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ah i forgot which plug detects indentation and sets tabstop and shiftwidth to that
^ this plugin is the best
the notify plugin
@Razetime ye
@user yeah, VS code is surprisingly snappy given it's an electron app
I will admit that it’s gotten a little slower since I installed a bajillion plugins, but it’s still barely noticeable (and not even close to, say, Atom)
you think Atom's slow? Try IntelliJ lol
Yeah but Intellij is an ide
VS code is so much faster even when configured as an IDE
And it’s not really laggy, unlike Atom (although it eats into ram)
@pxeger True
is atom rly that laggy lol
There are some features from IntelliJ that I miss in vscode but they’re not too necessary and/or wouldn’t take from performance too much if added
i don't really notice issues with it, have i just never tried a good editor before
@hyper-neutrino It is to me idk
@hyper-neutrino That’s possible
intellij is just much fatter in general
I mean you may never have tried a fast editor (bit atom seems to be a good editor otherwise)
yeah I don't think Atom's that slow, although I've never really used it for a long time
intellij eats up memory
atom is cool but github is microsoft now and vscode is the same thing
and IntelliJ is not an ide for J as the name suggests :/
the other big advantage to using Vim is that it runs in the terminal so I don't have to context-switch as much when I'm using it
Protip: don’t repeat my mistake and run three jetbrains ides at once
you don't need IDEs for array languages
@pxeger and you can use it over ssh too right
yeah that's true
VS code can work over SSH as well though
@Razetime cause they are intuitive?
I’m kinda looking forward to Fleet which will supposedly be able go between editor and ide. Won’t be ready for a long time though:(
oh yeah jetbrains
@PyGamer0 no, because they have barely any code and little to analyze
@Razetime i mean you don’t truly need ides for anything, editors with some linting+find declaration are enough
fleet looks like VSCode on first glance
honestly the only thing i'd recommend IDEs for is Java and C++
Java because its package management and build systems are bees
The bee’s knee’s you mean
the solution to that problem is to just not use java
not to use an IDE
Gradle is great
@pxeger that’s not an option for many
Vscode has decent java support
gradle decides that it wants to do its job after 30 seconds
@WheatWizard can I use a language that encodes programs as single integers and just score using log256(program)?
Yeah it’s slow to start but once the daemon’s started it’s okay
Also that doesn’t require an ide
if your package manager requires a daemon running to be usable, it's pretty badly designed
All ypu need for java is autocomplete +macros to write that awful boilerplate for you
@pxeger it’s not really a package manager lol (which is probably bad)
@user and a debugger?
Idk how you save jars to maven local without running wn annoying terminal command
@pxeger that just sounds like stax/any other source compression language except maybe a few byte savings
@PyGamer0 sure, i was mostly kidding before
Q: 2021: a year in closing

Nicolas ChabanovskyI am thrilled to share that this year we are continuing Shog9’s tradition of sharing numbers on closed posts across the network. Please welcome stats that highlight how many questions were closed on different Stack Exchange sites in 2021: Site Asked AskedAndClosed PercentAskedAndClosed All Cl...

> Code Golf 1,228 410 33.39% 471 85 10 166 9 211 38 6 1 3 1
and interestingly, Network Engineering has the highest close rate
Q: Encode integers with some others

tshcode-golf integer array Input a non-empty array of positive (greater than 0) integers. Output another non-empty array of positive integers which encode the input array. Output array does not use any numbers used in the input array. Rules Output array should not contain any numbers used in the in...

