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@DLosc what game are we playing? hello world quiz?
if we are then my best is 3500
@Fmbalbuena No, I don't think I'll write an essay about it ;P
ok so i have to gtg.
@pxeger (good video about it: youtube.com/watch?v=xV1aKUdlljU)
@DLosc I'm pretty sure their Prolog example is messed up, though. It looks like it includes the output with the code.
I really want to implement a new esolang, but instead of implementing any of the many ideas I already have, I'm trying to come up with new ideas. I think I have a problem.
So do I
I also think you have a problem
The only thing harder than trying to understand somebody else's old code is trying to understand your own old code.
After trying to read the Plumber interpreter's code, I feel your pain lol
Idk how I managed to find a purpose for like a 4d array but I did
Oh, you don't understand Plumber either? Nice, I thought it was just me :P
Considering a part II of Implement Ash's Float Division
Implement Ash's Pow Function
It's actually pretty complicated:
var pow = (...numbers) => {
    var bigints = numbers.slice(1).map(math.to_bigint);

    var x = bigints[bigints.length - 1];

    var p;

    for (var i = bigints.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
        if (bigints[i] == 0n && bigints[1] < 0n) {
            x = 0n;


        p = (math.positive(bigints[i]) ** math.positive(x)) * (math.sign(bigints[i]) ** math.positive(x));

        x = x < 0n ? 1n / p : p;

    if (math.is_bigint(numbers[0]) && numbers[0] == 0n && x < 0n)
i got an email from my uni saying i was eligible to apply for smth and the link straight up 404'd 💀 it works now like an hour and a half after they sent the email but like bruh
That Math.tanh answer to the float division question was so cool, totally nominating it for a Best Of this year
my bounty is in 1 day.
so who i give bounty to a answer?
that is entirely up to you since you haven't specified a criteria for what type of answer you were looking for with the bounty
so really just whichever one you like
@hyper-neutrino this is elections.
for giving a bounty to X where X is the most elected answer.
What does "most elected" mean? Greatest number of votes?
sorry for caps
@tjjfvi yeah
Well, right now that would be my BF answer
what answer?
(which I'll be posting an explanation for soon)
what answer?
A: Write a Stack Exchange compliant brainfuck explainer

tjjfvibrainfuck, 811 775 709 701 bytes >>-[-[--->]<<-]>--...<++++++++++.>>>>>>>>>>+[->>>>>>+<<,[[-<+<+>>]<----------[[-]->]-[+>-]<<<+[-<[-]>]<[-<+>>+<]++++++[->-------<]>>++++++[-<<++++++>>]>+<<-[<->>]>[<]<-[<------->>]>[<]<-[<-->>]>[<]<-[<-------->>]>[<]<--------------[<--->>]>[<]<--[<---->>]>[<]+++++[-<

That one is the one with the most upvotes
you can't vote yourself
Oh, don't mean upvotes/downvotes
But an election in this chat?
@tjjfvi ye-ah
I'm not going to argue against that system, as I have a conflict of interest, but it seems like a strange way to go about it
@lyxal i got 669 rep.
@lyxal have you ever posted Vyxal code to Hello, World! Collection
Yay, I implemented Newton-Raphson for finding roots of numbers all by myself!
Take that, anyone who's ever said "I'll never use this in real life"
how many bytes?
It's not for golfing purposes, so 286 :p
I'll golf it tho, just for fun
asking because there was a bug in the last 12 hours with the syntax highlighting which made all text invisible
@lyxal only diff is the site
vyxal instead of lyxal
that's not the point
the point is that there were issues with the code boxes
@RedwolfPrograms "Your golf score is 286? Don't make me laugh!" - Weird Al, probably
@lyxal And the diff is THE GEORGE IS A NOBLE ANIMAL dissapeared
@Fmbalbuena also not the point
45 secs ago, by lyxal
the point is that there were issues with the code boxes
23 secs ago, by lyxal
45 secs ago, by lyxal
the point is that there were issues with the code boxes
Yep, I see text
@lyxal 58, could probably be golfier with recursion of some sort
@tjjfvi okay good
that means the new CDN is working
Ah frick, I made a mistake
When the input is less than 1, it stops too early :(
Actually, this is easy to fix
Was worried that'd be lyxal for a second
The bug was that no text was showing
Which was due to a bug in our syntax highlighter
Which I fixed 12 hours ago but of course the cdn we were using (jsdelivr) caches the latest release for a week
@RedwolfPrograms Nah. Looks like it returns the maximum digit from the input, I guess.
@DLosc that's pure coincidence
Because it's raising 14 to the power of 1(the first digit) and getting the last digit of the result
No wait maybe it is
Ah I see what's happening
This is a te ends up being one big NOP
Because the a returns 1 which raises the input to the power of 1
the st is last of the sorted version
Ah, nice
In Pip, This is a test outputs 10 no matter what the input is
because t is 10
Why New Posts don't post?
Good question, now that I'm home I need to fix that
12 hours ago, by lyxal
I swear, this is the fourth time the RAID's detected my main SSD as a foreign drive
Apparently that could be a sign of upcoming drive failure
Eh, I'll make a backup and wait for someting to happen to it before I decide to care
@AaroneousMiller you had me worried for a moment then
gosh dang it
@RedwolfPrograms it's more a wrapper over normal eval
it behaves differently based on whether the interpreter is online or not
If I mess up this tar command and overwrite my whole hard drive or something I'm switching to Microsoft Bob Server Edition
why not Microsoft Jim or Microsoft Tom?
Just posted an explanation to my BF explainer in BF
Writing & editing it took like 5x longer than writing the answer itself 😅
Well I was wondering why backing up my home directory on my server was taking so long, and that's because it contains 100GiB of backups, Minecraft survival worlds (including Redwolf SMP), and ISOs for various linuxes
So we have LotM and AoCG in December?
Next LotM looks like BQN, btw
@Bubbler I'm excited for AoCG
@Bubbler tasty :p

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