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@RedwolfPrograms One thing to note: this only works if a series is convergent :P
A: "Hello, World!"

Alan BagelFission, 17 bytes R"Hello, World!"; Try it online! First time trying Fission out.

As fun as divergent series can be to play around with, there's nothing more irritating to me than someone claiming 1 + 2 + 3 + ... = -1/8 or similar :/
@cairdcoinheringaahing Oh. I didn't realise
@cairdcoinheringaahing It's -1/12 btw
It's neither :P
-1/12 comes from analytic continuation of the zeta function, -1/8 comes from rearranging the terms, I'll sketch up a "proof"
@cairdcoinheringaahing According to my 'calculator', it's TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'ellipsis'
@Mayube ooh what is it called
@AlanBagel It's called Python
@cairdcoinheringaahing I will be very impressed if someone sandboxes and posts an off-topic post however :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing to be fair a post getting negative feedback in the sandbox doesn't stop them from posting it
i think i'ts more that most ppl who post off-topic things don't do so intentionally, or don't care enough about what's on-topic to post it in hte sandbox first
@Hello,World! You should probably check that an answer hasn't already been posted before posting :P
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Yeah, if you rock up to the site with an off-topic question and you investigate enough to post in the Sandbox, wait a bit, then post it to main, that's so bizarre to me that I'd be impressed :P
not impressed enough to not close it though smh all that effort wasted
that's dunning-kruger level confidence
"I've spent 5 minutes on this site and know more than everyone. You tell me this question is off-topic but you're wrong"
minmaxing dunning kruger
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Exercise 1 on that reminds me of something I've never really understood about differentiable functions, which is that every function I've encountered that's differentiable is infinitely differentiable, so I can't really think of what a function that can only be differentiated a finite number of times would look like
@thejonymyster a guy in my D&D group min-maxed father figure, so you can probably min-max anything if you try hard enough
I would argue I've minmaxed my golfing ability :P I have a 18 in Jelly golfing, like a 10 in Python, and a zero in everything else :P
On second thoughts, I don't think I can claim a 20 in Jelly :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing that's 100% not true everywhere? its totally possible to define some partial functions that get funky up in there i think
@cairdcoinheringaahing thats good if youre golfing those
@cairdcoinheringaahing I think Oath of Golfing's capstone is a +4 to max Jelly score
0 in bf is incredibly impressive
quick google gives me f(x) = {x < 0: -x^3, x > 0: x^3}
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ I'm sure it is. like, I understand that such functions exist, I just can't recall ever seeing one
differentiable until u hit -6 vs. 6 i think
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah maybe a better mathematician than i can chime in about a more natural discontinuous function that fulfills that
@cairdcoinheringaahing unless im misunderstanding: cant you just take a nondifferentiable function and integrate it to get a finitely differentiable function
@thejonymyster yeah i think that would work too
ok thank god i still know math
@cairdcoinheringaahing abs(x)
its one of my defining traits
@thejonymyster conversely one of my defining traits is that I don't know math
I will say, my analysis unit has just gotten to the actual definition of a continuous function, we're still months away from differentiation :P
@emanresuA That's infinitely differentiable at x != 0
i can differentiate any function (from any other)
I bet you can't differentiate f from the Taylor series representation of f, when we examine a small region around a point (a, f(a)) :P
lmao jony
@cairdcoinheringaahing See I'd write that as x = x + 1, so don't worry about me turning to the dark side and becoming a -(1 / 12)er
@cairdcoinheringaahing brb zooming in desmos really really really far
@cairdcoinheringaahing Taylor series are cool
they really are
I like how the one for cosine works so well
Wiggly boi
I will say, Taylor series are the closest I've gotten to understanding non-infinitely differentiable functions
If there's ever a point where the Taylor expansion is actually equal to the function, at all points, then it's non-infinitely differentiable (I think)
that sounds eminently reasonable
One caveat is zero derivatives that kinda mess with it, but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
god writing out hash tables for my homework scares me to no end since i can't keep count very well. i understand this perfectly fine but i'm putting my finger on my laptop screen to try to make sure i can put the funky little number in the right box
Like. Technically speaking, polynomials are infinitely differentiable, but by that definition, they aren't
CMQ: Favorite trig function?