How do you do images on mobile?
in chat? I don't think you can directly upload
without manually switching to the desktop site
but you can just paste the URL
pxeger is correct
Either switch to desktop version of the site or paste the link
Oh well :p
I was going to show y’all how bad SE is at rendering tables on mobole
^ my nvim statusline (partially yoinked from eviline)
in Vyxal, 18 secs ago, by PyGamer0
you know what, imma gonna apply for deepsource, for flax
also i officially have 2⁴ followers on github
@pxeger might it work to do lambda x:"0".join(x).join(x)?
@xnor how would you recover the length of the input list in that case?
I don't know, but I don't know how to find a collision either
well [1, 11] gives the same output as [1101111] (both give [1101111])
it works if I include the length of the list as a second element in the encoding
ah right anything that maps singletons to themselves is doomed
> This integer is trivially guaranteed to be larger than any of the integers in the input
I really didn't think this through
it was a nice idea
fun fact: If someone upvotes my answer or question i will have 800 reputation
2 hours later…
I swear birds have gotten away with corrupting the justice system - they get away with things like property damage, aggravated assault, theft, jaywalking and being a public nuisance yet they never get arrested nor do they get sentenced/fined in court.
just another reason birds don't make me happy.
but really though you'll be driving along a road and birds will just be standing there dangerously just standing there
if a human did that, they'd be yelled at and in some places fined
but the birds just get away with it
and then there's all the times birds poop on things like cars, statues, benches, all that sort of stuff
if a human ever did that, it'd be on the front page of the daily mail
(admittedly, 99% of the stuff on there is nonsense/tabloid stuff)
but when a bird does it, people just say "birds do be like that"
You're not allowed to shoot humans, but I hear a lot about pigeon shooting.
Birds don't have it all good.
I'm talking about suburban birds
like the ones in the city and at the beach
and of course, they never pay taxes
who knows what else they do?
heck, some of them probably run international drug empires right under the noses of everyone.
I think this is unlikely.
So will you if you know what's good for you.
can't believe I just got threatened by birds
maybe it is time for bed
that was not a threat, it was merely a nugget of advice
@lyxal i think @wizzwizz4 is a bird ;p
ok is blockchain based on a doubly linked list?
@PyGamer0 No, singly-linked.
It can't be doubly-linked unless you have a time machine.
> is blockchain based
no, it is a buzzword
@pxeger No, all my homies use physical cash, blockchain is cringe
If you want a “blockchain”, just use Git. It's better at pretty much everything blockchains can do.
And you have support for merging, too!
ok so whats the difference between a blockchain and a singly linked list?
I wonder if there's a simple P2P protocol you could glue git to to get a nearly fully functional blockchain
does it use hashes instead of pointer to the next node?
@PyGamer0 blockchains are supposed to be cryptographically verifiable
blockchains are generally distributed, so they use hashes instead of pointers
what its that simple?
“Blockchain” is barely an invention.
well the definition of blockchain itself is pretty simple
merely blockchain a functional cryptocurrency does not make
The cool part of Bitcoin is the thing about a coin melting pot, not the cycle-burning double-SHA2 thing.
and i thought blockchain means a chain of lego bricks :P
That's a blockstack. Very different thing.
I suppose you could make a chain out of Technic pieces, but those aren't blocks.
@wizzwizz4 you can attach blocks to those technic pieces
I'm convinced.
All hail (LEGO®-brand) Blockchain!
@wizzwizz4 shouldn't it be a blockdequeue, since you can easily push and pop blocks onto/from both ends?
@pxeger One of the ends is attached to one of those massive boards.
we are discussing about Lego Data Structures lol
how would a Lego binary tree look like?
I assume it would be implemented on a Lego Turing machine.
I have a lego heap at home
Organizing is hard okay
@pxeger Wait people still use vim as anything other than the-editor-that's-always-there-when-you-re-in-a-terminal?
Why would vim keybinds ever be a good thing?
Other than the :Sex thing
@RedwolfPrograms fast
Wdym fast? It's a text editor
@RedwolfPrograms are you trying to stir a flame war?
@RedwolfPrograms thats fast
I mean, vim keybinds are just like a mouse but before mice were a thing, right?
@RedwolfPrograms working in it is fast because you never move your hand off the keyboard
editing is more quicker than using mouse+keyboard
Ohh, fast as in fast to use
and its fast
I mean, it's very lightweight so it is also much faster than most other editors
i use neovim btw
although most other editors are still acceptably fast for most people
I've never had issues with performance of text editors, even on my chromebook
@RedwolfPrograms o_o
well text editors, sure
All it does is...edit text
but anything approaching an IDE is slower
especially startup time which is what really matters to me
Hmm, possibly. But that's comparing oranges to grapefruits :p
What is “text”?
8 hours ago, by PyGamer0
user image
@RedwolfPrograms you can set your vim up to be more like a grapefruit if you want, and it'll still probably be faster to start up
@wizzwizz4 Hey, Vsauce, Michael here
But with normal text editors you don't have to start it up for every file you open
So startup time's not nearly as important
but if you're working in the terminal the whole time (which you should be) then you have to context-switch
@pxeger It was a serious question, but do you think we could get him to do a video on it?
> which you should be
Why should I be?
90% of what I do is just more time consuming in a terminal
because it's more efficient
you just need to learn how to do it and then it won't be as time consuming
honestly I think the command-line has so far been really poorly taught
I can write code more efficiently in a proper text editor, and doing web development in a terminal sounds borderline idiotic
well apart from a web browser obviously
Well I mean...all I usually do is JS stuff, almost always with the browser in mind
but the only two applications I basically ever have open are a terminal and a web browser
Alt alt-1'ing between the terminal and text editor is hardly content switching
If I'm writing code in Text and running it in Node in the terminal, how's that any different from ctrl+tabbing to vim?
I find it distracting enough to not want to use a text editor other than vim
It's kinda a good question as to why
Like...what exactly are you even using the terminal to do? Other than running the code you write, and if you're using vim, writing it
well those two things are the most important things I do
but also all my file manipulation, and using git...
@pxeger Well it doesn't help that all I want to use is the bit in the red box
I want to be able to do the rest of it separately, myself
> Write programs to do one thing, and do that well
- the Unix philosophy
The text editor I use basically just is the red box, maybe you need to try Text :p
well I mainly do use neovim, which is also just the red box
@RedwolfPrograms I honestly wish it had the project view thingy on the left like Atom does, since Chrome OS doesn't really have a terminal (so you have to use the linux one, and mount the Chrome OS filesystem), and its file manager is awful
Q: Scan a ragged list

