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Q: AoCG2021 Day 17: Langton's Hexa-Virus

BubblerThe story continues from AoC2017 Day 22, Part 2. The damn virus that was infecting a grid computing cluster now has jumped to a hexagonal computing cluster! In this cluster, the computers are connected in the honeycomb-like shape, and each computer has three neighbors. .. .. .. . .. .. . ...

@lyxal APL, 11 bytes: ∪∘⌈2÷⍨0 1+≢ (1-indexed)
There were a bunch of song I listened to so many times that I just completely lost interest in them, but I didn't want to. But now it's been a month or so and I'm starting to be able to enjoy them again and I'm so happy ^_^
> bunch of song
Yes yes many song
A much of them
Muches and muches of them
much song
very interest
So multiple omg
I love how english has such precise words as "to consume a small amount of food between meals", and yet "suspicious" can apply to either the object of the suspicion or the one who possesses it
Kinda sus
Like...we couldn't have had a word like "suspicioning"?
that's the joys of context dependent words
"to suspicion" is to be suspicious, and in passive voice it means ur sus
Problem solved
So if you have suspicions, you're suspicioning. Suspicious would keep the meaning where you are the object of suspicion.
(So "suspicioning" would probably be used less as an adjective, and more like "I'm suspicioning that you are the impostor")
Too long tho
You know what, this is the weird hill imma die on
To suspicion must become a thing
@RedwolfPrograms isn't that just "I suspect that you are the impostor"?
Yes, but "suspect" has a similar issue
And "sussing" needs to exist
And removing the other meaning of "suspicious" would be good
And "suspecting" isn't really a generally useful adjective, like I plan on "suspicioning" being
"I have suspicions that you are the impostor."
Too long
"I'm sussing you're the impostor"
why not just "you look like a sussy baka"
"I have suspicions" is just overly formal for a lot of situations
If "sussing" is short for "suspicioning", I suppose "sus" would then also be short for "suspicion"
So "I sus you're the impostor" would also work
"sussing" is already a word though
the continuous form of "to suss"
also wait, what's wrong with "suspect"
Honestly they're close enough in meaning we can merge the susses
"To suss xyz out" is the main context I hear it in, and "to suspicion it out" also sort of makes sense
5 mins ago, by lyxal
@RedwolfPrograms isn't that just "I suspect that you are the impostor"?
@RedwolfPrograms and that's the sort of thought process that results in words with dual meanings like the one we are currently complaining about in the first place :P
5 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
Yes, but "suspect" has a similar issue
"I'm getting a bit suspecting" sounds weird
Compared to the current "I'm getting a bit suspicious"
@RedwolfPrograms "to suspicion it out" makes no sense at all
"I'm getting a bit suspicioning" sounds weird, but only because it's not a common english word yet
@lyxal Remember, "suspicion" is being used as a verb here
And "to suss it out" doesn't really make much sense anyway
It's pretty much a set phrase/idiom
Like "figure it out"
yeah but making dual-meaning objects and verbs are how you end up with garden path sentences like "the complex houses married and single soldiers"
@RedwolfPrograms why not? it's just a verb like any other
words only make as much sense as we want them to make sense anyway; that's literally how language works
Exactly, so complaining about "suspicioning" means ur dumb
2 mins ago, by Redwolf Programs
"I'm getting a bit suspecting" sounds weird
I want this to be as close as possible to a drop-in replacement for "suspicious", with bonus content
better solution: make an english word and give it the meaning of "sus" in the context of "I think you're sus"
According to Vyxal, susnessiousious
I'm susiousiouspic of your methodology
So am I.
By the time I get back, this will either be cracked or safe.
When are you leaving?
reminds me of ellipsisessieses
Also shoutout to my CGCC mod election countdown, which is still going: redwolfprograms.com/countdown.html
Lal lel lil lol lul
i like that each individual part is negative
@RedwolfPrograms ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Hour or two
@RedwolfPrograms dang I need to go get my time machine and head back 416 days to vote
@emanresuA Well let us know of the exact instant so we can calibrate our countdown timers :p
