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CMM: Can I post a stamp instead of an entire save for answers in The Powder Toy?
@PyGamer0 Assuming a stamp contains the data used for the answer, I don't see why not
Last day before winter break
...why is our early release bell schedule 1st-3rd-2nd-4th
@GingerIndustries you can assume the stamp contains the answer
Is a stamp in TPT similar to a function?
Then it should be fine since we allow functions
it takes a part of your screen and saves it on the disk
Wow, I can't believe it's already snowing for some people (saw this picture)
@lyxal At least a couple hundred, if you count individual people in the buildings, likely over a thousand
My school district would send out emails every time someone in the school reported they had COVID, which were sent multiple times per day for about six months
Then they stopped that entirely
Because my state's totally-awesome-covid-prevention-scheme is to pretend it doesn't exist and/or actively hinder attempts to slow its spread
@RedwolfPrograms o_o i am jealous
@RedwolfPrograms Okay I learned the reason, and it's as beaureaucratic as it could possibly be
They have to take attendance at a certain time to get funding from the state
And that has to occur during 2nd period
How did it take me more than ten minutes to realize I'm sitting next to a life sized cardboard cutout of a grizzly bear
With a santa hat
ayy i'm almost at 1k rep
I've done some work on it. I suspect the images are square for a reason.
My AP seminar teacher brought donuts :D
Rooms that i think i join frequently: The APL Orchard and TNB
that AI think i join frequently: Answer Guess, Saving TIO links for later, Add++, NLRNIS, Japt Lair.
Yeah, what are the criteria for that list, and also for the rooms' lists of frequent visitors?
@RedwolfPrograms Redwolf, it's time to take you to an eye doctor.
I'm in TNB exactly as often as I'm in Vyxal, since I join them at the same time, but apparently I'm only frequently in Vyxal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"frequently in room" is not about time but about messages% IIUC
redwolf i'm working on your steganography images
chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/info/240/… user with least messages is user with 22.4k
idk what you did but it's not very obvious
@emanresuA glad to find that this is what I'll be remembered for
How to get my first message?
What is my first message?
@GingerIndustries The llama has the most breadcrumbs left
Hmm, I thought I detected something interesting with 16x16 blocks in your first image, but it's not there in the second
I guess it's a compression artifact
@RedwolfPrograms I can give you a tip if you'd like
(And I'll give one in return :p)
@RedwolfPrograms Look for differences between the modified and unmodified versions of the 1st 2 images
you should be able to find them online
How to post question which needs language-specific
Bad idea: Post to CGCC
Bad idea: Post to SO
The hint for mine: Only one of the color channels is relevant. Look for weird patterns.
Good idea: make a function and post to CGCC with tips question
Okay, this is looking promising
Unfortunately due to JPG stuff image 1 isn't working properly, but the diff for the second one is showing some interesting stuff
i've gotten about nowhere
Steganosaurus, a steganographic image analysis tool I made a little while ago, might help if you're having trouble visualizing the low bits of the image
@RedwolfPrograms AI?
No, it just lets you strip away higher bits, filter by color, and analyze alpha stuff
i already ran an alpha scan, guess I'll do it again
No alpha stuff
just scannin for 70
I think I've got yours just about solved
My boss emailed me a link to an article about this language. Looks pretty legit. I might have to try golfing in it sometime. ^^
this is difficult
what is this
Random data
Looks like HEIC artifacts
@GingerIndustries I'm pretty sure that's just a picture of me with some filters
I'd recommend starting with the llama
its the snow image
with bits set to 1
Yeah, I left the green and blue channels alone
i seee
one sec, i think i got it
so signifigant bits on 1 just rounds every pixel to either on or off?
@RedwolfPrograms ^
Yes, significant bits isn't really useful for this
It's meant for determining what an image would look like if you compressed the number of bits, like you would if you just did a traditional "hide an image in an image" type thing
i'm seeing some strange things in this image
Yep, you're on the right track!
I see the diagonal pattern thingies in yours, so I'm just trying to figure out how to piece them together into text now
didja get it
@RedwolfPrograms ^
Almost, just need to write a bit more decoding stuff and try it on image #3
yours is giving me a hard time
i'm trying to get PIl to get each of the 9x9 boxes