Wheat Wizardhgl has a "scan" function called sc. What it does in general is a little bit abstract, so we will just talk about one specific way you can use it. If we want to take a list of integers and get the partial sums of every prefix we can scan with + for sums and 0 as a starting value: ghci> sc (+) 0 ...

@pxeger is your nvim config written in vim script or lua
my config is pretty minimal, so just vim script
Y'know that life size cardboard cut-out of bear? It's been four feet from me this whole time and I only just realized
@RedwolfPrograms actually you have multiple tabs and buffers in vim
I don't like vim's implementation of that, and it violates the unix philosophy again though
Yeah but any text editor where opening multiple files at once is so hard people just pretend it doesn't exist obviously isn't very good
tmux is the program which does tabs and buffers, and it does it well
@pxeger ok, i have my config in lua, since its supposed to be faster
@RedwolfPrograms i use plugins
Does it really matter if your config file is faster? Iit only loads once right?
@user yeah but, i open nvim like 30 times a day
Oh ok
I open vim easily hundreds of times a day
@PyGamer0 How long does it take to load?!
It isn't like...milliseconds?
@RedwolfPrograms idk i never measured
$ nvim --startuptime # ...

times in msec
 clock   self+sourced   self:  sourced script
 clock   elapsed:              other lines

000.013  000.013: --- NVIM STARTING ---
000.371  000.358: locale set
000.652  000.282: inits 1
000.668  000.015: window checked
000.673  000.005: parsing arguments
000.727  000.054: expanding arguments
000.775  000.047: inits 2
001.465  000.690: init highlight
001.471  000.007: waiting for UI
... [snip]
038.233  000.005: --- NVIM STARTED ---
@RedwolfPrograms @pxeger @PyGamer0 How hard is this btw? It's one thing that threw me off learning Vim
> learning vim
That's really fast, I don't think you need to worry about lua lol
@user well i guess for larger configurations like mine
Why do that when you can just mash random buttons until you learn the important ones? It's from like 1910, you only really need it in emergencies or on a server
it should differ
Oops I had ping sounds on in class for the last ten minutes and didn't even realize
And they were loud too
Because it's fun to flex on people that you know how to use Vim :P
@user opening multiple files? i mapped some keybinds to easily open files
@RedwolfPrograms Go back to class, Redwolf ಠ_ಠ
@RedwolfPrograms oops (ping)
Or do what I did today and stay home just because :P
@user I am in class :p
@user *flax :P
our offline classes shut because:
2 days ago, by PyGamer0
user image
Imagine having a gov't/school responsible enough to shut things down in response to more COVID cases instead of just ignoring them
@pxeger so i just pass in --startuptime?
@RedwolfPrograms Either approach makes the problem go away, if you don't care about people.
@PyGamer0 yes
My school had a daily notification with what classes had people with COVID in them, but they just got rid of it in response to more cases
And of course, basically no masks
@PyGamer0 UK go brrr
@RedwolfPrograms Ahaha our school district went crazy this year and decided they wouldn't go back to virtual school unless we had a lot of cases
I'm just staying home until I'm fully vaccinated
Fully vaccinated as in the first two or the booster?
@pxeger and I think our schools are still fully operating; they've just decided to require masks again...
Luckily, we had two snow days the last two days
@pxeger Again? You mean they dropped them at some point?
My school district cancelled virtual school because they don't want to pay for it
Because stupid school and stupid gov't
Everyone knows human lives are cheaper than computers and training for everyone
Not the computers, the servers
Are we still learning stack cats?
We already all have district laptops, and they still won't pay for virtual school
Why not? (to WW, not RP)
@RedwolfPrograms you should visit north india, NO MASKS at all
And worse, even if the school board wasn't a bunch of idiot boomers, the state won't even allow schools to require masks
@PyGamer0 It's practically like that here :/
i am gonna time neovim on termux
so i am updating everything on termux
@RedwolfPrograms You know Vim has tons of plugins including language servers, right? You can get completion, linting, etc. iirc
Who'd want those things? :p
Although we're firmly in the category of personal preference now lol
Lemme guess, you're a butterfly user :P
@RedwolfPrograms me
neovim has built-in LSP
@user No, I use Text, with a custom theme. In order to start it up, I have to open the extension developer tools and inject the CSS manually
@RedwolfPrograms True, not much oint debating now
@RedwolfPrograms every time you start it up?
Yep. At some point I'll care enough to actually edit the extension source, but eh