(For when you return, not when you leave)
i still have a link to my mod election voter turnout on my dev subdomain although the page no longer exists :p
at some point i repurposed it for SFF's election i think
My timer is just 430 bytes, HTML and all :p
Election ends in: -10636:-52:-18
@RedwolfPrograms Um, around 11am sunday (That's 10pm saturday for all you utc'ers)
I like how all whole-hour timezones plus UTC fits in exactly 26 letter codes
@emanresuA What timezone are you in? NZ?
@emanresuA No, you live in Mars.
the timezones don't exist in Mars.
Mars rotates just like earth, just at a different rate
But you don't have humans around to chop it into arbitrary chunks
I honestly think it would work better if we just add an amount to the clock based off of our exact latitude, rather than an approximation
And had two clocks: A global one, and a local one, and got used to both
The problem with that is synchronization gets really hard
@RedwolfPrograms That would be even more complicated
The trick is to have continuous time
@user Not really
I discussed this in depth in a YT comment once
You just have two common spoken time formats
A more precise one, sort of like military time, for the global one. And something like "ten twenty past midnight" for the local one
Noon and midnight would refer to local time
00:00 or 10:20 would refer to global
So any time you want to set the clock on your computer, you have to find your exact latitude and longitude
No, that's the computer's job
And if you move to another city a little east of you, you need to find it again
@RedwolfPrograms What if you're not connected to the internet? (which happens very often)
It can keep the same one as before if GPS/GLONASS isn't available
Correct me if I'm wrong, but you need that for GPS and stuff to work, right?
GPS is a separate thing, it's NTP that uses the internet
@RedwolfPrograms Well then you're very slightly off from the people in your area and you haev a false sense of security in your time
@RedwolfPrograms Ohh
@user Not really, you'd never be off by more than a few minutes unless you traveled really far, and it's normal for people's watches and clocks to be desynced by that much anyway
Okay, I guess it won't be that bad then
And you'd have no sharp time zone jumps
Travel where cost is by time would be weird though
Because if you were travelling west, you'd take less "time" and be paying less
@RedwolfPrograms If you live in Denver, right along the time zone border, you can drive to a nearby city for the night without having to adjust your schedule by a whole hour
@emanresuA But at short distances, like a taxi, that wouldn't matter, if you even bothered to update the clock for such a short distance at all
And for longer distances, you'd use global time
@emanresuA You'd use a stopwatch thingy, not your clock itself, right?
but what if you're moving faster than the speed of light
The whole point of the local-vs-global thing is that local works great for scheduling things with people nearby, or deciding what time to go to bed, or that sort of thing. When precision or long distance coordination are required, global would be just as familiar to everyone since the limitations of local time would be well known and both would be used equally.
Or you could do a mix of Redwolf's thing and timezones where you have really, really small timezones with very small jumps even at the boundaries (and the timezones are actually sane and based on longitude+latitude)
The earth's circumference is about 40 km. If we assume you're at a city much farther north or south, which is the worst case scenario, we'll cut that in half. You'd still only have to add a minute to your clock for every 13 km you travel, straight east or west. In order for it to be enough to matter, you'd have to travel around 100 km at minimum.
> the earth's circumference is about 40 km
am I missing something here?
Uh...small world amiright
I meant 40k km
so mega-metres - 40mm
But 40mm is even worse
40 µm
40 mm
o/, see you in two days
If you traveled from London to Paris, or Paris to Amsterdam, you'd change your local time by about 7 minutes
@RedwolfPrograms This is beyond flat earthers lol
The 40km thing?
Well, the circumference is 40km at some latitude
Wait, just for fun, let me calculate at what longitude the distance around the earth is half of what it is at the equator
and then you can walk to continuously change your timezone
@RedwolfPrograms 60 deg