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
Yeah, there's a dot in the top left of most, so they're actually 8x8
@RedwolfPrograms oh
now how do I turn that into text
That's about half the difficulty of the system. My hint would be to look for interesting patterns within the blocks.
@RedwolfPrograms caaaaaac?
it looks like the top-left pixel of each cell is always the off color, can I use that safely for calibration?
@RedwolfPrograms ^
In some (albeit rare) cases it's on
But it does serve a purpose, and a rather important one
like if we're in a red section, will it always be white?
@RedwolfPrograms ^
@RedwolfPrograms symmetry?
That's a big part of it!
it looks like the on colors are 126 and 238, and off are 127 and 206
wait no
What do you mean by on and off colors?
the first non-empty set of 8 pixels is 10011111
ah yes, �
or 159
There's a way to determine which 8x8 blocks are meaningful and which aren't
Actually, two of them
well first i need to get the 8x8 blocks
currently I have sets of 8 pixels
CMQ: My blog post is almost done, but I'd like some thoughts from y'all. It's on the impact of CGCC on the worlds of Code Golf, and of programming in general. Are there any things/areas you think that, specifically because of CGCC, have grown, been created, etc.?
For example, I have TIO as one such example, as it was created for CGCC, but has since expanded beyond the site
I was about to mention TIO, yeah
@cairdcoinheringaahing more golfing languages
Esolangs in general
Has CGCC had any major impact on the popularity of esolangs?
Esolangs is one of my main points :P
jelly, vyxal, 05a1, apol, etc. wouldn't exist w/o GGSE
or at least not be well known
@RedwolfPrograms I don't know about popularity of esolangs, but number of esolangs for sure. I've personally created several esolangs that aren't golf-specific, and I doubt I would've done so had I not been involved here.
Debates about flags /s
Retina, Hexagony and other very popular ones have been created because of this site
We've helped out with a few OEIS related things I think, but I suppose that's probably not too major of an impact
Which one came first, Pyth or CGCC?
Well, PPCG at the time :p
(or PPCG, to be more accurate :P)
haha, I am ninja
@RedwolfPrograms Oh, good point, I forgot about the meta post about CGCC's impact
DDoouubbllee NNiinnjjaa!!
Which one came first, Pip or Pyth? (both are based off Python)
Pyth, I'm pretty sure
Java or JavaScript?
Do y'all pronounce it "pith" or "pie-th"?
Pode Polf Cack Gxchange
@RedwolfPrograms "pie-th"
@cairdcoinheringaahing This one
@RedwolfPrograms "pie-th", but its supposed to be "pith"
@cairdcoinheringaahing I personally prefer pie-th.
@RedwolfPrograms "Pith," but only because I've been told that's the correct way
@GingerIndustries In the APOL repl, parsing breaks if you try to put brackets or parentheses in strings (e.g. p(")") or p("["))
@AaroneousMiller Okay, I'll take care of it at some point
@grandBagel Pyth appeared in 2014, Pip in 2015
okay, we've got my algorithm outputting 8x8 blocks
For your stegano cop, I'm still stuck on turning the lowest three bits of the diagonal lines into text
I've gotten it to print l, but then it's just garbage after that
Do I have to do it on the modified copy or the diff itself?
i will tell you this much, I ran the text data through an encoding algorithm
@DLosc If it were up to me, I'd say "pie-th" and "vixl." But the language creators insist that it's "pith" and "vie-xal." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I say "pith" and "vixl" because I'm to lazy for long bowels
APOL is pronounced "ay-pawl"
@RedwolfPrograms excuse me
wait, some of the 8x8 blocks are part of the llama
does the top-left pixel describe what is and isn't llama?
I say "Vie-xal" because I don't pronounce it wrong.
It describes, in a way, what is and isn't a block containing data
there are 3 types of blocks: Empty, Non-empty, and llama
Not really, that's a bit of a false distinction
There's modified (data-containing), and non-modified
there are 2 types of blocks, content and garbage
just like reddit posts
College spam email from yale lol
I suppose that's a step up from Montana State or whatever
Why do all college spam emails offer "[x] free resources"
okay so the problem I'm having is as follows:
You can see that in the white areas each empty block has a red pixel and the rest is white
but in the red ones (like in the cloud) empty blocks have a white pixel with the rest red
how do I tell between red and white blocks?
@RedwolfPrograms ^
This is probably too big of a hint, but try looking at the parity
just looked up what parity is
i see
so that corner bit is a parity bit?
@RedwolfPrograms Because All College Students Like Free Stuff™
Q: In as few characters as possible in t-sql, return 100 rows containing the phrase 'Have a great Christmas'