@RedwolfPrograms I thought you were joking at first but I remember you talking about this lol
I do it while my terminal loads, so it's not too bad
(Since the Chrome OS terminal takes around a minute to boot up the first time you open it, because it needs to start up containers and stuff)
i made like 3 themes for (n)vim and 3 plugins for vim
@RedwolfPrograms Why would anyone subject themselves to this? (Is there a benefit?)
The Chrome OS terminal is actually a terminal for a Linux VM
Redwolf is a masochist, obviously
For security reasons you don't have access to any Chrome OS files aside from your home folder
"security reasons"
it's my own damn hardware
"security reasons"
@pxeger It's quite nice actually
No matter how much I mess stuff up, it won't affect Chrome OS itself, which is basically just the browser and the login page
And Chrome OS does all sorts of weird nonstandard stuff on top of Linux, so a terminal on Chrome OS itself likely wouldn't work very well
It's also for performance reasons, they can optimize a lot of stuff if anything they don't write will never run on it
I don't care if I shouldn't, I still ought to be able to
note that i did it on termux
Then jailbreak the chromebook? But why do that, all you do is lose useful things
There's literally no reason I should need access to Chrome OS's internals
other than so that if (when) Google decides I can't use my hardware any more, I can do that
Where do you install packages?
The Linux container
Chrome app store, I guess
So you install them in your home directory or something?
Chrome OS is basically just Chrome with a login page.
@WheatWizard No, in the linux container, which contains a full linux install
Isolated from the actual linux install Chrome OS runs on for performance and security reasons
"security reasons"
Why the quotes?
"why not?"
It's pretty hard to compromise a machine that can't run user code except in a secure sandbox
I'm actually a huge fan of how Chrome OS does the linux stuff
Because I'm exactly the kind of idiot who'd completely brick everything, and if I do that in Chrome OS, all I lose is the linux VM
Because that's the line companies use when they have made their systems impossible to be repaired or modified by anyone but themselves for the purposes of planned obsolescence.
You don't buy a chromebook for long term usage
We wouldn't want you or a technician to be able to replace your battery for "security reasons".
CMQ: What is your typing speed (WPM). Mine is 40 WPM with >99% accuracy.
@RedwolfPrograms you seem to have entirely missed the point
@WheatWizard And that's not what this is
Chromebooks definitely are.
@RedwolfPrograms if it were truly open, you would always be able to unbrick it
when's the last time you bricked an x86 PC? Never, because it's a much more open platform
They are tied so heavily down to the google eco-system, because it's profitable for google.
@pxeger Sure, but it's a lot more convenient for me if I always, at minimum, have Chrome OS and a text editor
And everything that a regular old x86 PC has, I still have
@WheatWizard Sure. But it's also convenient for me.
We both profit.
In the long run noone profits here.
It's convenient only because the tech companies have removed viable alternatives so that they could sell this convenience.
"Removed viable alternatives"...what?
I have a linux laptop at home
It's fine for people who choose to buy Chromebooks. If they want, they can always use Windows or Linux or something
I just don't bring it to school, because it's not worth losing when I can do everything I need on a $200 piece of plastic owned by google
It's not as if anyone's forcing you to use a crappy Chromebook
There is basically no modern laptop which can be run 100% open source.
A surprising amount of Chrome OS is open source
We could easily have reasonably cheap lightweight computers without having to give up our rights to google.
We sure could
Chromebooks may be convenient, I am not denying that. I am saying there is no reason this convenience should require google to engage in anti-consumer practices.
But Chromebooks are the best option, and I'm not going to ruin another $1k laptop by trying to be the hero here
@WheatWizard well, there is a reason: profit
@RedwolfPrograms You seem to be framing this as if it were some moral debate over whether one should buy a chromebook when it's really not. As I said there are no alternatives, you have no choice to even make here.
But even if there were other options, I'd likely still buy a chromebook
Chrome runs a lot faster on what's basically an operating system optimized for running Chrome and that only
And when the majority of what I do is on a browser, I'm 100% fine with giving google some data or whatever in exchange for my time and happiness
Privacy's cool, but just like everything else, it's not free. And Chromebooks are a compromise I'm willing to accept.
posted on January 05, 2022 by celtschk‭

