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Nah they're just doing their bit to get people's close vote review stats up lol
Waiting for them to post 654 more questions so I can get Steward :P
@lyxal or they're trying to set a negative vote count record
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ooh nice, speaking of, I'm only 2 late answers reviews away from Reviewer :D
Is it possible for a question to be in the cv queue more than once? (assuming reopens and then more vtcs)
Yes, I think so
So technically it's possible to game the cv badges by grinding with 4 other people on a single question
@mathcat Conspiracy theory: Dialfrost is a sock of Dennis, who wants to hold both vote/rep records.
I mean they both have the same first and last letter, so it's not too absurd :p
Assuming you drop the t from dialfrost
CMQ: What do you hate about python? .
@PyGamer0 ah thanks
at last somewhere I can complain
@lyxal it may or may not be 12:06am and I may or may not be slightly incapable of perfect comprehension right now
@mathcat go ahead
and complain
@lyxal Sigma grindset
@PyGamer0 the fact that itertools returns a different generator with no shared base class as objects like map, filter and range
@lyxal you should probably goto sleep
that python's not flexible with types, for example you can't add str to int.
@PyGamer0 what else do you think I'm doing?
Heck, I was teeth brushing just a few seconds ago
@mathcat ok the worst thing about python, its not APL :/
that's 50% of my errors
@PyGamer0 that's like saying that the problem with my desk chair is that it isn't a refrigerator
Both are things I use but they are absolutely not the same
but everyone wants one to be the other
@lyxal best point so far
@GingerIndustries o_o
@PyGamer0 Why tf do you want to store Lasagne and milk on a desk chair and sit on a refrigerator?
That just makes you weird.
Don't do that.
Don't sit on refrigerators
@PyGamer0 what have I done this tie
@lyxal but you'll be so high up
@cairdcoinheringaahing I feel like we're all pretty high up rn
@cairdcoinheringaahing you can do that without sitting on refrigerators
@lyxal idk about you, but most fridges are taller than me
Sit on refrigerators to assert dominance over the weaker chair-sitters
@cairdcoinheringaahing haha you're short then
I'm taller than my fridge
@lyxal I do not have a short
it would be pretty impressive if someone could balance themselves on a lasagna which is balanced on a milk bottle, which is balanced on a desk chair
@lyxal I'm average height (where the sample size is n = 1, me)
@RachitArora no, it's lasagnæ
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm above average then given that sample size.
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm the mean one
@mathcat then I'm the spicy one
@GingerIndustries I'm the tired one lol
o/ nerds.
biya! \\\\o
@lyxal Yeah, but you can easily say "I'm above average given <some sample>" :P
Enjoy your exchange of conversation while I sleep
@lyxal even me
brian and chuck is such a funny name for a language
@lyxal //o/o\\\o\/o/o\
I'm above average of C++ programmers, where the sample is me, and my two dogs
(at least, I hope)
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm sorry your dogs code
...in C++ instead of Python? My cats use python
smh not jelly
@PyGamer0 You seem pretty jealous of my cats to me
@GingerIndustries No they don't, that's the point :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing then teach them
@cairdcoinheringaahing conclusion: cats > dogs because cats can refrigerator but dogs ony c++
@PyGamer0 brainf would be a good starting option
@PyGamer0 I can barely teach them to sit on command, let alone to code :P
Tho I suppose I just need to teach them how to google and how to copy-paste from stackoverflow
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's simple. Just let them type randomly on a keyboard and use GitHub Copilot to fix the errors!
this is how Bethesda makes games actually
@GingerIndustries lol
@cairdcoinheringaahing your dogs can type the < and > keys and you just type a . at the end
@GingerIndustries wht
I am literally a cat with an ಠ_ಠ face and I made a bot, you can do anything ʷᶦᵗʰᶦⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ˡᵃʷˢ ᵒᶠ ᵖʰʸˢᶦᶜˢ if you put your mind to it
hexagony is so confusing
I've tried to read its esolangs article 3 times and always got distracted halfway
so you're in
@GingerIndustries i know your not a cat, your a bat
@PyGamer0 excuse me
^ actually that sums up this whole conversation
@PyGamer0 I am not a cat, I am catman
nananananananana Catman
@PyGamer0 am I a cat?
your a math :P
nananananananana Mathcat
CMC add spaces where needed to bpa.st/KXVA
@GingerIndustries what is unclear?
