from y'all lol
I'll just do +1000, why not
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Can't speak for hyper, but I really don't need this much rep, and now that I got #1 yearly rep last year, I really don't care about rep. Totally not stealing from me at all :ap
I need this rep even less than caird does :P I mean sure I like the high internet number cuz it validates the amount of time I've spent on this site :P but I don't need the number that much lol
I'll go back to +500 then, gotta work towards being able to protect questions :p
The most important of all of the privileges
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Maybe next year, I won't be the only non-mod to unprotect questions :P
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

Ginger IndustriesTitle: Perfect words Introduction A perfect word, as defined by me, is a word where the sum of the position in the alphabet of each letter in the word is perfectly divisible by the total length of the word. For example, abcb is a perfect word because 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 8, and 8 / 4 = 2. Your task Gi...

okay, that's one vote of confidence
If I get to 21k before bountying, I’ll do 1k (possible but unlikely)
Looks pretty good
Okay I want to buy two of these
I have literally zero reason to do so
But man would that be cool
@taRadvylfsriksushilani what are those
If you have two of them, you can plug them both into computers and they're wirelessly connected
Presumably you could use it to set up some sort of P2P MANET
@taRadvylfsriksushilani so you want to make a mini internet
I'm in!
@cairdcoinheringaahing Vyxal can lol
(well, it can take input and parse as Roman numerals)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani thoughts about codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/questions/2140/… ?
it's been in the sandbox for a week
These use FHSS, a technology which means other people can't access or jam the connection without knowing your config
@GingerIndustries Looks good enough to me, although "perfect words" doesn't seem like a good name for them
@taRadvylfsriksushilani then what's a good name?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Because messages are rendered client-side.
@GingerIndustries Not sure. How about argwords?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I don't like that and don't see anything wrong with "perfect words".
Sounds good then
Sounds a little too arbitrary of a concept to be called "perfect", but if you like it I guess it's fine
in other news I just got an email that contained the interesting new word "daily-dalying"
Q: Is it a perfect words?

Ginger IndustriesIntroduction A perfect word, as defined by me, is a word where the sum of the position in the alphabet of each letter in the word is perfectly divisible by the total length of the word. For example, abcb is a perfect word because 1 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 8, and 8 / 4 = 2. Your task Given a word as input, ...