An integer is called square-free if it is not a multiple of a perfect square other than 1. For example, 42 is square-free, but 44 is not because it is a multiple of the perfect square 4 = 2².

Oh, Winter Bash is over
Time to go back to standard Snoopy, then
TIL that if you edit your profile and click Save for All Communities, it only copies over the fields you actually changed.
It's official, my school is screwed. >5% of the students+staff have COVID :(
@user It's official, my city is screwed. >10% of the population has COVID :(
Adám seems to have stolen his hat :p
@user Not hard at all, IMO. :sp <filename> to open a second file, <Ctrl-w> w to switch between the two, :q to close the current one (or :wq, or ZZ or whatever).
Granted, I've only ever had two files open at once. More than two would get rather crowded.
Opening files is easy enough, it's switching between them that I find hard
@user Honestly I see no reason to use vim's builtin windowing system when tmux and terminal emulators exist
I see a reason to use it: I know how to use it, and I don't even know what tmux is :P
@RedwolfPrograms That didn't take long for someone to notice.
@RedwolfPrograms I've done that before ^_^
Is it convenient to make tabs in tmux or whatever and switch through those?
yes, very
Is tmux like screen?
yeah, tmux is basically screen but better
Yum, butter
@Adám Don't worry, SE Police Department doesn't really prioritise hat theft, I've gone uncharged for 3 years now :P
Is it really theft? They gave it out as a free sample, and you decided to keep it. ;)
@user by default: Ctrl+B c to make a new window; Ctrl+B Ctrl+B to switch between your two most recently used windows; Ctrl+B n for next window; Ctrl+B p for previous
No, they just lend it to us, like the shoes at a bowling alley :p
@pxeger Oh, that's easier than I thought
@pxeger Wait so if screen uses Ctrl+A and tmux uses Ctrl+B, you could probably run vim with multiple buffers in tmux in screen...
you can change Ctrl+B to whatever you like in tmux btw
I use Ctrl+Space
Can you customize it per-instance?
If so, you could probably nest like 60 tmux instances with vims, for MAXIMUM PRODUCTIVITY™
I think you could set it temporarily yeah
e.g. Ctrl+B :set -g prefix C-a
@lyxal Didn't your country declare war on birds that one time?
If you put two vim buffers in every one of those 60 nested tmux instances, with two monitors and four terminal windows each, you could have 2 ** 64 files open in vim, with a maximum of five keystrokes to get to any one of them
you'd need... very high resolution displays though
Four if you rearrange it into three monitors with three windows each
@pxeger Not really, 960×540 isn't too bad
(because each vim buffer would need to be at least 1x1 character, which would need to be at least something like 8x4 pixels)
And you could always just use 4k TVs instead of monitors
oh I see what you mean now
You'd only ever have two buffers in every vim instance
If your terminal supports multiple tabs and ctrl+x to go to the xth one, then three keystrokes
And only one monitor
Actually, eight terminal windows and super+x is better
@RedwolfPrograms how are you planning to move between windows in the tmux instances? Wouldn't you need a keystroke per nesting level
Oh yeah :(
Q: Incrementally Increment Identical Integers

richardecInspired by this Stack Overflow post. Given an ascending-sorted array of possibly duplicated integers, your goal is to increment each number by a counter, starting at 0, that resets for each group. Spec: Any numbers may be negative (but if so, they'll be at the beginning, because the array is so...

Well, 2**64 files open at once should be enough, and all it takes is 61 keystrokes to get to any one of them (at most)
that could be optimised to like log104(2**64)≈10 keystrokes (assuming a 104-key keyboard)
or if you allow modifiers separately, then log_{100*2**4}(2**64)≈6
Or if you have 104 fingers and 104-key rollover can use 103 keys as modifiers, then log_{2**104}(2**64) < 1 keystrokes
@pxeger BRB, stealing 19 arms
@pxeger Huh--my work laptop has a 105-key keyboard, and my personal laptop has 82. The keyboard I use for my desktop does have 104.
What if...keyboard but all locks instead of keys

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