@Anush what exactly are we supposed to do
@GingerIndustries take the string without spaces and add in spaces where they are need to make a proper english text
@Anush you want us to... parse English?
the string is Thisshouldhelpareaderquicklydecidewhattheprojectisabout,whytheprojectwasundertaken,whatmethodswereused,andwhetherornotthethesisisonethattheywanttoread.Thissummaryshouldendwithashortlistofbulletpointsthatsummarisethemaincontributionsandachievementsinyourproject.Forexample:
that is not easy but I may be able to do it
@GingerIndustries yes. This should be easy with a dictionary but the question is how golfed can it be
do you think that challenge would be easier if the input was guaranteed to be lorem ipsum without spaces
@Anush I'll make a version that accepts a dictionary as input
one sec
@GingerIndustries How to make a bot?
@GingerIndustries cool
@thejonymyster or maybe harder?
@thejonymyster I don't know the full vocab of lorem ipsum
or if it is prefix free
@Anush lorem ipsum is random
wait a sec why can't a find the account of 2x-1?
@Fmbalbuena yes
Likely they deleted their account
maybe that was the account that got deleted some time before
@Anush i was hoping someone here knew offhand and would be like "ah yea dude totally yea of course yeah man" or "no dude ugh no wtf noo idiot nooo"
error: invalid left hand side
@thejonymyster what is this?
@Fmbalbuena in which language?
@Fmbalbuena programming joke:) if you tried to use = to define the value of an expression, that is the kind of error you would get
@mathcat APL
wow apl broken how can anyone use that :\ /j
@thejonymyster "=" means equals
and means define
right, in apl the symbols are a bit better chosen for that :)
@thejonymyster Guess this: 2×⌽⍳5
two times a lantern snake
unrelated but: feedback? the idea was original a regular challenge but I feel like the concept made more sense as a cops n robbers, but also its my first cops n robbers so idk if its suck
the treasure is located between the 2 snakes
@thejonymyster that's what I often hope!
@thejonymyster done
thank you:D
@thejonymyster Wait the secret can be any length?
robbers dont have to guess your S string or program though, they just have to come up with one which works in the same number of P and S
A possible issue I can see is if a robber makes an S that does the task on its own and ends with //
that's how I've seen some cops n robbers questions work
@taRadvylfsriksushilani oh hm, that could be bad
Maybe cops can specify a maximum byte count for S?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani ?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani correct
@mathcat Solveproblem//junkjunkjunkSolveproblem//Solveproblem//junkjunkjunk
@mathcat (// being JS's comment syntax, # for a python cop, the amogus thing for an APL cop, and so on)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani wait APL USES AMOGUS AS COMMENT?
This does seem like a cool CnR though, and I think it would be possible to get around the commenting issue with things like newlines in P
@mathcat not the one you might be thinking of
@mathcat no, ⍝ is LED lamp
it is not that particular amogus, mathcat
, a front view of a crewmate
:60150576 line(2,0) : error AC0008: error (SYNTAX ERROR) executing line "ඞ?"
Complete: 1 error.
it looks more like a ghost
You look like a ghost...
Like ghosts in the snow, like ghosts in the sun
@thejonymyster thanks
nice poem
@taRadvylfsriksushilani so it's the cop's problem then? pick a language and a P that makes it less easy to cheat?
@mathcat thank you O.O
Not even a language, just a P and possibly byte count
oh not me :dies:
@thejonymyster ye
@mathcat It's from a song (two, actually) :p
now i look like a ghost
@taRadvylfsriksushilani awesome i love things not being my problem
@thejonymyster Can you post to CGCC?
when i get more upvotes, sure
@taRadvylfsriksushilani wait, would robbers have to match / not exceed the byte count?
@thejonymyster add byte limit for S please
@thejonymyster For S specifically
aha.... now i understand
@Adám Or something like
^ true sus
si baka susi
Wait so...1750 to 1900 is a single unit in my world history class?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Seems like a lot of stuff happens in that time lol
@taRadvylfsriksushilani when you think about the age of earth itself it is very small in comparison
my ideal world history class starts at the formation of the world
This one starts at 1450 though
tsk tsk
so a few cnr posting questions
is there a set deadline you put for them or do you just like, eyeball it
@thejonymyster For cops, or for safe answers?
uhh a bunch of stuff actually now that i think about it
when do i accept robber winner? or do i do a leaderboard? how does all that scoring stuff work lol
do i gotta babysit it
or learn javascript
I'd recommend copying all of the CnR-y stuff like deadlines and cracking rules from a different CnR
ill do that, including the belated deadline
lol no ill just pick a relatively recent and upvoted one
and uh, fix the date n stuff
@GingerIndustries any luck?