@RedwolfPrograms Is it not just 40km/2pi?
Oh longitude nvm
@emanresuA Why?
If I walk south 100 km, east 100 km, then finally north 100 km, I end up at the same place as I started. How many places could I possibly be at? (If you already know this it's trivial lol.)
@hyper-neutrino Infinitely many + 1.
None, the earth is flat
None because you'll die before walking 300km in total
He's using a powered exoskeleton. Obviously.
@hyper-neutrino None, because you don't end the same place as you started.
@Bubbler hyper's a neutrino, so it's fine
because the earth is not flat
He can even pass through solid stuff, to an extent
@hyper-neutrino Are you Santa?
@Fmbalbuena Opposite: you'd only be guaranteed to end end up somewhere else if the earth was flat.
@hyper-neutrino Depends, what if you get eaten by a polar bear?
@emanresuA There are no bears on Antarctica.
@Adám You risk getting eaten by penguins then, I guess
@Adám there are bears in greenland.
@Bubbler Not so close to the south pole.
@Adám I thought he was at the North Pole?
@Fmbalbuena Yes, but Greenland only stretches into the Arctic; it isn't close to Antarctica.
@hyper-neutrino or you will do a wrong step and you don't end the same place as you started.
There's 1 at the north pole and ∞ at the south
I thought there were none at the south
Since going 100 km south and east are no-ops but going 100km north will actually take you up
100km above the latitude with the circumference of 100km
@emanresuA *laughs in planck length*
not the south pole
Or with circumference of 50km, 33km, 25km, etc
So hyper is Santa
100km above any latitude whose circumference is ^^
too lazy to finish typing it out so i'll accept the ninja
@hyper-neutrino, as a Canadian, how do you feel about Russia stealing the pole from you?
@LucasEmanuelGenova Ciao. Spiacente, questo parla solo inglese.
(i don't actually speak this)
@user I can't give any information about our plans yet.
@RedwolfPrograms It doesn't have a huge set of overspecialized builtins like many other languages do, but the ones it has are great and compose well
Using types to aid in parsing is just such a cool idea
I really need to look at Husk
findLast and findLastIndex, coming to a Chrome near you
Wonder if those will be useful for golfing
(Chrome 97, stable in 19 days)
aaand the userscript i have for replacing the monospace font is broken
@UnrelatedString Why do you need a script for that? Isn't CSS enough?
@Fmbalbuena przepraszam, nie mówię po włosku i nie rozumiem tłumaczenia
(I don't actually speak it either)
But cześć!
is there a way to customize the css without a userscript
honest question i'm genuinely webdev-illiterate
I've heard of userstyles, but I don't think there's any big well known extension for them like TM/GM is for userscripts
makes sense
@RedwolfPrograms Stylus?
fun fact: the web was originally designed to only use user styles
the HTML would contain only the content, and how it was presented exactly was supposed to be up to the user
@pxeger Oh nice, never heard of that
Time to
also wait has your noto sans userscript had any issues lately because my dvsm userscript is literally just your noto sans userscript but with system-ui replaced with ui-monospace and Noto Sans replaced with DejaVu Sans Mono
@RedwolfPrograms why do you have this?
And how do I stop you from ever using it again?
I don't know, I found it on YT from Twitter but I think it was originally from Reddit?
I don't know what it is or who made it or why, but I won't let that stop me from thinking it's utterly hilarious
Kids these days, absolutely disgusting
it seems like something that would probably come off reddit yeah
What did they do to my boy Alvin?
@cairdcoinheringaahing you threaten to demote him if he does again :p
That's simon
It's DownloadBuffSimon
this is what, your second usage of it? (not the exact same text but still)
it looks like it was based on a real photo of a human
that's what concerns me most
Chipmunks are chipmunks
@hyper-neutrino I think the Buff Simon from the AoC one was forked from this Buff Simon at some early stage
It's hard to trace its history
Oddly, it seems SoundCloud was an early source of the image
so it was like
the cover art for some music shitpost
that makes sense actually
Wait no...the soundcloud ones appear to be cropped versions of one from TikTok? I think?
are you making this up by just listing websites
This is truly a bizzarely internet-spanning phenomenon
@hyper-neutrino I forgot ROs can un-RO other ROs :P