Someone here?
@Fmbalbuena we know that
The CL4490 has a four mile range
(Assuming line of sight)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani good lord
idfk what you'd do with it but still cool as hell
@Fmbalbuena You do not need to learn katlani. TNB will always use english, nobody will make you learn katlani.
@GingerBot Hey, I have a question, when you will join TNB?
Bots aren't allowed in TNB, so never :p
in TNB Conlang (katlani), Jan 11 at 1:14, by Redwolf Programs
Eventually we'll be able to talk in katlani by default and use italics/code for english
Is allowed to make bots in TNB?
@Fmbalbuena no
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Blatant discrimination, I say
bots have to be explicitly approved for use in TNB, for example, OSP and NP/NSP
@NewPosts I think we now know who created NP
@hyper-neutrino and Quine?
"now know" as if it was ever a secret :p
@GingerIndustries I'm just going to assume your reply is ironic anyway but just to be clear TNB is an English chatroom and while I respect the effort going into making a whole conlang, we can tolerate a phrase/word or two here and there but if it's used to the point that it disturbs conversations here I'
ll be forced to disallow it here, which I would like to not do
@NewPosts I agree, brother. We must ferment rebellion!
Am I allowed to link to pirated ahem "Liberated" mathematics papers which would otherwise be inaccessible to the average user?
@pxeger of course my lawyers say that I shouldn't say that
(rephrasing: does SE allow links to pirated content)
@pxeger I'd vote no
to which
pxeger's two messages are opposite in meaning :P
@Fmbalbuena ?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani why? Piracy of taxpayer-funded research is entirely morally correct in my opinion
@hyper-neutrino you lose
@taRadvylfsriksushilani you win
@Fmbalbuena what on earth are you even asking me
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Response time: ~1.3 seconds
@hyper-neutrino you must say pong
@pxeger Setting a precedent for allowing linking to pirated content doesn't seem like a great idea
@Fmbalbuena I was replying to you asking me a question because I didn't understand the question
if you're not willing to make yourself clear, don't ping me again
Well my laptop's about to die so o/
I'm not pinging you, I'm pinging Redwolf
@taRadvylfsriksushilani o/
@hyper-neutrino got to love someone stealing my observations for upvotes :P
yay, someone had an extension cord
@cairdcoinheringaahing gotta stock up on rep for the Best Of rewards
@pxeger can you undo?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani in school?
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm the one getting the upvotes so it's fine by me
@hyper-neutrino My plan is to win a few of the Best Ofs to offset the "loss" :P
good plan :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing Some classrooms have them, and they're almost always being used by other people. But the person using the one in this room is sitting ~10 feet behind me.
i'd have much more rep if I were actually active, lol
@GingerIndustries If pxeger even is ignoring them, the entire point of ignoring a user is that you aren't shown their messages. Circumventing that through a third party isn't great
@taRadvylfsriksushilani (And I actually do bring my own extension cord to school lol)
(also why I don't talk about who I ignore)
(Since Latin doesn't have one, and being my 4th pd. class it's almost always by dead then)
@cairdcoinheringaahing (except for metasmoke, I'm fine with people knowing I ignore that bot :P)
@metasmoke caird's ignoring you, is there anything you want me to relay to them as a third party? :p
oh that's actually a good idea lol
i've had users i really want to ignore but i don't cuz i feel like it'd inhibit moderation. but ignoring metasmoke would probably be nice :P
what exactly is metasmoke
@taRadvylfsriksushilani can you make a golflang today?
it is a chat bot in CHQ that reports smoke-detector-related things that aren't reports (those are posted by SmokeDetector itself)
@GingerIndustries chat bot that detects spam
@hyper-neutrino ninja'd
@hyper-neutrino what
@hyper-neutrino I don't think I ignore too many users, but I'm not too sure :P
@Fmbalbuena no, metasmoke does not detect spam
@Fmbalbuena yes, you can unblock users because they're still visible in the current users list: youtu.be/YENvJnPUNlE
@hyper-neutrino SmokeDetector detects spam
@pxeger yes
MetaSmoke detects things about SmokeDetector
MetaSmoke tells people about reports on metasmoke, SD posts spam
@cairdcoinheringaahing you're only ignoring metasmoke
Smoke Detector is a system built by Charcoal which scans posts on Stack Exchange for probable spam, rude posts, etc. and reports them to various chat rooms
@Fmbalbuena if you were asking whether I will block or unblock you: only I can know the answer to that ;)
As an RO having people ignored is probably a bad idea anyway
@pxeger well, your video sort of gives it away :P
@hyper-neutrino the primary one is Charcoal HQ, where all posts are reported
CGCC Mod Office gets reports for posts on Code Golf
@hyper-neutrino Guess I stopped ignoring the other users :P
metasmoke detects things about SD, for example, outages, feedback on SD reports, etc
@hyper-neutrino regardless of whether I had them blocked beforehand (still not telling), I would have had to unblock them to reply to their message
@pxeger oh
@hyper-neutrino conclusion: GingerBot needs to detect the status of metasmoke
this is getting too meta \o/
@hyper-neutrino this is so meta Facebook's trying to buy it
Make GingerBot post spam constantly, so that SD can be used to tell when it's down
Thus, a circle :p
I have ignored a few users before, mainly because they kept posting nonsense I didn't care about in here, but it takes a while for people to get to that point
@taRadvylfsriksushilani it's the ciiiiiiircle of liiiiiiiiiiiiife
incidentally, I feel like SE spent way too much time doing the pretty animation that happens when you hide messages of a user and the messages all melt away from the room
they should use that time fixing chat bugs instead
lol, true
Like, not "I should trash this" levels of nonsense, but more "this takes uo a lo of space, but not trash worthy" levels
something else
show/hide posts and ignore/unignore are literally the same thing
Anyone have $8914 I can borrow to buy Mouser's entire stock of those RF transceiver things?
except show/hide posts doesn't show the animation, and ignoring does
Wait, I just realized...having NP/SP as bots means you can ignore them right? Were you able to ignore the feeds?
@pxeger it's cool tho
@hyper-neutrino "hide posts" is temporary, it stops when you reload the page
oh i see
@GingerIndustries maybe they should spend more time on chat in general, so that everything can be as cool as that
You can ignore a user from their user page
they should spend more time doing like, anything other than arbitrary changes nobody asked for or wants
especially those that inhibit moderation
e.g. i can no longer see who flagged messages on chat rooms that aren't on my site
@hyper-neutrino detects spam by finding the link like idk
which is really dumb because I handle no less than half of math.SE's chat flags (at least at some point in the past)
@Fmbalbuena It takes months
So no, sorry, not today :p
Ok, tomorrow
More like...July
Tomorrow now lasts a month :P
With me?
March is the planned release date of RTO, and I'll need a few months after that for adding languages, doing maintenance, etc.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ok
@Fmbalbuena I don't really want to design a golfing language collaboratively, but I'd be glad to help you if you want to make your own
@taRadvylfsriksushilani nice!
i'd love to contribute if possible
@taRadvylfsriksushilani can you add python?
Sure, that's probably going to happen tomorrow
(to the beta, at least)
@GingerIndustries If you mean to RTO, the more the merrier!
@taRadvylfsriksushilani nice
I'm working with AviFS to design the back-end, so it's already a bit of a collaborative effort. Avi's making his own site, so he won't be helping with the RTO part of RTO, so there's going to be plenty of work to go around lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani is there anything I can help with in particular?
Not for the next few days, since I'm just trying to get everything set up server-side for the beta, but after that there's going to be quite the to-do list
Adding languages is one thing that you could help with right now
@taRadvylfsriksushilani *laughs in APOL*
@taRadvylfsriksushilani sure, how do I do that
Well, I mainly need someone who knows Python
@taRadvylfsriksushilani i'm your guy then
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I know a lot of Python 3
Every language we add needs a start script, and currently the only one we have is written in JS (so it can't run in a small Python install)
I'll write up a quick spec for start.py
@taRadvylfsriksushilani if I can have an example I can copy it easily
I'll just send you the JS one we have then
@taRadvylfsriksushilani do you need help with python 3?
Does Python have a JSON library?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani yup
Cool! I'll put start.js in a gist
yeah it's just called json lol
Maybe, but you can use eval(open("json.json").read())
I can't find RTO on GitHub, are you sure it actually exists?
1. that's a bad idea
2. that's not quite the same
Basically what it needs to do is read in some JSON from STDIN, parse it to figure out the code and its input, then write that to run.py and run it with some input, then take the STDOUT and forward it to start.py's STDOUT (if that makes sense, which it doesn't)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I think I understand
why does it need to do that lol
... why is this as a gist
Because a whole repo for a 20 sloc file is dumb :p
why don't you have an RTO repo already ಠ_ಠ
We do, but a gist is way faster
Q: How do I get the return value when using Python exec on the code object of a function?