What's that?
@RedwolfPrograms cos, just cos
@cairdcoinheringaahing just integrate a non-differentiable function and you'll find one!
:o same!
@RedwolfPrograms arctan
Ah, so you're one of them
@RedwolfPrograms now im googling trig functions
@pxeger (that was a half-joke, because I feel like it might not work, but it actually could)
Tbh, I don't really like any of the co- trig functions
I personally believe that if inverse trig functions ever comes up in whatever you're doing, you should stop immediately and throw it in the nearest fire
Except for integration
They're hella clutch in integration at times
I wasn't sure if trig was the right choice for me, but then I saw the sine
I liked it just bcos
secant always drew me fsr
shoutouts to my lads arcsin/arccos for hard carrying calc 1 | 2 u-substitution
is pythag a trig function? :P
when i would write out trig functions for school i was super lazy and wrote them each as their own single letter
Whispers v3 has a massive list of trig functions builtin :P
sin S, cos C, tan T, sec D, csc Z, cot L
really cot was an upside down T but cba to find that rn
> Inverse expanded trig integrals
∫archacovercos is legit a command in Whispers v3 :P
i just googled list of trig functions and got hacoversine
@AlanBagel thats just a fancy name for 1/2 (ha) coversine (1+sin) iirc
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ ಠ_ಠ Why give it a special name then...
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ so it's just (sin(x)+1)/2
@AlanBagel correct
CMQ: What's your favorite easing function?
@cairdcoinheringaahing For anyone wondering, if f(a) is a function such that d/da f(a) = archacovercos(a), then f(a) = ((2a-1)arcsin(2a-1) + sqrt(1 - (2a-1) ** 2)) / 2
@emanresuA haversine was useful at one pt for navigation at sea, considering we live on a rough approximation of a sphere
What's an easing function?
@RedwolfPrograms hmm versine
@emanresuA we should call this room "the room for the 8 bit number that is number 20"
@Mayube function easing() {}
@RedwolfPrograms sounds like a setup to a joke
easing function is useful to approximate change over time or smth, used for animations
i.e. a sigmoid for an ease in-out thing
oh i do that by hand
CMQ: How do you write the inverse function of cosh(x)?
There is a right answer, and I will fight you if you get it wrong :P
@RedwolfPrograms used in animation. Maps a float value t between 0.0 and 1.0 to some other value for the purpose of tweening. eg "lerp" is f(t) = t
@cairdcoinheringaahing arccosh fight me coward
@cairdcoinheringaahing Probably acosh(x), IDK
anybody who does little exponents has lost their brain wrinkles
Ok, I will be fighting Riker and HN, DLosc is on thin ice but ok :P
i hold this belief for any inverse trig function
i never had them to start
@cairdcoinheringaahing chars(x)
@cairdcoinheringaahing InverseFunction[cosh] mathematica lol
actually y'know what i could get behind hsoc(x)
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ Doubtful, they probably wouldn't be able to type at all if that were the case :P
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ But it isn't a goddamn arc measurement, it's a area measurement, so should be arcosh(x)
@cairdcoinheringaahing whats osh(x)
@emanresuA ಠ_ಠ
@cairdcoinheringaahing Huh, so there's a right answer but there's also an almost-right answer?
@cairdcoinheringaahing im sorry you don't value consistency in your naming conventions over lore accuracy that rarely affects anything :)
@thejonymyster Let x = a, and it's a workplace safety organisation
@thejonymyster arc -> ar as in arc -> area abbreviated
starred cause i love osha
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ sorry i was just shitposting lol
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ For your consideration: arcosh is is character shorter than arccosh
@cairdcoinheringaahing Let x = kosh, and it's a city in Wisconsin
my supervisor left early :)
woshkoshsin wisconsin
@DLosc acosh can reasonably be understood to be area cosh, which is what the correct function is referencing :P
Besides, not sure I want to fight 3 people at once :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing The answer in mathematica is InverseFunction[cosh]
I figure I can nerd-snipe HN and Riker easily enough, but I'm not sure about you :P
@cairdcoinheringaahing who?