JakeDanzelsIn as few characters as possible in t-sql, return 100 rows containing the phrase 'Have a great Christmas'

@NewPosts Hmm. Not sure how I feel about this one.
@RedwolfPrograms unfortunately, PIL's posterize method works on most signifigant bits instead of least
I'm trying to find something useful to provide feedback on to the OP, but I don't know what's wrong with it precisely
It's just...not a good challenge for this site
It's language-specific and pretty trivial, but neither of those are disallowed, and I'm not convinced it's a dupe of Hello World because the main challenge is the "return 100 rows" aspect.
It's probably pretty trivial to write an optimal answer for
IDK, maybe my T-SQL isn't up to par, but I'm not sure what the best approach would be
@RedwolfPrograms How exactly does your posterizing algorithm work
The low bits one?
If you mean the one when you click 1, it's just modding the byte value by 2
@RedwolfPrograms so just take the brightness value and modulo 2 for each pixel?
@RedwolfPrograms nvm, got it working
@DLosc ಠ_ಠ
feedback? i wouldnt be surprised if its a dupe but all i could find is this which is not quite the same
not sure if good or bad amount of overlap loll
I think that's a dupe--on a cursory reading, any of the Random Derangement answers would also be an answer to your challenge, and most of them would probably require a trivial amount of golfing to become optimal answers to your challenge.
Unless I'm missing something.
Oh, I see, there's a difference on whether the input can have duplicates.
yea but im not sure if that difference matters in implementation
it at least means you cant just rotate the sequence
but considering the random derangement ones have to get all possible derangements, theyd have to try most orders anyway
How can I set a default argument in a javascript lambda?
Oh I forgot the ()
yeah the var=>... is only for a single non-optional non-destructuring named argument
Is there a range function in javascript? (something like range(1,101).map(a=>a+1))
@RedwolfPrograms Okay, I've finally got my algorithm correctly processing blocks. Now to decode them...
@RedwolfPrograms Now that the question has an answer, I've concluded that it's not trivial after all and upvoted it.
@GingerIndustries I've still made no progress on yours :/
@grandBagel similar: [...Array(100).keys()].map(a=>a+2)
(results in 2, 3, 4 ... 99, 100, 101)
@Wezl-acautionarytale Golfed: [...Array(100)].map((_,i)=>i+2)
array(n) blew my mind when i first found out abt it
So uh, how can I fit a for loop in a javascript lambda? Putting it in () didn't seem to work...
@RedwolfPrograms What year do you s'pose they'll add one? :P
@grandBagel {}, which requires return, or eval("")
@DLosc Never
JS adding reasonable stuff in its default library? pfft
@DLosc at least 9e999e9999e99999999999999999
You can do base64 in four bytes, but range? Who uses that?
okay, the first cell w/ actual data in it contains the binary data:
w/ byte 1 being parity
okay, so we're using odd parity
@GingerIndustries That doesn't seem correct
@RedwolfPrograms it isn't i screwed up
That's just part of a cloud I think
one sec
its actually 0000000000000000011010011001011000000000010111100111101000000000
(cell 10)
and still odd parity
Looks even to me
that's the number 116092972202496
not very useful
grandBagel was saying something about symmetry earlier
h m m m m m
I gtg for the next hour or so, but good luck!
Why does (a,b)=>{for(i=1;++i<a>b?a:b;){console.log(i)}} in javascript with input 10 not output anything? I'm not a javascript expert.
Q: Nth FizzBuzz Number

grandBagelIntroduction Everyone knows the FizzBuzz sequence. It goes something like this: 1 2 Fizz 4 Buzz Fizz 7 8 Fizz Buzz 11 Fizz 13 14 FizzBuzz . . . In case you don't know, if the number is divisible by 3, it's Fizz. If it is divisible by 5, it's Buzz. If it is divisible by both, it's FizzBuzz. If it...