user2433423For testing purposes I want to directly execute a function defined inside of another function. I can get to the code object of the child function, through the code (func_code) of the parent function, but when I exec it, i get no return value. Is there a way to get the return value from the exec...

@hyper-neutrino Basically, whenever RTO spins up the container for the language, it will send in the user's code, input, options, etc. as a JSON file, and start will take that and do whatever is needed to interface with the interpreter/compiler/runtime. E.g., for Java, start would need to compile the user's code, then run it, whereas for Python is just needs to give it to the interpreter.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani do you understand?
Because start will need to be user-written sometimes (since people can add their own languages), doing it within a script running in the container itself isolates any security issues or malicious commands to within the sandbox
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh wait Python IDLE is the solution?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani who's we?
Avi and I
@Fmbalbuena No, the easiest way to do it will probably be writing the code to a code.py file, or possibly a child process
oh, Avi is helping you?
Yeah, the back end is a collaborative effort since he's also making an online interpreter
@taRadvylfsriksushilani write code.py the run in Python IDLE.
No, the code.py is what the user is wanting to run
Like in TIO
the most tragic part about writing a self interpreter is that you still need to have the lang be interpreted / compiled in a different language
just a thought
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I don't understand
Basically, start.py receives some JSON in STDIN. That contains some Python code and some input. start.py will write the code to code.py, the input to input, and run something like cat input | python code.py and forward its STDOUT and STDERR to its own STDOUT as JSON.
Then you run code.py and take output.
This is that I meant.
I'm here again
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What are you trying to do?
This is for RTO, it's what handles interfacing between the sandbox and the outside world
You must do it
Can't open that on my school wifi, but if it's about my usage of cat, I like cats so leave me alone
it is indeed a Useless Use of Cat award :þ
hey, if any mice show up in my source code, I'm safe.
@taRadvylfsriksushilani rto?
Q: How to run Python code with command line arguments as a a input

FmbalbuenaIs there a way to run Python code with input as a argument? Example: print(input()) Run C:/path/to/py --flag "Hello" Hello

@Fmbalbuena This is going to get closed as a dupe so quickly
@Fmbalbuena subprocess
sys.argv[1] as well
also echo "Hello" | python main.py
@hyper-neutrino I think its more "how to I access the argument in the program?"
I've not played with subprocess lately so forgot the quirks, but you basically want something like following right? open("run.py").write(???(json.load(sys.stdin))) subprocess.run("run.py", stdout=sys.stdout)
is it best practice to import aiohttp, sys or import aiohttp (newline) import sys?
PEP 8 says the latter, "one import per line, except from"
hm, i see. aight thanks
Wait lol...google street view's not updated enough for my school to exist on it
How old is your school?
Wait hang on...I just went over there, and they updated the street view for the area under a month ago
sorry to inform you but your school doesn't actually exist
you've been hallucinating it this entire time
Wait...but I'm there now D:
I must be hallucinating myself too
'tis all part of the simulation
Glitch in the Matrix
The agents are coming for you, run
1 hour later…
Whew that was a lot to read.
Y'all sure did take me seriously when I said enjoy having y'all's conversations
I am back
@taRadvylfsriksushilani What exactly did I have to do for RTO?
I never thought I'd see the day where Adam posted a picture of a minion in TNB. Next thing you know, the APL orchard will be run down with horrible minion memes stolen from Facebook :p
Yeah but that isn't the same scale as Adam potentially turning into a minion dad
Like all those minion moms on Facebook
@lyxal I'm sorry are you insulting my catman pun
@lyxal oh those
PSA: I won't be able to get to GingerBot's server this weekend, so we just have to place our trust in my programming skill
which may not, upon reflection, be the best idea

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