I'm working on it
@Anush I'm doing something else rn, sorry
@GingerIndustries no problem at all
but still a shame :)
@Anush How do I handle something like faunaback?
Is it "fauna back" or "faun aback"?
I can make a partial solution pretty easily, but one that can handle every possible situation will take a lot longer (even ignoring the faunaback issue)
i love pairs of words that do that
is there a concise way to describe that property
When concatenated, there are multiple two item partitions where both sides are english words
aha! thank you
very nice
@thejonymyster I'll invent a word
@thejonymyster "biduplicity"
would a word with a lot of possible splits be "highly biduplicitious"?
i thought the bi referred to being two words
Oh yeah, I thought you meant multiple words
I'll try to find a twice-biduplicitous word
What is katlani? Google seems to come back with... not much. Y'all making a new language?
man theres probably a lot of fun to be had in like
@Peilonrayz yup
@Peilonrayz A conlang, specifically
finding how many words you can string together, and how many ways you can split em, etc
@taRadvylfsriksushilani it doesnt look like amogus, amogus front view whould be some form of a rectangle, not a circle
@Peilonrayz yup
yup sounds cool
@Peilonrayz a better english i guess :P
@PyGamer0 No, I wouldn't say "better" :p
ty all :)
@cairdcoinheringaahing Ah so like Esperanto
@mathcat looking forward to the wiki
in re nothing but its crazy the like, age variety on this site. got my ass kicked in code golf by an eighth grader
I would be that 8th grader if I hadn't spent so long after making an account just...not golfing lol
uh isn't se 18+?
Or 16+ if you're in the EU
But nobody knows your age if you don't tell them it
(Which is why I made my first SE account at 10 lol)
banned + ratio
(and pls don't 11 me, I'm 16 now)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani *flags Redwolf for account deletion*
dont 11 youre 16
i love words and language
11 if <13
if you banned a cop youd be elevening twelve
sorry lol im getting way too amused by this
To abuse RO powers is to 12, in TNB slang
So you can be 11'd for 12ing
You can also be 12'd for 11ing someone
If a mod acted beyond their remit here, I'd be happy to try (and fail) to kick them :P
if youre 11ing And 12ing, are you 13ing, 25ing, or 132ing?
Mods receive a suit of steel armor and a megaphone upon being elected, so even IRL you can't kick-mute them
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Take the batteries out, and duct-tape :P
@Peilonrayz >:|:<
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm sorry who pays for this?
You. All SE users are taxed.
(Although, based on my calculations a while back, SE should pay us about $0.10 per rep point we earn, so maybe they should take it out of that :p)
@taRadvylfsriksushilani "Big Moderator is watching you"
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I'm sorry where is this math
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Yes, hi, I would like my $5415.60, where can I get this
I've got an idea, gimme a sec
When Prosus bought SE, I calculated that for the amount they paid, it'd be about $1 per rep point earned on SE. I'm not greedy, so I only demand 10% (not really :p), since a lot of their profit's probably from teams instead of us
Man can you imagine how awful the voting abuse would be if you got paid $1 for every upvote you got?
What's an average message length for this chatroom?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani who flagged this?
Ok, why was that flagged?
and another unnecessary flag
@GingerIndustries Give me a sec, I'll check
Right, flags are shown to all users with 10k reputation in chat. Don't abuse them, only flag messages that are rude, offensive or spam
To whoever is doing that: please stop. It pings every 10k+ user on the network
they shouldn't be wasted
I think I know why they were flagged, but since it involves a specific user I'm not specifying any details
Gotta do the routine processing on my JSON for the transcript, but I should have the average lengths in about 2m
@taRadvylfsriksushilani alrighty
place your bets everybody
my guess is about 25 chars
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Upvote all my answers and I'll pay you $100 :P
@taRadvylfsriksushilani this is 100% overkill but tbh I'm not even surprised
@cairdcoinheringaahing there Is upvote limit
well Redwolf has a large database of TNB transcripts; he's the best person for the job!
90.57 characters
after using posessed lego minifigs to get to the moon in 73 seconds I think I've seen it all
@taRadvylfsriksushilani alright, one sec
@Fmbalbuena You can't vote more than 40 times per day. Is that what you meant?