presenting the decoded llama message:
     l1gæ¤%ÀÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿoörNÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ ¿ý ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþÿÿ¿ÿÿÿÿÿÿ÷ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿøøøøøððgæþ ÿÿÿt.ðÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþÿÿÿøÀDþþül@pÿ?ÿ÷Éÿÿóÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿe¦I ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿþþüÿ÷àh´-Àt. ® ÿÿÜùøðÿùy ÿÿkþüÀÈ?_˹@àààðøgæÑÀ9¹ÞrN@ÿÿÿÿ÷ÿ +Ô ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ å§ÿÿþüüøðÁp¿ý@
                                         (>BB'Î^^^ßÿþüm¶x ±@p=¼ ñ@p àÀÃ)    dÛ¼Êî:bNL¾j~~dd@ ÀrN¥¥ T* 0¦
very comprehensive
Try decoding by something (although I don't know what).
keep in mind a lot of this is just garbage
like the ÿ's are useless
as are the spaces
filter() them.
i will
still garbage
@GingerIndustries did you decode?
@grandBagel working on it
@GingerIndustries or try brute-forcing the encoding
@grandBagel how?
@GingerIndustries for encoding in ["utf8", ...]: if the decoded message is not garbage: print it out
@grandBagel Because x<y>z isn't valid in JS
You can't chain comparisons like you can in Python
@RedwolfPrograms No, I was doing i<ternary_expression
You need to put the ternary expression in () then
Ternary has an extremely loose precedence
@RedwolfPrograms still nothing
works for me
No, browser
How are you running it?
@RedwolfPrograms tio javascript (node.js)
@RedwolfPrograms But it'll behave identically to node
@grandBagel I know, but what code are you using to call the function?
@RedwolfPrograms f(10)
Well it takes two arguments doesn't it
i'm trying to figure out how to turn the above garbled mess into human-readable text
You've skipped several important steps
First, did you filter out the garbage blocks?
working on it
they're proving hard to filter out
the parity bit prob has something to do w/ it
but I'm not sure
It's just the parity, yeah
time to look again
^ I'm getting close, but I see Ginger already got there :/
how exactly did you pull that off
I guess you haven't gotten there exactly :P
i will figure this out I swear to god
I gotta go for a few hours, so you'll have a head start
@RedwolfPrograms You've been getting help???
I guess I should've been paying attention to here
@tjjfvi well I am small brain
I'll post them all on the answer as official hints, but I figured after a few days it was probably time to add a few since nobody seemed to have gotten too far
misread that as "i am a small brain"
@thejonymyster how do you know I'm not
your typing style
How are you working on the image @GingerIndustries?
@tjjfvi wdym
@thejonymyster ah, so i type intelligently?
Like what are you using to manipulate the pixel data
@GingerIndustries your wording lacks the specific aura of other brains in jars i know
@tjjfvi ✨Python✨
@thejonymyster hol up
@GingerIndustries Makes sense
I'm over here writing nonsense in the JS browser console to manipulate canvases :P
Oh hey, I do that too lol
So I just posted a question, and got three secret hats. :P
@RedwolfPrograms Okay, I've found 95 non-garbage blocks
@grandBagel what
@RedwolfPrograms lol is that how your decoder script works?
lol that's awesome
@RedwolfPrograms ಠ_ಠ
i wonder how all the lols is doing
I have at least fifteen html files that just consist of a file input, some canvases, and a bunch of JS
@RedwolfPrograms ಠ _ ಠ
now to turn the blocks into english
h m m m m
I probably won't do any more hints for a while
You're getting close, and tjjfvi is right behind you, so I think at least one of y'all will probably figure it out soon
if the top row's first bit is parity
that throws off the bit to ascii conversion
h m m m m
Added the hints from here to the answer
For fairness
idk if code-golf answers can be team efforts
They can
well i'm open to partnership
Among the most impressive answers of all time was, the Tetris GoL one
@RedwolfPrograms tell me more
Q: Build a working game of Tetris in Conway's Game of Life

Joe Z.Here is a theoretical question - one that doesn't afford an easy answer in any case, not even the trivial one. In Conway's Game of Life, there exist constructs such as the metapixel which allow the Game of Life to simulate any other Game-of-Life rule system as well. In addition, it is known that...

Very overrated challenge, but a huge and very impressive team effort for the answers
mfw my cheaty input format is less golfy than bit magic
@hyper-neutrino what
for the fizzbuzz challenge
my original i/o format encoded too much of the challenge into the input format and OP decided it was not valid so i made it reasonable and that actually saved some bytes
I don't see any bit magic, just math with booleans
Bit magic is just sufficiently advanced boolean math
more gibberish has occured
i do not understand the format these blocks are in
well the only bit stuff is really just encoding div-3 in d&2 and div-5 in d&1 which isn't really bit "magic" it's just like, using bits which i wasn't doing previously lol
there are 178 characters but 95 non-garbage blocks
I earned 4 secret hats today. :O
me no understand
@cairdcoinheringaahing I'm trying to golf your jelly solution by 9 bytes using the same I/O format as me and arnauld to this but for whatever reason it doesn't work on 3=FizzBuzz - i tested on the others and it seems to work; do you have any clue why?
I currently have the same 2 hats I had a couple hours into Winter Bash, despite having been unusually active since then. :P
i still don't know how # works

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