@cairdcoinheringaahing Makes sense. I don't actually know what hyperbolic trig functions are used for, but I was reasonably certain it's not arcs.
@cairdcoinheringaahing yeah thats unfortunately fair
@AlanBagel HN is hyperneutrino, i'm riker
@cairdcoinheringaahing Imagining this as a line in an action movie rn, shouted by the main character, nearly drowned out by the sound of helicopter rotors and gunfire. Would recommend.
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ I know.
@AlanBagel "you" = "Dlosc"
@cairdcoinheringaahing how about using arcsin but arcos?
Can we all agree that ^ is wrong? :P
arsin --> arson
@RedwolfPrograms When a pirate needs a sec
@DLosc arrsec
having lots of fun imagining pirates doing trig
@AlanBagel What a space pirate calls a parsec
Clearly, the best thing to do is to write the function names out in full: inverse hyperbolic cosine
ARR ya landlubber, did ye not pass precalculus? youll be swabbing the poopdeck fer sure!
The opposite of arson is ardaughter
@Mayube lol
sine, cosine, conspirator, coconspirator, arcsin, arcconspirator
CMQ: Favorite exoplanet?
@Mayube The opposite of arson is building buildings in ongoing fires :P
forged in the flames, your new summer home
@RedwolfPrograms That one over there, with all the letters and numbers in its name :P
@RedwolfPrograms Omicron Persei 8, homeworld of the Omicron variant... wait
@RedwolfPrograms Lol
@RedwolfPrograms Earth
Gliese 581c here
@RedwolfPrograms this entire chat but in a warzone
bonus point if you can shoehorn in some justification in your imagination
@cairdcoinheringaahing or ending fires by building buildings?
@thejonymyster Flag debate 2.0
@Mayube I am Lrrr, ruler of the COVID-19 Omicron variant!
But all the flags are trig related
And we all have helicopters and guns
@RedwolfPrograms helicopters with ropes dangling off of them
@Wezl-acautionarytale Of course! The solution to arson is to just build buildings over the fires!
The solution to buildings is arson, so the solution to arson is buildings
Fire's cool D:
arguably not
fire's hot
so what do you guys think, is fire alive or no
oh, sorry
CMQ: is fire alive
Is fire turing complete?
fire based esolang is tempting for sure
@RedwolfPrograms it is fire complete
is your house fire complete >:)
@RedwolfPrograms Planet
@thejonymyster it is air complete
Oh man my activity page just changed!!
Ooh mine too
Yuck, what did they do?
The answers used to look good
Everything's tooooo biigggggg
@RedwolfPrograms I declare December 7 worldwide activityflow day.
activityflow remembrance day
in honor of the old activity page look
Wow it's ugly
oops wrong picture
@RedwolfPrograms I think it looks better.
CMQ: What name should I give my lunch order from Chipotle? (20-character limit)
@DLosc BigChipotleMomma
@DLosc your entire lunch order again
I always think it's hilarious that they ask you to name your meal, but then I often have trouble coming up with a good one
ive never done that lol i guess i dont go to chipotle enough
@thejonymyster That's more than 20 characters
@RedwolfPrograms It's a really ambiguous string, you can pronounce it with any emotion
@thejonymyster It's just for online orders
"uwu, owo but no awa?"
exactly 20
@RedwolfPrograms Ranging from "I'm so glad I was kidnapped and my mouth duct-taped shut" to "I'm so angry I was kidnapped and my mouth duct-taped shut"
@DLosc see i shot myself in the foot because now the punchline is "eat less" but like, no
originally it was just meant to be a perfectly innocent self reference thing though
@RedwolfPrograms "hrrrrghhhhhh 😠" vs "hrrrrghhhhhh 😏"
CMQ: What's your favorite phrase?