You can upvote 30 answers per day, and I have 789 answers, so it'd take someone 27 days to upvote all my answers :P
@pxeger yes
@cairdcoinheringaahing I thought it was 40?
91.27 accounting for deleted posts
Is it 30 on answers, and 40 total?
30 answers, 10 questions
Careful of the pesky vote removal process. Good luck getting even 10 votes a day...
If you upvoted 10 of my questions per day, it wouldn't take any extra days to upvote every one of my posts :P
Wait, is it a max of 10 questions?
@Peilonrayz We're ignoring pesky complications like "anti-abuse measures" :P
Okay, the average message sends 618 bytes of data
I thought it was just 40 posts total, 30 of which can be answers
@GingerIndustries I can check the average length of the JSON other users would receive if you want
@taRadvylfsriksushilani you're fine mate
I estimate we pay about $60/month on (400mbps) internet
@taRadvylfsriksushilani You get 10 votes a day specifically set aside for questions. You can use the 30 votes on anything, but those 10 votes can only be used on questions
The information sent, aside from headers, is just text=[message content]&fkey=[fkey]
@taRadvylfsriksushilani feel free to flag it on main or open a chatroom with me and i'll make it private if you want to discuss
unfortunately was asleep so i didn't catch who flagged it
that means we're paying for (400*60*60*24*7*4) = 967680000kb of data per month
However, there's a distinction between when you cast your question votes, to make it that little bit extra complicated
> You get a total of 40 votes per day, which are broken down into 10 "Q-votes" and 30 "QA-votes" per day.

When you start the day off, the system will deduct from your Q-votes when you vote on a question, and deduct from your QA-votes when you vote on an answer. If you run out of your Q-votes, you can continue voting on questions, but it will deduct from your QA-votes instead. When you have five QA-votes remaining, you'll see a message "You have 5 votes remaining"; at this point you'll be blocked from using your Q-votes and any post you vote on will count against your QA-votes.
@lyxal I'd avoid being within even 50 mils of a fridge when you're around. I don't fancy being nuked
(967680000000 / 60) = 16128000000 bytes/dollar
So if you vote on 25 answers in the morning, you can only vote on 5 questions in the evening. But, if you vote on 20 answers in the morning, you can vote on 10 questions and 10 answers in the evening
@hyper-neutrino Sent a mod flag on main
@cairdcoinheringaahing 25 or 35?
You can't vote on 35 answers in a day
25+5 is just 30 though right?
Wouldn't you be able to vote on 15 questions?
@taRadvylfsriksushilani Yes, exactly
The time when you cast specific votes matters on the daily limit
Oh wait, huh
that means sending a message costs me ~0.000004 cents to send
I therefore spend ~0.00068c/day on sending messages
And probably more than that, because there's no way you actually use all 967680000kb of data per month
So the data you do send are costing you more, relatively speaking
Nah, if I'm paying for all the data, I'm going to use it all.
You might run into practical limits with maxing out your bandwidth 24/7
Nah, it pays pretty good
and you'd almost certainly run afoul of your ISP's acceptable use policy
Aw :(
ISPs suck, let's just make a really long ethernet wire and we can all splice a connector onto it whenever we feel like it
@taRadvylfsriksushilani I want my 21 dollars
@taRadvylfsriksushilani like news.ycombinator.com/item?id=29135056?
@mathcat You're off by an order of magnitude, you'd get $214.5
Nowadays you could probably get pretty reliable internet with one of those cell-signal-to-wifi thingies, and hooking it up to a router or something
More if it's network wide rep rather than site specific
$355.40 if network wide
@taRadvylfsriksushilani. As long as all the words are legal you can choose
:60151385 why?
@Fmbalbuena You've already been kicked from this room, and had a valid flag raised against your messages of a similar vein. Please stop, it's unnecessarily mean towards the creators of katlani, and continuing to post messages like this will result in further kicks and, eventually, if repeated, to a chat suspension
Katlani is a hobby. It will stay in the katlani room. If you don't like it or don't want to interact with it, you don't have to and will never need to. Asking us to stop working on something we enjoy because you don't like it is totally unnecessary.
Now, if there's something you want to ask about katlani, or you're concerned about some specific aspect of it, feel free to bring it up in the katlani room. But "remove katlani" isn't going to do anything other than annoy us all.

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