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I'm working on defining a spec for a golfy Markdown flavor, with a builtin scripting language. I'm hoping to make a Turing-Complete flavor of Markdown, which I'm hoping ends up becoming exactly as ridiculous as it sounds.
Unless I come up with something better, I'm thinking of calling it Descend
Reminds me of Ash's turing complete string compression :p
@AaroneousMiller as in, descend into madness?
@RedwolfPrograms please elaborate. That sounds amazing...
honestly it's not a bad idea to have a language that's just a composition of a bunch of domain-specific languages
@pxeger It's complicated. Basically, you could do find+replace with it, and save things in registers, and with some sort of recursive trick you could use those plus some other functions to implement /// or something similar
@UnrelatedString What is now kvdf started out as a pure string compression language
@RedwolfPrograms that's pretty cool actually lol
Vyxal's strings used to be TC because you could break out of them and execute arbitrary Python. That counts, right? :p
Why is "last night" acceptable, but "last afternoon" or "last morning" sounds really weird?
Set phrase I guess
Last afternoon sounds better to me than last morning
But "yesterday afternoon" is what I'm used to hearing which is probably why it's weird sounding
Same sort of thing as "the red big car" I guess...perfectly fine grammatically, just unusual
@RedwolfPrograms there's reason for that, and it's called the royal order of adjectives
Size is meant to go before colour, which is why the sentence sounds a little weird
"Clifford the red big dog"
big isn't a shape
@hyper-neutrino obviously
oh i should've waited for your edit timer to expire
Haha nerd
*11s your message back*
If, Else and While loops in Verbose Charcoal?
I sure hope rak1507 doesn't get too dizzy rn
Rak do be in the microwave tho
interestingly, expanding the image made it harder to see
@lyxal why?
@Fmbalbuena because rak1507 is one of my plates
@lyxal ??? why rak1507?
Aug 25 at 0:46, by exedraj
There is the rak plate
@lyxal yeah but why?
Pure coincidence
@lyxal ???

3 people live in my cupboard.

Aug 25 at 0:00, 16 minutes total – 80 messages, 6 users, 5 stars

Bookmarked Aug 25 at 0:18 by lyxal

I still don't understand
but @lyxal can i live on your cupboard?
Depends if I have a plate similar to your pfp
then maye can you paint the Add++ on the Red plate?
There are no plates with that shade of red
Ok so... plate made of glass?
Don't got any of those
@lyxal Why you don't make heart to comments by R. M. Tosh? (In Youtube)
I thought I had
If I have a file with one positive integer per line, how can I add them all up in bash?
python3 -c "print(sum(map(int, __import__('sys').stdin.read().split())))" < file
@hyper-neutrino that worked!
but I was hoping for dc or bc magic :)
i mean it's not really a bash solution anymore but like :P
@hyper-neutrino hopefully someone will come along with some bash magic
maybe this?
raw=$(cat file)
echo $(( ${raw//$'\n'/+} ))
oh deleted instantly
CMC Given a file with one positive integer per line, add them all up
i don't see how that's funny
@Fmbalbuena cool
lambda f:sum(map(int,f))
assuming f is a file
@Anush Use Perl (see example program at the end of the post)
Of course, Pip is shorter, but (alas) I don't suppose you have it on your local machine
@Anush After some trial and error, I came up with this: Try it online!
The sed step is only there to add a newline to the end of the input, since bc throws a fit if there isn't one. :P
Then too, this approach also breaks if the file does have a trailing newline, so YMMV
The Perl solution is much more robust.
@lyxal wdym
@hyper-neutrino welp i need to ident code blocks
if you want to multiline code-block just press ctrl-k in a multiline message or click the "fixed font" button on the right
@DLosc paste -sd+|bc is the best I could find
@Neil can i learn Charcoal?
@Fmbalbuena I guess I can try to answer any questions you have in it in that room you made, but I don't watch chat religiously so expect a delayed response
True doesn't exist in Charcoal
@Neil is there a way to convert normal to verbose in Charcoal?
not yet
ASCII-only was working on it at one point, but I haven't seen him for a year
and... variables?
in verbose?
have you read the wiki yet?
@Neil yet but not verbose. link?
on the syntax page, it lists the variables
but how to define?
I don't understand your question
there are 24 variables, 8 of them predefined, 5 shadow the first five inputs
@Neil like a = "example"?
Assign("example", a);
@Neil ok

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