@AlanBagel ^
@thejonymyster This Meal's Name would work if you want to go recursive
@AlanBagel "That sounds like an issyou"
@DLosc thank you much better
Mine is "push-pop no-op"
@DLosc ${__name__}
@emanresuA uh oh, here comes the army
@Mayube Hmm, this is inspiring. I think I'll go with "=3"
@emanresuA \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\o////////////////////
@DLosc RayWilliamJohnson?
@thejonymyster lil burrito tables?
Ooh, hmm
the possibilities are endless
@Mayube was thinking along the lines of drop table orders
well okay they're not, it's n^20 where n is the number of allowed characters
But it's got to fit into 20 characters, remember, so that's a pretty strict limit
tragic actually
EndlessPossibilities is exactly 20
@DLosc cant believe they thought of it
@Mayube wow
"What's the shortest SQL injection we can make? K now subtract 2 characters, that's our limit"
Assuming they don't have any table names of four characters or less
');DROP TABLE EYES-- and listen for confused screaming
No I Am Not Gullible is exactly 20
in Whlplash, Aug 16 at 22:45, by Wezl
or we're going to add a dynamite instruction to whlplash, and if the IP walks over it, a fire is started when it moves to the next instruction, which gradually burns away non-space characters until it encounters a water instruction
oh dear
@Wezl-acautionarytale wait wat
click for context
@DLosc "The Nineteenth Byte" but with a trailing NUL
Wait...so dynamite causes fire?
That's not how dynamite works IIRC
@RedwolfPrograms incendiary dynamite?
@Mayube More like The Nineteenth Bite, amirite?
I thought dynamite was more like a high explosive, so it wouldn't be very fiery
well, this dynamite is
I mean explosions are typically quite hot, but I think usually the force of the explosion prevents fires
Well, I'm off to pick up my order of =3
:o I got spam from the college I want to go to!
@RedwolfPrograms wat
Well most of the spam is from colleges I don't care to go to
But I got spam from a school I'm actually interested in
CMQ: Favorite school subject
@AlanBagel what level of school?
@Mayube Current
well I'm not currently in school so...
@Mayube I meant in your current grade
I'm 25 and have a full-time job....
@AlanBagel wait, favorite subject that's taught in school, or which class in school you enjoy the most?
@Mayube uhh college then
@Wezl-acautionarytale the latter
@AlanBagel didn't go
@Mayube favorite job
@AlanBagel band, then (low brass ftw)
I mean... I've only worked 2 jobs; software engineering and janitorial. I think it should be pretty obvious which of them I prefer
idk, they're pretty similar
@Mayube software engineering?
announcer voice: they call him the code janitor ! ! !
they're both all about cleaning up messes. Not that I have experience with either...
@Wezl-acautionarytale the catch is in software engineering you're usually cleaning up your own messes
true (NameError: name 'true' is not defined)
it doesn't destroy your faith in humanity like janitorial work does, but boy does it destroy your faith in yourself :P
I like my faith, I guess I'll never get a job :\
actually I lied, I work on software banks use to keep tabs on who owes them money, so it definitely destroys my faith in humanity too
really cool email that just came into my job i.imgur.com/qWX4lT8.png
@thejonymyster omg i know your real name
:-) my coworker
> To: AP - Accounts Payable
It was sent to a mailing group, not an individual
every puzzle has an answer :P
clearly their name is Thejo Nymyster
i think about using "thej" as a short name sometimes
itd probably look like The J sadly
@thejonymyster nah TJ will do
on sites with (overly) restrictive name length limits i lob off the "the"
@thejonymyster I dunno, I read it like "thedge"
thats good news :D
or you could read it with more of a softer jh sound
like a thejh or thezh kinda sound
js question: is for(;;){} normally allowed or is replit just weird
@RedwolfPrograms I misread that, my brain did s/arson/aaron
It's allowed
ive never seen it before lol
@AaroneousMiller Happens often?
relative to what?
normal people
Aaron commiting arson
@Mayube relative to things that happen less often
obviously lol
@pxeger y'know, ya got me there
@RedwolfPrograms as opposed to Zzwalk commiting ardaughter?
i personally mistake "right there" for my name irl :/ i'ts very awkward sometimes
@Mayube Ah, yes, zzwalk, my evil twin
one of my coworkers is called "Dilani", I'm called "Dylan". My name is read with emphasis on the first syllable. I read "Dilani" with emphasis on the second syllable, but everyone else seems to say it with emphasis on the first, making it just my name with an "i" at the end
I've been in a classroom with another Ryan and two Bryans
@AaroneousMiller given you turned "aaron" into a pun with "erroneous", would zzwalk's username be "Zzwarn"?