If I search the name of the twitter account that it seems to be associated with at some point, it brings up deviantart and ifunny, so add those two to the list
@cairdcoinheringaahing RO-on-RO violence :P
or you threaten to have me demote him. i would fully support that
@RedwolfPrograms If you post this again, HN promises to let me use the mod super nuke button exactly once, specifically to nuke you :P
Well uh...don't go to the AoC room
The earliest reference to it I can find is old.reddit.com/r/DownloadBuffSimon/comments/lei6ee
I have a soundcloud thing from 11 months ago
12 January
r/downloadbuffsimon wasn't until February
and that subreddit would not have been created if it didn't have an earlier presence on reddit as well, whether before or after the soundcloud instance
And there was likely an earlier soundcloud thing with it, but unfortunately google didn't index it right
Unfortunately pfps are the main places it seems to have been used, and getting a date for this is either difficult or impossible for all sites I know of
There's probably an entry about it on knowyourmeme.com somewhere but I don't want to look it up lol
No, that would probably show up when you google download buff simon or buff simon
Oddly, it seems downloadbuffsimon shows up earlier in 2021 than most of the non-download buff simons on reddit
Despite it not being (reasonably) possible to reverse engineer a buff simon from the download variant
Hang on, I've traced it back to a tweet which says it comes from a guy on deviantart
That would explain it
That was January 12, the same day downloadbuffsimon shows up on soundcloud
But their deviantart is gone now apparently
Smh, we've lost so much history
Yeah no thanks
I'd rather not continue into sexy simon territory
Okay so I've determined that both buff simons were cropped out of a much taller image
makes sense
I can't find the original, except a copy that's been screenshotted with text on it
There's quite the tree of buff simon mods, I don't know how deep it gets lol
It's scary to think this is under a year old, people always say everything you do on the internet's permanent, but a substantial amount of this image's history has already decayed away
Ooh, someone else has already been searching: reddit.com/r/tipofmytongue/comments/p8t87l/…
And they have the original!
The original deviantart is linked there too (NSFW, I wouldn't recommend)
It dates back to 2015
knowing the origin of buff simon has greatly impacted my enjoyment of the meme
May 27
Buff simon is first posted, by I-should-not-exist on deviantart (also known as oystercatcher7)
I don't know why I wasted so much time on this
Nor do I
Now don't do it again!
@RedwolfPrograms username checks out :p
AoCG notice: Challenge posting volunteers appreciated for 18th and 19th (details in the link)
I call both
(18th and 19th)
I want one
you can have the 19th then
Wait, this seems to be the missing link: Buff simon on 2020-04-27
I'm not sure if I am more impressed or disappointed in you :p
+1 for effort tho
Usually when I go on long stupid wild rabbit hole chases, I try to document them somewhere so someone else tracking down the same thing doesn't have to waste time retracing my footsteps
I got Deputy!
Socratic is now my recommended badge lol
Now that I've been deputized I have a legal obligation to call everyone pard'ner
@RedwolfPrograms don’t you mean "howdy pard'ner"?
Funny thing is, "howdy" is actually said here
i would HOPE so
2 hours later…
@RedwolfPrograms now I understand that you want to be a good deputy, but is sending your eagle friends to track me down and surveillance me really necessary?
@lyxal Gotta make sure you don't decide to betray TNB and sell our coordinates to the code reviewers
nervously hides existing connections to Code Review
Adjusts cowboy hat, gets on horse
I totally have nothing to do with Code Review
We'll have to do a shootout at high noon then. Since we're in different time zones, you get to pick which noon.
you absolutely won't find any trace of vyxal on CR totally not why would there be such a thing there they totally don't already have a language tag
Well I'm already on my horse galloping across the pacific ocean
Frost walker horse shoes
Anyway, I should probably go to sleep lol
Horses take a while to get to Australia so I'll see you tomorrow o/
uh okay sure dah frick I need to go do some target practice oh frick
Q: Find the distance between 2 points in a 3d space (x,y,z)