@Mayube That lovely pun was actually made by GPT-3
Oct 6 at 12:26, by lyxal
@Aaroneous Miller don't you know that the floor is lava
@Mayube that sounds more like 'delaney' than 'dilani' at that point? i'd have read 'diLANi' personally as well
@thejonymyster ah, here it is, even shorter with ; instead of {}
I read "delaney" like "Mulaney", which has a totally different a sound
They literally say "DILan-ee"
@Mayube oh ok that's just weird
It's very confusing given we're on the same team so our names often come up during standup
if I miss whether there was an "i" I have to wait for a pronoun
@Mayube never heard this term used in this context, i was imagining you had like, open mic night
@thejonymyster standup meeting. Common practice in dev teams pretending to be agile
@thejonymyster Nah it was one of the weekly gunpoint robberies at Mayube's place of employment
@Mayube "pretending to be agile" lmao rip
@RedwolfPrograms robbed them of their chairs apparently
@Rɪᴋᴇʀ I have never worked on a dev team that's actually agile. They all just start using jira or calling their releases "sprints" and think they're done
@Mayube Well, standing up is better for your agility than sitting down, I suppose ;)
@DLosc except covid, so we don't actually stand up. We sit down on a zoom call
Lol, whoops
@RedwolfPrograms I hope not given we're on the 15th floor of an office building and you'd have to get past 2 security locks (which admittedly probably aren't hard to bypass) to get to me
1. Walk through the checkpoint with a length of rope in your bag
2. Go to the second story
3. Drop the rope down, on a less visible face of the building
4. Go back outside
5. Tie the rope around some robbers
6. Go back through the security checkpoint
7. Pull the rope up
Cost: Some climbing harnesses and rope
@Mayube Thankfully I still use he/him at work, otherwise this distinction would be difficult
@DLosc definitely
@RedwolfPrograms You'd need to go straight to the 15th floor to bypass the locks, and the windows don't open.
Fine fine, add some electric drills and increase the rope budget
And maybe some window washer disguises for the armed robbers
I also just realised the first lock is as easy to bypass as simply going through a different entrance
so there's just 1 lock
step 1. arson
@RedwolfPrograms For extra points, disguise them as window washers dressed as Santa
Just say it's a holiday performance of Die Hard
@RedwolfPrograms you also need some robbers
@RedwolfPrograms An involuntary one, sure
But still a holiday performance
At this point the question is why go to all this trouble to hold some random dev at gunpoint?
Well I got "this is a stick up" confused with "this is a stand up"
And I had to roll with it
i mean your commitment had me convinced it really was another way to say it
so theres that
Step 1: Aaron
@RedwolfPrograms Stickup?
It's a trick I learned a while back, don't be wrong, just redefine everything else to make you right
@RedwolfPrograms You're missing the obvious possibility: Mayube is being robbed by a coworker.
@DLosc oh no
It's okay, I came prepared. I have a small nerf pistol on my desk. It's single shot but packs a punch. I have replaced the tip on one dart with a thumbtack
Maybe Mayube's doing the robbing...
If @pxeger is ready, Zsh will be LYAL, otherwise Vyxal and Lost are tied
I was gunna go vote for Lost... turns out I already did
turns out I've already voted for both of them lol
If I cared to learn Vyxal I would've done it already
me but for every single language ever definitely
I'm willing to give Vyxal a shot if it comes up as LYAL (especially if people are actually teaching it, not just posting CMCs)
I would be willing to teach it, but I don't know how to teach stuff
if i had more time i would be willing to teach it if lyxal wants me to in order to promote the language
i do actually have a decent amount of experience teaching esp. code related stuff :p
Wait, so Flobnar is basically tacit Befunge? That's pretty cool

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