DialFrostYour challenge is to create the shortest code that can achieve the above problem given 6 coordinates (x1,y1,z1) (x2,y2,z2) In python 3, this can be used: (i think im correct hopefully) import math math.sqrt((x2-x1)**2+(y2-y1)**2+(z2-z1)**2) 55 Bytes

ah, you beat me to the dupe closure lol
get gamed on
besides why should you have all the fun?
... when i clicked to load in the new answer, somehow the page selector ended up underneath your answer??
It is what it is
i came up with the same sol as dennis (unsurprisingly) but unfortunately se search can't handle those chars
i was going to use my solution to search for dupes but i ended up just looking for the keywords which is why i was slower to it than you :P
I just saw it from the related questions
also, why do you sort by votes?
sort by active like a cool kid
idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ honestly a good chance it wasn't an intentional decision and i misclicked or was trying to do something
@hyper-neutrino happens pretty often
Q: Counting Chances

DialFrostYour challenge is to try and get the shortest code possible You have n computers and on each computer, there can be a random number of 1-100 words on it, and in each word, there can be a random number of 1-15 letters in it. Using simple math, find the possibility of finding a computer with 67 wor...

@NewPosts I give up understanding this
i'ts just a basic combinatorics problem i think
of some sort
god i'm tired. i had a stroke writing that comment, take a look
> like like like like
@hyper-neutrino I think it's always done that
Or at least it has for quite a while
i am gonna scam bait muhahaahhaahahaha
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

AnttiPThe Most Wanted Prime Number(s) Output a sequence of all the primes that are of the following form: 123...91011...(n-1)n(n-1)..11109...321. That is, acending decimal numbers up to some n, followed by a decending tail, all concatenated. Background Recently, Numberphile posted a video about primes ...

> Can malware use this vulnerability to rickroll me?

> Bad Apple on a bad Apple
> Can this be exploited from Java apps?

Wait, people still use Java?
that sure aged well
1 hour later…
CMQ: how many times have you been in the same building as someone who has covid? Close/casual contacts count (as in, you could have been in a big mall on the other side as the person)
My count is at least 3
(they were in a big shop tho and a safe amount of time ago)
@lyxal How in the world would I know?
@Adám you don't have a decent contact tracing app in the UK?
like over here, we have an app where you check into venues with QR codes and it notifies you if you were at a place at the same time as someone with covid
@lyxal app?
@Adám yeah, an app
it's on the Apple app store and Google Play
My phone doesn't support apps.
one of those phones, gotcha
a phone, not a computer
I understand
and I respect that
@Adám you have a cell phone?
not a smartphone?
Why would I? Smartphones have so many downsides. They are bulky, their screens break, their batteries run out (mine lasts 3–4 weeks), need updates, take time to boot, have cumbersome interfaces making it slow to call frequently called numbers, need special gloves…
Oh, and they allow big tech companies to track people too.
> need special gloves
And they are expensive.
@Adám would they be able to track me if i disable my internet?
if you have android, you could download the duckduckgo browser and go on the waitlist for app tracking prevention
@Adám so do emails
@PyGamer0 I believe so. Maybe not if you put it on flight mode, but then you might as well use a stupidphone.
@lyxal Nobody can track my physical location when I walk around outside, just because I send emails from various places.
@PyGamer0 i count myself lucky i don't live somewhere colder because i do have special touchscreen gloves but they're really unreliable
@Adám and even that's just a software control that doesn't even exclude all networking (granted i have never bothered looking into what the deal actually is with airplane wifi)
Q: Stich a hitomezashi pattern

pajonkChallenge Given two binary vectors (containing two consistent values of your choice) of length \$n\$ and \$m\$, output a corresponding ascii-art hitomezashi stitching pattern. You are to fill the following pattern, where \$n\$ is the number of A-columns and \$m\$ is the number of B-rows: A A A A...

1 hour later…
A: Sandbox for Proposed Challenges

PureferretRotate two differently cased subwords independently You have one string made of two subwords in different cases, the upper case first, then the lowercase: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz And you must return each subword cycled by a given increment. (N.b. the letters aren't ...

@SandboxPosts Warghh
Good Morning
@Bubbler I'll help (if I can remember to)

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